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7:27 AM
I implemented an algorithm which mostly involves integer linear programming (LinearOptimization, that is), and comparing the benchmarks on paper where it was featured vs. my results my implementation is like 30 times slower than Gurobi benchmarks. I wonder if Gurobi is really that much better or it's something else...
7:39 AM
@Nasser Thank you very much.
6 hours later…
1:40 PM
@Nasser When I uselist = RandomReal[{10, 100}, 5], I get {46.6711, 69.401, 77.3699, 56.9098, 78.024} I can I get all elements of a list with one digit after comma sign, like this {46.7, 69.4, 77.4, 57.0, 78.0}
2:27 PM
@ThuyNguyen  You could use Round. Like this



{46.7, 69.4, 77.4, 56.9, 78.}

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