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See How do I ask and answer homework questions? and the Open letter to students with homework problems. Stack Overflow does not accept homework dumps. The same applies to any other type of exercise or work. What is your question? — Sebastian Simon 8 secs ago
See How do I ask and answer homework questions? and the Open letter to students with homework problems. Stack Overflow does not accept homework dumps. The same applies to any other type of exercise or work. What is your question? — Sebastian Simon 19 secs ago
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This question is probably more appropriate for softwareengineering.stackexchange.commusicamante 32 secs ago
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Zero. This writeup expresses my reasons quite well. "But I need it now, I'll fail my course otherwise." There are valuable lessons to be learned in failure as well. — dratenik 12 secs ago
1 hour later…
David Gibson on December 07, 2021
How do you attract technical talent? What do developers care about when they evaluate new opportunities? We surveyed over 500 developers and the findings might surprise you.

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