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@Nasser How can I convert this lists into a table with 5 row and 10 columns? This is my code

In[42]:= Clear["Global`*"]
list = RandomInteger[{10, 100}, {10, 50}];
data = Table[{list[[i]]}, {i, 1, Length[list]}]
rep[s_String] := StringReplace[s, "," -> ";"];
toX[e_] := StringReplace[ToString[TeXForm[e]], {"\\frac" -> "\\dfrac"}]
fileName = FileNameJoin[{Directory[], "main.tex"}]
If[FileExistsQ[fileName], DeleteFile[fileName]];
file = OpenWrite[fileName, PageWidth -> Infinity,
1 hour later…
@BrettChampion Found the specific cause for this! Set Antialiasing to True on Option Inspector and the issue appears. Conversely, reset it and it disappears. Antialiasing option, of course, is carried over from old configuration.
(Antialiasing -> True inside Style does this too.)
7 hours later…
@minhthien_2016  do you mean your variable called "list" ?  You created it to have dimensions {10,50}.   If you want the first 5 rows and first 10 columns then you can do


myNewList = list[[1 ;; 5, 1 ;; 10]];
4 hours later…
I must say that the new percent-handling (that is, references to past evaluations, or cells) is quite convenient once one gets used to it. it's basically %123 <enter> to replace Out reference with a cell reference, and those update nicely (assuming that's the workflow one uses).

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