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@LeonidShifrin @Sasha @AlexeyPopkov Maybe you can repost your answers here to here?
Q: CellDynamicExpression too sensitive in V11

KubaCellPrint @ Cell[ BoxData @ ToBoxes @ InputField[Dynamic@var], "Output", CellDynamicExpression :> Refresh[Print[RandomReal[]], None] ] It triggeres printing on each keystroke, wasn't the case in V10. It is InputField independent. Use this and try to edit the same cell later: SetO...

2 hours later…
I am looking to distribute lots of points (100+) on the surface of a sphere such that they are approximately equally spaced. Any tips? On the plane I could start with random points and use Lloyd relaxation.
@Szabolcs Maybe the Fibonacci-solution from stackoverflow.com/questions/9600801/…
with some slight variations for randomness?
@Szabolcs This is related.
@Sascha Looks great! Will definitely try it. I must understand what sorts of symmetries it may have.
@C.E. That's great too!
And following links, this too:
Q: how to get $n$ equidistributed points on the unit sphere

yodeWe can get $n$ equidistributed points in the unit circle using CirclePoints. But how do you get $n$ equidistributed points on the unit sphere(surface of a ball)? The preliminary idea is suppose the points are some electric charges with same electric quantity on a sphere. And they have the same ef...

2 hours later…
Inspired by Java exception handler calling stack overflow (somewhere in web):
newbieCheck =  Function[expr,   Check[expr,    SystemOpen[
    "http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/search?q=" <>
     URLEncode@ToString@Last@$MessageList]], HoldFirst]
newbieCheck[1 = 1]
2 hours later…
Do we have an answer that covers possible issues of functions that effectively use Block (like Table & Plot) and would provide a dup for
Q: How does Table behave differently?

bjorneI have some functions, that I cannot break down to a reasonable MWE, so I'm going to try for an abstract question without providing the code. If need be, I'll include the extra code. I have some functions that do some stuff. They seem to work when executed directly. When I put them in a Plot it'...

MATLAB now has "tall arrays" mathworks.com/help/matlab/tall-arrays.html
Their demo video uses the NYC taxi data. Mathematica can't handle that properly ... Progress here is really overdue for Mma:
Practical, fast and reliable way to read CSV files (why is that we still don't have this in 2016?!?) Import is not reliable because it's trying to be too smart. And we can't specify the column types. SemanticImport is slooooow. Import should be faster too.
Then we need performant tables with headers. Dataset is not performant.
The streaming functionality is supposed to be coming...
4 hours later…
Q: Answers on off topic questions

FeyreI've recently seen an uptick in answers to questions that will likely be closed due to simple mistake/easily found in documentation, even when a comment answer has already been given and the question flagged. These questions seem to be made to get some cheap reputation points. In one instance I ...

posted on September 19, 2016 by Conrad Wolfram

Today I’m pleased to announce Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud (EPC), which takes the unique benefits of the Wolfram technology stack—ultimate computation, integrated language and deployment—and makes them available in a centralized, private, secure enterprise solution. In essence, EPC enables you to put computation at the heart of your infrastructure and in turn deliver a com

2 hours later…
I know there's an image processing function in mathematica that increases local contrast in image, creating a fake HDR effect. But I can't remember what the function is called. Anyon knows what I'm talking about?
@shrx ColorToneMapping
No, it's older
and I remember from the documentation page there's a black & white image processed with this function, it's some guys and an old computer
Not ImageExposureCombine then :-)
Or HistogramTransform.
It's HistogramTransformInterpolation[] from 9.0 under "Applications"
yee that's it! thanks
@Szabolcs What the heck is a "performant table"?

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