@C.E. I reported this error to WRI but they state they can't replicate. Please if you can document in an answer you see the same issue in your system, I can point to production support that this happens to other users too
@Zviovich This is sort of interesting: URLExecute works, but URLExecute[url, <|"Cookies" -> {}|>] doesn't work. In my $Cookies I have cookies related to the channel broker which will be sent along. But the browser or the terminal don't have that cookie. I can type this up into an answer as you suggested, so you have something to point to.
@MMM You are specifying an initial condition y[x0]==f[x0] and on the left side you put in the specific value for x0 and on the right side you don't. That just doesn't work.
@Szabolcs thanks for tips. I yep am aware what git archive does. I'm planning to compress tags. It would be nice to have nice sync between latest tag and paclet version
@Kuba One difficulty is that sooner or later you might feel a need to "build" the package from sources, i.e. do something extra before the final version is produced. In that case the git report would hold the sources only.
@Szabolcs yep you are right, I'm already building it but commiting it anyway as it was allowing me to manage ceratin things easily. But right, in general this will be a problem
@Szabolcs if you nominate yourself I will resign as I think you fit there better
Currently I have a mess where I do build, yet I still do commit some of the built files to the repo. I commit the LibraryLink binaries because GitHub makes it easy for me to move them between the different computers/platforms where I build them. I really don't know what's the best way
It is a bit late into this new year, being that we're already in the second month, but we are now cycling the Community Promotion Ads for 2017!
What are Community Promotion Ads?
Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar....
@JasonB I've never looked into performance differences, so I just go with readability. I use the same rule of thumb I use for Select vs Cases. If the criteria is more logical then I use Select/Which, if it's more structural/atomic then I use Switch/Cases.
Playing with historical stock index data... Predict is able to produce considerably better one-year forecasts on index development than just mean growth and standard deviation... :o
I do need to decide investment strategies for a sum that, at least most western countries, is more than life savings of an average person... :o
Sure, primary solution is to just diversify. While I don't really believe on my personal modelling skills, surprisingly long-term macroeconomic investment simulations offered by local private bankers correlate quite well with my Mma back-of-the-envelope risk models.
Which probably means everybody is equally blind...
Frankly, I think Predict is likely to memorize the dataset in some non-trivial way, and there is just too little training data to build a general model on these timescales.
I use NDSolve to solve a transient heat equation in polar coordinates. For this I need a PeriodicBoundaryCondition equivalent to u[r,phi]==u[r,phi+2 pi]). But PeriodicBoundaryCondition has a notion of Source Boundary and Target Boundary. The results are not the same in the 2 cases. Furthermore any linear combination of these 2 solutions are also a solution. Nevertheless my problem has physically only one solution. What I'm missing ?
Note : The conservation of the flux at the boundaries is respected in both solutions.