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Anyone up for some code pong? My random seed was woman, symbol, and Aleutian Islands.
Rasterize@Style[\[Venus], 500] // ColorNegate // DistanceTransform //
     ImageData // ListPlot3D[#, Mesh -> None, PlotStyle -> Green] & //
    FirstCase[#, _GraphicsComplex, \[Infinity]] & //
  MapAt[Map[# + RandomReal[2, 3] &, #] &, 1] //
 Graphics3D[{#, Blue, Cuboid[{0, 0, 1}, {300, 600, 5}]}] &
2 hours later…
Is it particularly difficult to have cells in one notebook send their output to another notebook? sometimes think this would be nice, just to be able to avoid scrolling. but everytime I look at the notebook and cell manipulation docs i start to get dizzy.
@Kuba thanks ... that is a helpful starting point
2 hours later…
I didn't realize that the channels stuff can execute arbitrary code when subscribing (or can it?)
I wonder what the security implications are.
@Szabolcs Was that you who created recently a nice answer about Import/Export second arguments, e.g. Data/Table etc?
I can't find it.
@Kuba Not sure, I discussed it more than one, but never in full detail ... mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/120786/12
@Szabolcs I think that is it, thanks. As a google kid I find SE search engine useless :(
Are there any practical reasons why Table/Do and friends are Block based not With?
@Kuba Maybe u=x^2; Table[u, {x,10}]?
@Szabolcs most probably, but Manipulate[u, {x, 1, 10}] won't work.
@Szabolcs I don't know I have to take a break from MMA, I complain to much lately.
SW once said that they they create, sometimes superfluous, symbols because if people use something then it should be functionized.
Well, isn't Table[With[{i=i},... such a case?
1 hour later…
I am posting this here because I am curious if others agree or disagree with my opinion that the syntax Table[expr, n] was just a bad idea. It was introduced in version 10.2.
Q: Unexpected behaviour from Table[]

Bruce Crawford The following code in Mathematica 11: iList = {i, -10, 10, 2}; Table[i, iList] produces this result: {i, i, i, i} Where in version 10 (and presumably earlier versions) it produced an error: Table::itform: Argument iList at position 2 does not have the correct form for an iterator. >> ...

@billc Evaluate in New Notebook right-click menu and keyboard shortcut.
@Szabolcs Evaluating
CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "AllowExternalChannelFunctions"] =
 Not[CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "AllowExternalChannelFunctions"]]
or clicking on Enable in Preferences ► System ► System Security will bring up a dialog telling you something about the risks.
1 hour later…
@Szabolcs are you able to use CloudConnect to login to the cloud?
It $Fails all the time for me...
But it works on browser
@joojaa Hello, long time no see!
@Karsten7. There's a symbol for that: reference.wolfram.com/language/ref$AllowExternalChannelFunctions.html
It's set to False by default, which seems to me like the only reasonable setting.
@kirma i seem to still owe you a beer from last time with Teddy in the center. By the way your answer on the shape thing was a fun to decipher
Hopefully my job interwiew goes well aso i can actually afford it ;)
@joojaa Hoping for the best in that regard! :)
I'm trying to transform an image into a polar coordinate system with the center in the top left corner:
mandrill = ImageResize[ColorConvert[ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Mandrill"}], "Grayscale"], 200];
{w, h} = ImageDimensions[mandrill];
transform[{r_, \[Theta]_}] := {r Cos[\[Theta]], h - r Sin[\[Theta]]}
polar = ImageTransformation[
  DataRange -> {{0, w}, {0, h}},
  PlotRange -> {{0, Norm[{w, h}]}, {0, Pi/2}}
I would ultimately like to reproduce figure one in this paper.
But I cannot figure out how they did it, any ideas?
@Pickett I'd start with
   mandrill, {100 + x*Cos[y/200*2*Pi], 100 + x*Sin[y/200*2*Pi]}], {y,
   200}, {x, 200}] // Image
@MichaelHale Many thanks :)
@Searke I'd been aware of that, if EntityClass["WolframLanguageSymbol", "UnderDevelopment"] would still exist. ;)
@Pickett Or after reading about ImageTransformation, which you had started with, we could go with
ImageTransformation[mandrill, # /. {x_,
     y_} :> {.5 + Sqrt[.5] x*Cos[2 Pi*-y], .5 +
      Sqrt[.5] x*Sin[2 Pi*-y]} &]
1 hour later…
ooh! new mobile SE chat.
Yeah? I can't find the chat anywhere on the android app - it always redirects me to chrome when I get a chat notification
Well, chrome version seems to have improved today.
@MichaelHale Thanks again, very useful
1 hour later…
user image
16 Kernel Raspberry Pi 3 Cluster
@Young Nice - what's involved in making one of those? How much have you got sunk into it/how much can it do compared to a normal desktop?
@Young I'd like to see some benchmarks.
Q: Benchmarking Mathematica performance on the Raspberry Pi

bobthechemistIt is not surprising that Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi is slow and clunky. In Stephen Wolfram's words, the command line is "quite zippy" but the notebook interface is "a trifle sluggish by modern standards". I believe the performance issues are due primarily to two reasons: The Raspberry Pi...

I spent $290 and can post a full BOM if you're interested (money could be saved if simple stand-offs were used to mount the boards) ... The only special code for Mathematica came from here: mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/123442/…
As far as speed it seems to be about 1/2 the speed as my Quad Core Laptop w/ 8GB RAM running my own notebooks
I was planning on running a Parallelize[Benchmark[]] tonight
@JasonB @Karsten7.
@Young - I wouldn't mind seeing the BOM. Do you get more out of it than from an equal-power machine off craigslist? Like, the building, hobby aspect of it? Do you do anything with the IO aspects of it?
I'm interested in raspberry pi as something to do with the kids, but not sure what all I would do with it
2 hours later…
@JasonB My daughter thinks the Pi is cool and she enjoyed setting it up with me ... I've done a couple of projects with her using the GPIO of the Pi ... I don't think it would outperform a carefully selected low end PC.

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