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Q: What's tricky about output-formatting?

b3m2a1So as part of my mucking about with the StackExchange API I decided to check what kind of questions high-rep people tend to ask. I pulled in all the question data and then took the rep of the user asking each question and grouped those by the question tags: $reputationTags = GroupBy[ Flatt...

3 hours later…
@C.E. Thanks a lot!
@MichaelE2 Wow, that is useful as hell, thanks! Will use it more in the future.
5 hours later…
Q: Can I ask a question about what people think about mathematica rather than a technical question?

StarBucKI wondered if it is appropriate to ask on mathematica stack exchange a question about what they think about the ergonomy of mathematica in comparison to other softwars (matlab etc). Because I find mathematica very unfriendly in comparison of everything I learnt but I would have to have other poi...

Is there a better generic topic about f @@@ array than 1970?
2 hours later…
<|"col1" -> 1, "col2" -> 2|>
I want change "col1" into "a" and "col2" into "b"
So I write this code.
<|"col1" -> 1, "col2" -> 2|>[<|"a" -> "col1", "b" -> "col2"|>]
but it doesn't work.Can anybody give some help?
I have a exmaple in documentation,so I don't think I make any error..
@yode this is documentation of Dataset, if you need that you need to use Query:
<|"col1" -> 1, "col2" -> 2|> //      Query[<|"a" -> "col1", "b" -> "col2"|>]
Normal[Dataset[<|"col1" -> 1, "col2" -> 2|>][<|"a" -> "col1",
"b" -> "col2"|>]]
@Kuba Thanks. :)
@yode does KeyMap[Replace[{"col1"->"a","col2"->"b"}]]@assoc do what you want?
On a completely unrelated topic, I'd like to check if my idea makes sense: 1. As of 2017, it is still not possible to delete GitHub issues, 2. I implemented an automatic reporter to create GitHub issues for the IntelliJ plugin when the user experienced an exception.
To prevent my main issue list to be spammed with auto-generated issues, I set up a fake account and I will set up another fake repo for auto-generated issues of the plugin.
Does anyone see a problem with this? I don't, but I wanted to make sure.
@b3m2a1 Yes,it is.Thanks a lot..
1 hour later…
posted on June 16, 2017 by Michael Gammon

Wolfram Community recently surpassed 15,000 members! And our Community members continue to impress us. Here are some recent highlights from the many outstanding Community posts. BVH Accelerated 3D Shadow Mapping, Benjamin Goodman         Shade data converted to solar map In a tour de force of computational narrative and a fusion of various Wolfram Languag

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