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@World thank you so much
That is what I am looking for so much.
3 hours later…
how are you
found it :)
fine, thanks, how are you?
I am great
I began combing through academic papers on web data extraction
it's still an unsolved problem
there are many approaches and solutions
each with advantages and disadvantages
so I began reading these papers whenever I could find time
and I hate that I have to pay like $20 CAD for a freaking 20 page pdf
almost a dollar a page
I use google to find most papers but some pdfs are just inaccessible without a credit card
Yes, and as soon as you find the interesting papers they hit you with math formulas and the big-O stuff is the most simple of it
You can find a lot of this stuff "online" for something like "free"
Do you have a usenet account?
what's usenet?
it's like a newsgroup from the 90s?
I think I've seen it before didn't know people still used it !
Yes, it was there before the internet and still is
before the internet?
We use it a lot, and there is far more than use groups
so how do I get access to it
Yes, the concept of newsgroups worked without the heavy infrastructure necessary for internet
how does it work really
You need a usenet provider
I hope I am not taking up your time
I see
The basic idea is that you put something on your providers server
And then he puts it on the server of other providers
There other people can take it
So it's more decentralized than the internet and a touch slower
so it's like tor
With many providers you can get test accounts for free
Yes and no. I don't know tor enough, but tor is somewhere between newsgoups and internet
The other option are torrents, I once got 1Gig pdf files of CS books (about 10k). Rather unsorted, but all the "big" names in it. Though more risky depending on where you live.
im totally fine with torrents lol
But just to mention that there are sources. You really don't need that at all, since there is so much free stuff anyway
how do find free usenet providers
is it really worth paying for usenet?
also if you are worried about torrents
you can use vpn
I don't know tho...sometimes they might still be keeping log
for me it is, I pay about euro 7.50/month
yes, but vpn is a lot of setup
what's it called?
usenet is better for music
OpenVPN, download config file, bam good to go
ewekea, they're in the netherlands
for music?
flac & mp3 like you get with torrents
but are they actually really doing what they claim? remember lulzsec got busted for using vpn
I'd be even more nervous about downloading mp3 from usenet
imagine all the copyright trolls
Nope, here in Germany that's ok. I can download "legaly" whatever somebody "offers". I'm just not allowed to upload or seed.
So usenet is safe for me. And the other advantage is that you get stable bandwidth from your provider. For that reason you find better quality (flac) instead of mp3 more often.
Have a look here: nzbsearch.net
That allows you to search what you could find in the usenet.
what the
full album rips
is there an anonymous usenet service
or does usenet offer some encryption
I can't believe that this is still going on
never have I knew such an old technology could provide so much more
Sorry, don't know. There are so many of them and you can access them through a VPN if you want. Some accept bitcoin or prepaid credit cards
do you know which ones accept bitcoin? wouldn't mind spending a few as I just invest in it
Somehow nobody seems to care about it, because there are not that many users.
how come everyone doesn't use this?
why did they go after megaupload but not usenet?
napster but not usenet?
No, sorry not right away.
Because those are big and loud
Too much noise. Especially Kim Dotcom the idiot can't shut up his big mout :D
Kids use it, kids don't use usenet. And kids are those who pay a lot for music.
It's just politics.
Do you know reddit?
I love reddit
well, there are usenet subreddits (and tor, and torrent...)
there you can find out more about providers that may accept various payments
I wish reddit looked like ycombinator
yes, design sucks a bit for reddit
ok, eweka.nl and cheapnews.nl offer both 10Gig free trial. Just have a look and you will see. And some of the newsgroups are quite active too, so that's another place to go and talk
thanks so much
so you just search for the title of the ACM paper
yes, I didn't use it for that kind of paper yet, so don't know how much you can actually find.
but I think chances are better, since it's used less by kids
But as I said, there is a lot of free material if you want to learn.
yeah I would really like the ability to understand the math algorithms and notations
you said " they hit you with math formulas and the big-O stuff is the most simple of it" what did you mean by this
big o notation I understand
Well, start to learn about that stuff somewhere. I actually started with Khan academy.
but really some of the stuff gets super complicated, and I just giveup, can't continue reading the paper because I lack the ability to understand
Yes, you start to read over the formulas as long as you still get the text, but from some point things get "empty"
You understand less and less and then have to stop
OMG it's free to
thanks so much
I became far more fluent in the notation when I forced myself to learn latex
this single url will have profound impact on my life
Hey, that's just where we start, Khan is for kids
the notation software?
I started a Coursera course (another free resource). Never finished
But for the first week for example I wrote this wiki:
Well, for free courses: Coursera.org as mentioned, but many big universities offer free courses on everything CS related (and others). MIT OpenCourseware
I see
ocw.mit.edu maybe the most well known. Harvard and whatnot have similar sites
you've given me a mind blowing amount of new information
You're welcome :)
the amount of stuff that I can now find is staggering
coursera why did you never finish?
Got a new job and didn't have the time then.
When you start somewhere new they always have a big heap of problems
hahaha nice
So I had to work long hours and sort that out
what is your current position?
But will go back to this sooner or later.
I am an intermediate developer at a small startup
well more of an ISV
job does get in the way
I'm the web developer for a medium sized retailer for hifi and mobile products
it's 1:31 AM here and I am trying to catch up
yes, time is always the big issue.
My main goal is to learn Haskell right now
I sleep less
that was the only possible solution
hey I actually gotta run
Be careful with that, can strike back with lack of concentration
sorry to cut this conversation short but I really enjoyed talking with you
Better to be fit for 4 hours than sleepy for 8
I find that after I started to run
I started sleeping less
no prob, have to get som,e work dome too
I started eating less
cool ttyl
that's a good thing and do some sports
wish stackexchange had Private messaging function
but I'm 42 and in my 20s things where easier :)
are you on G+ ?
what is that
oh google plus
I think so but I rarely use it
do you have twitter I can follow
no, no twitter
I don't use G+ much too
do you have skype?
no, I'm quite lazy about all those social thingies
same I rarely use these things
it's too much hassle
Anyway, I'm here nearly every day
haha cool I will drop by sometime
So are others. It's a slow time right now (10:30 here in Europe) in a few hours Yanniz and others will drop in
alright I must sleep after all...I am human
3 hours later…
Alex Miller on June 11, 2013

Welcome to episode 49 of the Stack Exchange Podcast! We are welcoming special guest Matt Grum, as well as usual suspects Joel, David, and Jay.  Matt is the top rep user on Photography. He’s got 957 answers (and has never asked a question)! He’s a photographer and a developer, so his exposure to the Photography site came from his involvement with Stack Overflow

First, some site milestones! Blender is in public beta. (Matt is way more qualified to tell you what Blender is than any of the rest of us.) Also, the second attempt at a Freelancing site is successfully moving to public beta. …

2 hours later…
Hi everyone.
Hi @RetiefFourie
Anyone doing iOS development.
I only started iOS development last week and I was wondering if anyone saw the iOS 7 release conference. Wanted to hear some opinions
@RetiefFourie you may have more luck in one of the iOS chat rooms over there at StackOverflow (not that much activity here right now anyway)
Ah thanks. Pretty new to the site. I'll pop over to one of the others. Hope you guys have an awesome day!
Thanks, hope you find what you look for
@thorstenmüller Trying to learn some Haskell eh? Have you started or just thinking about it? heh
actually started. quite proud that yesterday I was able to follow this cute example in Real World Haskell where they describe how to implement foll with foldr
*foldl with foldr
Pretty soon you'll start thinking in terms of folds a lot, which kind of sucks because it's a structure for solving problems which very few people are familiar with
To some extend I'm prepared to some usage like map from Ruby
@thorstenmüller Now, implement map with fold :D
@JimmyHoffa ah that was the example before that one, that was easy (or easier than the foldl)
foldl had that mean trick with the id function and creating a series of functions
what really is a pain to me is that you can't throw out some debug messages as in Ruby or other languages
How do you figure?
the foldl example?
You can, and it's quite easy, but you probably won't know how until you get a bit further because debug messages are an IO action
do you work in ghci?
(also, do you use emacs? it's the bees knees for haskell, I never learned emacs until learning haskell)
leksah is good too if you're used to a large IDE (I've been in visual studio for over a decade so I started with leksah before migrating to emacs)
I played around with some other tutorials that were more on the output side. But just don't know yet how to put that just into any other code
I mostly use sublime
does sublime have haskell plugin stuff to run the script for you?
I used emacs once in a while but no that big fan (yet)
don't know, didn't look for a plugin. I work on linux and having open the terminal and editor on different workspces
so I really don't need to have everything in a single program
at least it has syntax highlighting for haskell
foldl1 f xs = foldr1 f $ reverse xs
but I'm sure that's not what it was asking for, you probably had to nest the elements in a stack of functions
Oh, it was an example, not an exercise. I only had to understand the code that was given there.
Hi All... I just discovered the SE chats... Sooo coool. I've long been saying IRC needs a makeover. Two questions jump to mind:
1) Why isn't SE open source so I can add word clouds and custom filters & bots and use a self-hosted offline version for our office? ... Or is there a better solution?
2) Why am I too lazy to dig for a FAQ... oh it's because I'm human and it's easier to ask than to look... but only if you're lucky :-)
3) Oh yeah... another thing I'd add: Multiple lanes per room... ie. shared "private" topic-based conversations or multiple rooms in one room...
debug messages would be like...

foldl1 f xs = foldM1 (\x -> f x >>= (\y -> print y >> y)) $ reverse xs
the only difference is that's no longer :: (a -> b -> c) -> a -> [b] -> c and now results in IO c
which is harmless once you get comfortable with monads
this was the example:
that's actually the wrong sig for my func but you get the idea
myFoldl f z xs = foldr step id xs z where step x g a = g (f a x)
the main trick was to find how it handles partially applied functions
Without parentheses it becomes a bit nasty to find this.
First thing I did was looking into the Prelude source to find what exactly! foldr would do with its input
:-) What are you guys talking about?
@Dagelf my first steps into the slightly irritating world of haskell programming
@thorstenmüller you use :t in ghci on stuff yeah?
all the time
hah slightly? Oh man, it's way more than slightly
illuminating as it is, learning it feels like getting a brick to the head
yes, I'm don't have a great mathematical background
It's like a complicated puzzle
yeah I have none as well
but the maths aren't all so necessary
It's all mathy stuff most people who study math never learn anyway
So I decided to go into this really slow, read source code and don't hurry, read several tutorials in parallel
so it wouldn't have helped if you did
learn you a haskell is the best in my eyes
it goes really slow from the ground up
RWH moves a lot faster direct to high level things
no, you don't exactly need maths, but having worked with complex formulas should maybe help with that kind of thinking
I worked with Learn you a Haskell to (and will again)
Either way, the rule of thumb LYAH gave is a great reminder to always remember to get you in the mindset for folds: Anytime you have multiple things and you only want one, you want a fold
but at some point I got lost in it, because some stuff wasn't explained very thorough
Yeah, I had the same issues, it goes slow and is very thorough but it works well if you keep going back to it
I think on the usage level for things like folds I can handle this quite well as long as it's just working through a list
it quickly becomes working through other things
I use this in ruby quite often.
but that's later on
have you gotten your head around the type system at all yet?
That's the real bread and butter of haskell, and definitely the hardest part
Just like the foldr to foldl thingy gets tricky if you don't return values but functions (that are only partially applied)
think about this then, given [+1, *2, mod 4, pow 3] how would you make fold apply those functions one after another to a value?
sorry, have to go right now. will be back in a few hours. but interisting problem, will think about it later
so you end up with ((((x+1)*2) mod 4) pow 3)
yep, later
2 hours later…
Can I get a mod to discuss a possible contest with me over in the contest chat room? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/2654/programmers-se-contest
@JimmyHoffa ok, I'm back and have somer coffee
lets see, I just tried in ghci and it's easy enough to put functions into a list.
where would I ind the pow function?
@thorstenmüller maybe pow isn't a function, I was presuming that would be for to the power of (as in an exponent)
but if not, just use some other math function
seems there is ** and ^ and ^^ for exponents
Prelude> map (\x -> x 3) [(+)1, (-) 3, mod 4, (*)8]
but that's applying them each individually. I thought you meant somethuing like foldl and getting
take that list and make each function apply in sequence to a single value
3 +1 -3 mod 4 * 8
Yeah, just showing map as an example
ok, map would have been easy
Up to you to figure out how to do it with a fold
to sequence them
i got this function in a list thing
but it's tricky to get things in the right place so it uses the function from the list
tried with a "where" defining a method that takes the params
but didn't get it right yet.
with foldl in any case the order of operastions seems to be wron way around
but just started
something like
foldl (\x f -> f x) 5 [(+)1, (-)3, (+)4, (*)2]
but result is wrong, got something mixed up
is it? :)
gives 2 should be 14
...should it?
if processed in simple order (ignoring that multiplication has higher prio)
If +4 really means mod4 then it should give 2.
not quite
@thorstenmüller you're thinking about this:

Prelude> foldl (\x f -> f x) 5 [(+)1, (flip (-))3, (+)4, (*)2]
no, i took it as i wrote it here. replaced mod 4 because that way i can handle it easier until i find how it works
what's that flip thing doing?
flip f x y = f y x
It's doing 3-6, not 6-3
i got it like this: 5+1 = 6 - 3 = 3 + 4 = 7 * 2 = 14
oh damn, yes sure
that dang subtraction not being commutative always screws everything up heh
i was looking where it went wrong exactly, because with simple rows of additions it worked
yes, that's why i first simplified a bit and removed the mod (ended up with 0 as result too often, mod is rather brutal)
only addition was too simple, because then the order doesn't matter at all
but the flip limits its usefullness
that way you would need to know what functions to expect in the list
OK, so why does it do 3-6, instead of 6-3? If the explanation is anything other than "it's defined that way".
is it? if i have a function (-) x y and that should calculate x-y then partially apply 3 for x, i get a function that returns 3 - y
that's what happens in (\x f -> f x) foldl gives it the (-)3 function and the value (say 10). it calls (-) 3 10 and returns the result. anything more complicated than that?
No, it's just if you think of the list as a sequence of operations to be performed on the seed value, you naively expect "-" to subtract the number from the running total. It's just that - as commonly used doesn't take the running sum as the first argument, which would be nicer here, if such an operator were in common use.
yes, i hadn't analyzed the problem that far. was looking in the wrong direction first, thought maybe the whole list is applyed the wrong way around. that for i started to reduce further. would have found that sooner or later. but good to know of this kind of trap.
Good for me to remember that partial application starts by applying the first argument - not the one you thought in your head would be appropriate.
can a program get this info at runtime?
so you could wrie something that would make sure to use flip where necessary?
How would it know what you intended - if it's different than the normal functionality? You could easily define a flipped version of subtract, though.
is there a way to partially apply on a specific function param?
like (-) _ 3 instead of (-) 3 _
funny, Prelude defines subtract for flip (-)
Good question. Bear in mind I'm probably a bit behind you in Haskel knowledge.
can't be much :) I'm not that far yet
for anything with two params you can use flip and go oin from there. would be easy enough to define something similar to flip for functions with more than two params
@psr You can (+)-3 instead
but yeah, when dealing with infix functions you always have to be mindful of the actual parameter order is left to right
so (-)3 is 3- and /3 is 3/
@thorstenmüller so have you gotten to data types yet?
yes, sure. that's quite early in most tutorials, since at least basic understanding is necessary for everything slightly more complex like pattern matching.
@thorstenmüller Really? I found it all quite confusing to get my head around how to create useful data types with type classes and such
1 hour later…
Don't know why this is getting so many upvotes; it doesn't explain anything. This isn't a fashion contest; use your votes wisely, people. — Robert Harvey 2 hours ago
Q: The association bonus should not enable users to vote on every site

Mad ScientistThe number of upvotes for a question is a flawed measure of question quality, one particular issue is that the amount of exposure a question gets matters a lot. Questions that were linked in the hot questions list tend to get an enormous amount of votes, much more than any questions gets organica...

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