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Programmers on Stackoverflow will help you out voluntarily in their leisure time, if they find your post interesting. Please refrain from including "Urgent" and "High priority issues" in your question. — Daenarys 1 min ago
5 hours later…
@RobertHarvey Yeah. I should do something about that.
anyone into logical problems ?
I think this question is probably more suited for programmers.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.comSpaceTrucker 1 min ago
depends on what you mean by logical problems
@Ixrec I am struggling to create a algorithm which will either convert nested JSON to flat structure, or nested tables into flat table
that doesn't match any definition of logical problem I've ever heard, but reshaping Javascript objects is certainly something I can do
the biggest problem is always specifying wtf you actually want, obviously "flatten nested stuff" isn't quite specific enough
@Ixrec that's what I exactly thought, but difficultly only started when I started making it work
Q: Merge Tree of tables into a single flat table

MathematicsTable Structure (Input) RootTable Level 0 ChildTable 1 Level 1 ChildTable 2 Level 1 ChildTable3 Level 2 ChildTable4 Level 3 ChildTable N Level 1 Example would be <tableclass="defaultResultsFormatting"> <thead> <tr> <

@Ixrec does this question makes any sense to you ?
unfortunately I've never used jQuery so I probably can't just write the code for you
still that doesn't look particularly difficult, have you read the jQuery docs?
@Ixrec I am having more problem writing logic then code itself
I am trying to improve my question, please stay with me
well, that is exactly the part we can't help you with very much
only you can figure out what you want it to do
@Ixrec I figured out what I want, but I am struggling to figure out how to solve the problem :), but give me a moment to explain it better :)
but since you don't appear to be preserving any of the table's existing structure
you can easily separate this into a parsing and a generating step
where the intermediate product is an array of the "child tables" that were in that bizarre nested structure before
of course the real question in all this is who the hell is generating that structure if you need something so wildly different from it
@Ixrec OData
I am working on adhoc reporting
Q: Merge Tree of tables into a single flat table

MathematicsOverview I use Microsoft OData Query Builder library to generate nested tables but I need flat table. To achieve this I have 2 possible solutions, Modify the nested JSON I receive to create a flat table Let OData Query Builder generate nested tables and then I convert them into flat table. I...

@Ixrec ok, I updated it
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Q: Publishing project to a community

paulustl;dr I'm about to finish an open-source e-commerce engine based on PHP/Yii2 (yes, yet another one) but I'm shy to give it to the people. I'm not sure to which stackexchange to address this question, guess this is the most relevant. See I have a problem a bit of a psychological nature. Some time...

would this be on topic here ?
@Mathematics Your question is a dupe of an already existing question with a good answer. I closed it as such. Check out the original question and answer here: stackoverflow.com/q/15984257/102937
@Heslacher I'm thinking no.
I'm almost wondering if you should ask at Open Source, though.
One of their topics is about open source community and culture.
@Heslacher 1) I'm having trouble figuring out what the actual question is, so probably close as unclear right there, 2) it looks like you're after business advice or product selection advice rather than software design advice, so that's off-topic
Thomas appears to have interpreted it very differently, which underscores #1
more broadly, as currently written it's not a single answerable question, but a discussion prompt
I think the first three paragraphs are just fluff?
which makes it appropriate for chat but probably nowhere on SE without significant refinement
Its not my question by the way. I just wanted to ask you before I suggest the op to post it here. Thanks anyway
free offensive flags - programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/320108/… (also a blatant off-topic but that's minor:))
First time being called a cunt on SE! Woohoo!
Is there a badge for tha?
I guess Thomas is waiting for him to gather enough downvotes for a question block before nuking his account.
It's funny how many people suddenly care enough to start casting downvotes when the F bomb starts getting thrown around.
there have been a lot of questions way below -3 today
Last time I went away from my computer for 2 days, I ran out of votes, close votes, and delete votes within 20 minutes of catching up with the site. Fun times.
@JörgWMittag Is that on a deleted comment? And congratulations!
@RobertHarvey "The URL you attempted to access has been categorized as hosting malware or phishing content" heh
Hm. Chrome just redirects. Firefox doesn't seem to know what to do. What browser are you using?
@KitZ.Fox Yeah, the comments attacking me and @RobertHarvey were nuked pretty quickly. As Robert said, the reason the mods are keeping the question alive is probably so that the user can be downvoted into being banned automatically without getting the higher-ups involved. Otherwise the question would be long gone, too.
He's almost certainly already question-banned.
Oh! I can help with that!
Hmm, my flag weight could use a boost too.
@RobertHarvey What ongoing abuse?
I deleted the question, but I don't see any repeated instances.
Check the deleted comments.
Oh. OK. I missed that. Thanks.
And done.
3 hours later…
Nice try ....... — Robert Harvey 1 min ago
@RobertHarvey I'm willing to wager he's 15 years old.
an image search of his avatar returns the suggested word "youth" ;D
Must be September.
The front page is a long list of off-topic questions.
It's the summer of codez.
> Try softwarerecs.stackexchange.com. As a courtesy, please delete this post first, before posting there.
This got a good, and immediate response (deletion). Think I'll try it for awhile.
atleast answer the question — user230871 19 mins ago
@ThomasOwens: When you get a chance, you might want to do a quick sweep of the front page and two or three pages preceding it. If you want to save some time, you can just delete all of the negatively-voted questions.
@RobertHarvey I don't think the user with the NamedStack question is going do to anything about it. Sometimes I admire your patience, Robert.
hi everyone
I don't know if I am a developer or a programmer...I love to code a lot in Java/C++ but I haven't had time to learn any of the frameworks like Spring, or any C++ frameworks.
afaik there's no consensus on what any of the various titles for programming jobs actually mean, so call yourself whatever you want, then get a job, then call yourself whatever your employer thinks you are
Questions that ask "where do I start" are typically too broad and are not a good fit for this site. People have their own method for approaching new technologies and because of this there cannot be a correct answer. Give a good read over Where to Start, then address your post. — Andrew Myers 1 min ago
I'm not sure that swallowing the functional-programming dictionary has helped you. — buffjape 9 hours ago

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