Why is the XML converter process of Mathematica (XML.exe), which is launched when one imports a XML file, a 32-bit process even on a 64-bit Mathematica System of Microsoft Windows 7. It seems that XML.exe references a 32-bit mathlink library. I have checked it with version 11.1 and 10.4, both 64-bit versions. My problem is to import a big XML file (1.6GByte) and after one minute XML.exe will be terminated (with a little dialog box).
@yode that "Countries" should be in a separate EntityValue call, i.e. EntityValue[ EntityList[ Entity["Mountain", {"Elevation" -> TakeLargest[10]}]], "Countries"]
@Kuba could you get away with just using URLSubmit? Alternatively maybe you could cook a URLSubmit into a second APIFunction, e.g. $api1=APIFunction[<primary>] $api2=APIFunction[{},(URLSubmit[$api1];response)&]?
@Kuba RunScheduledTask sounds right, unless it's acceptable to send a request, receive the response True, and then send a new request which triggers the other task.
Has anyone here played with the Channel Framework in 11? I just watched this youtube.com/watch?v=Ngs0bpoieVc and am intrigued. It seems like a cool way to pass around small bits of code, I think, but I'm curious about its limits and also what user protections there are.
@C.E. ok, thanks, just wasn't sure if I'm not missing something. And yes replacement is another way, I was thinking maybe something like ColorConvert will do.
@C.E. That's really cool. How fast was it? Could I, for example, DumpSave my kernel state (just the not built-in contexts, I think) and push it over to someone else?
@MB1965 You could. There is a lot of latency, as you can see in the animation. But that probably doesn't matter so much for your example as it does for a game.
Exoplanets are currently an active area of research in astronomy. In the past few years, the number of exoplanet discoveries has exploded, mainly as the result of the Kepler mission to survey eclipsing exoplanet systems. But Kepler isn’t the only exoplanet study mission going on. For example, the TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) [...]
is there any way to get Manipulate sliders to work with Quantitys? I've seen mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/60616/…, and am hoping to do something similar, but with sliders rather than radio boxes
@JulianWolf the simplest thing, in my mind, would be just define it like {var, start, end} where start and end are numbers and then use Quantity[var, unit] in your Manipulate code.
@JulianWolf this also works: {{v, Quantity[0, "Seconds"]}, 0, 1, Function[ Slider[ Dynamic[QuantityMagnitude@v, v = (Quantity[#, "Seconds"]); & ], ##2 ] ] }
is there a common way of indicating units in variable names? for instance, if I have a variable foo that should have units of meters, but is just a regular scalar, what would be the common way to name it? I've been using ellipses (i.e., foo…Meters), but this seems sorta unwieldy. I'd prefer not to just stick with the usual camel case since that would make drawing the line between the variable name and the units tough
@JulianWolf do you mean in the variable label? I would go with the standard labeling you see on scientific figs, etc. I.e. v (m) for a variable v in meters and v (s) for it in seconds. Alternatively supply Quantity["v", "Seconds"], for example, as the label to get the way Mathematica would show it.
in your example above, if var is to be supplied with units of meters, I would like that to be reflected in its name to help with bookkeeping
then, when I take var=Quantity[var…Meters, "Meters"] inside a slider over the range {var…Meters, 0, 1}, it's easier to check that I'm converting it as expected
@JulianWolf none that I can think of then, other than things like dist for a distance, t for a time, or distMi for a distance in miles or whatever. I think more standard than ... would be $ i.e. var$Meters.