I wonder how congested WRI support is now. I asked about unevaluated components I see all over the documentation in v11 four days ago, and still there's no response.
@Ranza You could check the file (*NotebookOpen@*)FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "TextResources", "MiscExpressions.tr"}] for "Manipulator06" ->.... It won't be easy to tell if it's corrupted, but you could tell if it's missing. You could look at the mod date for the file. (Be sure not to modify the file yourself.) My institution has not made V11 available yet, so I'm working from a beta. Manipulator works in it.
This whole unit system is a joke. I don't even know why they added it. Every time I try working with it (out of necessity, since all the *Data functions return them), I get extremely frustrated about how unusably slow it is.
What are official restrictions about FormFunctions contents?
CloudDeploy @ FormFunction["x" -> {"P(\[EmptySet]) \[Equal] 0"}, f]
As we can see the choice is displayed correctly but the form validation is broken due to the encoding.
Even if one uses "x" -> {"P(\[EmptySet]) \[Equal] 0" -> 2} ...
The "UnderDevelopment"EntityClass no longer exists. It's not part of EntityClassList["WolframLanguageSymbol"] or WolframLanguageData["Classes"] anymore.
Is there another way to get the [[EXPERIMENTAL]] symbols within the Entity framework now? A sub-class or something?