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4 hours later…
8:49 AM
ps: It looks like a university homework. if so, please read softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6166/…Laci 1 min ago
2 hours later…
10:22 AM
I think this question should be posted on Software Engineering Stack Exchange instead. — Riwen 33 secs ago
3 hours later…
1:47 PM
Teresa Dietrich on June 23, 2021
We’re thrilled to be launching this new product with Google Cloud and Go.
1 hour later…
3:19 PM
A mod is likely going to close this question because it's not a fit for SO (off topic or something like that). SO questions should be more specific and code-centric, not about meta software architecture questions. There are other stack exchange sites for that, like software engineering stack exchange and the like. — user3781737 1 min ago
4:07 PM
This sounds like more of a design question and seems more suited for softwareengineering.stackexchange.com. That being said, your "GUI" or "CLI" should ideally be decoupled from what your program actually does. What I would personally do is have some sort of client/server architecture where the gui/cli clients communicate with the server and have the server handle all the dirty work. — Axe319 14 secs ago
2 hours later…
7:02 PM
This question is probably better asked on Software Engineering since it's about the implementation philosophy of a data structure rather than a specific problem about code. — TylerH 8 secs ago
Maybe this would be better suited on Software Engineering Stack ExchangeMatt 16 secs ago
7:40 PM
Maybe this would be better suited on Software Engineering Stack ExchangeMatt 39 secs ago
8:05 PM
There's a lot of value in looking at a data structure and figuring out the best way to process it. You don't want to rob yourself of that learning opportunity (softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6166/…‌​), so start by asking yourself a few questions. How is the JSON structured? Where do you see the data points you need? And then think like a UX developer. What kind of implementation would serve the user best? After you've asked yourself some of these questions, maybe you can clarify your question for others. — Andy Bonner 35 secs ago
8:45 PM
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the tour to learn how Stack Overflow works and read How to Ask on how to improve the quality of your question. Then check the help center to see what questions you can ask. Please see: Why is “Is it possible to…” a poorly worded question? (don't just change your question to "How"). Please show your attempts you have tried and the problems/error messages you get from your attempts. — Progman 23 secs ago
2 hours later…
11:03 PM
I’m stuck, without specifics, and without your applicable research, is an issue for a tutor in problem analysis or specification. It’s not focused enough for Stack Overflow. — Prune 26 secs ago

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