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That is the logs cleaned up with the draw knife..... I think other tools like just the axe would have worked better. At least for larger stock. My knife might just have been dull.
I used the hachet I had to shape the log a little more square. Then used my draw knife as a froe since I dont have one. I cleaned it up more with the axe into making parts for the bow saw.
Used an auger bit to make half circles in the "boards" as a recess for the cord used to tighten the saw.
Chiseled out my first mortises. Was going to make tenons but the wood was hard to cut with my saws and I didnt have a place to hold them down.
I had wanted to plane the wood to make it nicer but the wood fibers kept wrapping around the blade so it was futile.
Instead of making tenons I just used the axe again to taper the ends to fit in the mortises.
The above is obviously the end result. No power tools used.
2 hours later…
You can also see my first bench hook I threw together in some of the earlier pictures. It just a panel with some scrap

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