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It reads like GPL but for not software. :(
@ThomasOwens GFDL is a nice license for documents. CC-BY-SA isn't "strong" enough for me (there are far too many instances of CC-BY-SA photographs from Instagram and similar being appropriated into advertisements), and CC-BY-NC has that fuzzy "what is commercial" aspect to it.
When it comes to recipes, its an especially fuzzy area in copyright law... well, not too fuzzy... but its messy.
> Copyright law does not protect recipes that are mere listings of ingredients. Nor does it protect other mere listings of ingredients such as those found in formulas, compounds, or prescriptions. Copyright protection may, however, extend to substantial literary expression—a description, explanation, or illustration, for example—that accompanies a recipe or formula or to a combination of recipes, as in a cookbook.
Part of it is to maintain an invariant section in the text, even if the rest is changed.
Granted, we don't have any invariants in there yet.
@ThomasOwens btw, the GFDL and GPL are mutually incompatible.
The things I do like about the GFDL for a cookbook are:
Hey everyone. I finally bought a mini computer off Craigslist. This guy who works in IT partook in a contest and won an Intel NUC package with 16gb memory and 256gb ssd. He sold me the entire thing for $400, never used but to install an ESXi operating system
* prevent DRM of the cook book
* Invariant section
* Allow commercial redistribution with the source.
ITAR is worse than HIPAA.
If I have general questions on how to install operating systems, would I be correct in heading to Super User Stack Exchange?
@daOnlyBG I'd go to Super User. OS install isn't something that is a developer specific tool.
Thought so. Thanks!
You know you're an engineering-esque person when... you start trying to figure out the right time to nuke the cider for in the microwave that also rotates the handle of the mug back to the door
@MichaelT going through and reorganizing a bit; adding a "Refreshing" discrimination folder under Soft and Cocktails because both have refreshing and non-refreshing drinks now. Seem like a reasonable partition?
I think I'll go put up my wife's cranberry tart recipe as well.. if I can get it out of her..
Its one of those "I wish it had it" - a tag system on files.
@MichaelT exactly..
was trying to think through the approach
Consider an index with relative links.
[Name of recipe](link_to_file.md)
hmm, yes. We could create a markdown index with indexes on different dimensions
the folder structure then becomes relatively tangential
Short of having a database backing it instead of a file system (see web tender webtender.com for a database backed example), its what we've got.
@MichaelT yes, I recall webtender from years past... but yeah, it's not like we're going to ever have an insane number of recipes. And if we ever do, then we'll come up with something then.
@Ampt btw - that orange marg recipe looks awesome, I will definitely have to give it a go next summer. Has the hallmarks of the recipes I like: Simple fresh ingredients.
oh hell that just reminded me of a recipe I will have to add; guac. Key is fresh ingredients and it only takes a few to make awesome guac..
Thing for me when considering my hot ciders - I can drink quite a bit of it in one go. While I'd love to 8 apples, and four oranges and some cranberries (maybe some cherry in there too)... I wonder what the cost/mug would be in time and money.
@MichaelT it's not terrible if you make a large amount starting with a pre-made cider rather than an from apples. Starting with apples it's going to be a much more expensive situation... boiling the stuff really only takes 30-60 minutes and the prep work is pretty easy so the time cost isn't huge if you make a huge batch
just fixed indentation now
@JimmyHoffa That works.
that project is hilarious
@enderland You're just jealous you haven't forked it yet.
I don't really drink, so I'm going to not be able to contribute much...
@enderland Did you see that there is a soft side to it?
lol, just imagining...
And also that Drink is a category implying Food as one people haven't just added to it.
"have you contributed to any open source projects?"
"yeah, I actively contribute to one."
"oh, which is it?"
"its... a github repo of different drinks from a programmers chat"
The old usenet cookbook: web.archive.org/web/20070429112607/http://ftp.digital.com/pub/… - note that their license is incompatible with... well... almost everything.
> Copyright (C) 1987 USENET Community Trust
Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted
provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial
advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and
its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of
the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor.
Ok... and... what is your software design or architecture problem? — MichaelT 3 mins ago
now it's a wall of text lol
Hai...Do we use dip unit for responsive design using CSS? to target non-android/apple devices? I need some resource that talks more on this with examples
If you are doing something and worrying about dpi on the web, you're doing it wrong.
@enderland self deleted now.
Hmm... user even self deleted now.
I see that dip unit is not part of css relative length units, but why responsive designs talk about dip unit?
Q: Is there a way to use DPI in css media queries instead of px

Dennis BurtonNumber of pixels width and height does not always tell the whole story. That works great for adding or removing items from the screen, but isn't quite right for setting the right image. With the retina display on the MBP, a browser window set to half of the screen would have the same number of pi...

The responsive frameworks often need to get down into the "are you looking at this on an iPad? or an iPhone? or a retina display on a laptop? or ...".
Unless you are writing your own, don't worry about it. Because unless you are sitting there with all the devices in your hand, you will likely get it wrong. Even if you do have all the devices in front of you, you'll still likely get it wrong. Debugging UI problems is not fun.
Pick a framework, and learn how to use it. Don't worry about how it does things too deeply, because its doing things that are at best... not always supported practices.
am learning bootstrap framework in css
(if you dig into Hibernate for Java, you'll find import sun.unsafe. ... which, well, is unsafe.)
am learning bootstrap css framework and angularjs JS framework
Yep. And you've got .col-xs and .col-sm and .col-md and maybe even .col-lg (for those of us who like our full screen 27" web browsers?!)
@MichaelT I got nomination from Saskatchewan province, applying for permanent residence
Ahh, the plains of Saskatoon and Moose Jaw.
US will become vulnerable in security aspect, looks like there is larger than 9/11 in future. I hope you heard of paris attack and the warning to US from ISIS. Obama is under severe pressure situation
I also got PR approval from NZ, but I kept aside and preferring CANADA.
shrug - I'm really trying to stay out of politics in chat. It tends not to go well.
ok fine
How is saskatoon for front end web dev jobs?
I feel like most people find jobs first and then move, rather than the other way around :)
Hmm... the largest city metro area in Saskatchewan is smaller than the city here (if you go for the Madison Metro area instead, its 3x larger)
Closer in size to Eau Claire metro area.
But saskatchewan is so peaceful and away from urban lifestyle
It is.
Do we need a USA VISA to come to NY from CANADA? I hope their is train route from Toronto to NY
> When you know the category of visa that corresponds with your purpose of travel to the United States, please schedule an appointment for your visa interview at the most convenient location. In Canada, non-immigrant visa interviews are conducted at the Embassy and six U.S. consulates.
So yes, it appears you need a visa.
I'm also going to point out that the drive time for Saskatoon to NY, NY is about 34h.
Surprising that neigboring country CANADA is not part of VWP
Mexico isn't either.
I think neighboring countries are always rivals in political aspect
VWP also includes a fair amount of other things. It has to be bi-lateral, and has a significant amount of intelligence sharing.
Even if you reside in a VWP country, if you are a foreign national in that country, you will still need a visa. (UK to US for example)
Not sure, how to manage winters in Saskatchewan. In my country, the lowest temperature is 5 centigrade
@JimmyHoffa Hope you don't mind if I contribute to your drinks project. I have many, many recipes to share.
(heh... 5 C?)
Oh... fun times are ahead.
ya 5C
Last winter, several degrees latitude to the south... there were -40 C nights.
in saskatchewan?
In Eau Claire, WI (USA)
Do we need to take non-veg to sustain winters of SK?
> In the driest and coldest winter months (January and February), night-time temperatures normally range from -15 to -25°C, while daytime temperatures range from -5 to -15°C. Winter temperatures can fall as low as -30 to -40°C but this usually lasts only a few days.
No sun-rays in winter? how many months?
Depends on what you call "months of winter"
The number you're interested in is the "heating degree days"
so room heater is a MUST to survive in Saskatchewan?
Mean temp for Feb was -19.2C. Mean low temp was -24.5 C. Mean high temp was -14.0C.
shrug That's weather in a northern continental.
will be back
MichaelT, are you based in Saskatchewan?
@MetaFight Nope. I know how to look up data quickly and interpret it.
ah. ok. Yeah, I thought Ashley Nunn was the only Canadian in here.
@MetaFight When I was in Eau Claire, I lived further north than her.
yeah, I always forget that parts of Canada dip pretty far south into the us
I've had fun with snow and cold weather...
That was my first winter in Eau Claire after moving back to Wisconsin.
Blue is normal, green is actual...
that first snow fall dropped nearly 1m of snow overnight.
in my mind there's just a perfect W-E line separating the two countries. Of course in reality Ontario dips as far south as California's northern tip.
Eau Claire is upper left corner. Kitchner is in the lower right.
I really need to explore more of Canada and the US.
I've been away for 5 years now. I lived in Canada for 29. Never saw anything further west than Montreal.
and the only bits of the US I know are Boston and a bit of Maine.
I need to plan a massive road trip. Oh yeah, and win the lottery first.
Do a trans Canada highway drive.
Oh... that looks like a big crater...
The prairies are tough, I hear. But it would be fun :)
@MetaFight tough as in 'not much to see, boring, hard to stay focused' - but yes.
heh, I worked in Sept-Iles. Interesting town.
Channeled scablands (Washington state) and Nevada I-80 were that way for me.
anyway. It's 4am here. time for sleep.
I was right!
René-Levasseur Island is a large island in the centre of Lake Manicouagan in Quebec, Canada. Its highest peak is Mount Babel, at 952 m (3,123 feet). With a total area of 2,020 km² (and a diameter of 72 km), the island is larger in area than the annular lake in which it is situated. René-Levasseur Island is the world's second largest lake island (the largest is Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron). The geological structure was formed by the impact of a meteorite 214 million years ago. The meteorite is believed to have been about 5 km in diameter, and would have hit the earth at a speed of 17 km/s, the...
A friend of mine just did Canada on a motorcycle. I've never ridden before, but that looked like a great way to do it.
@MetaFight Make sure you're listening to Gordon Lightfoot on the way.
The other way to do it would be via rail.
@MichaelT neat! I always wondered if that was a crater. but before the intertubes I didn't know how to look it up. ah, the future is nice.
I've done 16+ hour rides on the train before... not great. And you don't even get all that far in 16 hours.
Driving would be much more fun.
Bigstop irving!
@MetaFight the thing is you get an obversavation car and do the entire way.
Irving Oil Ltd. is a gasoline, oil, and natural gas producing and exporting company. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fort Reliance Company Ltd., which is privately owned by Arthur Irving and his family. It is considered part of the Irving Group of Companies. Irving Oil operates the Irving Oil Refinery, Canada's largest refinery, as well as a network of gasoline stations, a fleet of oil tankers, real estate and other related assets. == HistoryEdit == Kenneth Colin (K.C.) Irving established Irving Oil Limited in 1924, when he was 25 years old. Using gasoline imported by rail, the first...
Sadness.. I always thought the Big Stops were Canada-wide. Apparently they're just east coast.
anyway. bed. g'night.
The other thing to consider is getting a rail pass and just doing that.
> For people who want to go a long way on a limited budget, there's no better choice than the Canrailpass.

Travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific or anywhere on the VIA network in Economy class with the Canrailpass  System. If your needs are limited to the Québec City-Windsor corridor, then the Canrailpass  Corridor is your solution.

The Canrailpass gives you the choice between a set number of one-way trips or unlimited travel either Canada-wide or within a specific region.
@overexchange btw, Saskatoon New-York via train is about 2.5 days one way and about $500 (not sure if usd or cnd)
> 1. Peel and seed one fresh avocado, place in bowl
> 2. Squeeze juice of 1 lime into bowl
> 3. Mince quarter of a large yellow onion, or half of a small-medium sized one, add to bowl.
> 4. Mince 1 clove of garlic, add to bowl.
> 5. Add 1.5 tsp. salt to bowl
> 6. Mush the contents of the bowl with a large spoon or fork until thoroughly mixed with expected consistency.
^-- There, now there's a food recipe for it too. Just wasn't sure what folders to put under food so I didn't create it yet. Appetizer/Entree/Desert ? Cultures ? I don't know
@MichaelT yeah I live pretty south for being Canadian
@JimmyHoffa this makes me want tacos. Or just a bowl of guacamole and some chips
@JimmyHoffa Thats not food... thats an avocado smoothie.
Although I would put more garlic in mine.
@AshleyNunn made with fresh ingredients as I said there - super quick and easy and absolutely delicious.
@MichaelT it's guac :|
@AshleyNunn note, it's a 1 avocado portion - very small. One clove of garlic in that will stand out fairly well. But perhaps you love garlic enough to add more :) The whole recipe scales.
@JimmyHoffa it's one of those things I like, but don't really make all that often. I think because in my head it is tied to tacos, which are hard for me to make for just-me because there are so many bits.
@JimmyHoffa I really love garlic. :D
@AshleyNunn yeah, we don't make it often either, but whenever we do it's probably gobbled up before anything else we make
@AshleyNunn I'm still chuckling at thinking 5 C is cold... and looking at going to Saskatoon.
@JimmyHoffa yeah when I do make it I eat it pretty quick because it is so good
@MichaelT 5C isn't that bad. A good coat and you are fine. Why would you go to Saskatoon? What's even there?
1 hour ago, by overexchange
@MichaelT I got nomination from Saskatchewan province, applying for permanent residence
49 mins ago, by overexchange
Not sure, how to manage winters in Saskatchewan. In my country, the lowest temperature is 5 centigrade
5 C is toasty warm when you've gone through a -40 C winter. 5 C isn't even the high temperature in months I consider winter.
Once you have reduced your question to a single, well-defined, answerable question, general questions about programming languages are maybe a better fit on Programmers. — 5gon12eder 42 secs ago
Oh man haha that's going to be a harsh surprise when the cold hits
Hah, shit I've seen -15c and 10c in the same day.. A winter or two ago we set a length record below 0c - was something like 2 months
@JimmyHoffa Thats mountains though. And east side.
No, in city.
That too...
Saskatoon is a Dfb climate.
Köppen climate classification is one of the most widely used climate classification systems. It was first published by Russian German climatologist Wladimir Köppen in 1884, with several later modifications by Köppen himself, notably in 1918 and 1936. Later, German climatologist Rudolf Geiger collaborated with Köppen on changes to the classification system, which is thus sometimes referred to as the Köppen–Geiger climate classification system. In the 1960s the Trewartha climate classification system was considered a modified Köppen system that addressed some of the deficiencies (mostly that the...
Mountains can go serious lengths without seeing freezing.. Though 2 months in city is hyperbolic.
A humid continental climate (Köppen prefix D and a third letter of a or b) is a climatic region defined by Russian German climatologist Wladimir Köppen in 1900, which is typified by large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot (and often humid) summers and cold (sometimes severely cold) winters. Precipitation is usually well distributed through the year. The definition of this climate regarding temperature is as follows: the mean temperature of the coldest month must be below −3 °C (26.6 °F) and there must be at least four months whose mean temperatures are at or above 10 °C (50 °F...
Look at Denver climate classifications sometime, it's interestingly rare, like a few places on the planet with the same because we have the alpine desert but get struck with monsoon summers from the gulf
Climate like Aspen... except... flat.
> In the Western Hemisphere, high-altitude locations as South Lake Tahoe, California, and Aspen, Colorado, in the western United States exhibit local Dfb climates. The south-central and southwestern Prairie Provinces also fits the Dfb criteria from a thermal profile, but because of semi-arid precipitation portions of it are grouped into the BSk category.
> The cool summer version of the humid continental climate covers a much larger area than the hot subtype. In North America, the climate zone covers from about 44°N to 50°N latitude mostly east of the 100th meridian. However, it can be found as far north as 54°N, and further west in the Canadian Prairie Provinces and below 40°N in the high Appalachians. In Europe this subtype reaches its most northerly latitude at nearly 61° N.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on programmers.stackexchange.commplungjan 46 secs ago
@JimmyHoffa Just remember to serve it over lots of ice - that recipe is POTENT unless watered down properly.
Also, you may want to play with the amount of lime juice and sugar
they balance eachother out and are done to taste
too bland? add Lime juice - too sour? add sugar.
2 hours later…
@Ixrec for this question, How do I decide the image size for a form element?
not that form elements come with images by default, but I'd guess you're after background-size?
3 hours later…
yes background-size and resolution
2 hours later…
Happy Coffee Day
10k can't come quickly enough
Q: How to deal with new coder arrogance?

Sayed KoosheshDealing with one of those. You know the guys. 4-6 years of experience and gets some feedback from a user about a bug they swear doesn't exist. I've seen the bug personally happen, and yet, out of fear I think of being seen as bad, they refuse to admit it. How have you dealt with this and what can...

1 hour later…
@ThomasOwens that works too.
@enderland It was undeleted?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They've got that funny workplace icon in the upper right corner there.
Time to see if we can doubly migrate a question...
Q: Should I use `app.exec()` or `app.exec_()` in my PyQt application?

Santosh KumarThis question is more about language internals than choices. I know exec a language keyword in Python. But when I see Official PyQt5 Documentation (specifically the Object Destruction on Exit part). I see that example shows use of app.exec() which confuses me. When I tested it on my machine. I ...

migrated to SO (including a vote by the OP). Deleted on SO by the OP (rejected the migration). Reopened here (?!) (including a vote by the OP).
@MichaelT that sure seems like an SO question
@enderland It is an SO question. It even has an SO duplicate.
Q: Should I use `app.exec()` or `app.exec_()` in my PyQt application?

socketI use Python 3 and PyQt5. Here's my test PyQt5 program, focus on the last 2 lines: from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * import sys class window(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle('test') self.resize(250,200) ap...

And whats more, the OP edited his question into it. (see stackoverflow.com/posts/22610720/revisions )
This belongs on Stack Overflow, but it will be closed as a duplicate of this question as it is the same question.. — enderland 9 secs ago
However, deleting his question after editing the other rejected the migration... and its back here.
Odd.... you literally copy/pasted someone else's year-old question... then removed the code and added an incomprehensible prelude... — Lightness Races in Orbit 51 secs ago
Hmm... one of those interesting bits. Old 4k rep user is back and is doing reviews and firmly in the close side of the spectrum. programmers.stackexchange.com/users/17429/…
> i traid to make overlay in game called league of legends and i couldn't i traid vb and other programs but i faild

so if some one could make for me one i will give him from 30$ the details in my email if u are ready to do it contact : [email protected] just telling its need a web site desktop program and the overlay you will take 20$ or more if u did it great (with out the host for the web) so Rene and your offer to start from $ 30
$30? Wow... thats... not even an hour for me.
@MichaelT to be fair, you've spent over an hour writing a single answer on P.SE for free before.
@MichaelT I had voted to migrate, then tried to answer that question on SO. In doing so, I found the duplicate and closed the migrated question as such, with OP confirming the dup. They then deleted the SO duplicate, leaving that undead question P.SE . →migrations are a mess.
@amon as are dupes.
@JimmyHoffa I've done those for me. I place the value of time that I write those answers for on improving my understanding of the subject matter.
@MichaelT I'm not disagreeing; just saying trying to associate a wage value is sometimes silly. That said, it's nowhere near as silly as that guys "question", or his attempt at paying $30 for a piece of professional software development
@JimmyHoffa and you wonder why people have this problem - meta.stackoverflow.com/q/310698/1048539
@JimmyHoffa If one is to pay someone something for their time to write the code, they should consider market rates... $30 isn't close to the time it would take spent to actually come up with a plan on how to do it.
@amon Yep. They are.
@enderland me? No, I've made precisely the ascribed case in there ad nauseum; that is the precise reason I carry the banner of "close that shit, keep it clean" - because I don't care to sift for something worth participating in..
It's just not fun to participate in a mess, and messes don't help people. Messes lack any redeeming value, in effect.
@enderland It is interesting seeing the Atwoodian vs Spolskyian visions for Stack Overflow playing out today.
oh, I agree, the problem on SO is that is not the only attitude
@MichaelT right, you see it on meta.programmers all the time
@enderland I think we're still biased to the Attwoodian vision, though that would explain some of the corporate SE conflicts we've had.
@MichaelT yeah
@enderland the problem with SO is traffic. We happily avoid that problem. In fact, we have managed to avoid success at all costs; and I'd want it no other way.
Our new close vote reason is fantastic! Thanks @MichaelT for writing it! So much easier to enforce the scope of this site!
@amon Helps avoid the proxy unclear closes, crap migrations, and gets right to the point.
yeah, also is good for the "code dump plz halp me" questions
@JimmyHoffa lol
@amon Now, if only we knew what the scope was.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This can help you understand our scope better I think.
@JimmyHoffa you didn't link to the 'hard' section.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Programmers.SE is about questions and answers on software development concepts. Please see our help centre for more details.
@amon Oh! Thank you; that's very helpful.
@MichaelT fair point. I need to create a sub- README.md under the sections like that
the web UI is not my favorite tool - I think henceforth I'm actually going to just pull it down and use emacs (in spaaaace!) to fill it in.
@JimmyHoffa I suspect that Atom will also play nicely.
I only use web for quick typo fixes. Otherwise, its local.
I really should have left myself some notes on what I needed to do next within the project I'm working. Being out of the office for a week has effectively erased my memory
Memory usage of Visual Studio 2015 Professional, cold start, with a few goodies like Resharper and NUnit: __500 megabytes.__
Memory usage of Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, which probably has 99% of what I need to be productive: __150 megabytes.__
@MichaelT I just didn't want to hassle with it yesterday, but I should have. I need to fix the casing on the refreshing folder - and you can't rename folders in the web UI
Don't forget the memory leak.
... (crap... tool for entering in vacation from home is IE only) Lets see if Crossover can get at it.
^-- I use these for web testing different IE versions, they're quick and easy
works great, good to keep local
@JimmyHoffa I'm not entering in my password for my time sheet into a web app other than the one for entering data into the time sheet.
@MichaelT ? huh?
Look at the link I sent you, it's microsoft's VM machine library - they keep multiple formats and keep them current available for web developers to test with. I use the virtual box ones, but they have other options.
You just download the VM machine for the OS / IE version combo you want. Admittedly they're rather large because they're full VMs, but worth having one or two local.
Ahh... ok... well, lets see if this works first.
It works.
Whee for government web apps being "IE 6 or later" because somewhere there's a machine still on IE 6... and no, I'm 'running' later now.
Though its made me wonder what would happen if I spoofed the user agent.
Crossover is a neat app. Built on top of WINE.
In the mean time, yep... installing Vagrant to see if I can make the VMs @JimmyHoffa provided work.
@MichaelT ah yeah, I did play with Crossover a bit when Steam first made a stink about going live on linux and I just wanted to see how all the windows gaming on linux options stood up. I was quite impressed with Crossover to be sure- even for games it could run quite a few that weren't intended for linux fairly comparable to the linux versions of the same ones
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the environments within Crossover are called "bottles"
Just went to show how far wine had gotten; I remember it as that weird clunky thing that was more joke then actual software in yonder years
@RobertHarvey Forget about what?
@Ampt fuhgetaboutit
@JimmyHoffa for many things Crossover is perfectly acceptable.
@JimmyHoffa I remember playing with wine on my mac probably 5 years ago and that was my feeling, too
given the quality of VMs these days it really doesn't serve particular purpose at this point. You can run virtual box or countless other virtualization pieces on basically any OS these days and get solid hardware support for the virtualization layer from any modern system

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