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@André - yeh, need something to pass the time
@Telastyn, I wrote a simple compiler for a pretty simple language syntax, was fun :-)
It didn't outputted anything runnable, just did the syntax check
way back in college I wrote a LISP-like interpreter in my spare time, never quite got it to work completely but it was a lot of fun
I still remember being surprised when my implementation of map somehow ended up with iteration over pointers to pointers to pointers yet never seg faulted once
For college, there was a compiler class where we wrote a pascal like language... and then I did a lex + yacc language to double check my work for a theory class where we had to write out Turing machines by hand.
I also did a fractran interpreter in perl... but well... that's a "special" language.
yeh, I just got done with the pascal like language for college. it was absurdly easy compared to this.
well, more straightforward. Tangent is less code since it handles a bunch of stuff altogether with trickery
regular expressions?
not that trickery.
The subject of "networking" came up in my job search again, and I recalled something that I stumbled across a few days ago... Some kind of professional programmers group, but I don't remember the name. Does anyone here know what that might be?
Meetups, maybe?
There are lots of professional and metopes around... even Eau Claire (population 67k) had programmer meetups once a month.
@RobertHarvey you live close enough to LA to take advantage
(Eau claire, the entire city, from above: )
There's gotta be some professional organizations in cities larger too.
Welcome to world building.SE...
Gigantic radioactive moth poop. I like. +! — Vince Scalia 5 hours ago
Back from my foray into the west!
Unscathed! (mostly anyway...)
@Ampt Only mostly?
Well, I did manage to pop a tire in moab... and my knees definitely didn't get any better from all the hiking in the grand canyon...
but other than those minor things.... 10/10 would do again
Well, welcome back! Glad you survived.
Thanks! I'll probably pester you guys with pictures once I get home-home
right now I've got the GF driving while I peruse the web mwahahahaha
did I miss anything good?
managed to catch up on the SE podcasts while I was driving
Not sure, depends on what you consider good ;)
one of them had some pretty relevant discussion on closing questions with answers
@Ampt wait...you were gone?
I'd kinda wondered
Hahah, no I was lurking silently in the shadows :)
I went on a trip to the grand canyon
(and Moab, and Mesa Verde, and Boulder, CO, and a million other places)
the GF and I were long overdue for a vacation
and we camped most of the time we were in the west so it was actually pretty cost effective
@Ampt I like the idea of the podcasts, but I find for some reason podcasts of any sort make me sleepy. As does talk radio. And audiobooks.
Joel usually keeps the SE podcast pretty entertaining
but the general gist of it was that closing questions was a way to say that "this question won't get answers because of X" where X is the reason it's off topic
but if it's already answered, then that kind of goes against the whole point, right?
we (and by that I mean all of SE), tend to get into the mindset where if a question breaks one of the rules, it needs to be closed
which isn't wrong but it's kind of against the spirit of the system
@Ampt It's just the talking, listening to talking for long times makes me napface
(when it's not a conversation where I can participate)
I love listening and learning, so it's right up my alley haha
I was bad at lectures in university too when the prof would just drone for forever
If I didn't have something else to keep part of my brain entertained I was doomed
Stackoverflow isn't really the forum for this kind of question, but programmers.stackexchange.com is. If you post your question there I'd be curious to see what people say. Personally I don't like the idea of shuttling app to submodules because it introduces an unnecessary coupling and opens the door to having two submodules do conflicting things to the shared app var. But like I said, this chat medium is a terrible way to discuss this topic, if you want to continue this discussion please do it on programmers.stackexchange.com :) — Andrew Lavers 23 secs ago
Welcome to WorldBuilding. Where the facts are made up and the points don't matter.
@MichaelT I'm in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
2:22 talks about the unstable spin.
conservation of angular momentum?
@Ampt Intermediate axis theorem.
The tennis racket theorem is a result in classical mechanics describing movement of a rigid body with three distinct principal moments of inertia. It is also dubbed the Dzhanibekov effect, after Russian astronaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov who discovered the theorem's consequences while in space in 1985. An article explaining the effect was published in 1991. The theorem describes the following effect: rotation of an object about its first and third principal axes is stable, while rotation about its second principal axis is not. This can be demonstrated with the following experiment: hold a tennis racket...
@durron597 You've got to get into the to close those at a reasonable rate.
Oh crap... has 5 questions, 3 are closed.
@MichaelT I already closed / edited almost half of the open learning ones
@MichaelT I already reviewed both of the open questions
the highly voted one I actually flagged for historical lock
9 hours later…
"Is object oriented really good for kids?" lol
I gave my son an IoC container. He loves it.
man you run out of close votes fast when you spend half of them on STCI
3 hours later…
2 days ago, by Robert Harvey
[waits for the first Pastafarian questions on Mythology]
almost embarrasingly, I got more rep from that than anything else I've posted on the site so far
7 hours later…
Anyone in here?
@RobertHarvey yes
@Ixrec and @Yannis are around somewhere also.
I have a question about closures.
Not here. Zzz.
Maybe here
Ah, c'mon.
I'm playing around with a binary tree, trying to figure out how to print it.
I'm going to print it sideways, for simplicity, so I need to calculate an indent.
Here is my Traverse method:
        public bool Traverse(BinaryTree<K, V> tree, Action<K, V> action)
            if (tree == null)

            if (Left != null)
                Traverse(Left, action);

            if (Right != null)
                Traverse(Right, action);

            action(Key, Value);
And here is my ToString method:
        public override string ToString()
            var s = new StringBuilder();
            var depth = 0;

            Traverse(this, (K, V) =>


            return s.ToString();
So the anonymous method in ToString closes over the StringBuilder.
What I can't figure out is how to tell the Action whether I'm indenting or backdenting.
It seems to me like I'm still going to have to pass around an int indentLevel
Unless I can figure out how to tell whether I'm traversing up or down the tree in the Action.
One oment
okay, real computer.
yes, I believe that is correct. Since the action doesn't know about the traverse, and the traverse doesn't know about the depth, the's no way to tie those together.
Seems there is a need to pass around a Context, where you can tell if you're up or down
when I've done that, I've just passed around the indentLevel.
There's no way to do it without the Traverse method having knowledge of the Action or Func?
Maybe I need two Funcs; one at the top of the Traverse, one at the bottom.
And have them return a rich object of some sort.
But yes, I see what you're saying. I'll work on it awhile.
if you made Traverse work more like Accumulate, then Traverse would know that you're adding something each step, and you could have a "between step" delimiter
That's a good idea.
glad I could help a little. afk, hockey.
Yes, by simulating an MIMD machine using SIMD instructions. — Robert Harvey 51 mins ago
Can you please provide detailed answer by giving an example? — Inder Gill 33 mins ago
Sure. I'll write an operating system for you while I'm at it. — Robert Harvey 1 min ago

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