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@halirutan. @xslittlegrass. I received an email saying V10.3 is available for me to download it now.
3 hours later…
Q: Can I ask "naive" questions and answer it for my furture reference?

buzhidaoFor example, I want to post an answer of the question:"how to read from a file, skip header, plot it and fit it to a curve?" The answer can be found as separate parts by searching, all of them may already have answer exist in this forum. However, as a whole, it will take me some time to look up. ...

@m_goldberg As always.. I'm getting the mail that I'm going to be the first and who's getting it first? You! :-)
@RolfMertig Well, pretty easy.
A color is always some off point from the diagonal in the RGB-Cube. The diagonal is the line from RGBColor[0,0,0] to RGBColor[1,1,1]. So I would say some measure that includes how many pixel deviate significantly form this line should work.
Not tested though. If you like, send me two examples and I'll look at it.
@J.M.isback. OSX applications are "bundles" anyway, and you can easily rename them. I'm not so certain of Mma on other OSes.
But also, different Mma versions have different license keys (even over upgrades) and I think they run nicely and autonomously even at the same time.
@kirma I'll prolly be able to answer my own question as soon as I get the e-mail for 10.3, I guess. :)
Once again, I did'nt get the email, but I just stalked at the upgrade check page, which gave me a chance to download "early" (home edition).
wolfram.com/mathematica/pricing -> upgrade to the latest version
5 hours later…
Just a reminder:
Q: Standard header for bugs-tagged posts, for easy searching

SzabolcsThe consensus for handling posts about fixed bugs was to include a line stating in which version the bug went away. I would like to propose taking this one step further, and standardizing the header of bug-posts. This will serve the purpose of making it easier to search for bugs based on status...

Hmmh. Are there any randomized subset optimization algorithms in Mma? Like "take an N-item subset of M-item set, stochastically minimizing f" ...
1 hour later…
Can I get one upvote here please so I can mark another question as duplicate?
@Szabolcs There you go
1 hour later…
6 hours later…
@xslittlegrass @Silvia Having a well-integrated documentation for IGraph/M would be absolutely great! The problem is that I just don't have the time for it ... I think that time would be better spent expanding the package, or expanding / fixing problems in igraph itself.
@Silvia Actually I added Application Maker to PackageData.net, right after searching for how to create documentation without the workbench, with IGraph/M in mind. I would really love to see it integrated with the IDEA plugin. It seems to be a little bit outdated, and it will need a bit of work to make it work well with version 10. I'm really hoping that someone will pick up development.
@Szabolcs I do have personal interest in documentation and/or notebook styling. I think I can try to pick the project up.
@Silvia Do let me know if you get it working, I'm curious!
I didn't realize that in recent versions (or only in 10.3?) we can now switch the language without having to have a special license. If it's switched to a non-English language, all the function names will be annotated with translations.
@Szabolcs I'm currently reading jmlopez's post. I have to admit the doc structure are SO different from that in 5.x. I'll need to learn a lot before getting start :D
@Szabolcs I saw that annotation demo once. I'm more curious on using it to do something else. But I'm not sure the annotation engine can be invoked by ordinary users.
Is this intended behavior?

html = "a<b>b</b>c"; ImportString[html, "HTML"]
"a b c"
Why on earth are there spaces around the letter b?
1 hour later…
@R.M. I can see the beginning of your deleted message in the site's inbox, but I cannot see the interesting second part ... link to the course? :)
AnatomyData is pretty cool
I downloaded 10.3 yesterday, but as I'm getting on a plane in a couple of hours to go to the conference, I haven't played with it yet.
I'll see those of you going to the conference in a couple of days. I'll be the jet-lagged, bleary-eyed woman with an Australian accent.
@SjoerdC.deVries ...I presume you have great plans in store with it? :)
That does look like a pretty articulated skeleton (I hope).
@J.M.isback. You mean with the same DOFs as the original one?
Yes, that.
Well, Mathematica has a lot of anatomical knowledge now, like what connects where, where the muscles are, how enervation goes etc. But it doesn't seem to know what motion constraints there are. I think it should be possible to use motion captures to let it move. I'm considering rewriting my BVH import package to make use of it.
@Verbeia I'm jealous...
Are you going to do a presentation?
@SjoerdC.deVries Exactly what I was hinting at. :)
Maybe an option, I think? Use simple tubes by default, or display bones as another option.
@J.M.isback. One problem is that bvh files already describe the length of the 'bones' (as they are called - these are not necessarily real bones). The AnatomyData bones have a fixed size which usually will be different. Currently, the end result of the importer is a collection of coordinates, a combination of all sizes and rotations taken together.
If I want to use AnatomyData I have to separate dimensions and rotations. Another problem is that BVH joints have non-standardized names that you have to match to the AnatomyData skeleton part names. Not likely that you can do this automatically.
@SjoerdC.deVries Ah, that looks very tedious.
@J.M.isback. Will you be getting 10.3 as well?
@SjoerdC.deVries I was e-mailed that it'll come in a few days. :)
At least, I'm not that late to the party now. :)
@J.M.isback. There are some nice new features, but no paradigm shifts here. Are you into random matrices?
@SjoerdC.deVries I have some familiarity with GUEs, so I should be able to play with those in 10.3, apparently. Also, Tracy-Widom.
I know Leonid was working with them when he was still a physicist. They are mostly gobbledygook to me.
(Luckily, I haven't yet started trying to implement those, or I'd have been sccoped again. :))
@kirma Probably a good thing that I can't tell whether it's a picture you took or something you did on the computer...
"Ceiling of the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan, 1619" says Wikipedia/Wikimedia... :)
Heh. Nevertheless, I think one could use Mathematica to reproduce the general pattern.
Sipping beer, soon heading out from islamic law zone back to Europe... lack of good beer is annoying, but geometric patterns are nice. :)
@J.M.isback. Surely so! My best effort for interesting stuff on this regard has been this:
I have much larger version, but SE doesn't accept it.
If I squint, I think I see a four-legged creature of some sort. :)
Heh. :)
1 hour later…
Got this bug reintroduced in version 10.3?
Q: In 10.1.0 BenchmarkPlot doesn't work?

Mr.WizardBug introduced in 10.1 and fixed in 10.2.0 In Mathematica 10.1.0 BenchmarkPlot from the GeneralUtilities package doesn't work; copying Taliesin Beynon's initial use of the function on this site: Needs["GeneralUtilities`"] myPosIdx[x_] := <|Thread[x[[#[[All, 1]]]] -> #]|> &@GatherBy[Range@Len...

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