@J.M. Actually it's two complete graphs with no connections inbetween them. But yes :) It's done by Graphics[{Antialiasing -> False, ...}], then rasterize at high resolution, MorphologicalComponents, Colorize, downscale.
The problem in general involves the unreliable behaviour of AbsoluteOptions when option values are implicitly specified (e.g. Automatic, All, Full, etc.), for example the graphics below clearly has a different plot range than the one reported by AbsoluteOptions:
{g = Graphics[{}, Frame -> True],...
Wolfram|Alpha answers a ton of computational and factual questions every day—through our website, mobile apps, APIs, and from within the Wolfram Language itself. Now we would like to introduce a new way to harness the power of computation with the Wolfram|Alpha Add-ons for Google Drive. These free add-ons for Google Docs and Google Sheets enable [...]
(Sorry if it is not the correct place for talking about this)
It is not the first time I have the feeling mathematica's documentation is a big joke.
As an example, I just spent 10 minutes for understanding that after having built a Table :
mu = Table[MoebiusMu[n],{n,1,100}]
I need to use Par...
Hello. For those who participate to the comments on the meta-question about Table and Part (now deleted), where does come the person ? Matlab universe, other... Apparently a lot of new comers are Table-centric instead of List-centric.
@Kuba It is written that InputForm acts as a "wrapper", which affects display, but not evaluation. So, since it does not evaluate and since Unevaluated only goes away if a function evaluates (check f[x_] := Hold[x]; f@Unevaluated[1 + 1]), this is all logical, or?