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Q: Has anyone analyzed the survival rate of new SO users based on quality of first question(s)?

Michel FloydA common way to look at the quality of an online community is by the survival rate of new members. Basically S(t) where S is the % of people surviving after time t. It can also be based on events rather than time such as number of visits, or number of questions asked. What I'm curious about is h...

I think this is of interest to the veterans/regulars...
3 hours later…
Thank you for such a lengthy and detailed answer. I realize now that this is a question more appropriate for programmers.stackexchange.com, as it is somewhat broad. I tried to remedy this initially by giving a specific example function, but even so, it doesn't quite fit the "one definite answer" style that stackoverflow is leaning towards. — Scott L 42 secs ago
4 hours later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because licensing advice is off-topic on Stack Overflow. You may be able to get help on Programmers Stack Exchange, but read their faq carefully before proceeding.Kyll 24 secs ago
1 hour later…
By a signle right hand and single left hand. IDE can help also. To be said more clearly, stackoverflow is not for questions like this, stackoverflow is for questions about the existing code. In my opinion you should ask this question on programmers.stackexchange.com — Victor Polevoy 1 min ago
5 hours later…
I'm afraid that as currently stated, this is opinion-based. Which optimizations do functionally change code, for example? Anyway this might be better off at programmers.stackexchange.com, but not in its current form. — CodeCaster 35 secs ago
yesterday, by gnat
any 10Kers around interested in books recommendations for "an aspiring programmer"?
@gnat you might like this meta post I just wrote - meta.stackexchange.com/q/278444/193412
something there would be useful here too
@enderland This is a flawless example of why I never bother posting on Meta.SE.
@Ixrec MSE is a joke. a complete joke
What I am looking for is a tool or better a PHP class, which lets me do something like this - only for rapid prototyping ideas to get fast results:

All I have is an class diagramm UML conform.

An I want to declare these classes in a way like:

class Task extends RadidPrototypingORM {

var task_id = array(
is_key => true,

public function user() {
return belongsTo();

public function sub_tasks() {
return hasManyAggregate();


etc. pp.

This is a bit like the Eloquent ORM from Laravel, but the model descriptions should contain everything to build the database automagically.
@enderland at Programmers, first question to ask to new user would be "are you sure that you aren't blocked at Stack Overflow?" :)
@gnat lol
anyone with hadoop experience? For the command: hadoop jar wordcount.jar wordcount /user/input /user/output .. any clue why I get "Exception in thread "main" ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: wordcount"
maybe not much to go on, but in any case.. it doesn't seem to find wordcount as a class
is it spelled right
yeah, I've tried that too
Is WordCount inside some package? What is the full name? e.g. com.example.lennart.WordCount
Not sure, how do I find that out?
look in the jar and see if there is a wordcount.class file in it
ubuntu@lesolab2:~$ jar tf wordcount.jar
so it's supposed to be wordcount.WordCount
I've never been caught with my hand in the jar.
is very sneaky
@AaronHall badoop tshh
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: wordcount.WordCount
What does the source code for WordCount look like at a high level? Is there anything in WordCount other than the inner Reduce class? Is there a static WordCount.main method? How do you create the jar in the first place?
well, I've a map on my machine "wordcount". ubuntu@lesolab2:~$ ls wordcount
WordCount$Map.class WordCount.class
WordCount$Reduce.class WordCount.java
Then I did the following to obtain the jar-file $ javac –cp `hadoop classpath` WordCount.java
$ jar -cvf wordcount.jar *.class
where *.class is wordcount/WordCount$Map.class
sneakily avoids java like the plague
"if coding was so easy everyone would do it"
- No kid they just have the same "get someone else to do the work for you" mentality that you do
3 hours later…
Where did everyone go?
(Not to be confused with Texas.)
3 hours later…
@AaronHall what's the best http server for python?
enderland is feeling lazy
A: Eligibility for being a protected question

dmckeeA moderator needs to decide that it is attracting (or will attract) too many low quality answers from people not part of our site culture. That's it. Any post that ends up on the Hot Network Questions is likely to need protection. It is not an honor, but a means of protecting the site from ...

> Any post that ends up on the Hot Network Questions is likely to need protection...
^^^ oh my, even Physics gets hit. HNQ lemmings trash everything (of course except for Stack Overflow)
because SO is already trash? I kid I'm not sure what to think about life anymore :o haha
@enderland because system protects them - SO questions are pushed from HNQ after 7 hours. SE management calls this trick "penalizing", quite orwellian
I think this kind of question is better suit on programmers. — Henrique Barcelos 7 secs ago
@enderland IDK, stackoverflow.com/questions/3336787/… I don't know why this question is still open...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because because it's not related to programming and it should better be discussed on programmers.stackexchange.com — Christophe 35 secs ago
You make it sound so sordid.
"...not related to programming..."
@StevenBurnap I don't have any relatives named programming
@StevenBurnap careful not to imply that Programmers.SE "is for programming questions", we get way too much of that already...
plz halp me fix dis code
I'd suggest renaming it SoftwareEngineers.SE, but I hate the term "Software Engineer"
heh I had someone today ask me what my occupation was. "software developer, engineer, something like that" was my response :P
I always say "software developer". Part of me is paranoid that if I use a different phrase on one piece of paperwork it'll trigger something and I'll get investigated or denied reentry at customs or something.
I'm technically "software development engineer in test" so I can pretty much pick which!
What is with all the license questions lately?
@StevenBurnap end of semesters?
no idea
we also got a cluster of very bad/off-topic questions the other day
these things seem to come in waves for no particular reason
@enderland Development Engineer In Test Yo.
@RobertHarvey that sounds... way worse :P haha
Yeah, but the acronym's good.
This may be a better question for programmersSE or maybe even mathematicsSE — franklin just now

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