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If anyone's interested, here's a bit of Linq I wrote to determine whether or not a string can be made into a palindrome by rearranging its letters:
 bool isPalindromable = inputString
            .GroupBy(x => x)
            .Select(group => new { key = group.Key, count = group.Count() })
            .Where(x => x.count % 2 == 1)
            .Count() <= 1;
You can only have one letter having an odd number of occurrences in the string.
@RobertHarvey I should know that from Automata
Strange old system of the day: Amiga Video Backup System
A PCM adaptor is a device used for recording digital audio in the PCM format, which in turn connects to a video cassette recorder (acting as a transport) for storage and playback of the digital audio information. == How a PCM adaptor works == High-quality PCM audio requires a significantly larger bandwidth than a regular FM analog audio signal. For example, a 16-bit PCM signal requires an analog bandwidth of about 1-1.5 MHz (compared to about 15-20 kHz of analog bandwidth required for an analog audio signal), and, clearly, a standard analog audio recorder could not meet that requirement. ...
I used to own one of these:
The Sony PCM-501ES digital audio processor is a piece of equipment that offers digital sound recording and playback. It was released in 1984 and was sold as a semi-professional product, part of the PCM adaptor family of products. The cost was about 900 USD. It was by far the most popular of all the PCM adaptors. The 501ES sound quality is set at 16-bit/44,1 kHz. 14-bit encoding is also possible in order to record media that is compatible with the similar PCM adaptor from Matsushita Technics. As with all LPCM “Adapters” standardized by the EIAJ, the 501 incorporated a single converter that was time...
Btw, Snowcrash anyone?
I went head to head with an audio snob who had two of those giant Nakamichi cassette decks (back in 1984). He swore that nothing I owned would surpass their quality. We did an A/B, and he was very quiet for a long time.
@MichaelT The PCM adaptor signal was a bit more sophisticated.
@RobertHarvey Sony used to make such beautiful gear.... I was very disappointed when they started riding their reputation.
A: Encrypting stored data for multiple unique users to access information

user166623Developer.sabre.com If that seems like an odd answer, we have similar problems in different fields. I am a newbie, so tell me if it was a stupid idea and I will adjust.

Anyone here?
1 hour later…
I sort of am
but I'll be gone in about 3 minutes
2 hours later…
Q: Does the zero that follows the fractional second part of a Jodatime formatted Date changes its Comparable order?

socgen hackerGiven two strings: a) 2013-05-02 02:11:05.24 b) 2013-05-02 02:11:05.240 Does joda time interpret these two to have the same Comparable order ? i.e. they are equivalent.

Needs one more VTC.
7 hours later…
what kind of python GUI lib is good to use to handle events on OS environment ? for example get the selected word in a pdf that user held the mouse on it for a while ? in LINUX .
Q: Measuring feline capacitance

timthelionWhen I pet my cat, and then touch her on the nose, I get a little shock. Sometimes, when she walks up to something, her nose sparks and she jumps back and puffs out. I was wondering how I might go about measuring the capacitance of my cat. So how many micro-farads does my cat have? I don't think...

Hello All, I recently got to talking with some of the more creative users who maintain an SE Chat bot utilizing the Stack API
They have volunteered to help us by adding a few lines of code to to their chat bot that will poll StackOverflow for mentions of users suggesting the Programmers site in comments. When it encounters said comments it will now start posting links to these comments directly to the White Board so that users can review and act on these quickly before a cross post occurs

 Duga's Neighborhood

It's a beautiful bot in the neighborhood. Would you be mine, w...
You can see the conversation and debug statements for this chat bot here. The changes should be going live in a trial basis shortly
I will follow this pinned chat message with a Meta post shortly
Cool! So we can pounce on those quickly!
in Duga's Playground, 2 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
alright, @maple_shaft, it is live now. It now posts to both Whiteboard and to this room so that I can keep a track on the comments you get more easily
A very special thank you to @Simon André Forsberg for making this happen
For reference to the SE Chat Bot project...
Wow... no one-box support for GitHub?! Really?!
@BrianTompsett - This would be too broad for programmers as well. Programmers is focused on Q&A (just like all of StackExchange) and is not a discussion site. — GlenH7 54 secs ago
BTW the chat bot is Duga
@maple_shaft github one box has been fixed and broken several times on the past.
I think Code Review could really benefit from this as well
and probably software recs
@maple_shaft I gotta star that :)
@durron597 why do you think I added this feature in the first place?
Q: You are being watched! - Comments of Interest

Simon André Forsberg You are being watched Code Review has an open system A machine that spies on you on every hour of every day I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect suggestions to post on Code Review but it sees everything Horrible comments involving ordinary users Users like yo...

@MichaelT - FYI, I'm likely going to steal your open letter on meta and port it over to Engineering.
They're having homework fun there too?
@GlenH7 When do you become an Engineering mod?
@durron597 Don't know; haven't been contacted. IIRC, they normally pick folk about a week after the site goes into public beta.
Q: New SE Chat Bot feature for identifying when Programmers is mentioned on StackOverflow

maple_shaftThere are some very creative SE users and contributors to Code Review that have used the Stack API to build an open source SE Chat bot that is currently being used for many things. https://github.com/Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService The top contributors of this project have graciously offered to i...

Hey so now that I HAVE THE POWER in this room, do you all have "rules" for pinning and unpinning stars
I notice every so often someone goes through and makes a purge
@durron597 Usually I'll clear things out after they've been up for a few days or no longer seem topical. Bigger things stay pinned longer. And generally we don't pin anything with profanity in it.
For example, rubber duck wasn't funny anymore.
Generally, we never clear the stars on something. Exceptions to that might be if we're trying to stack the starred board in a particular way
@GlenH7 I was thinking about clearing Rubber Duck, that's why I brought it up.
And there's other tricks like starring your own comments by pinning & unpinning
See, I just starred my own banal comment.
You can also move chat messages to another room. Typically we don't do that either unless someone has a really long running discussion that deserves it's own room. Or it offends our sensibilities and it needs to go away.
How do you move messages in bulk?
false positive imo
@durron597 Click on the room drop down below the tags and select "move messages". The target room needs to exist first.
1 message moved to ProgsTrash
See! What false positive are you referring to? :-)
Code Review gets some false positives as well
if you come up with a good way of narrowing it down, you know where to find me!
The benefits outweigh the false positives. And if they get to be too annoying we can always move some of the messages over to a different room so we don't have to see them. :-)
@SimonAndréForsberg If the word programmers is inside the body (non-domain) of a url, it's a false positive
@durron597 programmers.stackexchange.com
@durron597 unless the url starts with... yeah, that ^^
Cool, ticks keep it from expanding
LEARN TO READ GUYS ;) (please ignore the edited icon next to my message)
Darn it. Used to be able to pull the old version out from the history and drop it inline
In other news, @GlenH7, I think I finally fixed the no longer omnipresent multithreading bug
@durron597 Oh! How so?!
@KasraAD: No such thing exists
Let's say I'm trading 10 lots/shares. If I get completely filled, but in pieces (say 6 lots then 4 lots)
First I get a partial fill then a complete fill
But what happens if I get the complete fill message first?
Then the order becomes listed as dead (because I got my complete fill), but I still think I have a position, so it sends the order again.
Then the partial fill comes in, but it's already too late, the double order has been submitted
So now I have a lock wait inside the handleCompleteFill method
if (message.filledQty != this.remainingQty) { while(...) { lock.wait() } }
It only happens very infrequently because USUALLY I will process the complete fill last... but apparently not always
years ago the first time I worked for an investment banking software company I remember when they taught us about a bunch of these concepts thinking it would never stick and I would never understand it. I'm pleasantly surprised to know all these years later it actually does make sense and I find myself falling back on some of those concepts even in non-investment instances as they're the most familiar analogies for me (like orders, partial fills etc for other types of exchanges)
Of course, due to the infrequency of it occurring, I'm going to wait at least a month before I'll feel comfortable thinking it's fixed
@durron597 get out now before you become the next @JimmyHoffa
@durron597 Glad you found it. And that scenario aligns with my memory of our previous conversations about it. Seems very likely to be the culprit.
Do you agree that my lock-wait fix should work? I'm pretty confident it will
@durron597 Offhand, not sure since I don't remember the code that clearly. But I would trust your instinct on that one. I wonder if you could manipulate the system in a test environment to recreate the scenario and therefore validate.
My test environment is garbage
It's just a cost-center that plays second fiddle to the profit generator of production, right? :-)
@GlenH7 My server is worth something like $10,000 and is colocated in Chicago. We pay a significant amount in hosting fees as well.
My test server is a hand me down HP desktop that used to run Windows XP before I put linux on it. Probably could buy a similar machine for $200 on ebay. Also it's under my desk and uses a VPN to connect to the test environment (in Chicago)
I've tried telling you before @durron597 and I'll try vaguely again: I discourage locks and things and encourage message pumps through thread-safe data structures (ConcurrentQueue<> for instance)
cost center vs. profit center. :-)
often times you can get a lot more safety by using thread safe data structures rather than trying to make your algorithms thread safe themselves
@JimmyHoffa There would still need to be some way to ensure the messages came in the correct order
@whatsisname are you sure ? so what about pyglet ? someone recommend it but mentioned that he is not sure !!!
are you trying to get the selected word from some other application, or from your own?
no some other application ,. actually from web and pdf
yeah, that's going to be virtually impossible in the general case
for example with a shortcut key or mose i want to show the meaning of the word ;) really ? how ?
I really don't care to write code to be readable by developers that can't understand something they don't expect. More relevant is whether or not it is a good idea to begin with despite what other developers might expect. If it is a good idea, good developers will be capable of comprehending, appreciating, and even adopting it. Now I'm not promoting the code in the original question, but I personally do something that shares something in common with it, and it does not conform to what other programmers expect or promote as good practice. But I don't care, because it is awesome. — INTPnerd 43 secs ago
@whatsisname so how can i do it virtually ?
^^^ I want to go flag that as offensive
spend 5 million man-years writing some sort of spiffy toolkit and somehow get all OSes to use it
@whatsisname are you familiar with win32api in python ?
the text under the mouse even for non PDF applications in windows only is tricky enough as it is
it does such things in windows
win32 is not going to be any help, as PDF applications don't use the win32 drawing controls to draw their text
you're going to depend on your target applications providing hooks
or doing some sort of screen scraping + ocr or other nonsense
ooops scraping + ocr ??? :)
but why ? when i can copy the words in PDF with CTRL+C
yeah, but that's because the pdf application itself knows what's what
i just want to handle that event ,that copying the word after select in OS
is it possible ?
it doesn't broadcast that information to everyone
lunchtime bbl
@KasraAD bbl === be back later. In other words, he's hungry and left for lunch.
oops , yep i get ;)
If it gets migrated, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have the dup target already in the question.
Gotta love "interview by committee."
@RobertHarvey Was it a phone interview too?
'Cause that's the best. Nothing like being interviewed by 6 or 7 folk on the phone....
Nope. It was a "giant conference room table" interview. Completely scripted, not a conversation in sight.
@GlenH7 your sewage pipes are clay?
@enderland Yep. House was built in the early 60's. Other option would have been cast iron, but that's an order more expensive AFAIK
@RobertHarvey I've had no issue with these in the past but never had more than maybe 4 or 5 people at the table, how many was it? I just treat it like a meeting as if I were giving a presentation in front of the group for some new feature I worked on, only I'm the feature
There's no room for that in a scripted interview.
@RobertHarvey How dreadfully boring
if it were more than 5 people it might be a bit strange, especially if they were all clamoring/attempting to participate
so you might also have pieces of the pipe fairly moved due to root pressure
@GlenH7 I'm told I have this and will have quite some trouble at some point when it needs to be replaced
@enderland Possibly so, but when the line was scoped a few years back it looked fine
according to my neighbor
any tips?
@JimmyHoffa meh, I dunno about how big of a problem it'll be
@JimmyHoffa No participation whatsoever. They went right down the page, asked all 14 questions in turn. Although to make it fair, each person got to ask a couple of questions.
@RobertHarvey sounds like a Dilbert comic :\
@RobertHarvey That must've been a bit surreal
@RobertHarvey this is just wierd.
It's the most sterile thing I've ever participated in. Surprised they didn't wear latex gloves.
Fortunately, it only lasted 12 minutes.
was it for a job in one of the clean rooms at Intel?
haha 12 minutes? That's just bizarre. I presume you don't think you did well? What the hell kind of questions did they ask?
how much money are you thinking of spendign @GlenH7?
What I had quoted before was there are 3 ways to replace the pipe. You can have everything dug out, which is actually cheapest but trashes the yard. They can ram a new pipe in place which shatters the old pipe. Or they can put a liner in that gets coated with epoxy and it forms a brand new pipe within the old pipe. The latter two were quoted North of $5k.
@enderland On the robot? If it'll work I wouldn't mind even a few hundred as it'll prevent spending thousands.
I intend to use it once a year or so to keep everything in check.
you could get a little camera and light and attach it to the robot
@GlenH7 yeah this is the problem, apparently it's buried deep as all get out in my case according to the neighbour, and the replacement was anything but cheap
@JimmyHoffa One of them was "Describe your experiences working in a multi-cultural environment." My answer was "I've had women and minority coworkers at every job I've worked, and it's never been a problem."
@RobertHarvey yeah, that is sterile. Sounds like some bizarre process that could only be dreamed up by an HR lunatic
@JimmyHoffa You can find a guy on craigslist with a digger. I know of one guy who went down that route and it was under $2k.
@GlenH7 How did you know you had a problem?
@RobertHarvey How are they supposed to find out anything about you that way?!
Things stopped flushing?
@JimmyHoffa line backed up. :-(
@GlenH7 HR isn't about finding out about you, it's about protecting them.
so whenever people ask questions that illucidate nothing about a person, I tend to figure on it's some HR thing that they're asking to protect themselves
I keep a cheap, $10 moisture sensing meter on the drain cover in the basement. It sounds whenever there's an issue. Has saved me from having minor problems turn into big problems.
@GlenH7 They're a school. I think their primary motivator is fairness. Their approach is to squeeze every last bit of variation out of the interview process, so that everyone gets interviewed in exactly the same way.
@GlenH7 leak frog? I've pondered getting one
@RobertHarvey ah a school, yes definitely an HR admin type thing.
Yes. Also this school has been sued several times over various people problems.
@JimmyHoffa More like this one but same idea, yes
@RobertHarvey yes. So their hiring process is actually mostly blind ass guessing then. So long as you didn't step on any of the land mines you've actually a great shot then
@RobertHarvey Awesome!!!
Anyway, definitely an unsatisfying experience.
especially since when all you can do is look at statistics, yours are pretty great: more experience than a vast majority
@ScottHunter list is not the primary data structure in Prolog. Just a type of compound term that is often misused and abused, specially by novice programmers. — Paulo Moura just now
If all they can do is look at you on paper and compare you to others on paper and they're forced to try to make objective decisions based on that - you have a strong standing
@GlenH7 Job descriptions can be notoriously unreliable, so at the beginning of the interview I asked them "Can you tell me more about the Banner project?" (presumably the reason they're hiring someone). They said "You'll get a chance to ask questions at the end of the interview."
When they got to the end and asked "Do you have any questions for us?" I asked "Can you tell me more about the Banner project?" They said "No, we can't; we have to rely on the job description given in the job posting."
alright, who cares what your standing in the candidate pool, you don't want that job
Somebody's got them all playing marionette, I don't suspect you want to be anybody's puppet
They could; they had software developers and the architect there. They just chose not to.
that can't be fun at all
@RobertHarvey WUT?!
@RobertHarvey no, they probably were not allowed to per HR
The whole process, the whole thing, it was all a designed situation with specifically allowable inputs and outputs in a fixed order. Either an HR person ensured they all understood the process could only go one way or they might be fired, or you just participated in some university social study unknowingly
Here's the best part: the job only lasts for a year. They've extended the application deadline at least once, presumably because nobody wants the job.
Oh, wait. That's not the best part.
the only thing other than HR fixed-process that sounds like is university-scientist controlled experiment
The best part is that the probation period lasts for a year.
haha so it lasts a year and at any point they have a right to fire you without reason as they can claim you were on a probationary period
@RobertHarvey Better be an amazing salary and benefits package
$72K plus the usual things. But the retirement plan won't vest in that time anyway, so.
I look at it as a temporary job, 'till I can find something better.
There is something to be said for positive cash flow while continuing to look around
And you'll find it easier to get interviews / offers while already employed
You mean their contributions to the retirement plan?
Yeah; your own contributions vest immediately.
Good, you realize how that works :)
I've seen far too many people who don't realize that...
enderland is about to get on a soap box
It's CalPers; I don't know exactly how it works. I do know that participation in it can adversely affect your Social Security benefits.
@enderland <the crowd starts chanting: Go ender, go ender, go ender, go! go! go!>
@enderland It's Cali. It's different.
Cali is always different.
@GlenH7 "It's different" might be understatement of the day when describing California...
BTW, only people who are not from California call it Cali. Californians find that ridiculous.
It'll always be Cali to me. :-)
Or NorCal and SoCal
I just had to ssh into my virtual machine to shut it down so it would release my mouse... (??)
since it wasn't responding and still kept my mouse -- but not keyboard -- and wouldn't release it..
@RobertHarvey Some of my brogrammers liked to mix red bull with PBR and some didn't, but we all still crushed code.
Saw a couple of other people there who were interviewing. God, they were nervous. One of them was a welder. Full on gray suit and tie, like body armor. Red faced grimace, I figure he has kids. Totally intimidated by the environment; I felt bad for him.
They gave him a test, right there in the lobby.
A paper test, to see if he knew his welding joints.
If he can weld paper he deserves the job.
@KirkStevenson - Quite often, it is much easier to learn about abstract concepts (like logic) by interacting with them. You can just as easily sit down with another human being, but humans tend to be quite subjective in their understanding of the truth. Programming languages offer a (relatively) infallible source of truth with which you can interact. In that vein, and due to it's popularity, python is a perfectly reasonable choice for your instructor. (Sorry for going so far off topic of the forum here). More questions in this vein belong on programmers.stackexchange.comdwerner 47 secs ago
@RobertHarvey Sounds like a winning environment....
Woo vi/vim private beta
@GlenH7 thanks, I believe you are on one of main routes to there yes?
@GlenH7 I drove with my family across the US once via Route 40
we had to, we were in an 83 Chevy Malibu
ugh, enums are such a source of woe for me and I don't understand why
Parts of that are very picturesque. Other parts are gawd-awfully boring.
@GlenH7 oklahoma where the ground is flatter than a pancake
and the crossing at Memphis where the Mississippi is no wider than the Sacramento
Yeah, that's a hurry up and go go go! state. :-)
@GlenH7 the waitress in OK City was nice
TN can be really pretty countryside though. Ditto with Georgia
we had pancakes, it seemed like the thing to do
@GlenH7 I like TN better than GA for scenery
pancakes are always good, regardless of the time of day
@GlenH7 chicken and waffles are surprisingly good
though I prefer tenders over fried proper
Good complimentary food textures there, yes.
slow cooked / smoked or rotisserie are my preferred ways to cook chicken. Done right, the meat falls off the bone.
@GlenH7 Californian so I tend to drift toward grilled stuff
But it comes out sooooo tender and tasty. :-)
@GlenH7 blame the Mexicans and the Japanese :P
We converted 'em all over to BBQ lovers here... :-)
Which isn't quite true - Mexican food has long celebrated carnitas.
Well... Its Common behavior on StackOverFlow is to downvote any answers to such questions. I am telling you "free answers without effort"" is against the well being of StackOverFlow in long time. Also... I am advising you this... because you seem to be new here and seem to share a good purpose of helping fellow programmers. Best Wishes... keep on helping people. — Sarvesh Kumar Singh 2 mins ago
@GlenH7 Mexicali tends to be grilled more than anything else in my experience
other regions definitely have the slow cooked thing going on
I'd agree - reflects what was commonly available
And carnitas are traditionally made in a slow roasted covered pot like a dutch oven.
@GlenH7 grilled fish, minced onions, bit of chili sauce in a corn tortilla
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not about programming. You can try discussing it on programmers.stackexchange.comEugene Mayevski 'EldoS Corp 33 secs ago
But only if it's from a roadside stand. :-)
@GlenH7 there is one place in georgia that isn't a stand but yes, in general
only place I've found so far that does it authentic more or less
@EugeneMayevski'EldoSCorp If it's not about programming then why direct someone to Programmers? License questions are allowed at programmers but this question wouldn't fit there either. Programmers is for Q&A, just like the rest of StackExchange. Stack Overflow Chat is the place to go for discussions. — GlenH7 1 min ago
Sorry, I had gone back to some memories of a dive trip that took us through part of Mexico
@GlenH7 I love how on the ball you are at crushing people's hopes and dreams of P.SE referals
One at a time, one at a time. :-)
What's a bit surprising is how many people still think of Programmers as NPR
@GlenH7 people are still actively sore about that
This is true.
There was a comment on meta.engineering to the effect of "who cares about the broken windows, they don't cause any harm." that got under my skin a bit
But I looked at the user's profile, and they didn't have an account on any of the bigger SE sites
ignorance can be bliss, I guess
briefly toyed with trying to explain otherwise and realized it would be much better to just let it go
yeah because SO is a bastion of people caring about broken windows ;)
Is there a way I can change the default behaviour? is a terrible idea. Anyone who uses your assembly or new programmers will have no idea why a method that has always worked one way, now works another way. Instead write your own extension method ToScientificFloat() and/or ToScientificInt(). Now when people see this method, they instantly know it's doing something that is not default behavior. — Erik Philips 1 min ago
It's too late for SO. Just gotta save ourselves instead
I like this new chatbot. Nice to see how often we're not mentioned as a recommendation.
I should script "have you tried programmers.SE?" as a response to all questions at -2 or more
@GlenH7 Good job GlenH7! I am glad to see the chat bot is helping!
@enderland If you want to propose functionality to the chat bot project then you can try forking and pulling the repo on Github
Just let him know what you are doing and what you propose
Duga is a bot? What is Duga here for?
@JimmyHoffa finds out when someone mentions the word programmers in SO comments
@maple_shaft That is an awesome answer. I'll probably checkmark it later. Thanks
Not particularly, no. SO is not really made for getting inspiration for a project, perhaps a re-wording of your question would work on Programmers SE. — Elizion 1 min ago
@Elizion - project suggestions are off topic for Programmers. Stack Overflow Chat is the best place to ask questions like this. — GlenH7 1 min ago
hah with responses, love it.
This doodad is great.
s/@GlenH7/Destroyer of Dreams/
So wait, teh Duga finds comments that mention Programmers, and posts them here automatically? Genius.
Unless you have a specific programming question, conceptual/design questions are better suited for programmers.stackexchange.comtnw 28 secs ago
Q: New SE Chat Bot feature for identifying when Programmers is mentioned on StackOverflow

maple_shaftThere are some very creative SE users and contributors to Code Review that have used the Stack API to build an open source SE Chat bot that is currently being used for many things. https://github.com/Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService The top contributors of this project have graciously offered to i...

Q: You are being watched! - Comments of Interest

Simon André Forsberg You are being watched Code Review has an open system A machine that spies on you on every hour of every day I know because I built it. I designed the machine to detect suggestions to post on Code Review but it sees everything Horrible comments involving ordinary users Users like yo...

This is awesome.
@tnw - this wouldn't be a good fit on Programmers either. It will be closed quickly and likely heavily downvoted. — GlenH7 1 min ago
absolutely spectacular.
@tnw: This question would never pass muster on Programmers. — Robert Harvey ♦ 1 min ago
relax it is just a forum, not like nasa so what's with the egos and attitude anyways...the whole point of internet is to be and work in more socialized way, what is with the unproductive replies...must be the "why help if not getting paid to help" capitalist code nazi in you screaming...well why not relax and be helpful to the community instead wasting the reply space. — texture 7 mins ago
^^^ after moderator so conveniently declined my flag on their prior comment, they likely decided anything goes here
@gnat What's this all about?
@RobertHarvey user is venting their frustration about voted down and closed question
@RobertHarvey you SO folks are soo far away from these issues. Far away from "hotness" because SE team carefully implemented multiple features to protect dear SO questions of being damaged from sidebar. Far from Toilet Bowl because one of these features was to offload potentially troublesome questions to smaller sites which (what a coincidence!) suffer for SO lemmings coming at them from sidebar. Programmers, Code Golf, Workplace, Code Review, UX, Software Recs... — gnat 5 mins ago
Go Gnat!
ME: I need you to put me on your Do Not Call list.
TELEMARKETER: What do I get in return?
Well, not only will the HTML editors complain, but browsers will render it in unexpected ways. OP wants to know why, and I'm generally happier working with programmers who ask why instead of blindly going "you just can't, ok?" — ceejayoz 1 min ago
good troll, nice catch
Whoop. False positive.
@RobertHarvey Did that really happen to you?
Duga duga duga UHH!
@psr Absolutely, just did. After a couple more rounds, I asked to speak to his supervisor. He said "supervisor's busy." I said "I don't care." He said "Well, it will be a couple of minutes." I said "I can wait." He said "Fine, we can talk for a couple of minutes in the meantime. So how old are you?"
Oh, and it was preceded by a recording that implied there was something wrong with one of my credit cards (I don't own any), and the caller ID HAD MY WIFE'S NAME AND OUR HOME PHONE NUMBER ON IT!
@RobertHarvey Wow. I apparently need a loud whistle so I can answer "you don't have to hear this...".
@RobertHarvey Anything to keep you on the phone. Remember most of the people they are calling are seniors they're trying to scam, who are usually home alone and ignored by their kids.
@Robertharvey **TELEMARKETER: ** Are you getting a newspaper right now?
**ME: **Are you getting the Times machine right now?
**ME: **Would you like to?
**ME: **Ok, well thankyou for your time, bye! *click*.
What segment of the population is at their home phone on a Tuesday afternoon?
Apparently the segment that I'm in.
@durron597 what section of the population has a land line that they answer at all?
42 secs ago, by Robert Harvey
Apparently the segment that I'm in.
@durron597 This is priceless. I was laughing myself silly. I especially like the part about the
Thanks for all the input. What I hear J an David saying is "Just be careful and write the code right the first time." Maybe you guys are better programmers than me, but I don't like walking a tightrope without a net. I make mistakes. And I like to catch them before ship my code. — RobertFrank 2 mins ago
Oh, shit. The telemarketer called back.
Let it ring twice, guess he realized he already called me.
@RobertHarvey :D
Note that it is a good idea to drop the inline from static inline: With static the compiler already knows that the given function is only ever used in the given translation unit and can make a better choice about inlining it than the programmer who adds the inline to the definition. Too much inlining hurts performance as much as too little inlining, and most programmers who add the inline keyword do not know or test whether inlining that function will indeed speed things up. Of course, if your tests(!) show that static inline is faster than static, go ahead and use it :-) — cmaster 1 min ago
This is more about computer science theory and asymptotic analysis. It's more appropriate for Programmers SE. — franklin 18 secs ago
@durron597 My mistake. It really was my wife this time.
@RobertHarvey Ha!
@durron597 TCS is research level CS
CS is the proper place but the question is too broad
@WorldEngineer Whoops. I dun got them confoozled
@RobertHarvey Thank you, you are awesome too!
@RobertHarvey don't act so surprised
@RobertHarvey That telemarketer was actually Duga. #creepyAI
Congratulations, you've qualified for a free satellite system!
Honey... why are you trying to sell me a satellite system at work
This question is not a good format for Stack Overflow. This is intended to be a site for answering specific programming related questions, to help programmers solve their issues. It is not a discussion site to discuss perceived shortcomings with available software. — mason 55 secs ago
Programmers is such a good name for programmers that the false positives are inconvenient....
Redundant comments are redundant.
@RobertHarvey Redundant, unnecessary, repetitive adjectives are redundant, repetitive, and unnecessary.
For those interested that followed last time - Reboot of the scale modeling proposal: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/82797/scale-modeling/…
this unholy mess of c# and c++/cli is almost finished
then it will be someone else's problem
@RobertHarvey If you will take me to movie we can do sushi. I know good all you can eat place.
@durron597 I am waiting for the address. I will send the goats. They will be walking, so it might take awhile.
(it's hard to be writing the Indian English in chat room)
@RobertHarvey Just do the needful and air-dash the goats,. If you have any doubts, ask on pets stack exchange.
They are good goats. They're not smart enough to use a visa card to pay a visa card though.
I posted a question on programmers that is very much related to this functional area: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/271690/…. I would appreciate it if you could take a look and offer your expert opinion. Thanks in advance — amphibient 1 min ago
@Duga Deleted.
@RohitSharma, kinda but only if your selling something. Amazon did a study that for every 100ms load increase they lost 1% of sales revenue. But if that's a problem for you, then throw hardware at it, after all Hardware is Cheap, Programmers are Expensive. — Mark Tomlin 1 min ago
ok, so...this forum is only for programmers?!?! :O And...there is no help for the beginners? :O ...no comment to this!!! — Roberta 1 min ago
@Duga Closed.
seems like some false-positives are other-positives, i.e. cause other action
Hiya, this is an interesting question and the answers will be useful... but as you guessed, sadly it's not a good fit for Stack Overflow, where we prefer questions with a specific, right answer (rather than discussions about which tool might be better). In the past, such questions have led to debate, and flamewars and that tends to tear the community apart :( But you may yet find a better home for your question. Try the "programmers' stack exchange site: programmers.stackexchange.comTaryn East 1 min ago
@TarynEast Programmers has the same standards as Stack Overflow as far as opinion-based questions and tool recommendations go. — World Engineer 31 secs ago
@Duga There is hope!!!
@WorldEngineer Beat me to it.
heading home. gn everyone
Hmm... That's the second time YouTube has gone down for me.
DownForEveryoneOrJustMe says it's just fine.
@RobertHarvey I sometimes have issues with it on firefox
Tried in Firefox and Chrome. The video I was listening too just stopped playing, like someone tripped over the power cord.
Now it's just saying "Website not available."
I was having loading issues earlier
Seems to be working now.
You know you're spending too much time on YouTube when you actually catch them down twice in one day.

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