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Just out of curiosity, how does community mark a post as duplicate? I know community regularly bumps posts to the front page, and that a gold tag badge allows one to mark as duplicate without further votes....
I imagine this is what happens when a mod marks a dupe, just checking if I'm right
@Kuba Welcome to the team. :)
@MarcoB @Kuba Thanks to both candidates for taking the time to run
@JasonB. You vote to close the question.
You give "duplicate of .." as reason for the closing and then, when other users vote to close as well, they can use your suggestion.
Btw, do we really have a @JasonB. and a @JasonB??
@kuba congratulations.
I had someone contact me about writing a Mathematica Data Visualisation book. They wanted drafts by April and renumeration was $1400 plus 16% of royalties. I said I was not interested but can pass on details if anyone on here would like to make contact with them. The deadline seems crazy IMO. I told them I thought a better option would be a multi-author book similar to the Mathematica cookbook
@MikeHoneychurch I get this stuff regularly. I guess the mail I got last week is the same you got.
@halirutan Pakt publishing?
@MikeHoneychurch Exactly.
Please never ever do this. If you like to write a book, just do it. You'll get it published somehow but those b*tches are damn vampires.
Not something I want to spend time on. I'd consider a chapter in a cookbook type book but writing a manuscript in 6 weeks is ridiculous
@MikeHoneychurch I think I looked up some of the other books and the quality is, well..
I self published my book back in 2004. I had a book contract with OUP but after a change of editor (several in fact) they decided against including a CD, which i felt was necessary, so we parted ways.
anyway my lunch break is over ....
@MikeHoneychurch Have fun :)
@halirutan I had voted to close a question as a dupe, then come back to see I'd others agreed and it said "marked as duplicate by jasonb and Community". Usually it will say marked as dupe by x,y,z
@JasonB. Hmm, yes, might be that one of the mods jumped on.
Also, the userneame I have on the chat often is diffrnt than on the site, also my typing sux on my phone
@JasonB. It's just funny that we have two users with that name active in chat.
Ever since American Pie came out, I can't have my own name in any Google search, so I'm at peace with it :-D
@JasonB. Why? Is your name Steve Stifler?
Although I would prefer Nadia
(when my memory is correct)
@JasonB. @JasonB. When Community marks as dupe, it means that the question's author saw the duplicate suggestion and marked their own question as a duplicate. They can do that with a "binding vote".
@MarcoB Thanks, that makes sense
@halirutan I wish I were Stifler. I have the same moniker as the actor that molested the pie...
3 hours later…
@MikeHoneychurch @halirutan I got a similar email from Packt last week.
@kuba: congrats! @MarcoB: next time, it will be you :)
@SjoerdC.deVries Thanks :)
@Kuba Congratulations and thank you for volunteering!
@Szabolcs Thanks and my pleasure, I hope, we will see :)
sol[r_?NumericQ, U0_?NumericQ] :=
First@NDSolve[{U'[t] == r*(U[t] - U[t]*V[t]),
V'[t] == 1/r*(U[t]*V[t] - V[t]), U[0] == U0, V[0] == U0}, {U,
V}, {t, 0, 20}]
Evaluate[{x[t], y[t]} /. sol[1, #] & /@ Range[0.9, 1.8, 0.1]], {t, 0,
20}, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True]
Why I am getting empty plot?
@MMM because you are solving for U and V not x/y, try {U[t], V[t]} in ParametricPlot
@Kuba oh how stupid of me. I am trying this for last one hour but didnt notice
@Kuba How stupid of me!
@Kuba Thanks
@MMM happens :), you are welcome
@JasonB. halirutan @C.E. Thanks for the sanity check. What halirutan said about the probability of the opposite event (probability of the next flip being head after n consecutive flips of head) got me to believe my intuition about the geometric distribution was correct. Compare
p[n_] := 1 - 0.95^n
p /@ Range[90]
CDF[GeometricDistribution[0.05], #] & /@ Range[90]
and note that Mathematica starts the index for GeometricDistribution at 0 and not 1
6 hours later…
@Sascha - You're right about the GeometricDistribution starting at a different number, makes the formula look a bit wonky:
Simplify[CDF[GeometricDistribution[1/20], x], Assumptions -> x > 0]
Out[17]= 1 - (20/19)^(-1 - Floor[x])
4 hours later…
Do we have a generic thread about customization? That is about moving appropriate files from $InstallationDirectory to $UserBaseDirectory and changing content manually?
hi guys, how do i force mathematica to check if a variable has the attribute "protected" ? thanks
@Alucard MemberQ + Attributes[f]?
@Kuba Great! thank you
uhm don't know why but it isn't working . i set a dummy variable b as protected but when i use MemberQ[Attributes[b], "Protected"] mathematica returns false, which is wrong.
@Alucard Attributes are symbols not strings.
ah yes now it works , thanks
MemberQ[Attributes[b], Symbol["Protected"]]
@Alucard Protected is enough
Important update:
> "> Also, please join me in thanking Verbeia who is stepping down from the moderator position after many years of service. They also were instrumental during the beta period in setting Mathematica on the course toward graduation. Thank you, Verbeia!"
Q: 2017 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonMathematica's second moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Also, please join me i...

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