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Welcome to the wacky world of Academia, where preserving people's feelings trumps actual results. — Robert Harvey 41 secs ago
9 hours later…
I don't suppose anyone is familiar with GStreamer?
1 hour later…
@ThomasOwens I wish I could help.
Guess who's back... back again?
Tell a friend!
hee hee hee
Hey mon! I see that name and I get taken straight back to the islands (well just Crown Heights, Brooklyn...) and now I want me a spicy patty.
1 hour later…
Walk the BST and insert each node into an AVL. That's O(n). — Robert Harvey 1 min ago
@RobertHarvey Walking a BST is O(n) but each insertion is O(log n) for an AVL tree, leading to O(n log n). — amon 26 secs ago
Is that how the math works?
n * log n = n log n
you can ignore multiplication by constants because O(2n) = O(n), but O(nlogn) != O(n)
but you could probably balance a tree in O(n)
it does sound possible, I just don't care to look up how AVL works lol
if only by dumping it out into an array and then splitting up the tree from the ground up
So you can combine O's across two different processes like that.
I need a sanity check.
Sorta makes sense.
you have O(1) random access in an array
so dumping out takes O(n)
then you know that the median value is your root
sounds a lot like an in-place heapsort
then all elements smaller than it are descendants on the left
and all elements larger go to the right
so filling a AVL from a sorted array will be O(n) as well
now that you mention it that sounds completely trivial
it does take O(n) extra memory
@KitZ.Fox crazy like a fox?
Does communications of expectations magically happen?
i was working with C# and used 'virtual' keyword and override the method using 'override' keyword in the derived class,,but if i remove both the 'virtual' and 'override' keywords, i am still able to override the method in base class...so i thought every method in C# must be virtual by default like in Java, but turns out that is not the case...so how am i suppose to override the base method without using 'virtual' and 'override' keyword
@RonakAgrawal are you sure you're still overriding it and not merely "hiding" or "shadowing" it? that's one of the classic newbie mistakes when stepping into the mindgames that inheritance creates
i.e. if you invoke the method polymorphically from a base class reference bound to a derived type instance, do you get the derived type's implementation?
@AaronHall It's not that. We've got this group of filters that I labeled "Products" and business says it should be "Availability" or "Status" and neither of us thinks the other one is making any sense.
I think they are crazy.
the internet is telling me that if you're missing either keyword, it hides the base class method instead of overrides it
what would be the difference from a derived class perspective?
define "from a derived class perspective"
if A is the base and B is the derived and foo is the function then check is which foo gets called when you do A a = new B(); a.foo();
you're labeling in terms of what the items in the filter are, and they're labeling in terms of results.
inheritance is overrated anyway
if you do B b; b.foo() then you get B's foo no matter what, likewise A a; a.foo(); always gets A's foo
the whole overriding thing only matters when you want polymorphism
though still don't hide base class methods, it's confusing and nobody ever wants that behavior (even though every OOP language allows it...)
if I am inheriting a class, i would just not use the 'override' keyword, and when i call B.foo(), it would always call the new method
if B is the base class, then no it would not
Put their label on the results, put your label on the filter, and tell them it's final since they aren't qualified to know what they want.
yeah but what happens if you have a B but the code has the (static) type as an A
that's where the difference lies
(and yes, inheritance is overrated; this stuff is hard to understand properly and for most problems it's simply more hassle than it's worth)
(except when it's only interface inheritance, that's a good thing that's easy to understand, but it's not what we're talking about atm)
@ratchetfreak sorry if i am being naive, but '(static)type'-->are we talking about a static method?
well yeah but when implementing an interface you should get a compile error if you fail to implement a function
@RonakAgrawal Nope, completely unrelated to that kind of static.
To explain what that meant, consider: A a = new B();
the variable a is declared as having type A
@RonakAgrawal no I mean that a variable has a dynamic type (which class it was initialized as) and a static type (the declaration of the type)
that is its "static" type, in the sense that that's what the compiler gets to assume and uses for all of its compile-time checks on what you do with a
its actual concrete type at runtime happens to be B, but the compiler still won't let you do any B-specific things with it because you bound it to a variable of type A
if you then call a virtual function on a the compiler will check the runtime type for the correct function to call.
oh...i did not know it works that way
yeah, it takes some getting used to
i will try and implement and see what happens..
notice that the way this weird inheritance relationship works bears no resemblance whatsoever to the way the real-world Player <-> Batsman relationship works =)
exactly, i was having the same thoughts..
Batman <-> Robin?
this is not traditional Inheritance.
i am like, where were these concepts all my life before o_O
the main place where this stuff is actually useful is for "interface inheritance"
where an interface is an abstract base class with no fields, and no method implementations, only a set of method signatures for each derived class to implement
interfaces are useful far more often than base classes
there can be some utility functions in the abstract base
but those should be minimal
you mean static functions?
well, my current notion is slightly different; i tend to try with abstract, and that usually suffices all my requrirements
I'm not sure what that means but I assume we'll find out next time you show some code
thanks for being a great mentor, my learning has spiked since i joined this ChatRoom
Hail *The WhiteBoard*
usually the interface thing shows itself as a program that wants to call foobar() on a bunch of objects, but each of those objects wants to do the foobaring in a different way, so they all implement the IFoobar interface and the top level of the program just iterates over a bunch of them calling foobar() polymorphically
e.g. when I'm using SFML I'll have a container of Drawables and iterate over it calling draw(window) on everyone, so they draw themselves to the window, even though some of those objects are colored rectangles and others are pieces of text and others are image files
it's awesome when it fits the problem, the main thing as a beginner is to avoid overusing it
yeah..makes sense, may i did not try enough problems, to get Interfaces implemented
*may be, i
in fact in real apps I suspect the most common usage of interfaces is swapping out the real implementation with a mock implementation for unit testing
yeah..i think i have seen that implementation
i will take a look at the concepts above and get back.
My devs are making me crazy today with "ask the other dev".
I sometimes feel guilty for ping-ponging bug tickets between teams even when there's no way I could've solved them myself because they are for some other team
That's been my life lately. I make the mistake of being the only person to comment on the ticket and suddenly I'm the go-to guy for it even though I haven't a clue about the code it involves.
I don't mind it so much except that what I want today is for one dev to say "I'll take care of it" and if that means to give it to another dev, then he will give it to the other dev, instead of giving it to me and asking me to do it.
ah, yes when a ticket lands in my bucket it is always my job to throw it into another bucket
This isn't middle school. We don't need to pass notes via friends.
or if I'm very lucky, actually fix the problem
the downside of being one of the client-facing parts of the system is that we get all the tickets for every other part of the system
I'm just being crabby today anyway.
Yup, that's where I am. We do the client code, and so often I am proxying defect communication down a stack of ten layers.
I'm half-joining you since I'm on bug week
Oh, and our team got everything out to UAT a day early, and business still didn't look at it until today.
Because they were too busy and no one could make it to the regular backlog grooming meeting and blah. grumble
@KitZ.Fox Did you really think that they would look at it if you got it to them early? In my experiences, delivering on time can be a surprise.
@ThomasOwens They asked for it early. They complained that we hadn't been giving them enough time.
So we gave it to them early and they are looking at it late.
It couldn't be more obvious that our lateness in giving it to them in past sprints was a convenient way for them to blame us for their lack of readiness.
Oh. Well, I don't know what to say about that.
@ThomasOwens "Man, I hear you."
It's just today. Tomorrow I'll be cheery again.
@toddmo: We're here to help people with their conceptual software development problems, not to locate words or make up new vocabulary. The latter is the very definition of "primarily opinion-based," and the very essence of bikeshedding. — Robert Harvey 7 mins ago
Paint it red. That's the best color for a bikeshed.
Your little red wagon will be hard to find in there.
Not the inside. You don't paint the inside red.
2 hours later…
Is it a good thing to be on an SME list in a large org?
@Duga will now give each "programmers"-comment a score using real Machine Learning. So far only logged in Duga's Neighborhood, but if everything goes well I will use that classification to decide what comments to post here.
As an example:
in Duga's Neighboorhood, 3 mins ago, by Duga
Certainty level 0.4 (ML Classification 0.0014800626095624802)
does that mean we'll soon be able to tell it when it got a true positive or a false positive like with SmokeDetector?
@Ixrec Possibly.
and countermand it?
Is SmokeDetector also using Machine Learning? Or is that more hardcoded?
considering how many people reply to it with "TP" and "FP", either there's some massive cargo culting going on or it's doing real machine learning
You know if it is open source?
Could I train it to be an SME like me?
What's an SME?
I feel like it probably is
Subject Matter Expert
Pressure's on, but I can do it.
just say "guru" like the rest of us =P
Yeah, no way we're ever going to have a "guru list."
@AaronHall Probably not yet for several years :)
"Now this looks like a job for me. So everybody just follow me..."
@Ixrec SmokeDetector might have done some Machine Learning, but now it seems to be just regex and stuff.
@Ixrec Unless this counts as Machine Learning....
"Cause we don't want any controversy..."
What are you talking about, @AaronHall?
heuristics are rules of thumb that (AI's|anyone) can use to help make better decisions.
Isn't this entire ML project for @Duga a kind of heuristic on it's own? Or perhaps it involved too high accuracy to be called "heuristic".
depends on what definition of heuristic you're using
if you're going by ordinary English definition, yes every "AI" program ever is a blob of heuristics
more strictly speaking, there are particular AI algorithms such as A* that have a formally defined component called a heuristic; the algorithms we normally call machine learning such as neural networks do not have any direct equivalent to it
yeah, exactly.
in that formal definition, the heuristic is a relatively cheap function the programmer supplies which the algorithm knows nothing about and is incapable of improving in any way, and usually it's up to the programmer to prove the heuristic is any good
and my god is it a pain to prove it
This question is off-topic here. This site is for programming and programmers tools related questions, not general computer or software support. You're looking for Super User instead. Voting to migrate it there. — Ken White 9 secs ago
@Ixrec So where there is Machine Learning, there is no heuristics ("incapable of improving in any way")
in Duga's Neighboorhood, 2 mins ago, by Duga
Certainty level 0.81999993 (ML Classification 0.12003470462706806)
Machine Learning vs. Old Classification: 1 - 0.
The correct thing should be to drop the piano on the compiler writers who, given T *p;, are unwilling to regard *(U*)p=whatever; as being a potential access to things of type T or U, but would instead insist that programmers use memcpy, which compilers must treat as a potential access to things of every type even when the programmer knows the pointer will never identify anything that isn't a T or U. I don't know why compiler writers decided they could make the world a better place if they force programmers to write code which is harder to read and less optimizable, but they did. — supercat 7 secs ago
in Duga's Neighboorhood, 1 min ago, by Duga
Certainty level 0.75 (ML Classification 1.0269348006943974E-4)
Machine Learning vs. Old Classification: 2 - 0.
Something tells me I will flip the switch pretty soon. Probably during the weekend or at the beginning of next week.
For the record, I will probably set the threshold for the ML classification to be about 0.3
Hello, what's the best IDE with autocomplete (desiderably of syntax too) for C++ for WIndows? And is there any with documentation included?
so every ML Classification >= 0.3 will be posted here in the future. (the current old classification threshold is at 0.49)
Q: Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

GavinRWhat is the best C++ IDE or editor for using on Windows? I use Notepad++, but am missing IntelliSense from Visual Studio.

Problems Americans will never understand #583624: Figuring out what language an Amazon Instant Video movie/show is in. Gargh. Is it asking too much to just list it? </rant>
Q: I want to make some programmer friends but don't know where to really look

Sarmen B.I know this is one good place but what I'm really looking for is contacts, maybe seeing them online, have intelligent conversations etc. Where I live there isn't that many programmers around me because I'm self employed. I'm sure if I were to work in a company I would be surrounded by some. I don...

One more vote to delete.
Oh, he had 12 upvotes :D
upvotes mean nothing
well, not very much
Well, he won't get the reputation... But I would expect downvotes, not upvotes for that question.
> asked 4 years ago
this is the main reason upvotes don't mean a whole lot
on a newer question I'll take them a bit more seriously
Rep gained from upvotes on old questions is preserved anyway.
Really? Good to know.
I forget how many days it is but yeah after long enough the rep is locked in place
90 days, or somesuch.
This is quite a short time I think.
If it's been on the site for 90 days without the community disposing it....
like most places on the internet, almost all activity on a post happens very shortly after it's posted
if it doesn't get deleted in 90 days, it ain't gonna get deleted unless a big scope change happens at some point in the future
seems like you could just expose the category and skip the obvious isCategory functions
I don't feel comfortable revealing categories at all.
if the code working with User objects needs to know if a user is an admin or not, what else is there to do?
obviously doing so securely is entirely beyond the scope of that object
come to think of it it's not clear that getCategory belongs in User
I think the same thing can be accomplished using polymorphism.
Instead of classes that are able to reveal what they are.
how would that work?
IUser.executePrivilegedQuery() has to be implemented to throw an exception for all non-admin users?
Admin/Issuer extending User and Dev extending Issuer.
what's the benefit of having that inheritance instead of just a boolean property or two?
who knows whatever user specific functionality is required, later.
"I don't know" is not a persuasive argument lol
What if Admin can ban Users and other users can not. Would you have, in User, have banUser(IUser user) { if (!isAdmin()) throw Exception(); //ban user}
or would you rather have a subclass Admin in which you have banUser(IUser user) { //ban user }
in practice, I wouldn't put any of that logic inside the User class to begin with
whatever server side process received the { requestType: "ban", userId: "..." } request object would go look up if the sender has admin privileges and if so execute it
I have to do a survey for computer programming with atleast 10 people, so here's the question... What is your preferred computer OS?
Windows 1
@Auberon ReallY?
my honest opinion is that as OSes they're all about the same, it's entirely a question of what software exists for each one, and what culture their userbase has
You have another idea for a survey? That was just the one given
VTC off-topic
@EcstaticSnow No.
(slightly more serious hint: ask an interesting question)
Maybe I'll just randomly do it
Survey suggestion: favorite cat meme.
New survey Define Rap in two words.
You might want to head over to programmers.stackexchange.comazurefrog 59 secs ago
@Auberon personally, I've always been partial to Business Cat
@Duga I was going to put a "programmers.se is not a toilet bowl" comment, but it already got deleted
1 hour later…
How would I go about starting a SE site
Be sure to start one called SoftwareEngineering.SE.
Then we can migrate all of our stuff over and they can have NPR again.
Wow, someone tried to start a SE site just for python
someone successfully started an SE just for emacs
OK looks like this room is still working
Anyone know where I can find a chat room or atleast one guy who develops custom android roms, or even a book because it is proving to be a pain in my arse impossible to find any information on this topic.
@StevenBurnap Love your bio "wishes he was doing Python but is instead managing a web development team"
Be warned: don't go into management. You'll have to spend all your time dealing with....people....and not coding
To be honest sounds like your job kinda sucks isn't that great. I'd rather be sitting in a chair using python
Oh, it isn't so bad. The Internet is just for bitching about work
As long as you enjoy what you do. Well, I got to get back to trying to find some information to learn
But yeah, the problem with software development is that it's hard to stay in it for a whole career without going into management
Well I have no idea what I really want to do yet. i'm just dabbing around in different places. I enjoy coding and development, but I hate sitting down. I'd rather be outside building something than in an office, So I really have no idea yet. Just learning everything I can before I make a decision
Get a standing desk. :-P
People tend to say "do what you love", but in the real world, that doesn't always pay. So really you just have to find the right balance between what you like/can stand, and how much money you want/need
You are in school? Best way to determine if you want to code all day is an internship
Here are the things I'm interested in. I don't know the job categories that have to do with coding, so the naming with those might not be right. Application/Software/Game Developer, Android Development, Personal Trainer, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and then just landscaping and just building what ever
About to be finished with school
Game Development tends to require very long hours and tends to pay lower than average. Job satisfaction is high, from what I know.
My next door neighbor is a general building contractor. Makes his own hours, seems pretty happy from what I can see.
Windows is the "also-ran" of the C++ world. — Robert Harvey 3 hours ago
No one else can tell you what you enjoy
game dev also has far worse job security
one of my coworkers used to work for Crytek but came to our boring financial data services company because he wanted something more stable
Yeah, game companies have a nasty tendency to lay off the dev team when development ends.
This site is for programming (code) and programmers tools related questions, not hardware recommendations. In addition, questions asking for recommendations are listed as being off-topic in the help center guidelines - see the list of numbered items on that page, and specifically item #4 in that list. Good luck. — Ken White 20 secs ago
@Duga FP
I can dream
I do love decompiling games then adding awesome stuff
make the best mod of all time so the company that created the original game has to hire you
I decompiled instagram and added a feature which makes a person's followers tag appear green if they are following you. It was pretty easy
@Ixrec I doubt that would ever happen
Modding is a great way to get yourself into the industry. Better than a degree
Reall? Because modding really isn't that much work considering most of the work is already done. You just edit what you don't like and add "cheating" secrets
it shows you can actually code a video game
degrees don't quite prove that
@EcstaticSnow I think we're both thinking of "total conversion" mods and similarly high-effort things
the equivalent of you making your own DLC for the game
Oh makes sense
pcgamer.com/the-best-total-conversion-mods-ever <-- for what I meant by "total conversion"

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