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I actually found that now haha. But FFMPEG has no PHP API and I'm afraid using exec too much will destroy the server
Do you know how to convert an animated GIF to MP4 in php?
umm, no sorry. php isn't my strong suit
hey. i've got a query that I wanted to get peoples thoughts on. not sure if this is an ok forum to ask at.
convert some.gif some%05d.png
ffmpeg -i some%05d.png some.avi
rm some*.png
What's the query
Been doing scrum and a fellow developer has been saying for the last 4 scrums that they should be finished their story today and have the code checked in in the next hour or so. Just got to do a couple more minor bits.
but that was 4 scrums (4 working days)
I'm not sure how to broach it with him, or if it even needs broaching i.e. i'm just being picky etc
was gonna ask this on project management but no one chatting there :)
Yeah it's probably not really appropriate here
although you can call Michael
umm call Michael?
what do u mean call?
Nothing I just tagged his name. I think that would send him a signal (?)
When you put an '@' in front of someone's name it goes bing. @dreza like that.
oh, sweet
> Been doing scrum and a fellow developer has been saying for the last 4 scrums that they should be finished their story today and have the code checked in in the next hour or so. Just got to do a couple more minor bits.
but that was 4 scrums (4 working days)
I'm not sure how to broach it with him, or if it even needs broaching i.e. i'm just being picky etc
was gonna ask this on project management but no one chatting there :)
wasn't sure if these rooms for for general chit chat or not. first time here really...
@dreza PM.SE is a bit slower than P.SE... smaller site.
@MichaelT yeah, fair enough
Ask them to check in what they do have, no matter how little so that its possible to see what the proper velocity is and adjust any estimates if needed.
The point of scrum is to move forward. If something is an obstacle, it needs to be identified and dealt with. If for the past 4 days, he's had an obstacle of some sort and isn't progressing, that needs to be identified.
cool, yeah ok. i have work that is dependant on them as well. each scrum when i have said my roadblocks I mention their issue.
If, on the other hand, you've got a Paula bean that needs to be identified and dealt with. The lack of code check ins can certainly be holding up other progress.
ahh, yeah. i'm not sure. could be as haven't seen the code yet. this guy is supposed to be the lead developer on the project too so it's a bit tricky
While 'critical path' isn't something thats too appropriate with scrum, it is a concept that PMs will know and understand.
although all my reading says no lead developers in agile. it's just what our company did for this project
ok, cheers. I think the best bet is to suggest they check-in what they have done like you said. Hopefully that might trigger something too. cheers.
Point out that as the time frame for your code that is dependent on the code that you are waiting for gets shorter you become the critical path for the project and any issues that you have then can substantially impact the timeline for the overall project because everything is now waiting on you.
If you are 4 months out and find that your estimate for the code is 2 months rather than 1 month... yo've got time to fix that. If you have ti wait 3 more months to be able to work on it... you've now pushed out the final product a month because there is no longer any slack in the schedule.
@dreza you might want to get a copy of that book (and possibly one for your PM too).
good idea. he does always mention at the scrums though how he has been pulled onto other work etc etc and so that's delayed this work etc I personally think that's covering the issue, but can't really say that.
@MichaelT Thanks might take a look into it
The thing is that when there's no slack in the schedule things get chaotic and problems arise. He is removing the slack from your schedule.
Even if he's just got the stubs for an interface... its something to be able to work from.
The other point to make is that if he is getting pulled into other projects and work, then his resource allocation needs to be re-evaluated and timelines adjusted accordingly.
Yeah, I thought all our time was supposed to be accounted for in that. But that's a good point to make.
100% allocation to a project is a wonderful ideal... but its rarely recognized unless other measures are taken.
yeah, our PM said only %80 of our day is scheduled for the project
While you might not be at that point yet, it does have some ideas for how to get the focus the project needs (like moving the team physically to another place).
awesome, thanks
Its also a fun book to have on your desk when managers come around to talk to you.
haha, that sounds like a plan....
How would I create a temporary name in PHP
but I want it to be fixed length
so that I can add other things after generating it (i.e. <generated>_7) without collisions
Actually I think I'll just remove the _'s from the generated name
3 hours later…
@RobertHarvey you know you want to rant...
I updated my answer with a few counter arguments - I'm just looking to have an honest discussion because as a polyglot with strong fp experience I question these conventions heavily coming back to Java . Thank you for your response :) — JasonG 7 mins ago
@MichaelT No thanks. I did the rant thing already today, and nobody wanted to listen. Think I'll take a vacation away from it for awhile.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. People use EDIT: to milk their questions for more information, provoke a discussion, summarize the answers in their question, etc. There isn't any valid use case for EDIT: that the Edit History doesn't already do better.
9 hours later…
Q: C++ certifications

RomanWhat are the most respectable C++ certifications? How do they relate to each other? For now I am aware only of the CPPGM and Brainbench.

Free CV ^^
Interesting read
I wonder if PM Schools/training solutions will start popping up to align better with the Agile methodology
I've only scanned it. The parts I read were really good. I hope to read the whole thing at lunch. Or after work.
that train commute gives me time to catch up on my favorite books/articles/everything
I have a driving commute. And I don't want to live in any of the towns that share mass transit that go to the office.
Anyone know of any good windows applications to create multiple virtual desktops?
I'm looking for something like spaces for mac
After having multiple desktops in linux for so long, it would be a nice-to-have feature haha
I use VirtuaWin - old, but has configurable key bindings
And better than any other I have tried.
interesting, I'll definitely give it a look
thanks Oded
Microsoft used to have one for Windows XP. They never updated it for Vista/7/8.
the one on sysinternals?
it works for 8
just not that great
Oh. Did they finally update it?
Yeah, it isn't a good one at all.
I never used it at home, but it was amazing at work.
this one seems to work well
the tracpad on my new computer supports 3 finger swipes so I'm using that to control it
works fairly well, if not the most graphically impressive haha
Oh. Let me check out Desktops. If this works on 7, I'll be happy.
err yes, sorry, i had it on windows 7 on the work laptop
that was where I tried it
@ThomasOwens it does.
It's not flashy. I like it.
Process Explorer should be the new Task Manager.
posted on July 20, 2014

A bridge builder was completing his inspection of Zjing's Bridge when he spied master Kaimu standing nearby. The builder said to Kaimu: “I have heard your monks speak of themselves as ‘software engineers.’ As a true engineer I find such talk absurd... “In my profession we analyze all aspects of our task before the first plank is cut. When our blueprints are done I can tell you exactly how

Does anyone know if there is a word for "Something that does not correspond to a class" Such as a Xref table in SQL.
I'm just curious and this is the first place I thought to look after I couldn't find it on Google.
@Oded I also use virtuawin. I recommend using AutoHotKey to get a "Inspect Window" functionality which is very good for setting up VirtuaWin's setting
Perhaps the word imaginary is well suited for describing something this way
@ThomasOwens have you seen the new Task Manager?
I love it
@Ampt I have not seen the Windows 8 one, no.
I love it
between the redesigned look that makes it look less windows 2000 and more modern, and the functional changes like color coding usage and providing usage history, it's pretty damn solid
I should have known they were q-banned on SO.
Q: Increase an array's size

Bob the zealotHow do you increase an array's size? I do not want to use a vector, or make a new array and copy the data over. Example: int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; I don't want to change any values, I just want to change it to this: int a[6]={1,2,3,4,5,6}; Is it possible? Online, I couldn't find how to do it, ...

Migration failed, and I placed the 5th VTC.
time to downvote it for the ROOMBA OF DOOM
I was hoping for easy repz on the migrate, but oh well.
yeah you slacker
if you want the SO rep, go hang out in SO
@Ampt there be dragons!
There be trolls, and code-pasters and just general idiots
plus the only rule in the land is Fastest Gun in the West
Arrr, it be a terrible place to be
And I'm definitely s l o w.
And I hear the mods over there are a little bit on the loony side.
Yeah, they whisper of a Dread Pirate who goes by the name of Robert
They say he can skin a man alive with but one click of his mouse
You get a star on that one. Has there been any progress in the silk road dread pirate case?
not sure, don't really keep up with it
never really got into silk road
most of what I want can be purchased through amazon haha
despite the fact that I would, infact, download a car if I could
to my knowledge, I haven't even used a tor client. So I can safely say I never visited that silk road.
I've used tor before, but mostly to get around geograpical based content. "Why yes, I am from sweden"
never messed around in the deep web
Apparently Roberts tried to get some of the charges dismissed. Those requests were summarily laughed at by the court. Next time he's due back in court is November.
very interesting
it's an interesting time we live in
We could end up in some Cyberpunk fantasy land or it could be 1984 haha
or both.
yep. it'll be something for sure
ugh, I wish Chromes built in PDF viewer was just a little more beefy
In other news, I built a media center over the weekend.
anything over 100 pages and scrolling becomes a pain
oh really, how did that go?
I'm thoroughly convinced MS intended to stick it to their consumers with Win8
how so
I used 8.1, but the interface and defaults are just ... pathetic
to set up a media center?
Even the installer had issues to where it wouldn't let me format the drives prior to the installation starting up
I'm going to put XMBC on the system tonight
what kind of specs did you put in it?
Seems fairly straightforward
I've heard good things about XBMC
Found a couple of tutorials and they raved about XMBC
did you just use the integrated graphics?
I'm not as interested in all the plugins at this point, but we'll see
yes - the integrated graphics helped push me towards AMD
personally, I love my chromecast, but it's not for everyone
all told, it was ~500 - 550
not bad
I need the ability to rip DVDs and blurays
4 gigs of ram I take it?
primarily so the kids can just use the carousel to pick whatever movie they want to watch
8 GB of RAM, 120 GB SSD with a 1TB HDD backing it
gigabit motherboard with integrated wifi
just 1TB of movies? Some dad you are...
hahaha jk
integrated wifi is pretty much the best things since sliced bread
I think there's space for another HDD once the 1TB fills up
I know I have a spare SATA port for it
I was originally going to get an A10, but dropped down to A8 to balance out the increase in cost for the mobo w/ wifi
is it hooked up to an HDTV?
yep - had to actually. The spare monitor I have at home is only VGA. And the new board only has DVI and HDMI outputs
A good mobo is pretty essential considering what all it does. Between the northbridge managing the wifi/ethernet/storage and the CPU Voltage monitoring, it's pretty important
and my DVI -> VGA converter has the extra 4 pins four dual-DVI whereas the plug on the mainboard is single DVI
it's not for dual-DVI, your DVI on the board is only DVI-D
you need DVI-I or DVI-A (I forget what it's called) to provide VGA compatibility
basically DVI-D only has digital lines
DVI-[I/A] provides both digital and vga
ah, that makes sense.
dual link DVI uses all of the bajillion pins. Most cables only have the outer two matricies of pins populated for that reason
was just as easy to plug directly into the TV at that point
yeah, I learned that lesson the hard way with my moms new GFX card
one was DVI-D and one was DVI-[I/A]
I was wondering how you knew those details so well... :-)
both her monitors were VGA, so we couldn't use a converter
haha yeeep. Lot's of heavy sighing and apologies
ended up just swapping my old monitor for hers since mine supports DVI/ VGA
That build was rushed and I messed up.. a lot. Got the wrong socket type for her MOBO even
this is why you don't drink and newegg kids
eh, newegg was great about it, but it was a hassle
my only screw ups (so far) were ordering a CPU fan when I didn't need one and forgetting to pick up a power supply the first time
I've got a microcenter local to me, so that simplified getting replacement parts and returns
well, it was like computer build number 7-8 for me, so I figured I could pick and order all the parts in 10 minutes, and AMDs A series chips tricked me on their socket
oh, and I forgot to get a 3rd sata cable when originally ordering
yeah, I put a semi-decent amount of research into things
and I briefly compared against getting an intel chip but then quickly shrugged my shoulders and went with a simple system.
@GlenH7 IIRC, its a trollish account (check MSO contributions)
Ahh, those have been deleted.
@MichaelT Ugh. That makes my sense of shame even worse.
@GlenH7 AMD is the best performance per dollar if you don't have high demands
There was a big hubbub on MSO about someone changing the title of a room to something offensive...
This chipset can apparently support 4k monitors, so I figured that would take care of me for a few years
wow, that's suprising
@MichaelT in addition to the C++ room name change issue a little while back?
it can decode and play 4k video, or you can set your desktop to 4k and edit word docs?
not sure since I don't have a 4k monitor or tv
nor am I likely to for a while
@GlenH7 That was the one... the thing is, the person complaining about it was the one who did it... who is now question banned.
@GlenH7 they are coming down in price
saw a 60" 4k samsung at bestbuy for 2600
@MichaelT oh! <Facepalm/>
@Ampt new kitchen cabinets come first. :-)
Haha not saying I would pay that for it
but it's much better than the 40k you would have to pay 18 months ago
besides, I just blew all my personal entertainment budget for the next year on a new computer
@Ampt I recall someone pricing the cost of a Mac Pro (the coffee pot) with all 4k monitors.
I may or may not have done that
@MichaelT my wallet cringes at the mere thought
although the apple iCinema displays aren't that bad
2560 x 1440
so 2.5k
It can drive 3x 4k displays...
driving and utilizing are very, very different
even the GTX Titan breaks a sweat playing games at 4k
But think of how many windows you could have open!
I could edit so many word docs!
Think of all the artifacts you could create... :-) #consultantHumor
Btw, could we get two more close votes on programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/240513/… ?
I love that title...
OP is deleted, will never update the question to address issues, said that the one answer on there is not the right one.
It's like I'm watching reality TV
already VTC'd
On this episode of Mock Objects: Real Issues, we deal with test driven development. Wait until you see what our objects do next!
Btw, this is a MSE question to watch:
Q: Why do old expired close votes prevent me from ever voting to close again?

Greg HewgillI am going through some old content on Stack Overflow and voting to close. For example, questions that are specific to one person's homework and may have been resolved with a simple typo fix or something. Or exam preparation study recommendations, eg. How does one prepare for the ColdFusion 9 ACE...

Interesting. VTC applied
lol JK, I only have 1 rep on meta
Btw, did you see I hurt Jimmy's brain?
yesterday, by MichaelT
@JimmyHoffa http://haskellryangosling.tumblr.com ... because... well... because you'll never unsee it when you write haskell again.
yesterday, by Jimmy Hoffa
@MichaelT wow.
My LEGO calendar at work is a pretty good metaphor for how my year has gone. I just now updated it to August from January. I know it's not August (yet), but like I said, it's a good metaphor.
@MichaelT I'm dying laughing from those
@GlenH7 But you won't be writing haskell and picturing Ryan Gosling when doing so.
No, pretty unlikely for either case
But next time he uses 'ord'...
Ok, don't need that staring at me... look at the history if you want to see Ryan Gosling saying stuff about Haskell.
Way to abuse the Haskell type system
@Oded Nope that neither... Hey girl. The type of my love is parametrically polymorphic: it is unbounded.
@MichaelT yeah, no harm in putting that meme back into the history. :-)
Ok, so when I create a pom.xml and specify a groupID, what does that mean?
what exactly am I putting there?
A way to organize artifacts.
Typically its the first two parts of the package name.
yeah.. does that have to resolve to some sort of java path?
Nope. Its just a name space to avoid artifact collisions.
oh.. well thats probably my problem haha
we're trying to create a new project from scratch and it's going less than stellar
Whats the problem?
it's an Adobe AEM project... so there are a LOT of moving parts
we're not sure what's required, what's not
and how to even make sure it's all functioning properly haha
it's a lot of trial and error right now
Every now and then I wish I was a mod so I could immediately close a question and see who the maroon was that voted to migrate a question to SO. "Don't migrate crap!" should be at the top of the vote-to-migrate page.
@MichaelT I posted an answer to it
@AJHenderson What about after a year the close vote expires?
And, thats only on ones that aren't successful.
@MichaelT could do that, but why does it matter. If it hasn't changed and it wasn't worth closing then, what changed in a year?
I'm pretty sure if a question is edited it allows closing again, though I'm not 100% sure on that. If that isn't the case, I think that would be the bigger case
The scope of the site... the community tolerance for certain posts. The ability to dup-hamer questions to the canonical ones?
and if it is one that has drifted off topic, then flag for moderator attention
mods can always nuke it
I could see an argument for allowing dupe later
@AJHenderson OP had flagged in that case and mod declined the flag saying "use the regular tools."
(that is what Greg was doing - going through old posts and dup hammering the ones to the canonical versions of the questions... and came across some questions that he had voted to close earlier and couldn't dup hammer now)
@GlenH7 yeah, which means mod didn't really think it was an issue
which probably means it was working as designed
@GlenH7 Yes, that should be like a giant banner.
@AJHenderson nah, I'm going with lazy SO mods. :-)
@AshleyNunn I might open an MSE request this afternoon to that effect, just to see if it gets any attention
@GlenH7 Worth a shot. Might be just another thing for people to blissfully ignore, but I live in hope. :P
Short of my getting the ability to close and then correct the community member, it's worth a shot.
Q: Add a "don't migrate crap" migration 'path' to all sites

MichaelTDon't Migrate Crap This is the golden rule of migrations. And we do it far too often. I'll even admit to it. Its sometimes difficult to justify to one's self to spend more time drafting a custom off topic reason to say it when it is more work than the OP has spent putting into writing the que...

Q: Can we try to dissuade some bad migrations by adding the "first rule" to the dialog?

DMA57361tl;dr Can we get what Jeff has referred to as the "first rule" or "golden rule" of migrations on quite a few occasions - namely "Don't. Migrate. Crap." - added to the off-topic / migration dialog? It could even be sugar-coated with nice words if necessary. Migrating users don't receive a lo...

@MichaelT Looks like I won't be making that same request today. :-)
@GlenH7 Could always bounty it.
(and give the rep to Thomas...)
I think I'll edit the suggested phrase and bump it that way.
Wee! and I get 2 repz for my efforts
@AJHenderson "If the pose has been "
You can fix it in the edit window with no one but the whiteboard knowing you're trying to edit poses.
@MichaelT where was that?
> I guess the real question should be "what has changed since I last voted to close?" If the pose has been edited, then certainly it makes sense to be able to close again, though that might open the door to abuse by editing the post just so you can VtC.
@MichaelT thank ye
or should I say thank yt
For a relationship between entities : Products and Customers in a web app, that describes people who have bought a product. Favour name "customersWhoBought" or "customersBought" ?
many to many?
yep its many to many
typical web store scenario
I'd probably go with customersBought personally. customersWhoBought seems more like it should be one to many
it is really a record of what customers bought
not just customers who bought a particular item
but that's largely just personal preference
Using "customersBought" Danke folks
yrch... delete votes to the
@GlenH7 another BTW... if you look at a question that has been closed and you recall the vote information about it, you can determine some of who voted how.
@MichaelT Calculating the Capacitance is a red herring
I'm not sure you would even need to do it if you could work the rules out correctly
btw, 1h until tech interview for Amazon affiliated company. I'll be closing out of SE during that period (just to avoid any whiteboard bings)
So we should ping you incessantly for ~1 hour in an hour? Got it.
But seriously, good luck :)
Its part 2 of 3. 1 was HR (phone). 2 is tech (online). 3 is culture (in person)
ah ok
then this is the part you should absolutely kill then
I hope so. It was described as data structures questions.
make a linked list in C? haha
Side bit - two things to read about JVM under the hood:
@Cruncher It won't break, it just won't be as optimal. There's some fun to be read about in Tuning the JVM for Unusual Uses and My Favorite Hotspot JVM Flags that gives you a better idea of what this all means and what tricks HotSpot has. Note that is for HotSpot - not Dalvik or other VMs. — MichaelT 12 mins ago
shhhh here comes the crazy SO mod
@Ampt At least one of the qualifiers there is redundant.
"crazy SO *" fits. As does "crazy mod"
@MichaelT I'm confident you'll do well.
> Marcus Kohler commented on -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, useful if you have a slow-leaking application you can't pin down. It will dump heap information to disk whenever there's an OutOfMemoryError, allowing you to do offline analysis.
@RobY: And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson ♫ — Robert Harvey 5 mins ago
@RobertHarvey is old.

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