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harlirutan's additional editing buttons no longer appear when I try to edit posts. Is it just my system or are others having this problem as well? I am running on OS X, but have made no system changes for a long time. First noticed the problem yesterday.
@m_goldberg I'm having that problem, too....No idea what's going on.
anyone around?
      (Symbol[StringTrim[#[[1]], "\""]]) @@ #[[2 ;; -1]]
   ) &, SplitBy[
   {"\"ls\"", "\"-a\"", "\"//\"", "\"test\"", "\"//\"", "\"wget\"",
    "\"-qO-\"", "\"http://google.com\""}
   , "\"//\"" == # &] // DeleteCases@{"\"//\""}
I am trying to get such code to work
it should output ls -a | test | wget -qO- "http://google.com"
but it doesn't
3 hours later…
Hi, did someone encouter this case?
It should have three buttons at that positon
@ShutaoTANG Sure, someone did.
1 hour later…
@Pickett Thanks. But on my working PC, this plugin works well. Please see the following screenshot:)
@ShutaoTANG , @MichaelE2, & @m_goldberg halirutan is aware if it and fixed it in the chrome store version. It's also fixed on on GitHub.
If you, like myself, are not using Chrome, you can either download the updated script or fix it yourself.
@Karsten7. This screenshot came from my personal laptop, and that plugin version is 1.3.8 (the newest version). However, it cannot work well.
1 hour later…
@Silvia 您好,请教您一个关于Mathematica性能提升的问题,你觉得这个函数还有性能提升的空间吗?谢谢‌​:)
6 hours later…
I installed Version 1.3.8 (I had 1.3.6) and the buttons have returned. All is well now (I think).
2 hours later…
@ShutaoTANG I think you can try to remove it from chrome first, and then install it back again.
Like m_goldberg, I too found updating to V 1.3.8 fixed the buttons. (I also had 1.3.6.)
posted on May 16, 2016 by Oleg Marichev

Nearly two hundred years after Friedrich Bessel introduced his eponymous functions, expressions for their derivatives with respect to parameters, valid over the double complex plane, have been found. In this blog we will show and briefly discuss some formerly unknown derivatives of special functions (primarily Bessel and related functions), and explore the history and current [...]

1 hour later…
@WolframBlog On one hand: I saw Brychkov's paper, and it was certainly a tour de force. On the other hand: when are Kampé de Fériet functions ever going to be implemented? :P
5 hours later…
anyone around?
      (Symbol[StringTrim[#[[1]], "\""]]) @@ #[[2 ;; -1]]
   ) &, SplitBy[
   {"\"ls\"", "\"-a\"", "\"//\"", "\"test\"", "\"//\"", "\"wget\"",
    "\"-qO-\"", "\"http://google.com\""}
   , "\"//\"" == # &] // DeleteCases@{"\"//\""}
I am trying to get such code to work
it should output ls -a | test | wget -qO- "http://google.com"
but it doesn't
sorry the following should be run before the above code
wget[x___] := (Print["test"]);

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