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hi! :)
I'm heading home in a minute, but I've been very busy today. Fixing code written by others simultaneously makes me look good while ...
But I try not to touch on that too much.
Don't 'cha just love arbitrary metrics??
When they work out for me, yes. :)
Gotta head home... :)
Hope to catch you guys later!
we've got a few questions that may be of interest for 20Kers. My personal "favorite" of these is this one. "What are the best sites to learn Java Spring" - asker didn't even bother to use a question mark
C'mon, there's like 5 languages that use indentation and only 1 of them uses a colon as delimiter. Seriously, how can you not recognize the snake?
12 hours later…
@ThomasOwens @RobertHarvey I dropped summary of yesterday chat at meta - please take a look. Feel free to change if I misunderstood something
3 hours later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should probably be asked on math.stackexchange.com or programmers.stackexchange.com. — Christian.K 59 secs ago
4 hours later…
nice question, maybe fhttpit better on programmers.stackexchange.com ? — Invernomuto 5 secs ago
Shouldn't this question be moved to SE:Programmers or SE:Code review ? — LosManos 1 min ago

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