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dammit, RACING
in the IO bit
1 hour later…
Happy Coffee Day
I have hatter
I got that hat too, no idea how though
@Ixrec magic
@Ixrec hey - you know C++ supra well, jah?
I wouldn't go quite that far but I have used it a lot and read a lot about it
@Ixrec well to be fair, supra refers to below; not above.
so what did you want to say about C++?
@Ixrec I want someone to tell me there's threading bugs in this:
Q: C++11 version of Windows EventWaitHandle

Jimmy HoffaI don't know C++ at all, but for the heck of it I tossed this together because I was talking with someone about C++ and was given the impression there is absolutely nothing quite like the windows APIs ManualReset and AutoReset EventWaitHandles, so I figured I'd see if I could create one. I think...

I never feel ok about any piece of code I write that no one finds holes in
ah, sorry, I've never done any multithreading
I'm sure it's got errors, but I haven't the C++ chops to know where.
> I don't really know well enough how to make a thread to test it's multi-threading off hand in C++ and don't care to try figuring it out.
@Ixrec Что?
you basically just pass it a function and some parameters and it "just works"
(there's some controversy over how the returned future's destructor operates, but that's the only problem I'm aware of)
yeah that code is definitely not something I'm qualified to review
and now I have another flip flop
and I still haven't solved this race condition
it makes no sense
@Ixrec well quit it!
@Ixrec ohh you're referring to how to make a thread? Yeah I could use std::thread I'm sure and it's probably this side of easy to put a sleep in it, followed by it making a notify or whatever just to prove cross-thread-signalling works... but.. eh. Writing that C++ was painful enough, more less writing more
1 hour later…
well hell; apparently Monday on the week of xmas is the slowest damned day in the history of ever
Help! I've fallen in a hat and I can't get out!
Alternatively: This hat makes the best hidey hole for observation. I see you!
thanks again for yous help with my new event loop
Friday night + ~1hr today and it's all sorted :)
Neato. If there's any errors you see in my event wait handle thingy tell me!
Code without bugs is code the bugs were found in; code bugs weren't found in is code with bugs :(
(unless it's Haskell, the compiler debugs for you)
if only Haskell were useful
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nyuck nyuck nyuck
@JimmyHoffa didn't I review that a few days ago?
btw, that clearly off-topic workplace question we just got has some upvotes and no close votes besides mine, so linking it here in the hopes we could close it as off-topic before it gets too much more activity: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/305563/…
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes; unless I'm mistaken you didn't identify any bugs for me to fix though?
and nothing responded on my CR.SE post
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thanks for your post! I typically rely on recursion since it's clearer to read, but since it's C/C++ every little inch of performance gets counted so I agree, I should go with a loop there. As for lines being too long, yeah I suppose I could break some of those operations up a touch.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit on another note - do modern C/C++ compilers not have TCO?
thinking about it, that's a prime candidate
that's an optimizer detail
It's interesting to see users who are still around
@ratchetfreak yes, but it would make his mention of using a loop over recursion in my function there moot as they'd be identical
it doesn't matter, it just made me curious; do modern C/C++ compilers have TCO?
an optimizer will put it in
though you can make it explicit
A: Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization?

Konrad RudolphBoth the current version of VC++ and GCC do tail call optimizations fairly well and even for mutually recursive calls. I bet the Intel compiler does, too. Letting the compiler do the optimization is straightforward: Just switch on optimization for speed. But you do that anyway, right? ;-) For ...

there we go. @LightnessRacesinOrbit you don't have to worry about stack growth from clean pure recursion anymore
Of course, impure recursion will still require stack swaps
huh, now I have Flip Flop on SO...I can't remember doing anything at all on that site today, other than following a Duga link and upvoting the existing "no don't do that" comment
@Ixrec yeah, I didn't do anything on MSE but I earned mine there. And I just now earned it on CR.SE...
must be something other people do to our existing posts
Maybe somebody changed their vote from down to up or vice versa?
nope I had no down votes on CR.SE
I haven't had any SO votes in days either
maybe a comment upvote?
uh fair point about tco
Q: Winter Bash 2015 Secret Hats

EranI just received my first Winter Bash 2015 Secret Hat, so I decided to start the traditional Secret Hats and how to get them spoiler question.

@JimmyHoffa you really seem to have trouble with the whole hats thing
@Ampt union rules, we couldn't wear hats; now I have no idea how to use one properly :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit just something to think about when you see a clean recursive solution- it may not be expensive as we've been taught to think. You're right though that it should be a loop for those reasons
@JimmyHoffa nothing about teaching - just an intuition
yes, it'll likely be optimised out
I still think it looks wasteful
loops ftw
yeah the idiom for looped waiting is a actual loop
In early days of .NET people had to be explicitly informed NO DAMNED RECURSION - NOT EVER - it's one of the classic trivia questions for .NET interviews "When will an exception not be handled?" - Stack overflow. So for me it feels like a "trained" reflex because it's something .NET folks are demanded to be wary of so much..
We still don't have TCO.. :/ Not reasonably
But screw it, I use recursive solutions all the time anyway. I just make sure never to use one when it would be even close to reasonable that it may run out of stack space.
you've been doing haskell too much
hello everybody
@ratchetfreak recursion is just a lot clearer for a whole class of situations..
> Hi Doctor Nick!
@JimmyHoffa So it's a trained reflex to use recursion because you were taught "no recursion ever"?
who is doctor?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no - the opposite is.
> it may not be expensive as we've been taught to think.
culturally .NET folk will hiss and scream at recursion
let me join u
what r u talking about?
tail call recursion vs. explicit loops
what is that
5 mins ago, by Jimmy Hoffa
We still don't have TCO.. :/ Not reasonably
So it probably is.
@ratchetfreak also - stack space in .NET is the least of the expenses you're paying when running in the .NET runtime. The expense of your whole runtime outweighs most all of the little things you may do - which is why .NET and Java it's pointless to try optimizing out individual operations. It's the big operations you want to avoid - mostly IO stuff.
it's using .NET and Java in the first place you want to avoid
:P computers seem to manage just fine with that stuff these days so..
The real time sinks in .NET (and probably Java) are reflection, IO, and GC. These things cost so much more than a new stack that pretty much every little operation you may not need or new stack - so long as they don't add to the reflection, IO, or GC, are going to be completely in the performance noise
do they
only because people seem to think it's acceptable to be forced into buying an i999 250,000,000GHz septacentacore CPU in order to open a word processor
applications do tend to get more bloated
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yep; I have been working in .NET for years on systems that were quite large with huge amounts of data throughput, and they work just handy dandy. Perhaps C++ would have eeked out more but that would have required a lot more time spent on the code and maintenance and a lot more risk
@LightnessRacesinOrbit to be honest, most .NET devs are terribad...so... yeah. :/ I've worked on large .NET desktop applications that ran famously well, but more often than not I have to correct a bunch of awful crap other people did to get them there..
though to be fair for desktop - I just don't care. It's so irrelevant in my book..
Servers should be doing all of your compute (unless it's like games or something that would require too much network transmission..) and the desktop should be thin client in my book. Specifically, Google and Mozilla have provided us with the thin clients..
ew I forgot you're one of those disgusting "everything shuld be cloud lol" people
some things can't get away from needing to be desktop - and at that point, sure use C++ or anything else, it shouldn't matter.
to bad those thin clients are not so thin anymore
@ratchetfreak true enough.. either way, write your own thin clients for your own applications if need be but really it should just be UI stuff on the desktop..
my impression was that in practice you only run on the server things that absolutely need to be on the server for performance, security, or "that's where the data is" reasons, and all other work is offloaded to the client because there are more clients than servers
though there are a lot of apps where "all other work" arguably is "just UI stuff"
and because latency, and privacy, and security, and convenience, and you can do things better with a real native app than you can in a web browser, and, and, and...
@Ixrec that's one approach... I just can't imagine doing important computations without the server being "where the data is", and "where the data can be computed quickly" and "where the data is secure"...
like I said, for desktop apps..use whatever. Who cares. It's a desktop application; bloody meaningless.
I intended to include all of those under "that's where the data is" reasons
Desktop applications will never generate the petabytes of data that servers are dealing in; you have to have many many users to get that data which means you're using some kind of centralized server
I like how I'm taking over the starboard. You're slowly becoming The New Lounge and you don't even realise it...
Which is why from my perview, I just don't care about desktop.
I like how I can't see any of the starboard because the right sidebar of SE chat is so cluttered there's no room left for stars unless I maximize this window
@LightnessRacesinOrbit harrr :P none of the harrible things said around TL would ever be found here..
@Ixrec to be fair, you can blame our awesome tagboard for that :)
that's certainly the only part we could fix ourselves
it'd be nice if I could hide all the other stuff on the right, most of it's pretty useless
There's a great StackApp called "morestars" that collapses the userlist and whatnot by default. But since Google started refusing to let us install arbitrary userscripts, it doesn't work.
oh, okay, they fixed that, or I did by turning on dev mode. BUT:
Support for the SSL chat would be great :) (https://chat.stackoverflow.com/...) — Lightness Races in Orbit Feb 12 at 23:29
and I can't find an option to turn off HTTPS Everywhere for certain sites ffs
Q: Checkboxe where you can only click one at a time

lyndactI was wondering if there was a way for checkboxes where they are like radio buttons where you can only click one at a time.

Yes, I'm sure there is a way. — MichaelT 20 secs ago
aha ahhh ugh ahh :(
checkbox radio lists make me feel stabby
I'm surer than you! Neh neh!
@JimmyHoffa It ruins the expectations of the user experience.
haha a downvote
This may be a worthwhile question, but first you have to clarify one really important point: WHY don't you want to use radio buttons? They perform precisely the behaviour you want. To claim you want something else to perform that functionality, you need to give back story as to what you are actually trying to accomplish - and why it needs to be solved in an absolutely non-normative fashion. — Jimmy Hoffa 7 secs ago
If he can edit it or comment so I can edit it and say "I cannot use radio buttons because X, Y, Z, but I need the behaviour for A, B, C, how can I go about providing this UX without ratio buttons?" then we can have a meaningful Q&A
right now though, it's just meaning less and especially given that code-snippet answer..ugh..this is not SO..
hence I downvoted and VTC'd as unclear
@Ixrec I will in ~30. I want to give some time for him to respond so that I might correct it first. If a corrected version is still close vote worthy, I'll correct it then CV..
I generally don't spend enough hours a day on the site for the whole "remember to come back and vote later" thing to be remotely practical
@Ixrec totally reasonable.
goddamnit I just got flip flop on programmers
where is that secret hats meta Q I posted..
maybe if the site name changed and all the off-topic "spam" disappeared overnight it would become practical
@Ixrec I was arguing for site name change ages ago..
the google rankings hit would be hard but... hell, why do I care?
I know
Wish it didn't take so damned long
that's actually an upside, we'd stop showing up in google searches for generic "programming help" or "how to deal with stupid programmers" and other off-topic nonsense
Our question rate is ~35/day, that may drop like a stone - resulting in who knows how many participants just stopping showing up...
it could be a very dangerous game
but everyone agrees most of that 35/day is crap
maybe we should try to estimate our non-spam question rate
over time question rate would start to rise again, but by then how many answerers had we lost?
@Ixrec good idea
take my SEDE query and filter out closed/deleted Qs
my impression is it's already something dismally low like 2-3 a day
A: Winter Bash 2015 Secret Hats

EranEdward Edwards

aww yeah, secret hat UNLOCKED
my SEDE-fu is total crap
my attempt showed only 1/3 of incoming questions get closed, which is obviously not right
That SEDE I posted is ugly nasty bad SQL
but it's forked and reforked and reforked from various other writers..
my whole contribution is basically this line: CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(day, (DATEDIFF(day, CreationDate, @LastFullDayOfData) % 7), CreationDate)) [Week],
ah, I see a score > 0 in there too
@Ixrec a 0 scored Q still qualifies as one we obviously don't damned well care for (IMO)
hm, yeah that only changes it from 10 a week to 15 a week, not a big change
not sure where "35 qs per day" comes from
so whatever I was doing was probably just broken
well, the way I'm rolling it includes our dead days in the average
@JimmyHoffa your first query was showing 100-150 per week, so...ok yeah 35 a day is an overestimate
@JimmyHoffa dead days?
wow got the Flip Flop secret hat too haha
literally everyone got three Flip Flops
we still don't know what it's for
voting on that date?
excuse me while I test this theory
the hat task runs...every five minutes?
I just got another secret hat
@JimmyHoffa so what I'm seeing is our average non-crap questions per day is 1-2
which is...even worse than I guesstimated :/
@Ixrec no
Your SQL are the bads
One second
I'm looking at your query, it shows 10-15 acceptable questions per week
@Ixrec average per day per week
oh, ok
I summed the good Qs for 7 day periods, and divided them by 7
I read the legend and it seemed to be saying average per week
is bad SQL; fixing..
@Ixrec I'm just trying to do what Jon wants, hijacking questions for my own reputaiton! :P
or in this case, guessing what the OP wants and hoping you get lucky
who cares? it's a community wiki-like site
/devils advocate
there - daily acceptable question count - for the past 300 days
yuck. Rolling up the weeks makes it much more readable..
so the first thing that jumps out to me about that query
I don't see any obvious rise or fall during the CV experiment
that shows 227 non-closed questions with a score of >0 in November
what I do see is a fall around September
or about 7.5 questions/day asked, on average, that remain open and are not 0 or lower
@JimmyHoffa hmmm good point
I got Flip Flop on ELL.SE
I have special hatsmen
so probably confirmed that voting on something today is all it takes
I guess I edited away the p.se stuff in that question
@enderland by the way, your edit made the question more broad/poll-like, not less =P
@Ixrec yeah I just deleted my answer, go go delete vote it
no don't make them radio buttons — lyndact 20 mins ago
in fact
the secret hats winter bash post doesn't list my hat
how did I get this?
which one?
Anybody else earned one of these?
the unicorn one?
the one I'm wearing. "Specialist Hatsman"
is that the one for getting X other hats?
@Ixrec yes ;)
ahahahah I don't think OP liked my answer
> You get Specialist Hatsman if you earn 11 hats on one site.
@lyndact: i.stack.imgur.com/y72Dd.png This is NOT how to use the Stack Exchange network. — Lightness Races in Orbit 19 secs ago
> Specialist Hatsman

collect 11 hats
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, we've been watching with great interest
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I just deleted my answer there, he's suspended on SO
With moving average.
@enderland lolol
@MichaelT very nice
excel paste?
now a non-cabal person comes in here and is horrified that we're attempting to quantify our narrow view of what's "acceptable"
@JimmyHoffa Pulled up Numbers on my mac...
my Excel copy is... a tad bit old.
@Ixrec acceptable by the numbers is a community decision... I'm confident that using score > 0 and not closed/deleted equates relatively close to "Community decision" - as close as can reasonably be reified anyway.
i.sstatic.net/y72Dd.png oh god the facepalm
Amusing bit, if I pull up my mail/meetings Microsoft app, I still get reminders for reoccurring meetings that I never got a cancel message for from Employer^^^.
@JimmyHoffa obviously I agree with that, though I'm sure an anti-cabalist could argue against that if they really wanted to
Fixing things about that graph... don't use it.. (for example, its backwards)
haha, to be fair - the trend is hardly the important point. To be sure, I just want to see an average for a long enough period to subsume a single number or range: ~17-23
that's about the number of acceptable questions we get per day
> I manage a tech group and I do both plus manage. And I have 3 people that work for me that do both. You are more horse than unicorn but horses still provide more value than the jackasses/donkeys that consume 90%+ of your realm.
where is this?
A: I feel like I'm underpaid, how do I prove it?

blankipI manage a tech group and I do both plus manage. And I have 3 people that work for me that do both. You are more horse than unicorn but horses still provide more value than the jackasses/donkeys that consume 90%+ of your realm. If you want to get paid more for doing this then get a better payi...

alright @enderland that hat fits your icon wayy too well
Thats better.
The thing I'm going to point out is that precarious drop in August.
@MichaelT bleh - I don't trust the 7-day running math because it was such ugly SQL
@JimmyHoffa Thats why I let the spread sheet do it.
@MichaelT ah good
I recall we all expected a drop around September
so that doesn't surprise me much
always do
There's also a cycle that is being amplified on a weekly basis.
We get better, and worse.
I still think the signifcant part is that the CV experiment doesn't turn up there at all, i.e. we did not get any stricter about what was close-worthy during the experiment
But, it trends up... arguably until exams.
the trend up at the end is probably the tail of not-yet-closed stuff
@MichaelT I don't understand the cyclical nature of the graph - I remember seeing that in weekly rollups before and trying to scratch my head at it. Is it monthly?
The major X labels are 2 weeks.
@MichaelT is that percentages? or absolute numbers
@enderland absolute.
Or whatever jimmy's query dumps out.
Percentages would probably be a more compelling trend than absolutes, because 20/100 questions being good is much worse than 15/30
pretty sure it's absolute, the versions of the query without "acceptable" were giving 100-150
  COUNT(1) [Acceptable questions]
good point, we should try that variation too
You're going to make me switch to Excel... Numbers is nice for fast data visualizations... not good for better charting.
I miss Cricket and Igor.
CricketGraph was a graphic software program for the Apple Macintosh by Cricket Software sold until 1996. It could take tabulated data and create common business and statistics graphs such as bar chart, pie chart, scatter plots and radial plots. These graphs could be saved in common image formats such as PICT and EPS and added to other documents. It did not have the same capabilities as a spreadsheet. == Competition == The main competitor was Visual Business, as well as the built-in graphing packages in Microsoft Excel, Informix Wingz and specialty statistics software such as Systat. Although this...
wavemetrics.com/products/igorpro/platformsupport.htm -- my father had this in his lab at the university. Grad students from the entire department wold go to the undergrad computer lab for this program. We sometimes had to kick them out.
> Igor Pro 6.3 Single-user License 11-500 $595.00
Little bit too expensive for someone not doing data analytics.
The mean for that range was 17.33, the median was 17.
because people doing data analytics are rich
how big is the close vote queue for everyone else? it's 49 for me and I'm all out, and it's been well over 50 for at least a few days
Nothing like writing a long answer on HNQ which you know will not get upvotes :'(
@Ixrec I see 49, I have 8 left.
@enderland such as?
A: What are the advantages of the angled flight deck layout used by some aircraft carriers?

enderlandAn angled flight deck resolves many problems identified during WWII with carrier combat and flight operations. The first relates to the importance of not having a crash landing stop flight operations (or wreck staged/landed planes). For example, straight deck carriers often recovered planes in a...

Q: How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?

Tim BSo, I've got this idea for a short story. Some researchers find a forgotten manuscript hidden locked away in an ancient tomb. While they are working on it one of them pastes part of the text into a Facebook announcement and Facebook automatically translates it. This links Facebook to the nether r...

that was an awesome question
@Ixrec thanks. oh wait, wrong one ;_;
oh, the carrier question is good too
haven't made it down to your answer yet
... I just loaded a bunch of acceptable question data into R.
You are all terrible people who want me to be as unproductive as possible.
(I really like analyzing data.. argh)
load into your favorite data analysis tool and...uhm...yeah.
and weep
Donna Choi on December 21, 2015
We believe that all programmers need and deserve jobs they love. Last week, we added a Jobs tab to Stack Overflow in order to help you do just that.
@StackExchange meh. Though more honestly, this will make people a tad bit less likely to use SO at work.
@MichaelT or worse yet, companies block it
Its like updating Linked In while at work... unless you just started - don't.
just you try to stop me
what do you call those charts that show the min/max as a bar with a line in the middle for median?
In descriptive statistics, a box plot or boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles. Box plots may also have lines extending vertically from the boxes (whiskers) indicating variability outside the upper and lower quartiles, hence the terms box-and-whisker plot and box-and-whisker diagram. Outliers may be plotted as individual points. Box plots are non-parametric: they display variation in samples of a statistical population without making any assumptions of the underlying statistical distribution. The spacings between the different parts...
(that was one of the reports that I generated from uptime data of registers at Employer^^.
sweet, got my wifi modules
so, yep.
That excludes weekends
that's a bit depressing
not really. 10-20 good questions a day? That's plenty of good content.
I meant the steady decline
*30 -> 300-600 good questions a month. That's a lot of content. Imagine wikipedia adding 300-600 pages a month
eh.. you have to look at the era
it doesn't strike me as a steady decline
the first third of that or more is NPR
(I think?)
@JimmyHoffa or just lurking
meta.SE is a terrible, terrible place. Stay here. — canon 12 mins ago
@Ixrec a decline is to be expected, even
once a question is asked, it does not need to be asked again
Happy "Your boss is out of the office all week so you're not even pretending to work" Day!
A: Am I still supposed to explain my downvotes or not?

Lightness Races in OrbitThis comment: This post would be better if you explained X, Y, Z. comes across as "someone has an idea for a possible enhancement to my post, but it's not needed". This comment: -1: This post would be better if you explained X, Y, Z. comes across as "oh okay I had better make those c...

grumble mumble.. I get boxplots working and then find out I need to use some other library to overlay multiple on the same spot...
and it has a totally different API grumble
did you try a standard API
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I will say this, R is fast
now if only they didn't use so much non-english verbiage throughout their APIs
Q: Why can't my program compile under Windows 7 in French?

Lightness Races in OrbitI'm running Windows 7 French and I'm trying to compile this really basic program, but Visual Studio is being stubborn and refuses to comply. I also tried compiling it with both GCC 4.7 and Clang trunk on Coliru and I get more or less the same errors (output is below the code), though I think Coli...

> ggplot2 is a plotting system for R, based on the grammar of graphics, which tries to take the good parts of base and lattice graphics and none of the bad parts
Rrrrrrr me hearties
because apparently base and lattice graphics is a great terminology to start with for something that people are supposed to use just to create simple graphs?
It looks like a joke question for April 1st ..... — Basile Starynkevitch Apr 1 '14 at 8:32
I hate when people do this.
@JimmyHoffa missing a legend
yellow = question count per day
green = acceptable question count per day
red = unacceptable question count per day
that is interesting
@Ixrec screw you too! You want to chart this shit in R? You go ahead and figure out how to put a legend on without getting a crazy damned bunch of lines drawing all over hell and back
what's the year/month when the green and red start touching again?
R is neat; but it takes some fiddling...
I really need to figure out how to create functions
just stringing shit together with temporary variables is really annoying
I'm sure it's buried in the documentation somewhere
Christmas miracle - I have reserved seats for a showing of SW tomorrow. :-D
@GlenH7 I had a chance at that last week but passed
everyone in my office was offered them by some vendor for an pre-screening or day-of or something
This appears to be an additional showing they've added to help deal with the demand
I got nearly perfect seats and half the theater was still available to pick from
@JimmyHoffa tough call. I probably would have taken them. But I'm glad I get to see it with my kids first
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