@Szabolcs @halirutan is probably working, I'm just cooling off after a day of banging my head against mathematica
@Szabolcs pfft, only real programmers use BANCStar, and real programmers don't write comments
but seriously can you imagine waking up every day and going to work to work with a series of numbers and commas that's meant to be a program?
> Everything in the system is global
> New projects always started off with the programmer searching for a handful of working storage numbers that could be "borrowed" long enough to complete the calculation, then restored to their original values before the rightful owner noticed that they were gone.
I want to use Mathematica to detect when there's something interesting in the picture and take a video. That includes trying to detect whether a bird is not just a boring sparrow.
@Szabolcs - post on Community if u come up with anything - this could be so much fun. Then I totally get racoon - who won't get Pissed if treated like a bird ;-)
@acl It started out as a slow and natural shift into mma... ended up working almost entirely in mma for 2 yrs, but then realized that by using only mma, you're drawing a box around yourself (even more so than MATLAB) — you face hurdles in collaborating, getting hired (except for those rare jobs that either don't require a $language or use mma), etc. It's still a great prototyping tool, so I'll continue using it for quick stuff, small projects, etc.
The "all fluff and no substance" nonsense marketing from WRI is not helping either... It's becoming harder to sell it to people, because you talk to them about your real world experience developing large packages, about how it is great at prototyping, etc., but Google for examples and you get lots of fluff... the latest WRI blog post being a good example.
"Ok, it's cool that you can do $FancyStuff by calling one function, but is it fast?" No. "Is it stable?" No. "Is it easy to learn?" No.
@Sektor yeah, @rm-rf beat me to it, but Vitaliy attended in 2010. The list of attendees for each year is on the website but I don't really recognise any of the names in recent years.
@rm-rf Haven't retried yet. I've been busy, and there are many things to set up in my transition to Linux. Every day I win a few fights, but there are many
Anyone know how to catch the symbol that is producing error $RecursionLimit::reclim: Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded? The code is quite long and I can't take it apart now
@Chris'ssis Okay, I am not saying it is right or wrong. In any case, adding proof to your question would make a valid point that there's something wrong going on :)
@rm-rf Not easy to learn? Why? I think, the idea of users learning by examples is great. I always found “man pages” approach awful compared to this. It's like developers now feel obliged to write something sciency-looking instead of something immediately useful…
@rm-rf …I'd like to start with Haskell and, while having this mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18548/… set up, the lack of example-driven documentation feels like an obstacle. Also, programing environments suggest to “create a project” when you first run them; notebook interface is much frendlier. Mma was very easy to learn for me, and it's after several years of no programing at all.
@Kuba Naive way would probably be to switch off the message half way through. Then you know if the message comes from the first half or the latter half. Then subdivide that half and so on. You should be able to narrow it down with just a few subdivisions, I think?
@halirutan Well, maybe I got lucky: we had a one-semester course with it (studying bifurcations, IIRC), and professor favored the idiomatic approach to language (so, there were no For's, etc.).
@Kuba That never was a problem in my case. :-) I could never get used to what I see in other languages (except for Lisp but I only read about it, not really use it — due to white-on-black console environments, again). So I suspect if you don't have common programing habits it's never a problem.
faster, because he suspected that the PDF is recalculated in each iteration.
@Akater Although the solution is simple and knowing the evaluation process, Attributes, etc, it is perfectly clear why this happens, I guess many users struggles with something like this.
@Akater I only know basics of C++ so I'm not biased but the documentation is a mess. Standard, but more sophisticated contructions are not explained and the details matter.
Last time when I was here we talked about our community. I just want to say I find it fascinating that the author of a decent-looking package manager is a law student mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/49111/… (that's what his profile says). :-)
@halirutan Is it possible to use MathGL3D with the current versions of Mathematica ? I tried to plot some rather large data sets and the front end just chokes...
@Sektor If the FE and the display of the Graphics is the problem, you could try to export it to something which can be used in other programs... MeshLab, Blender, etc..
I guess it is only the display which slows everything down and not the underlying data.
Does anyone here have practical experience with processing large datasets with Mathematica?
"Large" means "too large to fit in memory all at once".
Here's a toy problem, to illustrate the type of problem I might want to solve: there's a very long table of numbers in plain text format with two columns. Find all rows where the first column stops increasing (i.e. if it goes like 1 2 3 2 then find the third row). These mark "section boundaries". In each section, find the first occurrence of a zero in the second column (if it exsits).
@Szabolcs I've used OpenRead and Read successfully in situations like that. You have to switch to more procedural programming style, but it was a pretty smooth user experience I thought.
I mean, that's the most straightforward way. But is there anything better? Is there a better way to store data, for example? Does it make sense to put it in a database (I have no experience with this)
If you are going to be accessing it a lot and not always the whole thing then it definitely makes sense to put it in a database. I'd only use OpenRead/Read for single-pass analysis. It will definitely be easier to jump to the different sections with an appropriate database schema than just a single linear file.
Can anyone enlightened me on that issue? What kind of stupidity am I doing? coord = {{0, 0}, {2, 2}}; DynamicModule[{}, Dynamic@Graphics[{Arrow[{#, {1, 1}}], Locator[Dynamic[#]]} & /@ coord]]
@Szabolcs And thanks for Locator explanation. The problem is that by removing the outer Dynamic the locator can be moved, but the Arrow doesn't follow.. :)
Can someone outline a good approach to group datasets, based on their plots having 'plots' of the same shape ? Extreme examples would be datasets that plot like: horizontal line, a diagonal line (uptrend), diagonal (downtrend) and a square wave.
I've been working on the SAX approach but am stuck after standardizing and grouping datavalues and turning them into Strings. SAX then clusters them by string dis/similarity. The only built-in Mathematica String dis/similarity I can find is based on substitutions. I think the SAX approach requires that the difference between ABC and FBC isnt MMA's "1" (1 substitution) but "4" (letters different). Is there an alternate suggestion?
@PlaysDice There are multiple string similarity functions: EditDistance, DamerauLevenshteinDistance, HammingDistance, SmithWatermanSimilarity, NeedlemanWunschSimilarity. None of them give 4 for "ABC" and "FBC" though.
@SjoerdC.deVries The actual use-case was a bit more complex.
In this case I simply suggested to define pdf[x_] = PDF[NormalDistribution[3, 2], x];. The difference of := and = is IMO not clear for many everyday-users. You just learn := is for functions and = for variables and you can live with this for a long time.
It's a bit like in this question where a rather simple problem turns out to require injecting code which definitely looks awkward for most users.
@PlaysDice @MichaelHale Can you upvote the question here so that the user can join chat with >20 rep? (@Rojo @kirma)