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5:09 PM
Here is the FEM approach
rhop = 10922; rhon = 10922; Cp = 200; Cn = 200; Lan =
1.5*10^(-3); Lap = 1.5*10^(-3); Lbn = 1.5*10^(-3); Lbp = 1.5*10^(-3);

kp = 1.8; kn = 2.2; sigmap = 1/(1.2*10^(-5)); sigman =
1/(10^(-5)); taup = 0.00027; taun = -0.000156; L =
2.325*10^(-3); ha = 10;

Tinf = 298; Th = 300; Tc = 298; A = 2.325*10^(-6); Ic = 0.5;

PDE1 = rhop*Cp*
D[Tp[x, y, z, t],
t] - (kp*(D[D[Tp[x, y, z, t], x], x] +
D[D[Tp[x, y, z, t], y], y] + D[D[Tp[x, y, z, t], z], z]) +
1/sigmap*(Ic/A)^2 - taup*Ic/A*D[Tp[x, y, z, t], x]);
{Tpsol, Tnsol} =
NDSolveValue[{PDE1 == Bc1 + Bc3 + Bc5 + Bc7,
PDE2 == Bc2 + Bc4 + Bc6 + Bc8, Tp[x, y, z, 0] == 20,
Tn[x, y, z, 0] == 20, Bc9, Bc10, Bc11, Bc12}, {Tp, Tn}, {t, 0,
10}, {x, 0, L}, {y, 0, Lap}, {z, 0, Lbp},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines", "TemporalVariable" -> t,
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement",
"MeshOptions" -> {"MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.01}}},
MaxStepSize -> 0.01]
ContourPlot[Tnsol[L/(4), y, z, 10], {y, 0, Lap}, {z, 0, Lbp},
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", PlotLegends -> Automatic]
The expected output is
2 hours later…
7:29 PM
posted on October 16, 2020 by Christian Pasquel

Blockchain was integrated into the Wolfram Language in 2018 with the release of Version 11.3, featuring a set of functions that is constantly improved and expanded upon by our team. Currently supporting a seamless connection to the Bitcoin, Ethereum, ARK and bloxberg mainnets, testnets and devnets, Wolfram introduced to the distributed ledger technology (DLT) space [...]


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