@Szabolcs you can switch off the units i think with set system preferences. If you want to work with units you could also try mcloones package from 6-7 years ago which worked very well ...not sure why it didn't become the framework for the built in units
@Szabolcs first time I have been here in a long time. I see your units post was from 3 weeks ago so you probably have a work around by now
The main question is in the title. Here are subtopics I'd like to focus on:
How can I check what are current ButtonBoxOptions?
Are documentation pages for specific symbols the only source of this information?
What is their place in styles resolving scheme?
I suspect they are applied somewhere...
I think the title is self explanatory, but I will try to qualify the question with the following addition ie do I need to include in my package(s) a reference to an appropriate license along with the credit to different contributors of code?
The motivation of the question is the desire to give c...
So I have this great big dynamic, where the user ends up with a list of properties they would write to a file, but before writing to a file I want to have the option of manually editing some of the properties
so they click a bunch of check boxes, populating a list of properties, then they click "Export", and a dialog comes up with the filename in one box and the list of properties in the next
@JasonB but in general it is more complex problem because here you are calling dialog before scoping is finished. You can move that to Initialization. Have to go
Thanks, I still can't get it to work func2[arg_] := DynamicModule[ {dynarg = arg}, CreateWindow[ DialogNotebook[ {DynamicModule[{}, InputField[Dynamic@dynarg, Expression], InheritScope -> True], DefaultButton[]} ] ] ]
Ughh, I may just try to stop scoping it and put it in the global context
Even weirder result - dynarg is not scoped, it has a value. When I evaluate Dynamic@dynarg in the main window, it works, but in the DialogNotebook it just shows the name of the symbol
@JasonB That seems to work without any problems for me. Maybe there is just an older definition for that function or something else that makes it fail for you. Did you try it in a fresh kernel?
@Karsten7. Something is tricky in my setup I guess, I couldn't get it to work even after quitting the kernel, but after trying it on a separate kernel (same front end) it now works on both kernels
Thanks for your help, don't know what was going on there - it's confusing having so many versions installed (9.02, 10.3.1, 10.4, 11.0, etc), maybe there is some cross talk between them, not sure
This is why it's good to ask in chat lol, so I don't ask dumb questions on the main site
The Computational Future Computational thinking is going to be a defining feature of the future—and it’s an incredibly important thing to be teaching to kids today. There’s always lots of discussion (and concern) about how to teach mathematical thinking to kids. But looking to the future, this pales in comparison to the importance of teaching [...]
I think this question reveals an interesting advance in how Root objects are handled by Plot, which I didn't know about. Maybe there are other advances, too. While the question raises an issue with this "advance," I'm surprised it has only one upvote. It seems to deserve more attention. Maybe I'll try a bounty, although I can't award it to the asker...
Problem introduced in Version 11.0, reported as CASE:3708213.
An alternative solution to 125561 is
s = p /. First@Solve[q == (0.0238849 p + 0.903548 p^1.86), p];
a Root function with LeafCount of 458. It can be plotted without difficulty by
Plot[s, {q, 0, 1}, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"]
do people here use wolfram cloud? i'm wondering if it would be useful for the following situation. we are a company with a lot of engineering, shipping fairly complex consumer products (3d printers). We gather a lot of data from the field, that often needs complex visualization to answer questions like "do sensor readings start to go off when temperature increases when using this material", so a lot of the conventional dashboard solutions fall short.
would it be possible to use mathemathica, deploy notebooks to the cloud, and have a select group of the company interact with these (not editing), for example being able to select timeranges, entering printer names
one thing i wonder is if it easy to deploy the odbc part
and if there are drawbacks to this. i know the company will agree to at most 1 or 2 licenses
@ManuelOdendahl your use case would be possible with the cloud. As I'm no longer an employee I can offer the opinion that the cloud interface is not yet robust enough to provide a dashboard experience with CloudCDF that would be that impressive and user friendly.
Tooltips and a number of control types are poorly supported and there is next to no client-side interactivity available (i.e. panning, filtering) - everything must talk to the server and there's a lag as a result of that.
However, the computational side of things in the cloud is quite impressive, particularly if you would benefit from the curated knowledge (Wolfram Knowledgebase (TM)) or semantic interpreters.
That's just personal opinion really. Depending on which country you're in, I might know where to point you to for evaluation/questions.
would generating downloadable reports be an option, with a simple form style UI.
I must admit I am a bit confused by the CDF vs web thing, does this require the CDF plugin? Let's say I have a fairly involved visualization requiring say 3D curves / 3D meshes, I could live with for example, crunching it with a notebook template and uploading that as a CDF, maybe on demand. It is all a bit confusing how all these technologies interact.
I think indeed I will call up sales one of these days