@Kuba Symbolic would be fine, but apparently ColorConvert doesn't give symbolic output. I'd want to pass this expression to another function which binds r, g and b, and evaluates the expression above. (Actually I want to use this as a part of constraint to NMaximize.)
ColorConvert::ccvinput: {r,g,b} should be a valid image, a color directive, a list of machine-sized real numbers of length up to 5, or a list of such objects. >>
hey guys... the other day I saw a question about reconstructing a 3D object from its front, side and top view, but I can't find it any more. can someone point me to it?
In one of the maths blogs I follow I stumbled upon the following question:
The bottom, side, and front views of an object are shown below:
How would the object look in three dimensions?
My question
Is it possible to use these views and construct a 3d body out of them that you can then turn in...
I think either my displays are bad, my eyes are bad, Mma is broken, or every ColorDistance variant has some colour pairs that are perceptually much closer than the function thinks.
Consider red and purple above.
"CIE2000" thinks they're further away from each other than those two pale blues.
then I can access those vectors with %1 and %2 respectively. Does anyone know if there is a "why" this happens? I was not expecting it to save both vectors, only the last and I was also only expecting it to save "Null" not the vector itself.
@Pickett It is mentioned in the docs for CompoundExpression: Subscript[expr, 1];Subscript[expr, 2]; returns value Null. If it is given as input, the resulting output will not be printed. Out[n] will nevertheless be assigned to be the value of Subscript[expr, 2].
@Pickett That functionality has to work outside of notebook interfaces, so it is based on lines/complete expressions, not cells. So if you evaluate two definitions in a cell (separated by a new line so they aren't part of the same CompoundExpression) and then evaluate another cell, you will see that it, for example, labeled the first cell In[1], and the next cell In[3].