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@WorldEngineer what was the presentation?
@JimmyHoffa describing work done so far on my OS project
which I discussed with ya earlier
I am going to be offline next 2-3 weeks. Take care guys
13 hours ago, by GlenH7
I wonder how easy it will be to game the quality score. Crap questions could / would potentially still get there if the txtspk and poor grammar are fixed. OTOH, at least I'll be able to clearly see that it's a crap question. And I may be presuming too much of those-who-ask-crap-questions.
looks like it's very easy. Repeating same sentence 3 times seems to do the trick...
Q: Need a script Add Products with images using cron job in Magento 1.7

CodePlayerThis is a cron job scripts which works fine.I need to have a script to add product.What can be best possible way to add and update product using cronjob This is a cron job scripts which works fine.I need to have a script to add product.What can be best possible way to add and update product...

compressing the question title and text (without code) and estimation of compression ratio would likely catch tricks like that but oh well
at least blatant text repetition makes it easier for reviewers to catch the crap
6 hours later…
public synchronized Usercredential getUserCredential(long uid, long hid, long cid) throws VSException {
ArrayList<Usercredential> userCredentials = UserCredentialHelper.getInstance().getUserCredentialForUser( uid );
Usercredential userCredential = null;

for (Usercredential cred : userCredentials) {
if (cred.getHealthsystem().getHealthsystemid() == hid &&
cred.getCredential().getCredentialid() == cid) {
userCredential = cred;
return userCredential;
I hate crap like this
the break and the return?
Why not just return out of the loop...
They write a method that queries for an enormous list of objects from the ORM
But just want one.
then they filter it down to one in application code
query can fetch more efficiently
And less painful to the network.
At first glance you look at this and think Ahh... easily refactorable!
but wait
O_o wtf?
btw, you do know about the fixed font trick for chat?
that implies to me that somewhere in the dank cesspool that is this codebase is some potentially unsafe multi-threaded code
meaning, f___, I can't refactor this now, don't have enough time to assure I didn't break anything
@MichaelT Teach me oh wise sage
Simple cut and paste...
int foo() {
But right next to the 'upload...' button appears a fixed font button...
int foo() {
Same indenting thing for code on the main site - a couple of spaces. But its easier to use when doing cut and paste than adding the spaces manually.
	public synchronized Usercredential getUserCredential(long uid, long hid, long cid) throws VSException {
		ArrayList<Usercredential> userCredentials = UserCredentialHelper.getInstance().getUserCredentialForUser( uid );
		Usercredential userCredential = null;

		for (Usercredential cred : userCredentials) {
			if (cred.getHealthsystem().getHealthsystemid() == hid &&
					cred.getCredential().getCredentialid() == cid) {
				userCredential = cred;
		return userCredential;
@MichaelT I never noticed that before
No problem.. I've been reading up on various other SE hidden tricks... like clicking the time next to last updated in a question (upper right side) links to the spot in the page that was updated.
I often have to sort things by activity to see the new answers in the big question... don't need to anymore.
Anyway look how quickly and efficiently and easily I rewrote this
	public Usercredential getUserCredentialForUserHealthSystemAndCredential(
			long userId, long healthSystemId, long credentialId) throws VSException {
		Usercredential retValue = null;
		Session session = null;
		try {
			session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
			String qry = "from Usercredential as uc inner join uc.healthsystem as h inner join " +
					"uc.users as u inner join uc.credential as c where h.healthsystemid = :healthSystemId " +
This is about as clean as the code gets with this legacy app
clean legacy code tends to be an oxymoron. Or at least, you never hear about it because people don't complain about it.
@MichaelT I try
As much as I complain about maintaining crap code... I kinda like it
When I work on a clean well maintained code base I get bored. Its like playing a video game on Easy mode
For me? Crank that sh__ up to Diabolical and lets crack some skulls :-)
I hope to bore many people, though given the {insert adjective here} "deadlines" and "goals", things often become too interesting when you come back later.
The interview puzzle questions where its a math problem in disguise... this was the one we migrated..
Q: Faulty machine problem variation

NikI don't know if this problem is known by any other name. The classic problem is: We have 10 machines that produce balls, each weighing 10grams. One of the machines, however, produces balls weighing 9 gramms only. We are allowed only one weighing and need to determine which machine is faulty. The...

This is what they already have on Math.SE
Q: Gold Coins and a Balance

JaredSuppose we know that exactly $1$ of $n$ gold coins is counterfeit, and weighs slightly less than the rest. The maximum number of weighings on a balance needed to identify the counterfeit coin can be shown to be $f(n)=\lceil \log_3(n) \rceil.$ Now let $n\ge 3$, and suppose we don't know whether ...

Q: paper punch puzzle

motl737I was told this lovely puzzle recently which I thought people here might enjoy. Consider a paper punch that can be centered at any point of the plane and that, when operated, removes from the plane precisely those points whose distance from the center is irrational. How many punches are needed ...

(and 447 more 'puzzle' tagged questions)...
It seems like a place where they welcome such interview question like puzzles.
Math is boring. Puzzles turn Math into a game. I get it
@maple_shaft I have recently realized, math actually isn't boring... I've been pondering just starting to study it on my own, don't know why I always had it in my head you couldn't learn it outside of classes when I've learned no programming inside of them..
@JimmyHoffa It is difficult to learn outside of a classroom because every new thing builds on the mastery of several other concepts
The "problem" with academic math especially (and this extends some into academic CS) is that it is boring. There aren't any "real" problems. Working on project Euler, I learned a fair bit of math I should have in college.
@maple_shaft how is that different from programming?
@JimmyHoffa Good point... you kinda just blew my mind there :-)
Goodness gracious... these Indian contractors who worked on this before me... its like they took an enormous dump into the code base
I am sure that incompetence like this can't possibly exist
mod powers for the win
@maple_shaft snort We had to deal with the "center of excellence"... which was anything but in this code base. Well, 'butt' maybe.
this had to have been malicious revenge against my boss
@maple_shaft did he deserve it? Do I even need to ask that question?
I don't completely attribute it to incompetence... though that is part of it. Its also caring about the code. If you are hired to write as much code as you can in 3 months and then you'll never ever ever see it again... why write good code?
@MichaelT Because you are being paid to write good code?
thats the way I always saw it
No, you are paid to write code that does what the customer asked to within the time frame asked. And you likely have LOC metrics with your company for how much you get paid.
And you'll never see it again, and whats more, you'll probably get a higher paying job when you leave this contracting company in 3 months after this contract is up.
@MichaelT I recognize that nobody in the chain of command ever cares about code quality in places like that, but to answer your question "why write good code", simply because I would feel personally bad if I didn't at least try
The average Indian program contractor stays at a single company for 3 to 9 months. Then you hit the salary cap at that place (very hard to get promotions), so you leave and get a new job with a new salary cap.
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who puts their names in the friggin codebase?
@JimmyHoffa I would too... but thats not what you're paid to do. You are paid $0.25 / line of code checked in or something like that.
There's a lot to be said for taking pride in your work, I don't know how people stand not doing so; 33% of your waking life and you're wasting it otherwise. I'd get terribly depressed if that were the case, hell I have been from places that demanded poor quality.
@MichaelT holy crap really? Because I can write a lot of lines of code in an hour... that might be very lucrative...
That was using US wages... Indian wages are a 'bit' lower.
There are places that will pay you $0.05 for writing politically biased posts in message boards
per post
Somehow that seems less damaging to society
@maple_shaft Someone who doesn't work with source code control... its 'blame' right in there.
Hmmm ... is the | vertical bar character illegal in a URL?
I don't believe so...
I'm not sure any characters are illegal in a URL...
some just have special meaning
you know what I mean
      reserved    = gen-delims / sub-delims

      gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"

      sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
                  / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
It isn't reserved.
Reserved... thats the word I was looking for... my brain haz the dumbz today
On the bright side it won't be much longer
And then here's the bit on the query string
I must have missed something; why was this question deleted? programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/195488/…
@GlenH7 dual post?
Q: SOA - The four tenets

Kim SmithI'm reading about SOA and the four tenets required to make a SOA application. I have tried different sources, but the explanations are twisting. I'm searching for something that is a bit less abstract. Is my interpretation correct? The four tenets is: Services have explicit boundaries Services...

I was going to say... that was a great question
@MichaelT - yes, you nailed it. Moron me didn't bother to read the answer on the dual post that was migrated here.
The "migrated from SO" banner should have tipped me off
I'm offended that no-one on SO upvoted my answer though.... ;-)
Idea for next April Fools, announce a new .SE site... "LOL.SE". Only allow questions with below a score of 80 to be posted.
LOLZ.SE sounds better when you say it out loud
Apparently. Math.SE isn't even put off with programming puzzles...
Q: Using the digits $7,7,7,7,1$ and the operators $+,-,*,/$ to make a formula which equals $100$

FidelI know the answer is $(7+7)*(7+(1/7))$ or a more ghetto answer is $177-77$. I'm not interested in the answer, more in the problem itself. What is the name of this class of problem? Is there a repeatable process I can apply to solve it? Or is it one that requires some sort of intuition? ie. Giv...

All of the answers are in scheme.
@MichaelT Thats because 95% of all SE users across all sites are Programmers
Math for Programmers
DIY for Programmers
Wordpress for Programmers
Politics for Programmers
Ever see cooking for engineers?
Look at how the recipe is rendered at the end.
Here's a more complex one... cookingforengineers.com/recipe/33/Lemon-Bars
> 1 lb. asparagus, 1/4 cup
Imperial measurements? Ha
hardly for engineers
You didn't keep reading...
> The only ingredients needed are: 1 lb. asparagus, 1/4 cup (30 g) chopped almonds, one tablespoon (15 g) butter, salt, and pepper (and cayenne pepper, if desired)
Ahh, the 1 lb... yea... ok.
Grams should be first :-P
Alas, I don't have a gram accurate scale in my kitchen...
@MichaelT I genuinely wish all recipes came with a diagram like those
that is spectacular.
That diagram is really cool. I can't tell you how many times you read a recipe and wonder when you are supposed to throw this into the oven, or how often to stire Y or when to melt B
for those of us with absolutely no intuition in the kitchen
exactly, I'm a good cook but I can't stand following recipes because I have to look back at them every 10 seconds and read the whole thing to figure out if I'm following it right
Even better would be a recipe in a Flowchart form
Also, that asparagus sounds awesome. My wife and I make that with garlic and parmasan, going to have to convince her to try chopped almonds and cayenne next time instead..
What's magento?
One place I worked, one of the engineers put a flowchart up in the break room that showed how to get coffee, make it if it is empty, get a mug from the cabinet, return the dirty mug to the washing machine, and if the washing machine is full then how to put it away
other than an improperly spelled color
it was pretty epic
People got the clue and dishes stopped piling up in the sink
@maple_shaft At philips because they're ISO9001 they had all of these "trainings" we had to re-read every year that were basically general engineering and development process workflow stuff "Spec A should be completed and reviewed by bla and bla. The spec must be agreed upon and the review minutes must be signed and filed by participants bla bla bla", someone wrote an entire one for the making coffee as a joke
and because a lot of people wouldn't make the pot when they emptied it
3 hours later…
 * Apache Portable Runtime Utility (APU) development headers... not found

Some required software is not installed.
But don't worry, this installer will tell you how to install them.
I went and ponied up 85 bucks for a new Macbook charger. This fixed all the problems.
@JimmyHoffa Magento is an e-commerce web app
it's owned by the ebay
Right, The Ebay, as opposed to an Ebay
@MichaelT - The user name Shibboleet is still not taken.
@psr This is great news.
@psr I'm not taking it... I don't want to have to answer everyone's support calls.
@MichaelT you don't, all you do is route them to Jon Skeet, or Eric Lippert depending on the problem
What if its php?
@MichaelT Jon Skeet; he'll correct their ways. Or Scott Hanselman
Though I don't know if I'v ever seen hanselman post on SO
I'm just waiting for Knuth to post an answer that includes an invoice to be drawn against the bank of San Serif for answering the question.
@Anyone - Would it be ethical to publish a personal MS-PL licensed website to CodePlex instead of the free TFS found here tfs.visualstudio.com/en-us/pricing/information ? The code would be published warts and all. Most people wouldn't care about the website, but it might be a way for me to throw some of my highly scarce code out into the world. I apologize in advance in case this question is vague or offensive.
I would love to see Knuth go on a binge on and have 300k SO rep at age 75
@ShawnEary I don't know why it wouldn't be ethical? You own the license? You wrote it on your own time for yourself, not a company?
@JimmyHoffa Knuth doesn't have an email address
or was it a phone, I forget
@WorldEngineer you've been stalking Knuth? Bit strange, don't ya think?
@JimmyHoffa he has a website
Q: Was the algorithm for the "Hot" tab changed?

Scott ChamberlainRecently I have seen a lot of older high view count questions on the Hot tab. Was the algorithm recently changed? Before I used to see questions that had a lot of activity (many updates to Q's or A's) but may not have had a high view count. Now the list just seems to be dominated by the "super q...

this seems to bring us new "gems"...
A: What is the Best way to keep remembering Java codes and methods?

njprogrammertry to rember the logic behind every code. dont just try to memorize it. if u try to memorize ur surely going to forget it within few days.

wonder how did this answer pass the "tightened" quality filter
@gnat No one proved a change to the quality filter to make it tighter would continue to filter the exact same set of posts that the previous filter settings would... :)
Boston Relief - 130 songs for $1+
@JimmyHoffa getting a different kind of crap would be fun
I almost labelled this question
Q: Which applications are best developed in C++ over C# in today's business?

Will MarcouillerI'm only curious. I have already developed microcontroller software in C and Assembly. So, I can see an application for these languages. As for today, I'm specialized in information and process systems and even though C++ is object-oriented and offers powerful development capabilities, we mostl...

in a dupe reference from
Q: Programmer's career and Call of C++

user1056226I'm a .Net developer, mostly in C#. Now I'm working on enterprise solutions in a company and can be counted as respected. But the problem is that isn't enough for me. I'm not good in computer science and only now, when I've turned 24, begin to read SICP and other fundamental works. So, I'm reall...

but then I realized, the first one is old and bad. It has the first rep I ever gained on P.SE, now I want to see it burn
@JimmyHoffa and now your journey to the Dark Side is finally complete
cathartic destruction of my sordid past
@JimmyHoffa I did that when I became mod
nuked one of my old NCs
First flag I ever handled was a NC flag on one of my questions. Nuked.
@YannisRizos live, learn, and then close questions
If anyone's interested in taking a sneak peek into the mod tools: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/177216/…
1 hour later…
Lets see if this works (for me)...
Nope, its a client side thing. Alas.
> @Undo All labels in the mod dashboard are black, like a moderator's heart. – Yannis 3 hours ago

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