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$scope.loginWithFacebook = function () { $http.get("colourssoftware.com/users/facebook") .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }); }; — srivalli venigalla 11 secs ago
2 hours later…
This is Offtopic on SO, try softwarerecs.stackexchange.com instead — Ocaso Protal 59 secs ago
2 hours later…
Good morning
3 hours later…
Is that how you work?
That's how I feel when I'm working sometimes.
That's how I worked when the boss was making his rounds.
Something about people sitting quietly and thinking seemed off to him.
Well, I'm exaggerating. The "boss" I'm talking about never actually came around my office. Though, he was known for focusing more on appearance of productivity than productivity itself.
1 hour later…
you have to move this question to [link]softwareengineering.stackexchange.com [link] only non opinion based and questions based on experience are allowed in stackoverflow — harsha kumar Reddy just now
@overexchange some questions you should clarify before this is even close to being scoped. What type of software? What language? How many deployment environments? What are the deployment environments? What type of team? Is it intended to be extensible once deployed (aka scripting)? How will it be deployed? etc. These are just some of the questions which are all part of your question that make the answer broad. There are many others too, these are the ones I thought of immediately. — enderland 1 min ago
Asking for recommendations for software is off-topic for Stack Overflow. You can ask for recommendations on [softwarerec.se]. — the Tin Man 30 secs ago
You might take a look at this KDNuggets post on the topic. — G5W 11 secs ago
You might take a look at this KDNuggets post on the topic and at this Poll of usersG5W 59 secs ago
Hi everyone. I need some advice on how to prepare myself for an upcoming project. Can I ask about that here in the chat? Should I create a new room for my question?
You can ask about that here.
Thanks. My situation is this. I've been working as a developer for 10 months now (it's my first job). It's a small company, 25 employees (we were 15 when I started). I've been in 3 projects so far: One with a senior dev, a semisenior dev, another junior and a QA for a local client; one with a semisenior dev for a client abroad (US client, I live in Argentina); and a project for my boss's father's company where I was the only dev, doing maintenance and a couple of new features. Always java and JS
On the meantime there was a small project in wordpress + php where a semisenior dev was doing all the heavy lifting. This guy left on a 4-month vacation, and suddenly my boss tells me I'll be working in this wordpress project so that I learn the tech stack and later I'll be assigned to a new project (website with 1M visits a month) using wordpress and php
I know for a fact none of the senior or semisenior devs will be available for this new project. only people with even less experience than me. I fear I'll be required to do all the heavy lifting, solve everyone's doubts, etc, since the guys in other projects don't know php. As of today I've had 1 week of experience with wordpress and php. How can I prepare myself to succeed on such a thing, or at least fail gracefully?
1 hour later…
Not there yet, rep wise...
@Blueriver I'm not sure there is a good way. You tend to learn by doing. Some things can be translated across projects. Focus on what's lacking in your organization, though. If the shortage is in technical skills, focus on the technology stack going in. If the shortage is in project management, learn project management skills and try to get some time from others for tech stack. That kind of thing.
@MetaFight I'm not one for appearances. But a big screen TV with a created vs resolved chart, unittests passing, QA dashboard, etc... would probably help create the right focus for appearances' sake.
@Blueriver 4 month vacation? that's more of a sabbatical than a vacation.
Thanks @ThomasOwens
You're right @AaronHall. I was struggling to find the right word
So were/are there any designated tickets you should start working on? Or maybe you should just start going through tickets and look for something easy.
1 hour later…
There is a specific site softwarerecs.stackexchange.com where you can post questions like these. But be careful and read their guidance on how to post an on-topic question — Steve 45 secs ago
Recommendations are best suited for Software Recommendations. Recommendations are off-topic for StackOverflow. — Thomas Matthews 49 secs ago

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