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@Murta ok, you are right. I have never installed Mathematica packages in such a large quantity that downloading them has been a considerable hurdle.
Of course there is no downside to having a function such as the one you have described, it would be a nice complement.
Hi all, I think that would be nice to have something like this in Mathematica. community.wolfram.com/groups/…
At one point I was thinking about making a function like that and leveraging PackageData.net's API, so installing packages from Github would be automated.
(this message was in the wrong chat room!.. sorry)
Because PackageData.net already retrieves download links, so that part of the job is done.
@Pickett yes. I suggested it in Wolfram Community because IMHO, with a native function would be better to create a standard.
yes, for sure.
@William Something like this?: demonstrations.wolfram.com/…
@Szabolcs I've installed IGraphM at home and I get an error when I try to get it:
Get::noopen: Cannot open LTemplateLTemplatePrivate. >>
worked well yesterday at the office.
any idea?
@Pickett Have you seen this: github.com/lshifr/ProjectInstaller
Heh, this (and others) have been "Coming soon" for 1.5 years now wolfram.com/data-science-platform
I wish WRI would just focus on a few core products well instead of several vaporware products.
@R.M. I can't recall that I have, that's very good.
It works well, especially for projects that follow the default hierarchy in the WorkBench (which the IDEA plugin also recreates).
And I believe there are some internal checks to see if a project doesn't follow that pattern (e.g. someone just uploading a .m package file to the root folder) and extracts it correctly
@Kuba Thanks for letting me know. Where did you get the sources from? Download page or directly from the git repo?
The code in the Git repo (master branch) would give this error. Please do not use it. The download here should work: github.com/szhorvat/IGraphM/releases
@Murta I'm not entirely convinced we need a built in for this. I fully understand the benefits of builtins, but I think the dependence on WRI for an "official" symbol is also crippling the community. People would rather wait 2 years for WRI to come out with a half-baked solution that works on dogs, cats and any "entity" (which most people couldn't care less about) than contribute to an open source project. (Which in turn makes people less likely to open source their packages/tools.) /end rant
@Kuba I'll have to leave soon but let me know if this was the problem.
2 hours later…
Q: How does Mathematica calculate sin(Pi/5)?

DavidConsider: Sin[Pi/5] Which returns: $$\sqrt{\frac58-\frac{\sqrt5}{8}}$$ Does anyone know how to figure our the trigonometric identities used by Mathematica to produce this answer. I gave this a try: WolframAlpha["sin(pi/5)"] But it did not provide any steps.

This should not have been migrated. The OP is clearly a long time member here and the question was specifically about Mathematica, not pencil and paper math. If we can't answer the question (because it is only known to the developers) and general CAS questions are off topic, then it should've just been closed here.
@Szabolcs Yep, it worked, and it was what I've done earlier too. Thanks.
4 hours later…
@R. M. O.K. I have voted for the migration but now I'm not sure at all it was a good thing.

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