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@TimStone I understand your implementation but where did StackExchange.ready come from? Or why is it in the global scope and where would I find methods of this object?
2 hours later…
Hey, @Spartacus, why the name change?
@rcollyer I'd go for brian if I were him (monty python)
I've never seen "The Life of Brian."
But, "The Meaning of Life" was hysterical.
"life of brian" is an order of magnitude better
the others get old, that one doesn't. still feels modern
I've never been able to watch all the way through "The Holy Grail." I always fall asleep.
"'tis but a scratch"
but yes it is boring
I prefer their stage performances. Their timing is impeccable.
watch this then
When Fringe is over, I will.
hope you know the dead parrot sketch :)
Never watched it.
@rcollyer uh oh
bloody hell
@yoda I know I'm slacking in my nerd obligations.
well her performance is better than theirs anyway
@acl awesome.
hard to believe she didn't even smile
she was trying hard not to.
Interesting: we have the top "hot question" on stackexchange.com.
7 hours later…
@rcollyer Right now, numbers 1 and 3 in the list are Mathematica questions.
2 hours later…
I have just written a description for the Benchmark tag
3 hours later…
This question was posted both here and on SO. Voting to close the one on SO.
We need to get moving with the FAQ, so I posted an answer here:
A: What should our FAQ contain?

SzabolcsWe should get this moving, so I looked at a few other random sites' FAQ to get an idea about how this works: Math.SE Physics.SE Computational Science (this is a fresh beta) TeX.SE User Experience and Science Fiction (for some sites more different from ours) I put some links here for your conv...

Today's cumulative users report (thanks to @Verbeia for the code!)
@rcollyer I answered your question on meta. I'm here in chat today for a while.
@Szabolcs: why isn't the tag called "interoperability"?
@JM took it over from SO
I called it because we already had it on SO, and because it already came up in the piratepad brainstorming before site launch
I don't have strong feelings about the name itself
Ah. Looks too severe a truncation to me... but since there's precedent, so be it.
I'm fine with . Viewing it logically, people looking for interop will find interoperability and will know what it is. People who are not sure what they want may be confused by interop.
"interfacing" is the term I'm accustomed to. Maybe it should be a synonym, if we're making primary...
@JM I vote for , but we can make a synonym. I think is better because it is more general. It is also appropriate for e.g. data exchange formats (how can I transfer a sparse matrix from Mma to MATLAB? <-- this was a real question of mine)
@Szabolcs Okay, I made a post to the synonyms thread in meta.
@JM can you bookmark our chat discussion and link to it, as with the rest of the synonyms?
@Szabolcs actually yes, how? save and load?
@acl I forgot, but MATLAB had a function for converting from an {i,j} -> value type of list (a 3 by n matrix) to an actual sparse matrix. I had to extract these triplets from the SparseArray, and transfer them to MATLAB (either through a text file or through mEngine, see the wiki of the tag)
@acl The catch was preserving the matrix size when it had zero rows or columns at the edge. For this I always included the lower-rigth element of the matrix, even if it was zero.
aha did not know about mEngine! would have been useful a couple of months back
[ Apparently Export[] can do *.mat files ... ](reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/format/MAT.html)
@JM but that version of mat files won't hold a sparse array
@J.M. yes but 'FileByteCount@Export[
{{5, 4} \[Rule] 12.},
{3000, 3000}
]' returns 72*10^6
Also, MATLAB and Mathematica can handle *.mtx files.
That would be more suitable for sparse arrays...
@J.M. actually my particular application would have been a much better fit for mEngine than saving and loading files (which is what I did in the end), except mEngine appears to work on windows only
(good point about the mtx files, I did not know about them)
so, since I don't really have to make all sorts of publication quality plots for a paper I am resubmitting on monday, and thus have infinite free time, let me compile octave from source and see if this mtx thing works
@Szabolcs: Mean /@ Partition[testdata[[All, 1]], 2, 1] can be replaced with ListConvolve[{1, 1}/2, testdata[[All, 1]]].
cool solution @Spartacus Why the name change?
see the meta mod nomination thread
perhaps we should all change our names to spartacus :)
I thought we had agreed on Bob?
@yoda Nothing has changed there .. or I can't see it
except Spartacus
@acl mEngine should work fine on Linux/Mac, you need minimal changes to the source (only the main function, chage that WInMain thing to main --- see addtwo.c on how to do it)
hmm... that probably pinged sjoerd unnecessarily
@Szabolcs OK, I was misled by the .exe file then and did not even try it
@yoda we should change our avatars as well then
@acl Havnen't compiled on Linux, but once I looked at the source, and all of it except the main function seems to be compatible.
I say we do it!
@Szabolcs oops, I did not notice that the source is there.
Does @​yoda ping you?
Tsk, my trick doesn't work in chat...
using code in comments?
nah, zero-width spaces.
ah, I see.
chat is a lot different... you can ping users with just 2 letters, as @jm
whereas, the main engine requires 3 letters
That didn't ping me, actually. :)
hmm... that's weird
@JM ping!
That doesn't work either. People usually have to link to a previous line of mine to ping in chat.
interesting... that's one way of making sure you don't get bugged by messages :)
Yes, the periods make for interesting behavior... :)
@JM ping?
@acl That worked.
I linked, while now @JM pong
did that work?
@acl This doesn't work.
@J.M this?
Doesn't work as well.
so you can't be pinged in chat?
@acl Except by linking to a message of mine.
wait... so are we all changing to spartacus?
maybe we should go for sp...
The software won't notice that something's amiss?
nah... people can have the same names (e.g., John)
Also, isn't there a "you can only change your name every few weeks" thing in place?
and the gravatar is just pulled from gravatar.com... mr.w's is autogenerated from his email hash, but we can take the pic and set it to ours
@JM once a month, but there are ways around it =)
@yoda how about mr@spartacus instead
or even mr~sp~artacus
invalid characters :)
Ah, the tilde... :D
what's wrong with the tilde?
is it forbidden?
you can't use it in your username
only letters & numbers
Not sure... The change happened when they introduced the @ notifications and autocomplete. I guess it means more kinds of patterns that they need to match against for a possible username
Well, "letters" here also meaning Greek, Cyrillic, Hangul... in addition to the Latin alphabet.
so Σπάρτακος would work?
now that would be nice.
@acl Classy. :)
so Σπάρτακος would be allowed?
How about 斯巴达克斯 ?
Those would work.
so, while I was reading up in wikipedia about spartacus, not one but two answers popped up to the Bag question... even giving the same example I had in mind (Graph)
we need more questions aroung here
sneaky @Szabolcs... distracting us with all those languages, while answering questions
The pressure to cap every day ;-) and all those good questions I missed today!
Well, I have to leave now. I'm watching Hot Fuzz. Later, y'all!
Should we retag that question? It is not about evaluation (though the OP didn't know that)
yes, but tag it as what?
That's the question!
undocumented is an option
did we have an tag? It is not a replacement, but if we already have some, it'd go well here
yes, but the point of the question isn't really the "undocumentedness" of bag
not really
data-types then?
which question?
Q: Bags and non-standard evaluation

RojoWhat can internally be happening here? Is the evaluator just messing with us and going non-standard because its a Bag? Or am I just not seing how something like this could be done in MMA? AppendTo[$ContextPath, "Internal`"]; In[19]:= ClearAll[x, y]; {x, y} = {Bag[{1, 2, 3}], Bag[{4, 5}]}; Hea...

since it deals with Internal` , why not ?
Hey, @Szabolcs how did you get rep from editing? Your over 2k.
@rcollyer Tag wiki.
I can't edit tag wiki, but I can approve it.
In other words, two people need to agree for every tag wiki change.
Yes, but I thought that was supposed to cut off once you hit 2k. But, there's nothing in the FAQ about that ...
@rcollyer I only get 2 rep now, not 4
What I meant was, I thought the rep gained from edit suggestions was supposed to stop when you hit 2k.
But, it looks like it continues until you gain the privilege.
1000 total, still imposed, though.
I think tag wiki edits are worth 4 rep below 2000, but only 2 rep above. Not sure though.
It's worth rep, and it is good for the site, so who cares.
Incidentally, I don't think yesterday counts as a rep cap day for you: you didn't exceed 200, which is when I think it is triggered.
I capped yesterday, but not the day before.
Of course, I feel like I'm being left behind. That, and it is truly odd to be among the top askers in some of the tags.
I missed that 5 point upvote.
@Szabolcs no, the wiki and the excerpt count separately. You must've edited only one of them this time
@yoda Oh ... I see. But I thought both were worth 4 rep below 2000.
@rcollyer tag wiki privileges come at 4k
Anyway, capped, time to go get some real work done ..
@Szabolcs naah.. .that's almost a question upvote!
If I get some real work done, maybe I'll have some nice questions tomorrow ;-)
New question for you all to answer:
@yoda I'm aware. But, I had been under the impression that all edit suggestion rep went away at 2k.
Q: How to solve this iteration in the functional programming way?

István ZacharI am trying to come up with a functional programming method to calculate a list of replacements, that depend on previous replacements. Since there is always a finite number of steps, I would like to use Fold, Nest, ComposeList or any related function in an elegant way. Now I only have the the fol...

@rcollyer oh, there is something like that -- you stop earning rep from edits when you've earned 1k rep from edits alone
@yoda I knew that, too. But, I vaguely recalled something about it stopping at 2k. It may have been in reference to the q&a edit privilege itself kicking in, and I didn't see the tag wiki component. But, oh well. So, I guess I need to go forth and edit something ...
or answer the question above? :)
true, but it is making my eyes cross, and I can't seem to concentrate on an answer.
Then work on a FAQ?
A: What should our FAQ contain?

SzabolcsWe should get this moving, so I looked at a few other random sites' FAQ to get an idea about how this works: Math.SE Physics.SE Computational Science (this is a fresh beta) TeX.SE User Experience and Science Fiction (for some sites more different from ours) I put some links here for your conv...

I edited the question to include links to the docs.
especially as ComposeList wasn't familiar to me.
woo hoo! 2 more rep for me. :P
@rcollyer why didn't you put your name down for pro-tem?
I seriously thought about it, and probably should.
But, I'm trying to get my dissertation done. (Not that I seem to be working on it.)
And, I thought: one more distraction.
But, I'm doing enough that it might make sense.
well, it sure can be a bit distracting, given that you have access to more info and charts — makes you want to check everything all the time
the novelty wears off in time... but perhaps not, if you're constantly excited about the progress of the site
but it should be fine on our site... we have plenty of users to do the routine stuff that the mods needn't do it all, unlike on other sites
I'm more interested in questions that I can answer in 5 mins with minimal thought.
(Mine was simpler.)
@yoda true. and the crew here understands time constraints.
heh, simpler is in the eyes of the beholder. Sure, I know what GeometricTransformation does, but he clearly said he didn't understand it.,.. no point in forcing it on him
True, but it didn't require any extra processing whatsoever. (Except for Transpose.)
I was trying not to do that.
at this point, I think most folks here know...
at least enough of them.
but, seriously, I was trying to avoid doing exactly that.
@rcollyer wait... ArcTan is "extra processing"? jeez man! :P
Yes, it is. Compared to what I didn't have to do.
To get it to work.
admit it! You forgot that it could be done with Rotate, and you're covering up :P
anyway, need more such questions, else I'm going to stagnate here
No, I looked at Rotate and found GeometricTransformation easier (if not easier to spell).
@yoda yeah, you're looking a little green.
better green than pink, as David would've wanted
Very true. But, you could screw with David a bit, and switch it over to pink.
I'm not self-destructive... in the time it takes for him to get here and notice it, I'd have died a horrible death from all the pink
and yes, my corpse would've turned pink, if only to satisfy David
in any case, go nominate yourself so that they have 3 to ask first
You can always super-ping him. To have an earnest conversation about his behavior, of course.
@yoda typing something up now.
and we're down
for whatever reason, chat still seems to work.
it's a different server and different everything
that's explains why. So, no posting for a while. Gotta go wake the munchkin and get to a picnic. Yes, it is January in the Northeast. And, why yes, the picnic is indoors.
Northeast US. I'm back in NY state.
I understood, but was wondering why you weren't where you should be...
anyway, it was a nice and warm day yesterday — volleyball + picnic on the beach. Today looks like a fine day too :D
Didn't you hear? I moved back home where the munchkin isn't allergic to the state.
@yoda bastard. :)
Since I'm doing computational work, I can do everything I need to remotely. Accept fight with the financial Aid office, apparently.
@rcollyer uh oh. That's not good for the munchkin. Hope he gets better
He's been doing much better since we moved.
Louisiana is a swamp, and he was allergic to the mold.
Stuffed nose since he was born.
And, wheezing, which is always fun as a parent.
working from home is a huge plus, thanks to technology these days... I've been thinking of post-docs in the north east (if and when I graduate), but I'd like to work from here — hate (HATE) the cold
you can guess why
My friend from the same original area, now works in Boston. I laughed.
He agreed with me.
You get used to it. Although living in the South for 8 years appears to have hampered my ability to be comfortable in the winter.
But, the summers we're EVIL!
Anyway. Gotta run. Talk to you later.
Don't you miss the food though? I had one friend who lived in LA and was originally from NY and he was raving about the cajun cuisine
alright, see you later
@yoda somewhat. My wife doesn't do spicy.
Gah, service outage! I think I was going into withdrawal.
By the way, no votes for this answer yet:
A: Updating Wagon's FindAllCrossings2D[] function

SpartacusHere is my revision of Stan Wagon's 3rd Edition function. It is again faster and IMHO cleaner. FindRoots2D::usage = "FindRoots2D[funcs,{x,a,b},{y,c,d}] finds all nontangential solutions to {f=0, g=0} in the given rectangle."; Options[FindRoots2D] = {PlotPoints -> Automatic, MaxRe...

Did I make a mistake? It appears to me to be both faster and cleaner.
Anyone familiar with DynamicModule wormholes and their operation?
Q: Using DynamicModule variables outside the DynamicModule

SzabolcsTake the following example for hiding/showing a notebook through a Checkbox: x = True; CreateDocument[{"hello"}, Visible -> Dynamic[x]]; Checkbox[Dynamic[x]] It works correctly until the kernel is restarted, but not after. The documentation explains that the variables in a DynamicModule ar...

@yoda damn, I'm in the wrong place
What's the weather like in Dresden?
We had a great sunny winter day here. Temp between -10 and -3, everything white with snow, and the air dry enough to make it feel pleasant outside (given enough clothing :)
This poster is asking for help with tagging, anyone can help? --> mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/888/…
I'm a bit lost too.
@Szabolcs -3
actually I don't mind the weather, and prefer cold to hot
unless we're talking about picnics on the beach and volleyball...
What is it like in Cyprus at this time of the year? I suppose rainy in windy like in Malta. ...
I saw someone use a variable named $temp$. That is a pretty bad idea, trailing $s are used for localizations. But he has already deleted his answer.
@Szabolcs generally yes, but now it's apparently between 8 and 15
winters are nice there, summers way too hot
@acl heh, winter? What's that?
@yoda to be honest I prefer it to summer, as I've had enough heat and sun before moving abroad
but i guess you had more and still are not fed up :)
oh, no no.. I hate it. Just hate the cold more
Where I am now, is heaven
man, linkedin is like a mini FB... all the "yes, please sell my data and send me spam" boxes are checked by default
@yoda done!
nice, now we have three and can move forward
@yoda where do you reside again, please?
This is really awkward: Guess the result of a call to this function Compile[{}, Module[{y = {}}, AppendTo[y, 1]], {{y, _Integer, 1}}]
@MrWizard south of you. till tacos become dirt cheap :P
then you backtrack a little
I seem to recall hearing that the weather stays nearly the same year 'round there; is that correct?
pretty much. it gets a little fussy around oct-jan, by which I mean it drops to 8-13 C on the avg and rains a little (which to southern Californians, is the equivalent of a snowstorm), but otherwise, perfect year round.
it does get a little foggy early on in the day several times during the year due to the marine layer, but that's about it
@yoda oh ok, that's the sort of weather I grew up in and run away from as fast as I could when I went to study
thought it was warmer from the picnic bit :)
@halirutan To be warned of this type of thing, do
"CompileOptions" -> "CompileReportCoercion" -> True]` first
@acl that's the average and 8 is really on the low side... yesterday was 22 and so is today :)
@acl let me try this later. Thanks.
and blue is dresden?
vertical is temp, so no :)
Nicosia, Cyprus
on the other hand, humidity:
same colours
oh dear. No wonder I love it here.
not much of winter...
@yoda how do plots of TotalPrecipitation look?
Don't really know what happened in late 2008... wasn't there
probably just as well...
I seem to have created a bit of a problem for myself:
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:

Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Feb 27 at 2:10
I changed my display name humorously and now I cannot change it back. Does anyone know a way around this? Will I annoy the diamond mods if I ask for help?
@Mr.W I don't know, I sort of like you as Spartacus
@MrWizard you can sync your Stack Overflow profile to all sites
@acl thanks :^) @yoda (1) how? (2) what's it do?
click edit profile and then "copy profile to all SE accounts". If you have customized profiles across sites, they'll be lost
Interesting; that includes display names? (I've never changed my display name as you have probably surmised.)
so first save (or copy to clipboard) your about me on mma.se and then push to all accounts and then edit your about me again and paste the info
@MrWizard every single bit of info in your profile gets copied over
@Szabolcs Ah, the problem is that your site's tags don't have highlighting hints. I'm not sure that the way that works makes sense for a language-specific site, hmm...Anyway, I've submitted a pull request to @halirutan's script that will address the problem in a kind of carpet-bomb sort of way, which is probably safe enough for testing purposes.
(in short, the script will highlight on Mathematica.SE now as well)
Thanks so much @Tim ! I was jusyt about to log off, late at night here
Happy to help, good night!
Can you post your script as an answer @tim?
What I did is several forms of terrible (in terms of implementation), so I don't feel that it's particularly answer-worthy. :P
it's ok... the dark side tempts all of us at some point :)
But you did implement the script nevertheless (more than what I had thought was necessary), so I'll bounty an answer of yours elsewhere :)
Hahah, well, don't feel compelled to or anything. Meddling in stuff like this is what I (like to) do. ;)
Well, I know that's what you do :) But I can't frame rep, and what the hell am I supposed to do with 16k of it anyway? :P At least, I can use it to show appreciation :)
@TimStone, ok, I confirmed your pull
Access to mod tools is new to me, but there are SO MANY deleted answers. I wish people didn't delete when they know it's correct. A correct answer is valuable even if there's a better one.

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