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> Starting Tuesday, Prime members in Amazon’s hometown of Seattle can get one- and two-hour delivery of beer, wine and hard liquor like whiskey, rum, and vodka with the launch of Prime Now there, making Seattle the first U.S. city to include alcohol in the assortment of products eligible for the quick-delivery service.
You know this means that they'll make a PBR dash button for the hipsters there.
If I could move to America, I think I know where I'd go, now :p (but since you still want large sums of money to fix my cyborg parts if they fail...don't think it is actually going to be a thing.)
Handy Visual Studio tip of the day: if you ever get a broken build with no error messages in the error list, you can get the compiler errors to show up in the window by selecting Build Only in the Filter ErrorList To dropdown in the Error List window. (Visual Studio 2015)
Yes, you heard me right: making the filter more specific shows more errors. (Time lost: 3 hours).
@AshleyNunn Isn't Seattle just south-western Canada? Kind of like how Baja-California is for the US?
See if you can persuade them to do drone booze delivery to Victoria BC...
It has great coffee, eh?
@MichaelT I am sure that won't raise any red flags anywhere :P
@MichaelT s/hipsters/the enlightened few/g
In Seattle, thats the same thing.
(I wonder how much PBR you can get with the minimum purchase order?)
probably a 6 pack
Hmm... maybe. There's the Seattle hipster tax in play too.
it's ok, by the time they hit wisconsin, I expect kegs to be on delivery
@JimmyHoffa want to shoot some tourists terrorists?
1 hour later…
...but neither the GPL nor the AGPL say anything about protecting the API itself; in fact, I believe such a restriction would run counter to the concept of "free software." The GPL is about source distribution, not about sealing off API's per se. It's the code that fulfills the API specification that is protected, not the specification itself. — Robert Harvey 7 mins ago
Science Fiction and Fantasy. Where you can find the answer to the quintessential question: "Did Greedo Shoot First?"
Are API questions on topic?
At CR, we have a user who is considering moving a question here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/102021/…
@Hosch250 beat me to it ;-)
Q: C library public API types

Jonathon ReinhartI'm evaluating a library whose public API currently looks like this: libengine.h /* Handle, used for all APIs */ typedef size_t enh; /* Create new engine instance; result returned in handle */ int en_open(int mode, enh *handle); /* Start an engine */ int en_start(enh handle); /* Add a new ...

@RobertHarvey Our CR mod, @Mat'sMug is busy taking out the trash, so I get to ping you.
Would you mind taking a look?
@Hosch250 @Mat'sMug I'm surprised the question is off topic on Code Review.
I'm on the fence.
@durron597 It looks awful like stub code, but I haven't done anything either way.
Well, as I'm sure you both know, is that a question must be off topic on the original site before it can be migrated.
Eh, if it compiles...
For example, algorithm questions on Stack Overflow should never be migrated to Programmers.
Even though they might be "more" on topic here.
It is lacking more detail than some questions I've seen closed as off topic for lack of detail.
it's very much boiled down to a specific aspect of the code, which goes against the spirit of CR, which is that answerers are free to comment on any and all aspects of the code.
A complete interface library could be a valid code review topic, right?
Like, let's say someone put SLF4J on code review.
If it had the implementation too.
No, just SLF4J API.
And said "have at it, what do you think"
AFAIK, API reviews are as off topic as reviewing a set of C# interfaces without implementations.
They are both stub code.
if it's not on-topic here, it'll end up closed as hypothetical/stub code on CR
OP is very cooperative though
I just don't get the Programmers.SE scope (sorry if that's taboo here!) to just migrate
OTOH, it's really an on-the-fence post, right in the gray area of CR on-topicness. Hence I'm not hammer-closing it.
It's gray area here too
It's, honestly, gray area on stack overflow also
I don't see anything mentioning API review in the help center.
eh, I think it's a case of when in doubt, don't.
@WorldEngineer Are you around?
@MichaelT? @GlenH7? @gnat?
I don't see a question - it reads more like a debate: "Which of these options is better", which I'm not sure makes it a great fit here either
Subjective questions on Programmers can often pass muster if they are specific enough.
your call - just reads to me like someone wants third party validation that they are, infact, the most correct on the interwebz
lol kinda huh
@Ampt I agree
Maybe I'm reading it wrong - it just comes off that this person spent all this time making these changes and submitting a pull request - and the repo owner said no, he likes it his way
@Mat'sMug @Hosch250 You two should read this: meta.programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/6758/…
in which case we will leave snarky comments and then close it, because that's what we do best
resists urge to star that ;-)
Presumably the original author put some thought into the original API, so any significant changes would have to be really compelling, especially if you're going to break existing clients.
@Mat'sMug Heck, I'll star it.
@RobertHarvey Agreed.
Honestly... there's no question there
He's already made all the points
He just wants us to agree with him
one away breaks encapsulation, one way breaks type safety.
I'll leave it on CR
but really, the repo owner gets the final word
@Mat'sMug One thing I tend to notice about code review... correct me if I'm wrong
But moderators tend to unilaterally close stuff a lot over there
I think you should see if it gets 5 votes from non moderators.
At that time, then revisit migration again
he didn't say he was going to close it :)
he just wasn't going to move it
I wasn't talking about him, I was talking about... other moderators.
How tough would it be for our small team of half-dozen developers to put in some sort of CI system? Perhaps based on Cruise Control?
possibly there should be a Meta.CR discussion about whether API questions are considered stub code
Heck, I'll make the post.
@RobertHarvey like make one you were going to use? or make one to sell?
No, just use one.
we had a CI system at my old workplace where teams were 4-6 people, worked fairly well
really it's selling it to management (If you give us 100 hours now, we can save 500 over the next year)
if you've done that... then you're already there really
Do you have to build anything? Or can you just write scripts and settings?
yeah, it was the embedded systems gig
stuff like "If we can overhaul our testing framework, we can save 10x as many hours over 5 years making testers for new products"
or "we need to create a better story board because ours is falling apart and we lose track of stufF"
I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for in terms of recommendations, but we just had a weekly (or maybe it was bi-weekly) status meeting for new ideas, and progress on approved ideas
once we had an idea and vetted it out to make sure it made sense, it got a budget and just became another project we could work on
@durron597 I have a deadline but yes I am around
so no, its definitely not impossible to make CI work with a small team of devs - the hard part is getting management to let you do stuff you can't sell in order to make long term payments
I may be totally mis-reading what you're asking though :)
Q: C library public API types

Jonathon ReinhartI'm evaluating a library whose public API currently looks like this: libengine.h /* Handle, used for all APIs */ typedef size_t enh; /* Create new engine instance; result returned in handle */ int en_open(int mode, enh *handle); /* Start an engine */ int en_start(enh handle); /* Add a new ...

We are discussing whether that should be migrated here
I think our small management team is already sold on it. It's just a matter of keeping the fires put out long enough to get it done.
@RobertHarvey yeah, you've got to be able to have time to actually work on the stuff - and that usually means having stuff pushed back so that you don't have a full plate 40 hours a week
of course management wants you to spend 10 hours now to save 100 hours next month, but they don't want to give you 10 hours this week to do it
@durron597 meh, I'll just leave it in the hands of the CR community. if it ends up answered, all the better; if it ends up closed, I'll reconsider migrating.
because that's 10 hours away from something they could be selling
Well, we should get @WorldEngineer opinion, would be nice to have a progs mod sign off on that plan too. make it unanimous
We had a very good manager who pushed hard for time like that, so it worked well for us
if no one is willing to do that for you, it may be harder
@durron597 I feel like it's kind of looser than what we typically go for but I'm personally more liberal to scope than most of you guys
> So, here I am. What do others think?
As written, I'd be very tempted to close as opinion.
@Ampt let's not go Godwinning our scope
@MichaelT Pros and cons, right?
That's it, I'm opening a meta post so that we can get a close reason that includes the word 'Nazi'
Opinion poll. Trying to win an argument against the repo owner.
> There's no question there, one way breaks encapsulation, one way breaks type safety, which is more important is an opinion.
@MichaelT Yeah.
I would probably skip in CV queue if it had been posted here originally.
Question includes answer is a question smell.
> To me, this is obviously better for the following reasons (otherwise I wouldn't have spent hours making the change):
well, to my (untrained) eye, that seems to be preferable on CR, no?
(ignoring the obvious fact that they are trying to migrate it here)
It's hypocriticalish for there. It isn't code that can be "fixed." The result will be bullet points in a pull request. Rubs against the spirit of the site for improving existing code.
I think that after 4 months of running as a master post for STCI Phase II efforts this question and its answers became rather difficult to use. How can we make it easier? I plan to refer this comment in Whiteboard to get more feedback on this — gnat 15 secs ago
imo that Code Review question is actually a pretty good one here, while it's easy to make the "opinion poll" argument, frankly, a lot of our good questions are "Why would you do X over Y in situation Z?", the bad ones are "What are the pros of X?" because everyone has to arbitrary select a Y and Z themselves
I'd probably edit it to something like "Why use an opaque 'handle' in an API rather than a typesafe struct pointer?"
@gnat my first thought is this sounds like an XY problem; STCI has petered out because people got burned out, not because the meta thread became "hard to use"
@Ixrec I can't tell for others but I am not burned out. I regularly re-check that master post to pick stuff for cleanup. First two months it was really easy to do, then it became progressively more difficult and I started getting uncomfortable feeling that I could miss something in 41 answers (51 if you count deleted ones)
...to avoid misunderstanding, if general consensus will tilt to that it's time to somehow summarize and complete this phase, I won't mind. To stop using that master post at all would also qualify as "making it easier" to me :)
4 hours later…
Needs more CVs:
Q: My manager do not give me work? How can I deal with it?

Nomi AliI'm currently new to my job with new IT company where there is not much work. I am in my 3rd week in this company and my manager prefer other guy who is also new in the company for any task. I'm feeling unsatisfied in this company. What should I do? Should I switch to new company?

Happy Coffee Day
Coffee Day Poll: Dip your pastry in your coffee, or no? (Me-> Definitely dip. Noms.)
Depending on the pastry.
@JimmyHoffa thanks for the reminder :D
@AshleyNunn details! This is coffee we're talking about, it's important!
@JimmyHoffa how deep to dip? is it possible to dip too deep? how deep is too deep to dip?
@gnat I like to completely submerge my pastry. If the pastry is small enough it might sink to the bottom of the cup. That's the perfect excuse to get a second pastry. And, on top of that, you get a soggy pastry surprise at the end of your coffee.
@MetaFight Not exactly a surprise.
@JimmyHoffa Mine just got off the Keurig
@durron597 It is if you have short term memory loss!
@Ampt Memento coffee
I gotta go get another pastry to put in my coffee. Mmmm pastry. What was I doing again? I gotta go get another pastry to put in my coffee.
Pretty soon it's more like bread pudding in coffee sauce.
@durron597 let's be honest: That sounds genuinely delicious.
@JimmyHoffa boom
I wrote up meta guidance about how to recommend another site. Please take a look and help improve it.
Q: How do I recommend posting on another Stack Exchange site?

SnowmanWe have all seen it: a user asks a question on Programmers that belongs on a different site. There are many technology sites on Stack Exchange, and sometimes navigating the lot of them to find the right site for a question can be daunting for new users. Sometimes, another user will respond to an...

@gnat this is what I was talking about earlier.
@durron597 Coffee makes me easily distracted. And very happy.
@durron597 yum
@GlenH7 having that performance review discussion in a few hours.. will be curious ;)
Here's hoping your discussion goes well.
I think it will
Fairly low odds of the "we hate you, why aren't you shopping your resume around already?" type conversation.
My managers are both new (yay matrix orgs, this is the first employee either have managers through this process) so I'm definitely going to be a weird first employee... lol
pet peeve. I have coworkers nearby who clip their nails at work.
@GlenH7 Nanananana I can't heeeear you
@durron597 <clipping flies in your mouth> hack cough cough gag
@durron597 I generally can't stand noise cancelling headphones. There's a very low hum that they make that my ears are sensitive to. And my understanding is they won't muffle the voices of my neighbors which is the other part of the problem.
Bose? ugh
@enderland And there's that too. :-)
I have a pair of Beats I got with my laptop and am hoping to offload on Craigslist... anyone want a pair of other overpriced headphones? :)
Tinnitus (/ˈtɪnɪtəs/ or /tɪˈnaɪtəs/) is the hearing of sound when no external sound is present. While often described as a ringing, it may also sound like a clicking, hiss or roaring. Rarely, unclear voices or music are heard. The sound may be soft or loud, low pitched or high pitched and appear to be coming from one ear or both. Most of the time, it comes on gradually. In some people, the sound causes depression, anxiety or interferes with concentration. Tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom that can result from a number of underlying causes. One of the most common causes is noise-induced hearing...
@GlenH7 it's possible that they don't make the hum, but rather make it clear.
(My father has it, and has his hearing aids (which otherwise cancel sound) make some audible noise when there is none to avoid hearing the tinnitus)
@MichaelT This happens to be a sub 20 Hz frequency, so it's more of a lub-lub-lub type noise. I truly have dog ears which is why I'm more sensitive to those types of things.
Diagnosis; too much dubstep.
Quite likely. :-)
lol wut
How can you possibly think something 3000 years from now will receive text your program encodes? — enderland 22 secs ago
But I do love the crystal note highs
Coffee Round 2: FIGHT!
Btw, listen to the series starting with quarter-share. Good books. Coffee plays a role.
Q: Change the treshold for migrated questions showing up on the front page

MichaelTIf a question is scored at -4 or below, it doesn't show up on the front page of the site. This is current functionality When a question is migrated to another site it is locked on the origin site. This means there can't be any voting on it. Sometimes / often when a question is blatantly off to...

@enderland why is that?
@MichaelT I think it would be better to have closed questions with a negative score not show up.
Not so much about "migrated vs non migrated" but "closed vs not closed".
@MetaFight well we work as a remote team, but basically have two subteams - one of which I'm on, but the other is nearly 100% unrelated to me
@durron597 that hides information about bumping a good question to be reopened. Or stealth spam edits.
Locked questions can have neither of those situations.
@enderland Ah yes. I've been going to a "Team Status Update Meeting" for 15 months now. It's one big team of 10ish people, and one small team of me. meh.
Cramming multiple teams into one set of process meetings is usually pretty bad.
It's hard because we have related work, but relatively clear delineation
@MichaelT hmm
@MetaFight It's funny, I wanted to do a daily scrum with my boss even though we work on totally different things
Just to have a daily 5 minute checkin to make sure everyone was on the same page
As soon as we hired the new guy, I actively don't want my boss in our scrum anymore.
Because what he does is so different... it's not useful for him to participate. I just wanted to have a daily wagon circle with someone.
Makes sense. It's a form of rubber ducking.
@durron597 the idea behind showing closed questions (when the score isn't too low) is to give a chance to other community members take a look and try to salvage if that's possible. Granted, what I observe at Programmers makes me feel that there's something... not exactly right with this idea, but anyway - if you want to hide such questions, you better be prepared to address this stinky reasoning
@MetaFight tl;dr I agree with you, having team meetings with people not on your team is pointless.
stock market has been nuts the past two weeks
@enderland Yup :)
up nearly 2% again today so far
I'm going to be curious to see mint's graph of August
@Telastyn thanks for the tip btw about torpedoes, that makes them... much more useful :)
> Like many of our core members, I don't hold the SE team in particularly high regard following the events that transpired earlier this year. I don't care for the previous few years of absentee parenting, either. If that's a problem for you, then I suppose you shouldn't vote for me.
what happened?
In case anyone is an expert in meat:
Q: Smoking without wood chips

SnowmanI am smoking baby back ribs using an electric vertical smoker. Given that most food absorbs smoke for an hour or two before saturating, what will happen if I stop adding wood chips after about two hours? Will I get the same result as if I continued to add wood chips, given that the ribs are unli...

Probably the stuff with HopelessN00b or whatever his name was.
wait, was he the one who was using scripts to remove posts
ah yes, I remember now
Q: Abrupt change in moderation staff?

EEAAMyself and a few others just noticed that HopelessN00b and Chris S are no longer listed as moderators. What is the story behind this?

he did what all good sysops/devops guys do, and automated the repetitive bits, and got told off, and everyone over on slack flipped out
no bueno
in The Comms Room, 9 hours ago, by Jeff Atwood
wow this place is not as busy as it used to be!
only for almost a year now Jeff
@Ampt my takeaway from that is both sides were wrong. He should have made a meta post saying "I'm going to do this in a week, anyone have a problem with it?" While Stack could have asked around first
@Snowman yeah, that was my takeaway too - we go on massive cleanups over here, but only with proper documentation - meta posts, chat logs, etc
Based on the feedback I have seen, the community would have welcomed his cleanup of bad questions.
I'm sure they have that on slack, but that's not publicly available
so it looked rather random and possibly malicious
@Snowman I would contend the outcome would have been the same. We've had CMs here unaware of a four month running featured post and no indication that theve seen recent support tagged per site meta posts.
@MichaelT but at least then you can direct them to the post. There is tangible evidence of community consensus.
yeah, but its more of a "What are you doing?!" "Look, we've had a meta post for months and no one has complained"
they couldn't do that
What I learned from the SF fiasco is there was a community consensus that they didn't like particular questions and didn't care about them being deleted. But there was no post about that specific cleanup.
So I can understand why a CM would be alarmed about thousands of questions being deleted en masse
I guess it was destined for failure either way
technically there is community consensus whenever questions are offtopic, too, but as a moderator I still am not going to delete a bunch of questions without involvement
yeah, one or two closed questions fine, but writing a script to purge massive quantities without checking each one? That crosses a line. A line the community might be okay with you crossing, but still, it is worth asking first. Sort of like "hey I'm writing a script, verify my WHERE clause to avoid collateral damage."
... It's written in Haskell and I'm full of rage.
@JimmyHoffa approves.
@MichaelT HIFR is a solid tech stack, bringing us great technology options like the delete-your-face framework, and rmrf-lolwut
@JimmyHoffa it also helps to build powerful applications like Yannis-goes-mad
in Programmers CV-Please, 10 mins ago, by gnat
only 7 s are here now. Time to graduate, folks!
@JimmyHoffa We get pastry? Happy pastry day.
Hmm. Op deleted the help with JavaScript question we migrated to SO rejecting the migration and bouncing it back to here.
Q: Help with javascript please

user3371835var MenuItems = document.getElementsByClassName("MenuItemHidden"); // Node-set of all elements with class="MenuItemHidden" (3 elements in html) originally if(MenuItems.length > 0) // If there is atleast 1 element with class="MenuItemHidden" { for(v...

Any other 20ks want to pile on?
@MichaelT 1 more
@MichaelT sounds like you're asking, Help with javascript please ...@amon helped
Thank you @GlenH7 and @amon.
Burn. With. FIRE!!!
Why is @enderland taking rep points away from me on Workplace? :(
@ThomasOwens Because he has a diamond and he can? :-)
Think of the delicious pleasure you get to have in shouting MOD ABUSE at him after having had it shouted at you by others...
@GlenH7 it would be especially great if such shouting would happen at Teachers Lounge. Should be followed by mutual mass deletions of opponent's posts at moderated site, their suspensions and other funny stuff. My diamond is bigger than your diamond
@gnat The CMs and devs have the biggest diamonds
@GlenH7 and Joel has biggest of all
I wonder about that. I know Jeff had sys level access at the DB. I never knew if Joel's access reached as deeply.
I assume that if you make it, you can do what you want
or you can make the person who can do it
because, you know, fire them
Mine is a 5ct diamond suckas
Speaking of diamonds or lack thereof
After I quit Mythology in protest over not getting a diamond
Yeah, my understanding was that Joel put forward the initial capital to kickstart SO and Jeff did the bulk of the coding. But I didn't pay attention too closely during those days
@durron597 for real?
Of the three pro tem mods, there is exactly one question asked by any of them in august
And zero answers.
@GlenH7 Well, that's not the only reason. But it was one of them.
I quit TWP cuz they wouldn't let me have fun trolling. what a bunch of jerks, I tell ya
Mods don't need to ask questions. Mods need to be willing to clean-up the puke that was spewed in the bathroom by little Johnny who couldn't quite make it all the way
@Ampt TWP has the worst moderators.
@Ampt And some of the most grumpy mods to be seen across the whole network.
None of them have posted on Meta in August either. Semaphore hasn't posted on meta since May.
then little johnny put it back outside the bathroom because that's the way he wanted it, and the rules don't specifically say he can't puke there!
enderland locks room wait :P
0.5 questions per day average.
Recall that I was #3 in site rep and #2 in meta participation when they picked mods.
I was also #3 in votes in the mod nomination post.
@enderland it's okay, I'll just unlock it. :-)
0.5 questions/day? That site's going nowhere...
one second, I'm eating, so I can't tweet about mod abuse
@enderland Yeah, that's pretty low.
@enderland I had ideas for how to boost traffic, but they didn't give me a diamond without even an explanation so I quit.
Plus also I could see traffic was dying even two months ago.
@durron597 Keep in mind that SE CMs made the decision regarding the mods. Community voting at that point is just a suggestion.
And there was some head scratching regarding the Engineering mod selection. Trevor has / had openly stated that he's relatively new to the network and doesn't have a large degree of accumulated rep.
If I had to guess, I think the SE CMs have an idea of how they want strengths / weaknesses balanced out with the pro-tem mods. But I don't know that there's a magic formula either
CM ABUSE!!!!!!....?
HDE is a mod on at least one other site, IIRC
@Ampt Yeah, that's a fight I wouldn't want to get into
There's no higher level for recourse at that point.
@GlenH7 History of Science and Math, it looks like
@durron597 I realize that doesn't mollify any of your concerns. But I think if you pushed the CMs to give an answer, they really don't know what makes a site successful and what doesn't. So they're just trying their best and making course corrections as the ship moves along. If / when Myth.SE graduates, you could run for modship then.
big if, that one
But being a mod really changes how you interact with a site. I was surprised at how much it changed my perceptions of things over at Engineering.
That goes away after a while, when you realize it is ok to tell people they need to grow up write answers every once in a while too
I guess Workplace has some weird content for answers every once in a while
@ThomasOwens I flagged this question but it probably needs immediate attention: programmers.stackexchange.com/q/294739/22815
can we get a 5th CV here?
and hopefully a rapid deletion.
@GlenH7 But I don't care enough. I find Stack Overflow participation more fulfilling. How crazy is that
How low can we go? -14 and dropped like a brick...
well, calling people retards and nerds doesn't help.
guys here are morons.instead of helping out , they are making the environment toxic, i was warned before coming here that i would retards here. — Duke 18 secs ago
yeah, we're morons too :)
@Duke insulting people is a very bad strategy for making them want to help you. — Snowman 15 secs ago
Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.
The nice thing is that comments like his are easy to auto-delete with a comment flag
Eagerly awaiting the next round of trollish comments
21 views and 14 downvotes. Quite the accomplishment :)
upvote pls:
ok thanx @GrandmasterB appreciate the help. it would be my last visit here for help. — Duke 21 secs ago
Jeff Atwood on June 13, 2011
In March 2010, we rebalanced our reputation system to favor answers.
The real joke is that the code the OP was asking about actually does exactly what the OP asks why it doesn't do that.
> If this means aggressively downvoting or closing unworthy and uninteresting questions, so be it...
How does one send information like an SSN securely over the internet? Is there a free way to do it, without arranging for PGP keys ahead of time?
@JörgWMittag Yeah, there may have been a valid question in there, but he certainly chose the wrong way to go about it.
@RobertHarvey Call them instead
@JörgWMittag original revision had nothing like that. "Why we cant add 2 number directly in programming why we have to assign them to variable? -- Hello i am new to programming, can someone explain it please without negative votes.Thank you."
@GlenH7 Oh. Duh.
I normally call
then just the NSA knows it
but they already probably do
Calls are about the only "safe" way to do it. The call can still be recorded at a number of steps along the way. But given the sheer volume of calls going on, it's unlikely. Text messages gets dumped into a DB too easily.
If the call is going to end up being recorded, someone was actively looking at you anyway.
@enderland - np! they are super potent once you can aim them
@GlenH7 I agree. If it's a one-off transaction, then whatever separate secure channel you would have used to exchange/verify encryption keys can just as well be used for transmitting the message itself. And the entities which might listen in to your call, are presumably the ones who issued the SSN in the first place, so you're not handing them anything new.
@Telastyn yeah, no joke, especially against bulky stuff
bb, cv, etc
@gnat That's even worse. I didn't even bother to check older revisions, the ones I saw were bad enough :-D
@JörgWMittag Agreed. Anyone who is tapping your line at that point already has that information.
@JörgWMittag yeah. 6 revisions to get to something understandable. And, actually, still way too broad, recalling classical Robert's rant...
A: Reviewing some awful questions is just a waste of time, can we have a "no comment" close reason for these?

Robert HarveyToo Broad is absolutely the correct close reason for "lacks a minimal understanding of the problem." Here's why: ME: Click the right mouse button. NOOB: What's a mouse? How much text do you suppose it will take to explain things now?

what's println
Ha! There's an undelete vote on the 2+2 question
@GlenH7 Who would do such a thing? We may never know...
@GlenH7 someone probably forgot to vote it up, reopen and answer while it was here
How many 20k'ers do we have in here besides Jörg & myself (we originally VTD'd)
If we can roll back into deleted, I'll throw an undelete vote on there so we can find out.
@GlenH7 I saw @Telastyn
maybe better we leave it rest in peace?
though I am definitely curious
Probably best to leave it alone...
Question didn't even last 30 minutes.
@GlenH7 Can haz screenshot pl0x
@gnat Does your reputation page look something like this? (This is mine)
@durron597 yes. only + and - 1s are mixed much more arbitrarily, we aren't even closeg to play roomba on that scale over here
@gnat A lot of them are also from flagging AND downvoting NAA / VLQs too.
I have reason to believe a post's score affects flag handling time so I've started always downvoting with my flag.
@durron597 oh yeah I have something like that, but, again, not even close. Most of my +1 refunds are from questions deleted by 10kers, this is quite randomly distributed (I particularly love it when Bart goes on delete spree, refunds from answers in his picks somehow lead to particularly stinky questions)
@gnat Bart?
Most of my refunded rep comes from moderators.
Particularly, Brad, Flexo and Martijn mostly.
@gnat Oh, programmers bart.
@durron597 yes, not (M)SO Bart
I've been getting random +1 notifications all day
So many flagged posts today.
@GlenH7 I'm about too. We could pull it off if necessary, though I'd look at close vote history and make my guess based on that.
I've only pasted something 132 times since about noon yesterday, copied 112 times, and auto entered my password 27 times
Bret Copeland on August 27, 2015
There are lots of domain-specific languages for schedules. The most prominent might be Cron (for *nix scheduled tasks), but there's also RRULE (for iCalendar events) and many others. Cron isn't exactly what I'd call human-friendly. Can you tell me what 10 8,20 * 8 1-5 means if you don't use Cron often? Some DSL's go in the opposite direction and are wildly verbose, or will sacrifice expressiveness for simplicity.
@durron597 congrats! and Snowman's question entered Hot Meta list. Someone's gonna melt? :)
I am utterly baffled as to why this question has an undelete vote (for the sub-10ks, the full question body is: "why we cant add 2 numbers in java programming like system.out.println(2+2); and it gives output on the screen = 4")
the OP made the vote
(I think)
@Ixrec Earlier we were toying with rolling it just to see who had voted.
Didn't really have enough 20k+'ers at the time
@ratchetfreak no-rep OPs can vote to undelete?
I think so
It would make sense as it lets them signal the post as ready for undeletion after editing
"Normally, if your deleted post is not self-deleted, you can't undelete it yourself (though you may be able to vote to undelete). An exception: if an answer is deleted from Low Quality review queue by "Recommend Deletion" votes, without three trusted users voting to delete, then it can be undeleted by the author.

If your post was deleted by trusted users, it will require three undelete votes to be undeleted - politely asking for this on Meta may attract the necessary votes if you make a good case for why the question should be restored.
I feel slightly more confused now than before I read that, but the tl;dr is that apparently they can VTU depending on how it got deleted
"(though you may be able to vote to undelete)" is ambiguous
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