@Silvia It's ridiculous the copy cat sites that come out. I could understand if stackoverflow was shutting down and the wanted to preserve the site but instead I get junk like that on Google.
@Pickett Have you considered exporting the Mathematica created docs for the individual packages so they are browsable through HTML?
@Silvia Stackoverflow should really consider blocking image download from non stackoverflow or stackexchange sites. The copy cat site doesn't even bother changing the links to it's own site.
@William @Silvia Usually the copycat sites are just interested in getting you to provide your login or financial information. They don't care about changing links etc to custom content.
They hope that you won't see the URL is slightly different.
@William If you want the output to be a list of rules, but with the StringJoin evaluated, then use a "->" instead of ":>" for the second rule, or use ":>Evaluate@".
@William :> has a HoldRest attribute, which prevents you from evaluate StringJoin[{"$", x, "$"}]. Replace it with -> or explicit use an Evaluate will both change the behavior
While Googling for an earlier answer of mine on mathematica.stackexchange.com I got a hit pointing to http://mathematica.threadfrage.com/ which offers what looks like a complete mirror of the mathematica.se. The same site seems to host many or all of the other stackexchange sites.
My question is...
Since day one of Stack Overflow, all content posted on Stack Exchange sites by their users (i.e. you wonderful people) has been provided to the whole universe under the CC-BY-SA license. For my fellow non-lawyers, that license basically means:
Anyone can use any Stack Exchange posts at any time...
@Pickett I'm a bit disappointed that no one has posted anything since yesterday. That community ad is really needed! Many people who frequent the site never look at chat or meta. You might also try the Mathematica Users group on LinkedIn to reach a different crowd.
@halirutan You have several projects that you might want to add
@Szabolcs could I trouble you a quick Mma person moving to R question? In Mma I'm used to go such things as `vec=1/255*{2,2,2};RGBColor[Sequence@@vec]` ... what's the equivalent in R to convert a vector into a sequence of arguments?
Of course, I'd be ecstatic for a reply from anyone :)
@Pickett I'm basically talking about something like this using either the Workbench or ApplicationMaker. I meant to set something up a couple months ago but ran out of time. I was just going to use github for hosting, what are you using I can't really tell.
The Glencoe Algebra II study materials (p. 10) make an amazing claim (Reddit). This statement is in a math textbook, but it is horrifyingly wrong. A statement like “the letters A–Z cannot be matched up with the numbers 1–26″ would be similarly wrong. These two sets of the same size (here, 26) can be matched [...]
@halirutan Well I haven't decided what today with all the characters, but all the keyboard characters also have the shorthand like "$multiply$" :> "*". You example would result in "$0029$" :> "*". I was going to use backticks but decided against it because the $ is just easier to find and replace for the different symbols.
scratch that the backticks are actually just as easy. That is probably better because then you can double click on the name.
@William So you have a long list of unicodeNumber :> unicodeChar and you don't know what to do with it, but you know that you need to put $ around the number?
@halirutan Technically mathematica supports any character as a Symbol value internally it just doesn't display it properly, but yes I believe I see you point.
Yes you have to use the conversion function I posted, it isn't perfect.
@William Exactly there is your mistake. This is not correct. A Symbol is very strictly defined. It has to start with a letter or a $ sign and can then contain any combination of letters, $ or numbers.
That's it. More is not allowed. You can do something like this
@halirutan it works. Please leave comments in the Q I posted I don't believe we are talking about the same thing. Technically Symbol accepts a String so as long as it is left in Held form it is okay, but I'm digressing. That isn't what my posted Q does.