@benbrocka Let me know if you notice a burst of upvotes in your answer here or anything else out of the ordinary, the question might need protecting soon...
I'm one of the developers of Ruby (CRuby). We are working on Ruby 2.0 release (planned to release 2012/Feb).
Python has "PEP302: New Import Hooks" (2003):
This PEP proposes to add a new set of import hooks that offer better customization of the Python import mechanism. Contrary to the curren...
@BenBrocka I've shared it around, and it already got 200+ additional views in the first hour... Having the top voted answer there you'll probably be the first to notice if the thread suddenly explodes (you'll know by the rain of upvotes)...
@BenBrocka I know, my "this will bring us tons of people from reddit" detector is slightly off lately. Anyway don't worry about it, if you happen to notice lots of upvotes, take a quick look for sub par answers (comments as answers, mostly) and flag so we can protect it.
@crucifiedsoul If you are at a very early stage, you might want to check out this Coursera course: Programming Languages
...and since programming language design is more of a Computer Science concept than a software development one, Computer Science Stack Exchange might also be worth checking out.
@YannisRizos Thanks for the course link. CS.SE is focused on language grammar, automata, algorithm, data structure. I don't think there's room for different programming paradigms (why they are suitable for specific domains), DSL, language constructs, concurrency
Proposed Q&A site for proposed Q&A site for people seeking answers to questions about dating, long term relationships, love, marriage or other commitments, and everything else typically considered a "relationship".
@YannisRizos On a more abstract sense. Meta, in a non Meta way. As in literally questions about how to ask questions or questions about how to answer questions. Because soon, people from all interests will be on SE and will want to know how to effectively ask questions on the Internet and in real life.