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@WorldEngineer the mostly defunct blog. Have we considered doing a "pontificate on this otherwise off topic / too broad topic as requested by users"?
@MichaelT it's something I'd considered and basically we tried that for a while. It was hard to drum up volunteers to do the logistical work.
The previous blog appeared to be more of a "write on something that interests you" or "try a monthly challenge." I'm thinking taking a page from Stack Overflow's documentation idea of "request a topic"
@MichaelT this is an idea I'd entertained and I want to say I'd toyed with it in here.
Chat is great, but the ideas for topics need to come from outside for it to be something that we'd get readership for.
(we do have a bit of echo chamber in here)
@MichaelT that's not what I said
I said I'd broached the subject of doing a "here is a topic" before in here
Ahh, I though thats what was meant by "I'd towed with it in here (chat)"
But I don't want to write on "this is the topic of the month"
@MichaelT Main thing is to make sure that we can get a consistent and present editorial staff
I'd rather do "here is a meta post with 40 'write on this' ideas" from out there (pointing in general direction of the user base)
Dynamic literally up and disappeared on me
and no one else seemed truly interested in doing the grunt work of editing this stuff
I remember effectively rewriting a non-native speaker's work into something coherent. I'd rather avoid that issue.
or at least not be the sole responsible entity
The "not a native speaker" is a "you need to first run it through a grammar checker - either Microsoft word, or spellcheckplus.com or the like"
@MichaelT this required considerably more work than that.
Think of it more as a peer review from academia and say "nope, this has significant grammatical and syntactical errors" - if it takes more than 5% more time to fix it than read it, reject it.
@MichaelT the issue at the time being content and that silly idea of every two weeks publishing something
@JimmyHoffa I'm trying to figure out how you bolt Spacemacs onto Emacs
like I did the clone thingie
@WorldEngineer All you need are editors? I can do that.
I thought content creation was the actual problem.
@RobertHarvey it was both
it was attracting people with the whatever you want model
and also getting through the content in a timely manner which given that I was working semi-full time, taking 12 hours of classes, chairing two clubs, and being a mod, was a little iffy at the end
and then Dynamic gets sucked into high school
and that's that
The blog thing though... consider that in 12 - 16 weeks (2x 6-8), SO Documentation might be showing up here. The "show me an example of a singleton and its usage" are going to be the requests we're going to get. If we don't try putting those questions now in the blog, it will be hard to say that Documents isn't the right place for it given what SO's is looking to be.
Editing is easy. Creating good content is very difficult. It requires a lot of research, and in a perfect world you get thoughtful members of the public (not Youtube riff raff) to hammer it until all of the edge cases have been smoothed out.
Very few people, including the vast majority of bloggers, know how to do this well.
I can do it, but it would literally consume me for several days to write a good article.
And I'm not even sure it gets read. (" The 'Programmers Blog?' There is such a thing?")
@RobertHarvey If it has a post more recent than 2013...
It's hard... Just sayin'.
It is. And we also need to write what our audience wants to read.
I'd love to do one on general architectural principles. Not the whole three-tier or MVWhatever, just "Why software is divided into layers, and how to make the decision where to divide it."
This isn't a "linked in - write things that have an impact factor" type blog post that people are after.
IT Needs to be a Better Business Partner (yawn) - sorry, but that's what I felt like after the first paragraph.
Also, "Programming is not quilt-making: why you're using software patterns wrong."
"Software Development is not a Popularity Contest."
The spot where we could (I believe) have a useful blog is in the "user wants to know how to get the most out of programming when MOOCs and books are not enough?. Yea, thats part of the 'deleted questions' topic seeds...
but those are questions that people have.
Write code. Write some more code. When you're done doing that, write some more code.
Let them ask it, in a meta answer on the blog topics... and then have someone answer it. As a full on well written blog post.
Its not a good question for the main site. But it is something that people would like to write about (and go back and forth in blog comments). And that is a reasonable outlet for some of our well written but completely off topic and not a good fit for Q&A that we get here from time to time.
Sounds good to me.
1 hour later…
@WorldEngineer you just git clone the repo into your ~/.emacs.d folder, which requires first that you have a ~ folder - if you're in windows you need to set an environment variable home or homepath or something for that
When you run emacs it automatically looks for it's init and configuration in your ~/.emacs.d folder
@JimmyHoffa the one in the registry?
@WorldEngineer you using windows? I don't know any registry stuff
@JimmyHoffa I thought you were using this thing on Windows
because you always use Windows
tada. Environment variables in 3 steps. Set your "home" environment variable to some folder
and put the .emacs.d folder in that home folder
The environment variables have user level and system level - create the home environment variable at the system level so it's available for all users
(system is the bottom part)
@JimmyHoffa I am the only user
and the only user that this would matter for in the forseeable future
nah, there's a built-in administrator user which is what executes anything when you get that elevated-privileges request
if you have IIS on the box it has a variety of users. There's the system and network service users which run the myriad of system and network services in windows by default.
@JimmyHoffa it's a laptop
Just use system environment variables as a rule or else you'll have no idea why some shit isn't working
a generic laptop
@WorldEngineer still has services, IPC doesn't run itself
windows-key+r services.msc to see for yourself
1 hour later…
@JimmyHoffa All my "Logged on as" say NULL
is that normal?
I am tired of people telling me don't use static without any reason
Even with the static methods my answer would still stand. However Static methods are something I would try to design out. Unless it is a true utility function I prefer instantianted classes. — WindRaven 13 hours ago
I was just looking at binary search again today
@PleaseTeach IME a lot of people drastically overuse statics, possibly because they have the mistaken idea that everything needs to be in a class or because most first-timers seem to have no idea what static actually means, so it isn't unreasonable to actively recommend avoiding statics the same way we actively recommend avoiding global variables
@dhblah and?
and I just was a bit distracted and lost a thread
5 hours later…
how many training days do you get per year ?
Bronze badge. Woot woot.
1 hour later…
@Ampt you mean in services?
Happy Coffee Day
This lack of coffee is very troubling
I had 2 cups already.
wow I am seriously slacking. Alright, I'm going to go grab a cuppa
The coffee zombie has been defeated
Now to go choose a good JavaScript DatePicker and TimePicker control library(s) @psr @MichaelT @GlenH7 any suggestions?
what's a good UI even for doing it? Date and Time pickers are both terrible as a rule. The standard UI is awful. the windows metro approach is actually novel and great for mobile devices, but not particularly good for non-mobile..
I wonder if it would be a good UX to have like a zoomed-in map style calendar, instead of seeing all days, you see the one day and the calendar days that would be above/below/left/right of it and you navigate up/down to move 7 day increments, side-to-side for day at a time..
not sure if that would be totally unintuitive or if there'd be a way to make it intuitive just by the way it's presented..
@JimmyHoffa I'm using angular's. I don't think I need tell you any more beyond that...
@GlenH7 remind me not to ask you for suggestions on web techs in the future.. :P
Yeah, I didn't get to make those decisions... but whatevs. Not sure there's a better SPA framework, and we need that level of assistance
@GlenH7 there is
there's likely not a worse one though
lol. :-)
I put together my own framework in a sense recently for the web UI work I'm doing. Not much to it, I just use knockout for two-way binding and gulp as a build process takes all of my templates in separate files and concatenates them together in a single file so they're all available. Knockout templates are swap around to change the different pages you're viewing
Not much to "my own framework", literally it's just using gulp to turn 20 different view files into one index.html
I was dealing with other fires when the decisions were made and I don't really have deep skills in the javascript realm anyway. So I just shut up and march along with everyone else.
That alone gives pretty much all the facilities angular does without any of the This-Library-Owns-My-App
@GlenH7 everyone else is marching towards a cliff :( Rarely is conformity the good choice
Not worth the fight, and from my perspective not causing enough damage to justify pitching a fight.
@GlenH7 likely not depending on how much UI work you guys do
if it's going to grow to engulf all UI work you guys do in the future and you do a fair bit of UI work, well you'll wish you picked up the fight later. But so long as UI work is not the majority of your systems it's meh
This is weird. I update my JList, but the UI doesn't refresh. If I have A, B, and C in my list and then remove A, it looks like I have B, B, C in my list until I click on things. :\
Once I click on things, it starts to refresh itself.
did you send a update to the model's listeners?
for each change an event needs to be passed to them
Yeah, I called fireContentsChanged.
that's not enough for removing an item IIRC
you need fireIntervalRemoved
Oh. But I don't know the indices of what I removed.
send 0-Integer.MAX_VALUE
So it's OK to say that I removed more than I actually did?
JList is robust like that
at least in my experience
Maybe I should also be calling fireIntervalAdded for good measure?
Just nuke these event notifications from orbit.
Be all "bam, all kinds of stuff just happened dude"
And nope. Still the weird behavior.
I had a list of like 20 items. All I did was remove the first one and the first one stayed visible in the list until I scrolled or clicked on it.
I think I'll go with this datetime picker: makerstudios.github.io/ko-calendar/demo
Funny, though. If I do the remove command, they get removed right away. It's only when I take another action that performs a step and then removes.
@ThomasOwens I've seen across multiple UI frameworks some concept of render that you need to call when you change important things about it's display (like available elements). It's usually a very coarse call that can be somewhat expensive which is why finer calls usually exist around it (like elementAdded/Removed or DataBind events I've seen)
so look for something more coarse than just added/removed etc and you might find something that just redraws the control with the changed data
I am calling repaint on the list, too. Or is it invalidate? Maybe that's messing something up?
@ThomasOwens perhaps .updateUI()
or .getCellRenderer() might give you the renderer you can tell to just refresh
looking at the docs, it sounds like the cell renderer is responsible for rendering those cells that you want to disappear
I don't see any update methods in the cell renderer.
@ThomasOwens it will give you an underlying component for each cell that lets you paint() the individual cells - but that's plausibly a little more guts than one should be getting into. Meh, got me. Have fun
@JimmyHoffa no jlist uses a stamp mechanism
repaint() should at least update the visuals but that the fire* doesn't work means something else is going on
ah well there ya go. Just use javascript instead of java next time, easy peasy.
@JimmyHoffa or don't use javax.swing
@ratchetfreak javay.swing is a better choice, definitely. javaz.swing is way too beta, and java~.swing is too meta.
ugh I'm watching a trainwreck of miscommunication happen and my boss is entirely responsible :(
I once witnessed a miscommunication that resulted in 300 troops not having anywhere to sleep for 7 nights. I tried to tell my boss that the officer who struck the deal misunderstood what he was being told, but Corporals don't know shit in the army and Majors do, apparently. Unfortunately, I was one of those 300 troops who got stranded two months later.
> "OK to reiterate: ..."
Theoretical / design questions of this nature may be a better fit on Programmers. Best double check if it is on topic there though. — James Thorpe 11 secs ago
Thanks James, I'll ask on Programmers instead. Is there an easy way to transfer the question to the programmers site, or do I just need to repost there and delete here? — Nathan Hoyt 34 secs ago
Tries to demonstrate he's cut out for management by making other people do stuff through the sheer force of will.
@MetaFight Bionic Commando was such a good game. It was one of the first games that I actually played through and actually was able to beat. Great mechanism.
@AaronHall Definitely a classic.
You gotta have good timing for that last shot of the game.
@MetaFight "True justice" would have been you getting penalized after the fact for failing to inform your superiors of the problem when you first became aware of it.
@GlenH7 heh. my boss is telling me to not get frustrated about this. LOL.
> You should get used to my botching things like this. You'll be a lot happier in the long run if you do.
I don' tknow why this is so frustrating
No wait I do
@enderland What is actually happening?
I just need to stop caring about hurting people's feelings and tell them when they are @#%#@ing stupid
@durron597 well, my current frustration is that our outage (which affects about 100 people) was communicated to a small portion of those users by my manager
one of those was supposed to forward it or something like that, but hasn't
and since I generate auto notifications (to all 100 users) when there are system downtimes, the majority of those 100 users are all asking ME questions about the outage (since I'm the only one that they have received any communication from)
which makes me look like the problem for it
You should throw your boss under the bus. I'm sure that will go over well for your long term career.
hey, you never know
@enderland "You have sent an email to an automatic notifications inbox. Thank you for your message, but this inbox is not monitored. Please call <boss's number> if you have questions."
Makes me feel good to get nice comments on my answers.
The existence of off-topic questions is, as per the guidelines, not to be used as a justification for more off-topic questions. However - the good news - is that "programmers tools" questions are on-topic. If you want to add voting commentary though, please add that to the comments - it does not belong in questions. — halfer 41 secs ago
@durron597 it's so frustrating. It's a solved problem but no we have to go through stupid hoops
Your time on this planet is precious and limited. Don't waste the opportunity to tell your colleagues what you really think of them.
@ThomasOwens I can't imagine that is not blocked for you
it's blocked for me, and we have a really loose filter...
it kinda screams of something that ought to be blocked....
@enderland ytmnd.com should be blocked for everyone.
@durron597 It is. But a friend posted it on Facebook and I remembered.
That particular page is SFW.
@ThomasOwens Only if you are wearing headphones
You mean "Especially if you aren't wearing headphones", yes?
Anyway, I'm not even at work because there's some sort of holiday right now or something. Also I'm hungry.
@durron597 Speaking of hungry and hippos...Hungry Hungry Hippos!
Gotta love hard of hearing co-workers listening to personal voicemails.
On the speakerphone.
Fortunately (for him) his personal (medical) issues aren't that personal.
@durron597 haha. now I'm wondering whether someone will ask me about clicking the link :o
If someone casts the last CV for migration to SO on this amusing question, I can write a nice answer. TL;DR: pointers are evil.
@amon done
thanks :)
@amon cheating the fgitw with pre knowledge? Isn't that a standard loophole?
When you're installing Windows with the intention of dual booting, is it still standard practice to install Windows on the whole drive and then install Linux to change the Windows partition?
Last time I dual booted instead of VMs, that was the recommended approach.
(On code golf, someone wrote a programming language where the empty program prints hello wild for a zero length answer.
Much more a funny, ok, funny once, it's in the standard loopholes now)
Q: Which behavior is undefined?

MichaelTThere is undefined-behavior (2 questions - US spelling) and undefined-behaviour (5 questions - British spelling). Please do the mod thing to sort this tag stuff out.

@ThomasOwens did you look at the raw source of the merge question?
@MichaelT Haha, no.
@ThomasOwens be glad you got in before Yannis too. is way too cumbersome.
@MichaelT True.
This question is off-topic for stackoverflow. Maybe programmers.stackexchange.com ? — CollinD 24 secs ago
is anyone here relatively familiar with what the implications of SOX compliance on internal data governance is?
No. Are you familiar with DO-178 (B or C, C preferred)?
We have problems! We need answers! Where are the experts.
If I could phrase my question in a way that doesn't require a quarter of a book, I'd ask mine on Programmers. But right now, I need a conversation with a DO-178C or B expert.
In other news, "Things Considered Harmful" Questions Considered Harmful.
Really, the only thing that should be considered harmful are things that are actually harmful. Like jumping off of a multistory building. Or diving into a shallow pool.
or raw pointers
@ThomasOwens I just need a tl;dr version of what implications SOX has on data between different systems such as quality/config. how important is it to have separation of them
I don't know anything about SOX. Other than that it exists.
@enderland this sounds a lot like the typical first-timer asker commenting just after the comment explaining why their question is bad
I wish I just knew all of these standards and whatnot and made a living helping people conform to standards.
@Ixrec :) I'm basically looking for a resource request
You can ask a question on Programmers. If it's too broad, maybe someone can ask questions in the comments. As a smart SE user, you can edit the question to be more specific and maybe get it reopened.
That assumes that someone on Programmers can ask good enough questions in the comments to help lead you down the right path to get answer.
I'm kinda glad I work on the portion of our financial product that just monitors securities, rather than actually trading anything, so there's zero legal compliance hassle for my team
I guess I could probably make the question on topic here
I always forget that those types of governance questions are pretty on topic here
btw, since the cv-please room somehow wasn't enough, programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/218001/… could use close votes
@enderland I'd need to dig some on memories I'd rather forget.
At netapp, we had to follow sox to a T. Our ceo was an outspoken critic of it and there was the "can't be a critic of it and snub regulators if they show up."
The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (Pub.L. 107–204, 116 Stat. 745, enacted July 30, 2002), also known as the "Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act" (in the Senate) and "Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act" (in the House) and more commonly called Sarbanes–Oxley, Sarbox or SOX, is a United States federal law that set new or expanded requirements for all U.S. public company boards, management and public accounting firms. There are also a number of provisions of the Act that also apply to privately held companies, for example the willful destruction ...
I want a 'build, run tests & commit' button in VS
Feels like a solved problem.
TFS will give that to you with automated builds
You can even set it to auto-run after every commit
I want to move from tfs to git
tfs is not much fun for version control
That's a nice way of putting it
The gated check in is nice but slow.
I'm thinking something that makes it convenient to build and run tests locally
then have CI on github sending a mail if things break
gated check ins are nice but that is inversely proportional to size
waiting more than ten minutes is a problem
Some of our solutions take up to 10 minutes just to build... :-)
Which is how I got all my Progs rep
ten minutes locally?
Yes. Sometimes longer
several 3rd party apps alongside a winforms app alongside some other cruft
We moved to a local nuget to cut build times
What really sucked is when things didn't get detected properly so you'd have to clean and rebuild
And for other reasons
If checking in takes too long it starts to affect how one works which is not good
abandoning feature commits
> Abandon hope, all ye who enter.
For some reason I could use github from behind company proxy today
Dunno what I did if anything, was a great day
C#6 is nice.
have not gotten that far yet :/
Progasm!!! The autowires are all hooked up... And it works on the first time!
(Trying to change the core library here to one that is properly springy)

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