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Q: How to reconcile guidelines, community opinion and moderation

Mitch LindgrenFirst of all, I realize that this topic has already been discussed ad nauseam, so I apologize in advance if nothing fruitful comes of this. I strongly feel that there is a large disconnect between the community's understanding of the site's purposes and the collective understanding of the modera...

@mitchlindgren Ping
Hi there
I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with Stack Exchange chat
If you know IM or IRC, it works the same way.
Sounds good
There are a few blank spots in your analysis that should be noted, as the numbers you're providing don't have any context
I apologize if my question seems un-constructive. I asked it because I was reading some of the other ones you linked to and trying to figure out what I was missing about the guidelines and their enforcement, but I didn't see a lot of constructive discussion around the issues that were raised in those questions
What do you mean by context?
Well, what's the time frame of the data?
Is it from Day 1 to now?
To the best of my knowledge. I'm not an expert with the Stack Exchange query system either, but I basically did a "select score, count(score) from posts where closeddate is not null group by score order by score" for each site
I think the biggest issue is not the closing of stuff
I think it's insufficient guidelines for people on where they need to go ask the question.
@MitchLindgren The reason I ask is for two reasons: from September 1st to October 1st (the first month), Programmers.SE was operating under a different premise than it is now. This caused a huge number of questions to be closed, and we're still cleaning up to this day
@MarkTrapp I was not aware of that. That does somewhat invalidate my data
by which I mean people ask questions that shouldn't be asked here, those get closed (rightfully) but then they don't know where to go
@WorldEngineer I agree. I tried to frame my question in a neutral manner so as to promote discussion, but I think the mods are USUALLY not wrong in closing questions
So it's unclear to them whether they asked a bad question (typical), asked an off topic question (typical) or we're just hard asses(lies)
@MitchLindgren Those questions are broken windows: people see those, and think they're still on-topic. It's a real mess, and one of the main reasons why we have so many questions about the site's purpose
let me see if I have this straight
this site is for the discussion of coding practices and the theory of coding practices by veterans or at least someone with some level of practice experience/knowledge or at the very least a desire to learn that.
@MitchLindgren The other reason I ask about the time frame is the comparison to SO, which has data for 3 years, compared to our 11 months. It'd be interesting to compare the same timeframes, although I'm not sure how constructive that would be given 3 years of community building
it is not a code review site, a do homework site, a help solve problem x site or a gorilla vs shark site
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I had no idea about the paradigm shift, so to speak. That is probably a large part of the confusion
what was the paradigm shift?
And it's definitely difficult to compare data from an established site like SO against data from a relatively new site like Programmers...
Maybe it would be more accurate to compare the first year or so of Stack Overflow questions to the first year of Programmers questions
@MitchLindgren The one other thing to keep in mind is that you don't have access to deleted questions. Up until recently, we've been pretty conservative with not deleting questions to not rock the boat too much. Stack Overflow does not have that same reservation, and has hundreds of users who actively vote to delete trash.
@MitchLindgren The concern I have with that is that Stack Overflow has way more volume, and didn't have the community infrastructure we had in 2010 when it launched. There's likely tens of thousands of questions that should be closed or deleted, but no manpower to pull it off
Q: The Six Subjective Question Guidelines -- Enforcement Notice

Jeff AtwoodJust a quick note here on meta to let everyone know we will be enforcing these six subjective question guidelines. Great subjective questions... inspire answers that explain “why” and “how”. tend to have long, not short, answers. have a constructive, fair, and impartial tone. invite sharing e...

Hm... so my data may paint a negative picture of the moderation on Programmers without necessarily being very accurate or useful. That was definitely not my intent
Any idea how I could improve it?
@MitchLindgren One way might be to look at the last month for Programmers.SE and another SE 2.0 site with similar volume. Gaming might be a good choice
There's still the qualitative problem, but at least you'd be comparing apples to other types of fruit
I'd look at somewhere like Math
Gaming has a fundamentally different character
Math is probably a good one, as I know it has similar issues with people not fully grasping the scope
@WorldEngineer I agree about Gaming, but I'm not sure Math works either... there's a fairly clear delineation of what is and isn't math
Everything is math
so yes, it's very clear
Haha... but generally math questions are completely un-subjective
Their moderation issues are about the level of expertise, but the volume might not be there: it's less than half Programmers
but there's no delineation
er, objective, I mean
math questions aren't completely objective
ask a mathematician about "Non-Standard Analysis" sometime
Not always, but they're certainly more objective on average than the types of questions asked on Programmers
I think the subjectivity is a big part of the issue
Or Cantor's original set theory
and I think a lot of people get hit over on SO
feel like they should have a say and go here as the next best thing
even though we aren't
@MitchLindgren Yeah, and unfortunately, Programmers.SE was the guinea pig in SE's attempt at subjectivity. Nearly every blog post about the subject is because of us :(
The not constructive close reason? Us. What not to ask in the FAQ on every site? Us.
Gorilla vs Shark
That one was SO, but definitely relates to us
I think part of the issue is question trees
Hm... maybe English? User base is at least on the same order of magnitude, and the level of subjectivity is more similar, I think
English has an astonishing answer rate
They have more than half as many questions with only a third of the users
100% far as I can tell
I like @MitchLindgren post about appropriate questions on programmers.se FAQ. Being a newbie, to SO and relative newbie to programming, I'm always confused as to whether or not a question belongs on: SO, programmers or sometimes even superuser
@MitchLindgren English has some issues with not closing enough
@MitchLindgren I think your answer, regarding highlighting good answers, is worth looking at, but I don't think we're ever going to put the issue of people not understanding P.SE's scope to bed. We generally get consensus when we talk about specific, actionable requests
I generally treat as thus, coding = SO, theory of coding = Pro, Usage of my computer = SU,
@WorldEngineer That's the intended distinction, in a nutshell. SO is for when you're at your compiler and need help, Programmers is when you're at the writeboard trying to work out a problem
@WorldEngineer The problem I personally encountered with SO and SU is a vim question. If you look at SO there are tons of vim questions, to a newcomer it would seem appropriate for vim questions to be asked there.
@MarkTrapp I agree, there's no way that it can be completely solved. It relies too much on users and there will always be people too lazy or unwilling to understand the requirements. But I DO think we can do better than 1 in 5 questions closed, and I'm not saying that as a shot at you guys
My usual prequestion is "Would my question be answerable by a talented amateur"
if yes, then SO, if no then PR
I think you're doing a great job, but further and more accessible clarification of the purpose of the site is needed
I do think ESL gets in the way a lot
I mean it's great that people are asking questions but I've had to basically obliterate posts to get them readable before
English as a Second Language
ahh, english second lang-
Preliminary results from English: 47.47% of closed questions are <= 0 points, 6.27% are >= 5
note that I don't have tons of SO rep
largely due to not needing to ask coding questions in the summer
incidently because it's a sort of Gorilla Shark question
AI or Databases?
I've the opportunity to take either via Stanford's free offerings but only time for one
I kinda feel like Databases should be on my transcript "officially" where as AI is good to know but no need for hard currency
Is there anything lower-level community members can do to help the situation with P.SE? I understand it has issues but there is also invaluable information hidden within it. Particularly for people who have never been exposed to professional-level development.
I know I've learned a hell of a lot in the last two months here
@MitchLindgren Well let's discuss specific things we can do to improve the site: every site can use improvement. Pointing out there's 1 in 5 questions closed and that's a problem so let's solve it already is not really constructive
If it was something we could solve in one question, we would've already done it
That's a bad project manager practice
here are numbers: solve numbers
if you know integration you realize why this is hard in very explicit ways
I've always saw SO as the place to solve problems and P.SE as the place to learn to be a better programmer.
Gaming: 47.55% <= 0, 9.18% >= 5
@WorldEngineer That's why I'm not a Project Manager :D
Gaming has certain issues with game recs and people wanting strategy discussions
@MitchLindgren We can easily bring the number down by not closing questions for 6 months. Obviously the problem doesn't go away.
we have to take the imperative model to this, functional is too abstract :P
if this do this, not answer = x, go get to x
@MarkTrapp My intent with the numbers was simply to illustrate that there is room for improvement. Unfortunately I can't find the question now, nor do I remember if it was a mod who answered it, but I remember reading one where the topmost answer was basically "I don't think the guidelines/FAQ need to be improved."
@MitchLindgren Whoever said that is on crack :P
We have a tag on meta, specifically for improving the FAQ
If you look at the home page of meta, there are several questions about how we can improve our guidance about specific issues
is it possible to add options to migrate to IT Sec or other such sites?
I think a question about how we can feature good questions in our FAQ is a good one. I'm not sure what good is going to come up the question there now.
we do get quite a few of those
I'm going to edit my question to try to improve it a bit...
@WorldEngineer They're added as they're needed. In the last 90 days, we've only migrated 8 to IT Sec
@MitchLindgren Another thing to consider is that we're in the middle of a cleanup: deleting old, off-topic questions, closing questions that slipped through the cracks, etc. in the hope that we can get rid of the broken windows
@MarkTrapp I see
I have edited my question to add more data and try to remove some of the bits that might result in a less constructive discussion
Incidentally, I have a comment in my inbox which doesn't seem to exist on the question page. Did the comment just get deleted, or what?
That was me
I ran out of space and realized that it was kinda just me agreeing with you
so I popped in here instead
@MitchLindgren There doesn't seem to be any indication of context behind the numbers as we discussed here.
I'll fix that
@MitchLindgren Would you consider asking a question about the specific improvements you mentioned in the answer and focusing on that instead of these numbers? I think we can do more with your answer than we can with a closed ratio.
@MarkTrapp I can ask a question to that effect as well, but I am not comfortable closing or deleting my original post, if that's what you're asking me to do. That said, I will not take it personally if you or other users do vote to close the original question
@MitchLindgren I'd appreciate it if you did ask it as a separate question: I'm afraid it's going to get lost in a question that will likely devolve into challenging the premise of the question or commiseration about the state of Programmers today.
Okay, will do
I know there are a few people writing responses to your question, so I'm not planning on closing it right now
Q: FAQ should include examples of good questions

Mitch LindgrenAt the request of Mark Trapp, I'm turning one of my answers to another topic into a feature request. Currently the FAQ does not provide very much specific information on what exactly defines a good question. It does a decent job of explaining what not to ask, but it isn't specific enough about wh...

I have to head out for a little while, but thank you very much for your feedback
I do hope that something worthwhile comes of my original question :)
Keep up the good work
@MitchLindgren Hey, thank you. Appreciate your willingness to chat.
Q: What are "algorithm concepts"?

Anna LearOur FAQ says that "algorithm and data structure concepts" questions are on-topic on Programmers. However, we receive "migrate to Stack Overflow" flags on a lot of algorithm-related question. This tells me there's a misunderstanding somewhere. Do we want algorithm questions? What kind of question...

@AnnaLear would it be useful to you if I combed through high rep users best answers and attempted to analyze and point out why they are good?
Q: Is SCRUM Methodology a good technique to go with in crucial deadline project?

OM The EternityI am just join a firm and they are working in a (their called) SCRUM methodology, They have very sharp deadline and the project development doesnt seems to have any direction or neither it is looking like (This is what we want.) I am developing a module which doesnt have Database, neither I have ...

6 hours later…
@WorldEngineer What would you be trying to achieve with that? I don't think there is much point in doing it, to be honest, but it might depend on your end goal.
1 hour later…
Q: Fierce and irrational subjective questions hunting?

Mister SmithBefore starting, take into account that my English is going to be awful XD. I think you are appliying a very restrictive policy when considering if a question is too subjective or not. You must also notice that some stackoverflow moderators redirect some users here when the question is not concr...

@Karem Hello.
Question: is there anywhere on StackExchange for questions about overall application design?
I'm not a software developer, but I'd like to know how to best design an Access application to make the workflow helpful for Excel users.
Any ideas?
(ux is quiet - 28 views in 10 hours)
@Patrick UX would be it, I think. Are you talking about the visual kind of design? Like, the "where do I place the textbox" kind of stuff?
@Patrick I suggest coming up with a mock-up of your interface and asking for feedback or improvements. The more context you can provide, the better I think it's going to go.
Not so much that. More, how do I create a gridview in Access that will make my Excel users comfortable
That's a good idea
Are you familiar with Access?
@Patrick Not terribly. I've used it a long time ago and don't really recall much.
I'm wondering if it's possible to create custom form components for it using VBA, or if I'd have to use something outside of Access to do it.
Ahh, I see. Hrm. I think that would be okay on Stack Overflow, since now it's an implementation question.
Just try to make it very clear what you're asking. "How do I design a gridview that my users will like" is a lot different from "I want to implement an Excel-like gridview. Is it possible in Access or do I need some other approach?". :)
Okay, thanks!
My accursed four year old laptop is crashing roughly every thirty minutes, regardless of what I'm doing. It takes 15+ minutes to reboot and get logged in. This last crash corrupted my demo project in RAD. This is not a good day ... </rant>
pats @CRoss
Posted by Alex Miller on August 17th, 2011

We’ve gotten quite a few questions from people about how we go about recording and producing the Stack Exchange podcast from people interested in everything from the hardware to the software and even the process.  Given the recent revamp of the entire setup (which has been happening during our recent break from live shows), I figured this was the perfect time to do it.

Our setup is massively more complex than what is normally needed for a podcast (since its normally 2 people sitting in a room talking into mics).  We generally have 2-3 people live in studio (Joel, Alex and maybe 1 guest),  …

8 hours later…
Q: Why a Reputation Cap?

Glenn NelsonWhat is the purpose of the daily reputation limit? The only one reason I could think of would be someone quickly getting an incredulously high reputation and accessing moderation tools to damage the site/content in some way.

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