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@Bob I haven't used F# for anything significant or practical at all, but I know it a touch and am altogether a big fan of MLs
@Bob It's great for a variety of things; but as a whole it can do everything C# can do; and better, cleaner, with less code
fparsec and type providers are two things worth looking at to see some of the really handy things folks have built in it
or rather, handy things you can use it for
I haven't done anything spectacular with it, just a couple simple utilities
to help in my general work. I've been using the linq 2 sql type provider lately to help get my ORM spun up during development much quicker and easier and more flexible than what I get out of the generated DBMLs in C#
would have saved me some time if I used them longer; after I switched to DBMLs I had a couple bugs I had to debug that were just me forgetting to update the DBML from the schema
3 hours later…
8 hours later…
Hey guys... I am reviewing a Best Practices document for Functional Requirements for my new job...
This organization has some serious past failures with SD projects so we are trying to formalize the Common Misconceptions that have permeated the organization about Software Developer in general
I want to make sure that I got everything so if you have any feedback or anything you would like to add then please share
> The programmers work in the industry, so they understand the details of the client’s daily business processes
> The programmers are the ones who will build the application; they are best suited to gather requirements.
> Once the functional specification has been given to the programmers, they are now the owners of this project
> Once the functional specification is approved, the analyst’s involvement in the project is over.
> An Agile development process means I don’t have to write a functional specification. Technical implementation is the most important piece and requirements aren’t strictly necessary to build an application
This is what I have so far based on our post mortem on the disaster projects of the past
The in house business analysts are of extremely poor quality and extraordinarily lazy so I am skeptical this can ever get better without cleaning house, but the directors NEED to read this
It all starts with them
@maple_shaft whenever I read such stuff I'm very happy to work in a rather small company.
@thorstenmüller I tried that... it didn't work out for me
I have a feeling that they are at a point where they finally accepted that what they have been doing for years just isn't working
they are desperate for anybody to stand up and at least TRY to lead them in the right direction
Yes, I know that situation. Had it when we took over projects from customers that were total failures. Where I work now, I basically took over the whole web site and refactored it step by step. Just it's not that many people, so if something doesn't work I don't write papers but get to the people directly.
I think you get one thing wrong here: You concentrate too much on the failure part and the problems, plus it sounds a bit cynical. Replace every sentence with the solution to this problem would work better maybe.
@thorstenmüller ty
@thorstenmüller There are long explanations for each of the Misconceptions, I paraphrased for chat
The author is a very jaded and cynical person, he asked me to be the reviewer because I am more level headed and better with language
The document is in the second person... too accusatory. Analysts will read:
> bla bla bla YOU bla bla bla FAILURE
it is better to have
> bla bla bla ONE MIGHT bla bla bla INCREASE RISK
Don't know if this is relevant to your situation, but in some cases I found that the underlying problem isn't the software side, but the business processes are already wrong. Example: We have tons of status flags on our products (in stock, can be ordered, show on web site, etc). I got a phone call at least once a week like: Why isn't that on the web site yet?
just to tell them that combination of flag A together with flag B prevents this. So last time they wanted to add another flag I told them to go and straighten that dumb system to a level where they can understand what will happen if they click something. (plus remove all those flags that where more or less textual information.) They use our ERP system like a kind of notepad.
@thorstenmüller Again... this is the core problem of having ineffective business analysts or product managers.
Management wants the straight truth, they want somebody to take charge, I have plenty of truth to give if they have ears to listen
They have the authority to put more restrictions on what the analysts pass off as a requirements document, and this will have the effect of weeding out and exposing the people who are ineffective
Interesting to note though that their is probably a direct correlation between the tenure of the analyst and the inneffectiveness of their work
Oh god, just read that question about the moronic security auditor
@SpikyBlue Ahh, one of the classics.
Though the OP was a bit of an ass about it too :L
@SpikyBlue On SecSE?
@YannisRizos tis the one
@SpikyBlue That is a legendary question
That is likely part of what made it such a 'classic' - boring things don't attract hot questions often. The OP being an ass made it less boring.
That's true
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Other legendary question
@maple_shaft Its more a legendary answer...
@maple_shaft Legendary answer
The question became legendary because of the answer alone
it was an awesome answer though
@MichaelT Meh. Not an answer really.
There's an answer at the end after the descent to madness...
Certainly a work of art, but... it doesn't answer the question.
> Have you tried using an XML parser instead?
@maple_shaft I'm the FGITW in chat today!
Fastest Gun In The West - a problem that plagues SO.
@MichaelT That's... a comment ;)
let me guess, everyone answers the same thing and its a race to see who can post it first
@YannisRizos not if its rhetorical!
Like being at work, you ask someone "Can you do X?" but what you mean is "Do X" you just phrase it as a question to be polite
@SpikyBlue Exactly... the first answer gets the upvotes and the accepted answer. So when something is asked you've got the race of the "short and not quite good answers" that show up in the question.
I doubt the HTML regex answer was the product of the FGITW...
Oh, @YannisRizos , did you see my fussing about the hot questions tab in MSO?
@MichaelT precisely why i dont answer on SO
The benefits of posting a decent answer are few and far between.
@MichaelT Link?
A: Don't let questions stick to the top of the hot questions list forever

MichaelTAt the moment, nearly every question on hot list of P.SE is a "100 year flood" question and if the dates on the last activity of the questions is any indication, will be so for quite a long time. Anyone want to make a bet when the "What should every programmer know about web development" quest...

oooh there is actually the FGITW related question in that image, im tempted to find that question and read the solutions
@SpikyBlue Thorough answers almost always "win" in the long run. FGITW is not just annoying, it's also largely pointless.
@YannisRizos what annoys me most is the swathes of people who turn up only to emphasize they are better with the "thats stupid, use X" "No use Y" type comments
or telling the op they are wrong rather than just answering the damn question!
@SpikyBlue That's the main problem with Politics.SE.
@YannisRizos i didnt expect anything but that tbh
@SpikyBlue Thats why I had my account deleted on that site. The only people that seem to matter are the most vocal people... and I think we all know the correllation between a person being vocal and their intelligence
> One idea that came out of the meeting was to improve mutex performance; Rusty Russell et al subsequently implemented fast userspace mutexes (futexes)), which are now used by both NGPT and NPTL
I initially read that as "F U Texas"
@maple_shaft btw the problem is only with us specific questions...
(I wish Yanni's comment was interwoven in mine)
@YannisRizos We are a deeply fractured society
We also have a history of being impossibly stubborn as well
like 600k people dead horrible civil war stubborn
From our own P.SE comments (closed question)...
Republican politicians in Wisconsin received death threats from union thugs today. As much as worker rights must be improved, I couldn't possibly advocate support for such mentality. — Neil Mar 10 '11 at 18:12
Very fractured and partisan.
@MichaelT The world has had 50 years of the most peaceful least war-like situation in all of human history
IMHO this is the core of the problem
What happens to a married couple that bottles up their arguments, doesn't fight anymore, and doesn't accept the financial burden of splitting up
They get bitter, resentful, fractured, unable to debate reason compromise or agree on anything
@maple_shaft They get together to protest against same gender marriage and protect its sanctity!
my point is that humanity needs to blow up in a horrible war to work out these deep issues
when its done, everybody is forced to see eye to eye and work together to rebuild
Global capitalism discourages full scale war, but maybe we NEED it for our society to work out its problems
@maple_shaft I don't think you are more fractured than any other society, it's just that... well... bickering is part of your political culture. I think that's a direct byproduct of having a two party system, every disagreement is by default an "us vs them" issue, and every attempt at working together will be seen as treason by some.
Multi party systems have other problems, but since it's a lot more common for parties to work together (or they won't achieve anything), the overall tone of political discourse is a bit more civil. And a bit less paranoid.
Old card game to hunt up if you can... Koalition. - boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/303/koalition
It tries to simulate the politics of the early EU.
Forming the consensus government - "do I join with this party to form a government? or do I not and have another round of elections and try to better my own position?"
@MichaelT I remember a friend of mind had an old board game that was based on Russian politics. players represented important political factions and they tried to gather influence and take control of policies. It was a terrible boring game but I wish I could remember what it was called
factions were like, communist party, military, KGB, orthodox church, etc...
(All the parties but one have a unique values for their politicians... the greens have duplicates. The one politician with the highest value is the speaker for the party... if the greens are tied with highest, and no speaker is decided on, everyone can go their own way)
If you like "boring" politics games...
Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting. Nomic actually refers to a large number of games based on the initial ruleset laid out by Peter Suber in his book The Paradox of Self-Amendment. (The ruleset was actually first published in Douglas Hofstadter's column Metamagical Themas in Scientific American in June 1982. The column discussed Suber's then-upcoming book, which was published some years later.) The game is in some ways...
> Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game. The primary activity of Nomic is proposing changes in the rules, debating the wisdom of changing them in that way, voting on the changes, deciding what can and cannot be done afterwards, and doing it. Even this core of the game, of course, can be changed.
@YannisRizos You mistake to believe we want things to get done; we have explicitly chosen government officials that would rather get nothing done than work together.
1) Government is a facade for wealthy and special interests
2) The status quo so greatly favors them that they are content with leaving everything just the way it is
3) Change is scary, it may mean I will lose money and power. Invest heavily in propaganda that effectively neuters the publics ability to affect change
@maple_shaft I wouldn't really call this a great idea, if the analyst says "It's approved, hands off....now!" there's a very high likelihood what the analyst just approved is half finished garbage, and when the system is implemented to spec (which during implementation will be found out to be impossible because of inconsistencies in the spec) the whole project will come to code complete, they'll look at what was implemented and be all "that is soo not what I wanted"
@JimmyHoffa Right... requirements documents should be a living breathing thing
Personally I'm a much bigger fan of consistent analyst colaboration throughout the implementation process
Yes, exactly, so I'm a little perplexed by the waterfall like parts of the doc
@JimmyHoffa Me too but this organization is so far off base that we need to gradually get there
The "hands off" is likely an attempt to fend off scope creep.
scope creep is a PM concern as far as I am considered
"Oh... we didn't think of that... so how about doing this, that, and another thing in addition to that first thing to make it all work"
@MichaelT yeah I figure so, but when the initial scope is a broken half-smattered emesis of hair, you kind of want it to creep a little..
@maple_shaft scope creep is everyones problem though :/
@MichaelT The point I am making is that whether it comes out now or later, the user wants what the user wants
the requirements document should reflect all of that
The scope and what creeps into an iteration is another matter entirely
@maple_shaft gradually... If you're looking to start cementing things in writing etc now, then don't put in things you'll want to change later; you'll be booby trapping yourself
you can advocate for that stuff, just I wouldn't put it in any part of your documented guidelines or process
@JimmyHoffa Good point... I have one shot at this... which is more than most people get in a dysfunctional corporation
and then later advocate the opposite, just be careful about how strongly you push certain things if you don't want them to be the constant.
It is best to get my ideal scenario on paper and then negotiate to a realistic position
Aye, iduno, it's one of those things you gotta be careful about, too much shock and awe will put the blinders on them
Just make sure that every step is a step forward.
@MichaelT and that forward to them is the same as forward to you!
you guys want some humor... here is some existing requirements pulled from actual documents
> I envision…
oh dear, please no! ive seen more than my fair share of stupid today
> Make it look and function like Facebook
What I've often done is advocated small neutral but purposeful things one by one over time... start with informal frequent short code reviews, it drives product investment and team ownership while seeming totally neutral and obvious; takes 10 minutes every day or two of 2 engineers to sit down and talk through what one of them wrote that day
things like that. simple stuff that has a side effect you want
hahaha, that requirement is awesome.
> The search feature will function just like Google
> The new application will function exactly like the legacy application.
I am not sh____ you guys... these are actual requirements
that is awesome
@maple_shaft i estimate 2 days
> The system must be completed next Tuesday
@SpikyBlue then have it done by lunch today
@maple_shaft shit, that is not really in a doc is it?
most of the work already done, just throw it over some api's, (doesnt matter if illegal, there was no legal requirement in the spec)
@JimmyHoffa fraid so
@maple_shaft what is their legacy app? 0.o
@maple_shaft are you sure this lateral move wasn't better than just, you know, finding a company that knows what they're doing where you can actually be happy and not have to fight tooth and nail for what's right? I joined one at the beginning of march, and I've been the happiest I've been in years.
@maple_shaft Gah! Too much of that with the register I'm working on..
@SpikyBlue MySpace
Fortunately, the legacy system has been completely replaced and so now the business can't say "Just like the old one" because they can't tell me how the old one works anymore.
(not that they could in the first place)
@JimmyHoffa No I am not sure... but this is good as it gets for this shitty town
if not this place then I would have to move
@JimmyHoffa Id like to see a mash up between my space, facebook and instagram called InstagramMyFace
@maple_shaft one of the reasons I got the eff out of there and came home to denver
I envision legacygoospacebookplus... by last Tuesday.
i have a baby on the way and I don't want him/her to grow up without grandparents
and the job pays well
@maple_shaft Congratulations!
@JimmyHoffa ty!
@maple_shaft so if you quit they kill you!?! harsh contract...
I have a meeting to go to
@SpikyBlue no, apparently they'll kill his grandparents
later guys
have fun with FacePlusGoogleBook
why do companies offer share purchase plans, i cant figure out how it helps them
@SpikyBlue it gives them liquidity; you have to hold the shares for X period, which means they get to hold your money for that period, and thus they have more cash on hand to fund projects
you're buying stock from the company, not from another shareholder when you do that so it is new and novel stock
and new and novel cash income for the company
Sometimes they are required to - publicly traded companies often have to act openly when it comes to stocks.
but then the company gets less and less stock slowly losing control of it
when you sell the stock they keep your money, somebody new just buys the stock from you (some stock purchase plans work where the company will buy it back from you)
and then they have to make more stock to keep up, which dilutes the current pool
@SpikyBlue a company doesn't have a fixed amount of stock, the stock is representative of the company's overall financial power. They buy stock back from the market when they think it's getting diluted
If the company believes that its stock is undervalued, it may do a buy-back... which it can then later resell when it meets the valuation that it has for itself.
but then they buy the stock back, increase its price, then sell it in to its employees, and dilute the shares again
@SpikyBlue and profit by doing so
oh yeah i sort of answered that myself
cheers guys
that can count as my economics class, will put that on my resume
take it easy, time for me to actually start putting code to IDE this morning. While it snows outside. :|
morning? almost home time for me
@JimmyHoffa We had 70 F weather this weekend, just a bit north they are talking about 6-9" of snow tonight.
@MichaelT It was 75 here fri-mon, I was grilling out, then yesterday dropped to 50 and this morning there's 6" of snow on the ground
gah, my british mind is confused by this talk of temperature in F
...I think...
F is a very useful range when talking about human comfort. 0 is very cold, 100 is very hot.
@SpikyBlue I thought British people did high temperatures in F and low temperatures in C.
That's what Stephen Fry said on QI.
hehe gotcha, i myself prefer Kelvin Scale :P

@TRiG i do everything in C
everyone i know does everything in C
@TRiG Stephen Fry is never wrong.
technically its only the weather reporters that seem to change
...looks like I can...
everyone else uses C :L
@SpikyBlue I do everything in C, but I'm Irish.
@TRiG oh dear, im sorry
@JimmyHoffa No you can't. Maybe you tried, but if so my brain must have blanked it out.
I was remarkably accurate! I just looked, 75f is 23c
@TRiG time to use that mythical mod power of editing someone's chat message to troll them?
@MichaelT can we do that??
mod - not owner.
@MichaelT No idea what you're talking about.
@MichaelT he gets mod powers just for sounding like Trigonometry?! i need a math sounding name
A: When a chat post is edited by another user, it incorrectly shows the editor as the author

ManishearthAnother thing that it does is make it hard (no message reply button) to reply to the chat message that you've edited, while the original owner can. Ditto for starring; the original owner can star it but you can't. Basically, when you edit a message, the system treats it as yours to some degree. ...

> To troll users who don't know about the fact that we can edit messages
@MichaelT i bet you cant and its all just a ruse, to scare people into behaving!
@SpikyBlue My name predates my knowledge of trig.
Challenge accepted.
@SpikyBlue If I had those powers, I'd start by capitalising that I.
@TRiG well i'm lazy with my capitalisation
damn, i just got owned
by barney stintson apparently
@MichaelT have you been learning clojure lately?
Haven't had too much time beyond doing the first 10 Euler problems a bit ago.
I still poke at it from time to time though...
Ah, then if I continue fiddling with it I'll have to bother you when I have questions
@MichaelT hah i forgot about those
Have you written any macros yet?
@SpikyBlue Click on the pencil icon beside an edited message and it gives you the full history, including the names of all editors.
@TRiG thanks
> Timothy Richard Green
by the way
Ahh that makes sense now
@TRiG You're going off on a tangent now...
well atleast you didnt go dorky with TRiGr to sound " leet and gun like"
@MichaelT badum tsch
@SpikyBlue Is it a bad sine that math puns are showing up here?
@MichaelT no need to be obtuse, all jokes are welcome here!
@SpikyBlue Gun-like is not good. And I don't think I knew what leet was either when I came up with that. I was about 10 and never online.
(gah, should hunt up one of the alt.sysadmin.recovery math pun threads and link it...)
@SpikyBlue All jokes are equal, but math jokes are more equilateral than others.
Either that, or one of the AU / NZ sheep threads...
Hmm, if i did my name the way TRiG does id just be RhWh :(
And I can't believe I just wrote the American math instead of the proper maths. It's just wrong, but somehow it sounds better in that sentence.
@TRiG now i cant help but read everything you say in an irish accent :/
@TRiG Which is likely exactly why Americans say it that way.
@SpikyBlue I don't even have an Irish accent.
@TRiG my brain doesnt care,
> I'm Irish, of English parents, and was brought up on BBC Radio 4. I have an odd hybrid accent. I'm often asked how long I've been living in Ireland; people don't believe me when I say I was born here.
From my EL&U profile.
I mean, there's no L'academie of English (fortunately).
ahh the ELU
yay for once i finally had an answer for something on Programmers
@MichaelT Well, it's short for mathematics, so math is clearly wrong, but somehow the American form works better for the adjectival use (at least in my head).
math is short for math, because it's already plenty bloody long
@TRiG is there an ELU question about math vs maths as an adjective yet?
@SpikyBlue *Laffs
I don't see one yet, but I've not scanned all 78 results yet.
maths is:question closed:no has only 58 results, mind you. I'll scan that instead.
ive never been sure what questions are on topic on programmers
@SpikyBlue Me neither.
eyyy @YannisRizos is back,
im sure you just stalk me places yannis
@YannisRizos Should just close them all and let people reopen them.
That could work.
@YannisRizos Yannis should delete them all and if they are good enough people will reask them
@TRiG From one of those - found this link which shows the usage of 'math' and 'maths' in books (the google book scanning thing) since 1700 - books.google.com/ngrams/…
@MichaelT Bloody Americans.
Apparently math is older, which is strange.
@TRiG i cant hear the word bloody without thinking of stereotypical british accents
Still, physics retains its apparent plurality in both dialects.
@TRiG I should point out that 1700 is before the Americans bloodied the nose of the British.
@MichaelT I love how we will never let them forget. It's just silly at this point, but we still can't drop it
@MichaelT Yeah. The history presented in that answer is quite surprising.
@MichaelT (With help from the French, of course. They tried to help the Irish too, at one point, but failed miserably.)
I'd have to dig a bit, but I recall in a linguistics class that I took that American English preserves some aspects of 1700 English that has since mutated in the British form.
@MichaelT Oh, quite a bit, actually. Especially some of the more rural dialects of American English.
you guys lost me now :/
@MichaelT I was told the same in high school our shakespeare teacher said our current accents are more in line with the accent of shakespearean times than brits are because one of the queens had a big move to get people to speak properly and defined appropriate ways of saying things and such; apparently the movement was picked up in the north east too which is part of the reason for brooklyn accents and such
@TRiG Ahh... the french... remember that old googlebomb of "French Military Victories" -> "Did you mean french military defeats?" albinoblacksheep.com/text/france.html
programming, check, maths, check, space and science, check, but language? snores
@MichaelT that is hilarious.
@TRiG We also got the rhotic 'r'... unless you are in Boston or parts of the south.
English pronunciation can be divided into two main accent groups: a rhotic (, sometimes ) speaker pronounces a rhotic consonant in words like hard and butter; a non-rhotic speaker does not. That is, rhotic speakers pronounce (English R) in nearly all positions of a word, while non-rhotic speakers pronounce only if it is followed by a vowel sound in the same phrase or prosodic unit (see "linking and intrusive R"). Therefore, when pronounced by a non-rhotic speaker, the word butter would sound like butta to a rhotic speaker. Non-rhoticity is featured in many accents in England (including ...
essentially, we talk like pirates.
@MichaelT Yeah. The rhotic r is a feature of Irish speech (and much British speech; and American). I don't have it.
Oddly, in the UK, non-rhotic accents are posher; in New York, I'm told, it's the opposite.
Wake me up when the english is done :D
The US map of where the non-rhotic R
Q: What is the factual basis for "pirate speech"? (Did pirates really say things like "shiver me timbers"?)

deleteThe "pirate speech" we hear/see/read at, for example, the website Talk Like A Pirate Day consists of a rhotic dialect characterized by phrases like "shiver me timbers," "ooh arh me hearties," and so on and so on. What is its basis in fact?

And for comparison, the modern England map
@MichaelT So the US map marks the rhotic sections, and the English map marks the non-rhotic sections?
@TRiG Yep. Gotta love wikipedia.
It's supposed to be a Bristol accent. Which leads to the joke: Q -Why do people from Bristol sound like pirates? A- because they aaaaarrrrrrr! — Wudang Jul 10 '12 at 12:09
I have family in Bedford, Chatham, Brighton, and London, and I can assure you that none of those places are rhotic.
I'm surprised the north-east isn't, mind you.
Worked with a British tech writer... "ca pak" rather than "car park"
@TRiG My boss is irish, it took me a solid while to realize whenever he was talking about the "Esjior" he was actually saying SGR, he just has an oar instead of an are in his alphabet.
@MichaelT Of course. That's how I'd say it too.
@JimmyHoffa Is he from Dublin? That's a Dublin distinctive, in my experience.
The rest of the country says are, but Dubs say or.
@JimmyHoffa we have people from france, ireland, italy, spain and form various offshore countries in the office, communication is entertaining, so, many, accents
That would be interesting
@SpikyBlue Donegall and Cork have interesting (by which I mean impenetrable) accents.
strangely the most difficult person to understand is the one with a cockney english accent
I live in Colorado, or, the land without an accent.
@SpikyBlue Real Cockney? Cool.
@JimmyHoffa thats more often said of the midwest, but Colorado is still rather accentless... though technically, everywhere there's an accent. The "northern cities" accent is where I am now... which oddly is moving in a different linguistic direction than Canadian (though it borders it).
Wisconsin definitely has an accent, Chicago accent is fun, with there ah from bag as an eh
Wisconsin has at least two accents in it - the vowel shift is at different stages in different areas.
The Northern cities vowel shift is a chain shift in the sounds of some vowels in the dialect region of American English known as the Inland North. Geography The name of the shift comes from the region where it occurs, a broad swath of the United States around the Great Lakes, beginning some west of Albany and extending west through Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Madison, and north to Green Bay; the shift also affects a corridor of cities along Interstate 55 southwest of Chicago as far as St. Louis. William Labov, a linguist at the University of Penns...
@JimmyHoffa As a general rule, no one can detect their own accent.
This chat is definately more active than the work place...
@TRiG And no one can detect mine, because I don't have one!
@SpikyBlue The busiest chat room I'm usually in is EL&U; though the Christianity chat can sometimes be very busy indeed (and then can go to sleep for a week, depending on what's happening).
@TRiG really? i wouldnt have thought ELU atall
why dont comments have downvotes :/
@TRiG I come from the pink area of that England map. This becomes clearer after I've had a beer and I start to sound like Captain Peg-Leg :-/
@SpikyBlue Because any comment that would be downvote worthy, is also remove worthy.
@YannisRizos hmmm i suppose
then why isnt it the same with answers?
@SpikyBlue Because answers aren't comments?
surely any answer downvote worthy is also remove worthy
@SpikyBlue Hm? No, not really.
Comments are second class citizens of SE. Questions and answers are first.
@MichaelT ah ok thanks
makes sense now :D
You could nuke all the comments on the site (don't tempt Yannis), and it would still be 99% useful and navigable.
@MichaelT i was once told that comments werent meant to be permanent anyway
@MichaelT that site with the north american accent map is cool. It says basically nothing at all about colorado; because as I said, no accent
If an answer attempts to answer the question, there's no reason to delete it, however horribly wrong it might be. Comments on the other hand are only supposed to be about improving the post. If they've outlived their purpose (or never served their purpose in the first place) they should go.
@YannisRizos Thankyou! your support is the kind i needed on my meta post :/
@SpikyBlue What Meta post?
Q: What do we do about Answers being given in Comments?

SpikyBlueRecently we seem to be facing a larger than usual epidemic of users posting comments that are essentially short answers, or semi-answers. These comments add nothing to the posts and I feel we should be doing something about them, mainly because comments are supposed to be used 'For adding value...

@JimmyHoffa Not densely enough populated to get a good sampling... and the guy with the goats who lives in the mountains throws it off with his gibbering.
@MichaelT though his pittsburgh accent youtube samples are quite lacking, local yinzers have a much stronger accent then the people he chose
@MichaelT which one? There are a lot of crazy goat herders in the mountains here; that's no lie.
The consensus was that its fine to post comments that were just answers :/ when thats not what comments are supposed to be atall, they are supposed to (as you say) provide improvements to the post
(reference for the goat guy... I got it kind of wrong... it was utah articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/25/nation/… )
@JimmyHoffa ever see the "50 states redone for equal population"?
@SpikyBlue Oh, The Workplace. I don't care.
@YannisRizos ¬_¬
@YannisRizos heey i induldge your politics talk :P
@MichaelT i thought that said 50 shades of equal population...
@SpikyBlue Nothing wrong with the site, just don't have time for it anymore. Programmers, Politics and History take up all my SE time.
Colorado accent samples - aschmann.net/AmEng/#Au_Colorado
@YannisRizos sometimes all three on the same site :)
@YannisRizos still, could have atleast pretended to give a damn :P
@SpikyBlue 50 shades of purple - the new eroti-poilitic book.
@MichaelT Pol-erotics
@GrahamLee Heh, true, and it's a bit scary how often that happens.
@MichaelT colorado lack of accents you mean
@TRiG now I really want to dig up the info on purposeful language changing movements that happened to english long back, would a question like that be appropriate for ELU? I remember seeing bits of a documentary on tv years ago about some movement that was adopted in the northeast and resulted in the brooklyn accent and a couple other places up there, and also of a movement long ago that changed the british accent at the behest of some queen
@JimmyHoffa /me does a O_o at "the British accent"
@GrahamLee I suppose english accent is what I meant
there isn't just one of them either :)
not to be confused with the american english accent
@GrahamLee Aye, but I don't remember the details of the movement to know which it effected
if you've got ten minutes to kill, here's an overview: youtube.com/watch?v=Gu9q_vedO7w
I'll definitely give that a look in a while, I always try to figure out where they're from in tv and such.
It's funny because my wife and I watch a hand full of brit tv/movies since we use netflix/hulu, but about 70% of the time when we try watching something with brits she cannot decipher a single word they're saying; I've learned to recognize a london accent just because it's one of the ones she can actually understand
For some reason when I go to the US (usually CA) I get asked if I'm Australian O_O
"yeah, and when did you move here from South Africa?"
weloveaccents.co.uk <-- I got the london, southwestern corner (whatever that's called) and scottish ones right. The southwestern one I recognized because those are the ones my wife has the easiest time understanding
@JimmyHoffa The history of the language is certainly on topic at EL&U.
@SpikyBlue EL&U chat is busy, but rarely on topic.
@YannisRizos no correct answer == NARQ? Or is that a different close reason? I always have trouble figuring out which close reason lines up with questions
@JimmyHoffa "no correct answer" could be anything. NARQ is usually too broad, or too vague (or both). NC is usually a rant, or anything that can only be discussed but not answered.
Ah so no correct answer would be more NC.. Oops. Well this Q is NC then:
Q: How do I call a folder which contains 3rd-party scripts or modules?

exiztFor example, I have a /js/ folder that contains Javascript files which are used by my webpage. Inside it, I create a folder /foo/, which contains JS files that are used by my webpage and/or my scripts, but were not made by me (e.g. jQuery plugins, 3rd-party helper functions). What's the best name...

It's like asking "What is the conventional name for the root of all your branches in source control?" Someone would say root, someone would say main, someone would say head, @MichaelT would say olio, and nobody would be wrong.
This is cool, I wish it weren't long dead though homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/stg/research/Psharp
@JimmyHoffa I went with NARQ with the retorical aspect, though NC is quite good too... too bad I can't split my votes.
@JimmyHoffa I'm not joking either - a link to it xmarks.com/site/now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/olio/…
@MichaelT I didn't think you were joking, geek filled companies often have people doing all kinds of odd things in places where it's harmless enough; we love to exploit what we can get away with using unexpected inputs, even if arbitrary ones
We wanted something that meant "mixed" without having any negative connotation of "misc"... and we already had a "misc" directory there.
Yeah, there's a few words that I cannot stand being anywhere near source code, utility, common, core, framework, misc, I have never seen a bit of code decorated in any of those words that didn't violate SRP
@JimmyHoffa AbstractFactoryBuilderParserManagerControllerBean.java
afternoon all
any z/OS types around?
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