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For a MS shop, that photo in the blog / podcast really looks like Apple laptops at SE.
Mythology.SE: oh, my stars are full of gods.
@Ampt you're only now bumping into this question? This is one of the biggest problems with college; for all the good it does (lots) this is something people should try bumping into sooner
@JimmyHoffa obviously buy a house, get married, and have 2.5 kids
@enderland Have a third kid with someone other than your spouse?
@durron597 hmmm
@enderland no no- that's the womans job, the man gets to choose their job...right? right? O_O (don't kill me @AshleyNunn, I was kidding, feckin' honest I'd be the stay-at-home if my wife could generate my income)
@durron597 eesh, it's obvious who here works in the financial industry
@JimmyHoffa I was kinda the stay at home wife, as it were (worked part time, mostly cared for the house and made dinner) and my then-wife made the money, I liked it well enough.
So no worries, I won't hit you with a sharp stick or anything ;)
@AshleyNunn this statement confuses me, but its' been that type of day
@enderland What part? I am tired and junk, so my words might not make sense
@AshleyNunn would beat the hell out of being surrounded by padded walls yet expected to sit still and wonder about the appropriate color for them (chartreuse? Next time I'm demanding something in periwinkle...)
I guess I have no idea what it means
@enderland my wife-person made money, I made dinner
@durron597 so my work has M-R short (15 min) strength training periodically throughout the day, I've been going to that
@AshleyNunn what is a "wife-person" ?
@enderland a female human you are married to? I had one of those?
it means she was married to another woman
I'm confused in "wife" vs "wife-person" I guess
Well, technically we were common law, but that got boring to explain
@AshleyNunn wait, you're questioning whether you had one of those? Oh dearie, this neurological thing is much worse than we all thought..
@AshleyNunn ahhhh. ok that makes more sense
@JimmyHoffa And here I just told the nurse who called me last week that I was functioning normally, perhaps I should call them again.
@enderland Well, not really, we could've gotten married, because Canada
we just never got to that stage, which is good, made the breakup that much easier in terms of legalities
@JimmyHoffa I do have an interview this week.
@AshleyNunn pah! and sit on hold until 6:30 only to get transferred by the last person in the office to the "We're closed right now, our business hours are noon to three" recorded message? Useful that..
@AshleyNunn, you live at Canada? How is it like?
@durron597 No blow dart guns. Good rule of thumb for interviewing.
@durron597 you are the interviewer? or interviewee :)
@André Yep, I'm Canadian
@enderland The latter
May 3 at 20:44, by durron597
Also I've been working on getting my vote count up in and on SO; it will be nice to say at my google interview in two weeks that the former is in my top 10 tags and the latter in my top 15
@AshleyNunn, I'm trying to relocate, go me! So I'm curious to talk to actual people living there, about how is living there.
@durron597 oh fun!
@JimmyHoffa Ergh, don't remind me, I am trying to untangle my EI claim and dealing with the government on the phone. At this point though I did get told that I just have to wait til someone is ready to deal with my case, which is frustrating (because I know that, I keep calling them with the info they need to deal with it, they just...aren't there except for when the stars align just right)
@durron597 decided a tiny shop where you're treated shit and the management are clearly on laudanum wasn't quite your ticket to a Mistress?
I missed that
@JimmyHoffa Well, they reached out to me, too. Sent me a personal email, not one of those mass spam email Amazon keeps sending me.
@durron597 because of your SO profile? or linked-in?
@André Oh, shiny :) I am probably better with specific questions. You can always ping me on Skype/Steam (info in my SE profile) if you want :)
@AshleyNunn, I might do! :-)
@enderland Nah I interviewed with them in 2012 and they told me that I almost got the job but that I was too rusty. They said I could try again once I knocked the rust off
I will warn you I am not a dev (though I know many here in various contexts so I can always poke at the right people) so if you want specific dev info I might take time to collect it :)
But then I moved very far away and mostly forgot about it.
I would try this chat as it is a bit more likely to give you advice. General advice types of questions are harder to answer conclusively in a dedicated Q/A format. — enderland ♦ 21 secs ago
@AshleyNunn, I'm more curious about regular life
@AshleyNunn hey, I've stared down enough medical bills (and subsequently thrown in the trash, because fuck them who cares), and spent enough hours waiting in ERs only to be told "O, well hmm, no idea, go home? Kthxbye" to know exactly the shit you speak of
I'm recommending this guy come to here, it's a lot more "help me sort through life priorities/what should I do with my life" type question
@André Oh, those questions I am super good at, having lived in Ontario all of my life :P So you can ask me those anytime, I just feel bad clogging chat :)
@AshleyNunn yeah we need to stay on topic here! errr....
@enderland oh yeah, I am the perfect life sorting aid. Yes. Bring it.
4 hours ago, by Robert Harvey
@JimmyHoffa You're such a ray of sunshine.
@AshleyNunn,@enderland yeah sure thing
@JimmyHoffa I am trying to be patient, but I could kinda use the Employment Insurance money.
@enderland Wait, wait, wait, we have one of those?
... I was kidding about the "on topic" ness haha @André
@enderland, haha, you got me on that one
@JimmyHoffa sometimes a cynical, down to earth perspective is helpful when sorting out life (as you were referencing with ampt earlier)
@JimmyHoffa @RobertHarvey is the leader of the curmudgeon club, yes? So he would obviously know a ray of sunshine when he saw it.
@AshleyNunn and if there's anything I've learned from shits who want to get into the good life so they can have their Mistress (rock it @durron597, you'll get there!) is they're shits who plan on people trying to be nice and patient and n% of those people will do so until they are per some fine print no longer eligible to get money from shits (gotta pay that alimony on the non-mistress y'know)
@JimmyHoffa well if that's the case, we should probably get rid of high school too. It's just keeping people from realizing that they have to set their own goals and achieve them
"Mistress" ?
@Ampt the gubermint will do that
@enderland Yeah, I didn't understand that either.
@Ampt I never said get rid of- like I said college truly is good for people, and I believe that. But it's not without a tradeoff; it does push out this decision people have to make eventually
@JimmyHoffa aye. So I am just calling them every day and leaving effectively the same message and I won't give up and I will fight this all the way down because I am pretty sure I could make a most excellent case of it, if I need to :)
@Ampt in all seriousness, high school could use a serious rework to be more encouraging of career paths other than "go to college for 4 years and get a degree in something impressive"
fuckit, I'm going back for my PhD. See you all in 6 years!
why tackle these dilemmas of life when higher education will chose for me!
@JimmyHoffa I believe college benefited me mostly because I knew what career I wanted to get into before I even started applying; I've always been skeptical of how well it works for people with "undeclared" majors
@Ixrec It doesn't
high school could use a serious rework to actually teach children.
then you're me, with a degree that is effectively useless and no job and wanting to change paths and it is very, very hard
no, the degree is always useless, it's the name on top of it that has all the value
I mean I am working on it anyhow, but since right now another school go-round is not the option...
@Ampt Depending on the degree
like if I was in CS, yes, the name would matter
(The school name, not the one on your birth certificate)
The problem is that you get promised this ray of "you can do whatever you want! pick what you want to do for the rest of your life" problem - what you can study in school is not what you can necessarily do after graduation
but I went to a CS/Engie/Math school for arts
so the name helps me not at all there
Especially since high school classes aren't designed to make the subject matter useful
I'm not sure the name has any value, afaik a comp sci degree from most places is pretty similar in that there's still a chance you can't do fizzbuzz
History and Economics ought to be the same class.
@Ampt actually I think you're on to something, it was having to take care of myself young that had me decide what I was going to do long before college time came and commit to it. Yes, I decree everyone should be forced to feed and shelter themselves from the time they're old enough to read on! Ergo, I can kick my kid outta the house if he's pissing me off (he knows his alphabet, same thing right?)
@Ixrec in terms of quality of education, maybe not necessarily, but in terms of perception, oh heck yes it matters
English should really focus a lot more on writing and communicating ideas than on reading awful things like Heart of Darkness
@durron597 I have a lit degree, don't even get me started on this one ;)
@Ampt oh this is so inaccurate. Try putting "Trump" on your birth certificate
@durron597 or on making all your essays exactly five paragraphs long where each one has a designated introductory and concluding sentence because why bother with creativity and communication when you can follow instructions
(I have the lit degree precisely because I had no idea what I wanted and I let a bunch of people tell me what to do and what would work)
@JimmyHoffa as an aside, you know the best part of sarcasm is that you can claim to have meant either direction depending on which receives the most reception
(I went to school in the US, I hear other places are less silly about the essay structure thing)
@Ixrec This is less true of an actual English degree, more true for HS
@Ixrec Omg my English Teacher wanted to dropkick me into a lake when I handed her one of those in College
@JimmyHoffa I can't agree more with this! I accidentally got lucky in that I realized this, when I was choosing between engineering and music
yeah, I'm thinking of English classes prior to serious higher education in it
ah, yeah, there's a difference there
also the one my college made us engineering people take
anyway, going to hit things in Hyperdimension Neptunia for a while, hopefully that makes today more awesome :P
the presentations we did in the comp sci classes were far better writing practice than the actual (required) writing class
@enderland agree on what, you think my kid should be kicked out of the house, or he's a very literate 5 year old? Choose your words wisely my friend.
@JimmyHoffa wait till he's at least 10?
My first "real job" was terribly crappy but that helped me a ton for exactly the reasons you said - I had to make money to pay school, or... well I guess I'm glad that student loans never crossed years-ago-enderland's brain
My first job was cleaning the high school I attended. Not sure what counts as a real job, pretty sure I've not had one of those by a lot of metrics. (Usually real job means something you can consider as a career when someone says "what do you wanna be when you grow up")
I mean more 9-5ish hours, I had several other jobs
@AshleyNunn shit.... I don't have a real job.
imo a real job is one that pays enough for you to be financially independent, and is sufficiently stable you aren't constantly worrying about what the next job will be
@enderland Oh, then my most recent job counts, the call center one
@Ixrec so no contract jobs, then.
definitions are hard
@durron597 on history and Econ - do you mean so the history majors will be aware of how unemployable they really are?
@Ixrec "financially independent" is much different meaning than what you are saying I think :)
Is this a real job, or just a contract gig
@enderland I meant "I don't need to ask my parents for money whenever I want to do something"
Ah, see I want to be FI - as in, I don't need to work anymore - ASAP :)
@MichaelT Because there are useful things to learn in history class, but the year the Treaty of Utrecht was signed and who is Charles V are not those things.
caught in a legal bind, no escape from the lawyer's dig
I guess contracting counts if the pool of contracts is consistently full enough you aren't ever worried about there simply not being any to choose from
open your eyes, look up to the skies and cry because there's no jobs there either.
Contracting is only marginally less stable than salaried
plenty of salaried folks get laid off and contracted folks get renewed
tbh, it'd be hard to find a subject that is taught correctly at the pre-college levels
@durron597 see I wish history was valuable, I could (and do) spend hours reading wikipedia articles about different historical things
@enderland Have you read Starship Troopers?
@durron597 no. I'm currently rereading the LoTR trilogy
which is basically intended as a historical novel...
@enderland When you get to it (it won a Hugo, so it's available in PDF), it really outlines how history ought to be taught.
I've been reading a lot more fiction as of late, when I was highschool and younger I devoured books but then college/grad school buried my desire to read
But, basically, if you don't have Santayana front and center when teaching History, you're wasting everybody's time.
obligatory link to A Mathematician's Lament
@Ixrec I'll have to read that later
FizzBuzz apparently works quite well: css-tricks.com/…
having taken some "real" math courses at college, I 100% agree with it
@Spiderman heh
The comments are amusing too.
@Spiderman I have to admit, if I saw a "UX Engineer" position I would also assume it meant designing UIs rather than writing the code for them
@Ixrec pre-college is tax-funded employee-abscondance (the funny thing is like everything else, it comes from the wallets of citizens and goes directly into the profits of corporations) - it does not exist as a benefit to citizens or children, it just ensures corporations have employees for work hours.
To be good at UX you need to be able to quickly create mockups, sometimes the best way to do that is to use code
there are a lot of good tools out there to do so too, but it's very helpful to understand the tech stack you work with even if you are doing "design"
@enderland the UX people at my job did once create an actual mockup with javascript and stuff, but because it was just a mockup it was missing all the details that weren't in the wireframe...and thus clarified nothing
so I'm not really sold on the idea of the designer coding a mock as being a useful thing
@Ixrec Yeah no, I totally get the issue with job descriptions. But they clearly asked for experience in Javascript in their list of requirements.
though UX people generally want nothing to do with code
She also clearly calls herself a developer on her website.
@Ixrec coding? no, but understanding? that's important
and offers teaching sessions.
You need a bit of actual coding for all the things jquery doesn't do.
I find it only a little ironic that someone with a UX background designed a website that I can't find the information I want
@enderland s/want/can do/f
@Spiderman admittedly, I have a hard time understanding how someone could know jquery yet not be able to do fizzbuzz
@JimmyHoffa yes
@MichaelT nope
@Ixrec You can even do it in CSS. there's an n-th child selector.
@MichaelT copy-pasta, tutorials FFA - Welcome to Web 9.0 (because version numbers should be impressive and leave you feeling like you missed something important; isn't marketing fun?)
@Spiderman her website makes her sound pretty good at what she does
I would have then asked for a web page where every 3rd row of a table was blue and every 5th was red.
@enderland I think I missed something here; how does coding a mock improve the UX person's understanding of their own design? (assuming it really is just a "visual mock" and not a prototype with much of the required functionality)
@Ixrec it depends, but generally if you are designing something it is incredibly valuable to understand why/how it works
you don't necessarily have to actually code the mock at all but having literally no idea what will be required for your features causes all sorts of problems
Or click a button that selects every third row of a select form.
It's kind of like, if you design a car you might want to consult a mechanic a few times in the process and better yet, people who used to be mechanics can make cars that are far more user friendly
@MichaelT that's because you don't have a marketing degree; otherwise you'd have no idea what you just said. UX people are not hired by tech people anymore (not often anyway)
@Will this question is a very poor fit for Programmers - it would be quickly voted down and closed over there, see Where to start? Recommended reading: What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat 6 secs ago
does it mean that all mechanics are good designers? no. Or that all non-mechanic car designers are bad? no
@enderland I would definitely agree with the UX person consulting a developer when working on the spec, if that's what you're implying
the java queue naming conventions are mind numbing if you are used to .NET
@Ixrec it helps avoid this problem - xkcd.com/1425 - which if you work with UX folks happens ALL THE TIME
@enderland She's definitely a good writer, and from what I can tell a pretty good designer.
@Spiderman her site is much better than the site she guest posted on, that's for sure
@enderland I actually go out of my way to do frontend/UX stuff, so yeah I get that all the time
@enderland: you mean, that happens with everyone all the time
@Ixrec right. and in some cases its ok, but in others very small design changes could have dramatically different implementation schedules that the UX person won't know
the version of that strip I get a lot these days is "everything in this wireframe is easy to do, but you forgot to specify whether this popup shows all the Xs or only a subset of the Xs, which means I have no idea what any of these operations actually mean"
@MichaelT That "digital transformation" video that attempted to incinerate your brain cells, is an example of something becoming wide spread based on my recent interactions with the job market. There are a significant number of positions just doing interactive digital UX work for marketing agencies who really are doing what marketing agencies have done historical; 30 years ago they made "engaging TV adds" and "consistent messaging across magazine, radio, and TV".
Now interactive "digital experiences" consistent across mobile-desktop-Hulu are how marketing agencies create a product for their clients (effectively an "experience" meant to sell Schick razors or whatever the clients hocking)
@enderland yep, we have many discussions between business, UX and us devs about those things; lately we've gotten pretty good about making sure the functionality decisions that absolutely must be made and not changed letter do actually get made
that's good, and probably fairly abnormal
after that iterating on the workflow/visual presentation is easy
Likely that's partially the market I've seen (hipster Boulder is full of these agencies), but I interviewed at one a while back and have seen quite a few of them popping up recently, it definitely seems to be an increasing business model
Create user... Track though controller, yep. Data abstraction layer... Good. Database sql layer... int createUser(User u) { /* TODO */ return -1; }. DOH!
Mad Men ca. 2015: PBR Edition
@enderland I do think I got very lucky ending up here; everyone (not just the devs!) seems genuinely committed to improving the development process to avoid all the horror stories I constantly hear about online about terrible places to work and projects doomed to failure from the start
The main problem is those who go into UX tend to have no interest in dev, and vice versa
I like sitting right in the middle of those groups
@enderland not a problem - the problem is the hiring folk think UX and dev are the same thing, and end up hiring people to the wrong roles and advertising their roles totally incorrectly etc
@enderland Yeah the site's kind of a mess. It's a dumping ground for web designers to get published articles on their resume. But sometimes they have some cool code snippets.
me too, I was a little surprised to discover that my favorite work is right at the top of the stack, rearranging buttons on popups and stuff like that
UX and dev really are different roles, different skills, they tend to be folk with totally different interests; but recognizing that fact allows you to place them properly, ignoring it is stupid.
I think it's a good thing that the UX people don't do any development; they have to stay in communication with business and devs so they know what they're designing has some correlation to reality, but their designs usually make more sense than anything I would've thought of (all my ideas are inevitably tightly coupled to how the data has to be stored in code)
Given that, how much of our job crosses that line? And you are talking to someone who was doing jquery and css today.
for a couple weeks I was doing css
as a back-end person who likes data modeling/processing/analytics, seeing roles that are advertised at people like me which turn out to be "Make pretty website for me plz?" irritate the shit out of it. If anyone ever calls me a Rockstar again I'm going to hit them with my kid's guitar.
Small shops may be looking for someone who is sitting on that line and may or may not be a purple squirrel.
on the plus side, by being so UX-inclined I seem to have developed a knack for seeing/predicting UX problems solely from wireframes when the actual business/UX people wouldn't see it until we demo'd a prototype (speaking from experience here)
They can't afford to hire a ux and hci and dev... So they hire one that can go most.
@MichaelT I've done plenty of jquery and css; but did you design the UI? Did you run marketing surveys to find out what design would best meet your goals? Have you planned your PR campaign?
these are the things people are oft expected to do in "UX" roles these days it seems.
Design the ui? Yes. Marketing internal is s non issue.
@JimmyHoffa seriously? I thought they just designed...
@JimmyHoffa well, proper UX design requires a lot of stuff other than "I think the user wants that"
there are a whole host of techniques to design thigns to meet user needs (and find those needs)
@enderland exactly! not saying it doesn't, but it's when people think that + algorithmic data analysis and transaction processing are the same skill that you end up with "Full Stack Rockninja wanted!" ads
interestingly, one of the bigger projects going on at my company right now is a "consistency" initiative, because we have so many products that behave slightly differently from each other in ways that confuse and irritate everyone
so all the devs are given checklists of several hundred things like "popups should have this much space around the edges" and "clickable regions should have a white border appear when moused over"
many people are grumbling about it but personally I enjoy fixing stuff like that
those things are waaaaaay easier to fix than, say, a backend crash on weird unicode characters or a slow database query
@JimmyHoffa I remember when I was at the sportsbook, and I helped make them realize that if they stopped asking for Rockstars and Ninjas and stuff in their ads, they got better people in the end. It was such a startling revelation for them.
@Ixrec sure, just saying I've seen a lot of companies these days confusing the decisions about how those things should be done with the implementation of those decisions; which smells of "I have no idea what the difference is, but make me money damnit!"
@JimmyHoffa yep, once again I think I'm very lucky to have ended up where I did
like, our business manager actually goes through our Jira backlog with our team lead every week to give every single new ticket a meaningful priority rank
I assume that level of "getting it" is not common
@Ixrec I think the industry's just in a currently down period... it'll pick back up in another few years perhaps; right now the quality is garbage not unlike around '00, it's cyclical like eveything I suspect
@JimmyHoffa maybe, I only got my first job last year so I'm totally ignorant of any long term industry-wide trends
I don't remember so many clueless bungleheads wandering our industry 5-10 years ago; it was harder to be party to it without just losing all your feckin money. Nowadays every jibbering fool is again stabbing their soul for a piece of the tech pie, their commupins are on the way.
it probably helps that I deliberately applied to established companies rather than startups
Did the startup one and a half times. First time the paycheck bounced. Second time I was let go before they went too far down that path.
that's pretty much exactly what I was hoping to avoid
Bounced paycheck is firmly in the "not fun" column.
I'd say it's even worse than a layoff (cut the ties you want to cut and walk away with some severance if you are lucky). Bounced paycheck is "um. Where is my money? Do I continue working hope to get the next one...?"
(sigh most recent post on main)
Can we get that to meta promptly?
@MichaelT yeah bounced paycheck is sturdily in the "Do I need a payday loan or can I think up someone capable of helping me ASAP?" realm of shit-what-do-I-do
@MichaelT well, I've thrown my meta-migrate-vote at it
Got a loan from a friend to cover rent. Ate at very cheap for awhile. Got a referral to contracting from friend and got that. There was a bit of the can I turn this around?
I'm not that young or idealistic anymore. I encourage others not to be either.
@JimmyHoffa there is also the "crap... I just wrote a check for rent that is going to bounce..."
Ive been doing some of the algo problems on hackerrank.. have any of you tried them?
pretty fun
imo, the idealistic stuff belongs in what you do in your spare time
realities like needing money are less likely to interfere then
Fortunately friend who provided the loan was at the same credit union so the loan happened instantly before the check failed to clear.
@JoeP I've played on Project Euler. Not hacker rank.
@MichaelT yea Euler is pretty cool too. More math-centric
both cool though
It challenges decomposition of the problem and familiarity with numerical data structures. The first 50 are a good set to test ones own mastery of that without going deep into math.
Guess who has 24 CVs and 5 DVs? THIS GUY!!! Any problem questions need some love?
@gnat normally @MichaelT or @durron597 have something specific that needs closure this time of day when CVs are rare
@MichaelT yea ive done the first 30 or so. they get you thinking for sure
@JoeP do the digital root clock one. It's not in the first 50, but fun.
@MichaelT cool ill check it out
@JoeP #315
@Snowman oddly,
@MichaelT ohh that one looks fancy... ill give it a try
Some aren't wrong (workflow rather than tool)... But many are tool.
@MichaelT I'm on it.
Oddly the first one listed is eligible to migrate to SO and is on-topic there.
@JoeP 315 is fun. Just make sure you know which 7 segment led font it's using. I had a bug with the wrong font for 7.
What to do with this one?
Q: Help with IDE features integrating with ant build scripts

JMD83I've been spoiled by relying on IDE generated scripts for a while. But for the project I'm on now I have to use, basically, custom ant build.xml scripts. This hasn't really been a problem. But I'm having trouble enabling some huge quality of life functionality.Particularly... getting Netbeans to...

there's more than one font for seven-segment numbers?
Seems like it is about a tool, but I am not sure it would get much attention at SO either
that sounds to me like either too broad or tool recommendation (as opposed to tool usage)
Sounds like he wants to know how to configure his build environment
Thing is it is a specific problem and is an okay question, it could just be... better.
Also, it could be at SO.
@Ixrec 7 can be 3 or 4 segments.
...and I'm spent. Out of CVs and DVs. Time for basketball. See y'all later!
gah, I still haven't spent my CVs today
to the education tag!
"Q: What languages are the kids of today actually programming in?" lol
does anyone know a good tool, similar to whenisgood for just looking at "morning" "evening" and "afternoon" for different days?
@Ixrec Javascript
and Java for Minecraft
and Python/C for the various boards
sounds about right
though my job is Javascript/C++/Python, so not too much of a difference
C# and Ruby get thrown around a fair bit too in the "Learn2CodeForKids" books
Raciing @Duga
You may consider taking this to Stack Exchange's PROGRAMMERS -> programmers.stackexchange.comkayleeFrye_onDeck 25 secs ago
Because... why not.
You may consider taking this to Stack Exchange's PROGRAMMERS -> programmers.stackexchange.comkayleeFrye_onDeck 37 secs ago
where do people get their impression for what programmers.SE is?
@enderland from the days of yore
I was going to say "the name", but that one just now makes no sense to me
was code review a thing we did in the days of yore?
> Member for 1 year
I beg to differ, though CR may be the better choice: I'm pretty sure this constitutes as: software architecture and design; development methodologies and processes — kayleeFrye_onDeck 53 secs ago
Cool, time for a heated debate in comments....
For the record, it's good for Code Review (the question, that is).
speak of the devil
@kayleeFrye_onDeck have you read their on topic page? Code reviews belong on the Code Review site, not programmers.SE. — enderland 56 secs ago
@enderland Probably the same place they get their impression of what Code Review is, I imagine.
@nhgrif Hah
@kayleeFrye_onDeck This isn't the place to argue about what is or isn't on topic for Programmers. If you want to discuss their scope, I recommend you visit their meta or discuss it on The Whiteboard. — nhgrif 1 min ago
Got it. Thanks! — kayleeFrye_onDeck 57 secs ago
that's surprsiing
@nhgrif Here's an internet cookie.
good show
I'm not going to pretend I know the scope of Programmers, do I necessarily intend to master it... but I've been fighting them about Code Review for a while now. Figured I might join forces. ;)
@nhgrif lol yeah
We've been having trouble with these sorts of things:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should go on codereview stackexchange site — UmNyobe 9 mins ago
oooh woops that isn't a migration CV
Yeah, exactly...
I offered them a perfectly good close vote reason to pick.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it does not describe a specific programming problem to be solved and is therefore off-topic for Stack Overflow. Questions seeking "just take a general look and tell me what I missed" aren't a good fit for Stack Overflow. — nhgrif 6 mins ago
oooh a mod migrated it though
@nhgrif While you're here, if/when we get a question that's basically a block of code and asking "is this any good?" are there any quality standards I should know about before flagging for migration to codereviews?
iirc it has to be code that works (since making broken code work is an SO thing), but I don't know of anything else
Does it work? Is it example code or does it look like real code?
example code is bad?
Example code is off-topic for Code Review.
func foo(arg1: Int, arg2: Int) -> Bool {
    // do stuff
I guess that makes sense, examples aren't normally meant to be production quality
foo isn't the real name of anyone's method. We'd close that as example code.
// do stuff is a place holder comment, we'd close that as example or "stub code"
arg1 & arg2 might be real variable names.
got it
so basically it needs to be valid, real code
at the risk of missing the point: good example =)
Right. And it needs to be easily discernible what the code does. Sometimes the readability of the code itself is the focus of the review, but if the code is confusing, a plain-English description of what it's supposed to do should accompany it
And when we say "works", that means "works as intended"
So a question like "This code works, but I want to add feature X" isn't a good fit.
because it doesn't work... yet.
And "This code works, so tell me how it can be better, but also I want to add feature X" is basically the same question.
and because that veers into "write my code for me"
Right, in which case, they get a link to here careers.stackoverflow.com/employer
though if it was "I want to add feature X but can't figure out a good way because <reasons>" that could be on-topic over here
One case that might appear as broken that we make an exception for is when the code works... but it's too slow, like for some online code challenge, for example.
To me, and especially at work, that's broken code... but as long as it actually computes the right result, we let people post it if they need a speed up.
yeah, correctness bugs/runtime errors are totally different from performance/flexibility issues
I guess I'll have to settle for a regular downvote since I'm out of super-downvotes right now
@enderland And then we found out it was broken code.
@nhgrif lol
I was going to upvote a comment. But then I saw I wrote the comment. No wonder I agreed with it.
@Ixrec this is really, really good and I think totally applicable to a lot of fields other than math - thanks for sharing!
I sent that to a high school math teacher I never had but who I think gets that
math became so much more fun when I got to college and could take classes that were actually about understanding the ideas and constructing arguments instead of just being a human calculator
Cookie to the first person to explain this closure.
Q: Difference between defect and bug in testing

maz3ttWhat is the difference between defect, and bug?

those sound like synonyms to me...is "defect" supposed to include non-code errors like design issues or something?
Yeah. Bug typically refers to something in code. Defect is more generic and can be an incorrect requirement, a design error, or even a "bug" in test code that makes you think the software is wrong.
In fact, here are the IEEE definitions. And it's not even my answer.
yeah, after thinking about that for a minute, I threw a reopen vote on that
And thirded, fourthed, and fifthed.
now I'm wondering if is a tag we want to leave around
seems hard to imagine anyone being an expert in "quality", though it's clearly nowhere near as problematic as the current STCI stuff
Quality attributes refers to the *ilities.
It's another way of saying non-functional requirement. It includes security, usability, performance, maintainaibility, and a bunch of others.
It is rather generic, but I don't have a big problem with it.
ah, is definitely fine
huh, we don't have that tag
If it existed, I'd probably synonym them.
since it's only five questions I'll just assume I've only ever heard the latter term for some reason and either one is fine
"You have no more close votes today; come back in 31 seconds." let me close you already!

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