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@Kuba anything exiting that you recall?
3 hours later…
A bit weird, but somehow I can't find how you can set the number of ticks in BarLegend. I'm using BarLegend[{{"BlueGreenYellow", "Reverse"}, {0,
1}}, 50, LabelStyle -> {FontSize -> 20},
LegendLabel -> "Transmission", LegendMarkerSize -> 500] and I'd like to give it more ticks, but using Ticks-> shows up red
@SjoerdC.deVries what they meant is that the link was found after search but the link itself lead to 404
1 hour later…
@SjoerdC.deVries You mean on new v11 features seen on search? I went through the listing and guessed my best...
"Most functions found by that search in v11 are related to machine learning, some to audio and "channels" (?), and even smaller portion to good old math..."
2 hours later…
@IstvánZachar I don't know, some points link to answer/workarounds but some don't yet developers need to deal with them somehow. I'd imagine an answer there as a set of solutions not just issues.
@IstvánZachar and I didn't had time to gather materials for that
@MartinEnder Unfortunately MathLink is not very well documented, so I always end up having to experiment when I dig as deep as you are going now. This is very old, but it's a must have. There have been changes since then but I still use this tutorial.
There are weird things like having to call certain functions in a certain sequence for things to work (and all calls being required). It tends to be a pain to figure these things out and there's very little support.
@MartinEnder These days I use Mathematica functions (LinkOpen, LinkWrite, etc.) to experiment first. Then as a next step I use LTemplate to figure out the details because it is so easy to set up. LTemplate is an easy wrapper for LibraryLink and I usually use an in-kernel loopback link to experiment. Finally I write the actual separate ML code.
@Szabolcs Thanks. I've stumbled upon that while googling around and it definitely seemed helpful.
As the deadline I need this for is rather close I'm probably not gonna spend too much time on making it neat now. If the one way connection that I've got works, I'll just go with that.
Someone summoned me? Who dares disturb the slumber of the genie!? (tongue very firmly in cheek)
@Mr.Wizard take a look at my note 4 comments above :)
@Kuba Which comment is this a reply to?
@Mr.Wizard I'm referring to Istvan's question about moving the list of features to the asnwer.
@Kuba Ah, I think I see now.
@Kuba Here is my contention. The post starts with "This post is here to save your time during GUI development in Mathematica. And one way to do this is to know where limits are and to be aware of features that are awaiting." So it is not a question but instead a collection of information. I feel that this needs to be written as an actual question, and the collection of information posted separately as an answer. I believe this is the model we have been following for such things.
@J.M. In 10.1.0 under Windows the output is similar. Apparently something changed after that? I think you should post a Question so we can catalog this bug.
@Mr.Wizard and pending problems should be additionally asked separately and linked?
@Kuba That is what seems best to me but I am certainly open to argument.
@Mr.Wizard Should I change both to Wiki or what is the policy?
@Kuba I'll use my own behavior as an example so that it is not a case of "do as I say, not as a I do." In mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/56728/121 I kept the Question as a regular post as it is not itself collaborative, however I made the Answer a CW because it was intended to be collaborative.
@Mr.Wizard Makes sense.
Hi Kuba, Hi Mr.Wizard!
Let me read what you have discussed so far.
@Kuba I agree with Mr.Wizard on both turning it to a link-collection answer and making the answer CW. While of course the answer itself wouldn't qualify as a real answer, it would still be useful, and people developing gui-s could easilty use it as a starting point when encountering one of the billion manifestations of the million bugs in the front-end.
BTW, @Mr.Wizard do you know how to programmatically quit a specific kernel using Quit[]?
@Mr.Wizard @IstvánZachar done
I'd appreciate help with rephrasing What is on topic there section.
Hi! There seem to be some problems with importing a List of BoundaryMeshRegions from Pastebin: pastebin.com/raw/gCsyJh1x
Can anyone recommend a good way to share a "not so small" List of such Regions?
@IstvánZachar Not that I recall, but I think that question has been asked before. If you have already searched for that and not found anything let me know and I'll try.
@DPF I just want to acknowledge that I saw your question but I don't have an answer for you at the moment.
Hi, guys! Good evening:) Did someone know how to call the MinGW compiler when using CreateLibrary[] ?
@Mr.Wizard I'm not sure, but am I right on that Quit[] always quits the given notebook's associated kernel?
Whatever that kernel is.
I use the MinGW compiler owing to that the Visual Studio 2012 compiler cannot compile the right code.
@IstvánZachar I am pretty sure that is the case. At least that is the assumption under which I have used it and I don't recall it failing.
@Mr.Wizard Ok, that's what I wanted, so thanks for the confirmation!
@Mr.Wizard And I've cleaned up my comments under Kuba's GUI guidelines, perhaps you might also want to.
@IstvánZachar will do
1 hour later…
Just figured out Echo has a third argument that does things people often want...
@kirma writing my thesis ooh :)
@PauloCereda Heh. :)
@kirma I was happy for a minute. :)
NP :)
5 hours later…
@kirma tell me how to force Echo's output in the message's notebook
2 hours later…
  MapAt[StyleBox[#, ControlsRendering -> "Generic"] &, FrontEndResource["ColorSchemeSelector"], {1, 1}] // CellPrint
doesn't have the extra scroll bar.
Seems to be an unwanted effect of the inconsistent, arbitrary size units (e.g. the printer's points for FrameMargins).
CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, PrintAction] = "PrintToConsole";
Block[{$Notebooks = False}, Echo[x, "label "]]

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