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How can I force a terminal session of Mathematica to adapt to a resized terminal window, and not wrap text at the old terminal width?
This works but it is complicated:
SetOptions[First@Streams["stdout"], PageWidth -> First@Import["!tput cols", "List"]]
@halirutan Is it possible to support nested comments in the syntax highlighter?
1 hour later…
Has anyone tackles this problem already?
Q: How to import multigraphs that have edge properties?

SzabolcsCross posted on Wolfram Community. Mathematica cannot represent edge properties in multigraphs (except for EdgeWeight, EdgeCapacity and EdgeCost). This is a very severe limitation when using Mathematica for network analysis because there are many datasets out there which have both parallel ed...

2 hours later…
Bug: this fails: Style["asd", GrayLevel[Log[2]]] this works: Style["asd", GrayLevel[N@Log[2]]]
1 hour later…
Bug: Felicia is a girl's name, not a boy's name.
In[12]:= Interpreter["GivenName"]["Felicia"]["Gender"]
Out[12]= Entity["Gender", "Male"]
@Szabolcs He is gender-fluid..
@Szabolcs Which one?
@halirutan The JavaScript one. The prettify one. It's not a big deal, I just noticed that it doesn't handle this.
5 hours later…
@Szabolcs It's very curious how they get some things wrong. You'd think that it's just a matter of importing some database from somewhere; are mistakes like this common in name databases? Recently, I discovered that US counties now have FIPS codes in their entities. Before, FIPS codes were all either missing or wrong, now 90% are right. But why 90%? How did they get 10% wrong? Wikipedia, for example, has a list that is 100% correct.
2 hours later…
@Szabolcs Without re-examining the code, I remember that it gave you only the possibility to define regexp's.
For nested comments we at least need a stack in some form.
Small question. No tricks, no performance, I just find it ugly as the pest.
Assume you have a small ordered list like `{5,6,8,11}`. I want to create a function that takes a number and gives

- 1 if the number is smaller than the minimum
- 2 if the number is between 5 and 6
- 3 if the number is between 6 and 8
- and so on...
A simple iterative approach is
makeF[l_] := With[{ll = Partition[Flatten@{-Infinity, l, Infinity}, 2, 1]},
    If[Between[e, ll[[i]]], Return[i]],
    {i, 1, Length[ll]}
I guess one could use MapIndexed to beautify it a bit, but don't we have anything short for this?
Or Piecewise is another option but in any case I cannot come up with something where I don't have to check each interval manually.
That looks better
makeF[l_] := With[{ll = Partition[Flatten@{-Infinity, l, Infinity}, 2, 1]},
  Function[e, Piecewise@MapIndexed[{First[#2], Between[e, #1]} &, ranges]]
a bit
(ranges must be ll)

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