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hey, now when Duga reports a bad linker message, I can just delete it! :D
As I was saying, we just need more mods.
1 hour later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about Mathematics instead of programming or software development. — Pang 39 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about Mathematics instead of programming or software development. — Pang 50 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about boolean algebra and Mathematics instead of programming or software development. — Pang 20 secs ago
Stackoverflow is for questions about programming, not graphics software. You should delete this question and ask it on the other stackexchange site more relevant to this. — Rob 24 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about Mathematics instead of programming or software development. — Pang 13 secs ago
doubt it, check out this website: patorjk.com/software/taag/…! — Ben Kosten 38 secs ago
3 hours later…
This is a general question about software. What you want is to make a locale network integration. I guess you should ask here: serverfault.comOpiatefuchs 33 secs ago
4 hours later…
You should try this question on softwareengineering.SE.com. — aloisdg 16 secs ago
2 hours later…
Your question amounts to "how do I develop software" which is too broad. — PeeHaa 37 secs ago
2 hours later…
How is this question likely to be useful to other programmers looking for information on ARM caches? — artless noise 40 secs ago
2 hours later…
I don't like when people down vote or vote-to-close questions just because they don't understand them.
Q: From a Lean Software Perspective - what is the method to quantify when batch size is a constraint?

hawkeyeI work on a large software programme - 100 developers in financial services. The common wisdom of Continuous Integration is to get feedback early from your changes. The common wisdom from Continuous Delivery is that by getting good at releasing small chunks, you reduce the risk of failure, be...

Just because it's not clear to you doesn't mean it's not a clear question. If you don't understand the subject matter, perhaps you should leave it to someone who does.
@Sander as much as we as individuals may appreciate the relevancy of this question (and I certainly do, I found it in a google search), SO considers it inappropriate because it is a software recommendation. — Jason S 52 secs ago
@ThomasOwens would you mind editing the explanation of batch into the question then? I abstained of voting myself but I can understand those who did - when a not widely known concept prominently shown in the title goes unexplained in the question text it may feel confusing
(6 hours and handful comments after it was posted, asker is unlikely wiling to clarify this, or maybe they are AFK for a while and can't properly "defend" their question from closing)
Stack overflow is more of a place for code errors, I think if you try softwareengineering.stackexchange.com you'll have more luck with this question. — Sanchke Dellowar 16 secs ago
@gnat It's not necessary. Anyone with expertise in Lean fully understands what it means. Things that are not widely known should be documented, but if you're in a tag about lean and lean concepts, you shouldn't have to define basic lean terminology.
@gnat If you check their profile, they were last seen 7 hours ago.
So they posted the question and left shortly afterwards.
1 hour later…
Just saving that for later...
How's everyone doing?
So, I have (what I think is a) fairly elementary question in SQL, but I'm not sure where the appropriate place to ask it is, so I thought I'd ask here. Suppose I have some database table "A" that has a certain column "a_3." Any time a value changes in that column, I'd like to record each change in a_3 in some other database table "B." How could I go about doing this? Any hints on what to check out?
I'd check out triggers for that.
1 hour later…
@ThomasOwens Thanks! That provided a fairly good starting point
@daOnlyBG if you are writing triggers for SQL Server, this site has a lot of good information: sqlteam.com
Thanks for the reference, @Snowman
and now to figure out why my python code isn't connecting to MS SQL...
@RobertHarvey Why should it be closed? Too basic?
@RobertHarvey Why?
It's a perfectly legit question. And it has an answer. I defined the metric and then explained why it wasn't valid.
Ask the other three people who also voted to close it.
I mean, c'mon. Year over year. Really?
It's not like we have to keep the question in perpetuity. Asked and answered.
Good answer, by the way. We can keep the post just for that. I doubt that it really needs to stay open, however.
I am not as well versed in this website's decorum as you guys are, but from my perspective, it seems that the asker at least bothered to provide context for his question based off previous places in the workforce
i.e., there's reason to think others would have also heard of the term in question, regardless of whether or not the term is, as you say, valid
[shrug] It's too bad changing the name of the website hasn't altered people's proclivities for asking trivial questions.
And for what it's worth, we're not a dictionary.
True. Well, perhaps one could use a rule-of-thumb test by simply googling the term. If its meaning is found easily, then the question could be closed without necessarily going against the website's values in providing answers to questions not found elsewhere
I added an answer to our "why was my question closed or downvoted" meta:
A: Why was my question closed or down voted?

SnowmanOff topic Legal Advice or Aid Questions asking for legal advice or aid are off-topic here. You may be able to get help with understanding, applying, and complying with free and open licenses on Open Source. You may be able to get help with legal terms, concepts, language, and procedures on L...

edit and collaborate away!

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