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@whatsisname Embedded systems like this (and their associated software) are often written by the lowest Korean bidder. That's why most people use the "quick 30 second" button on their microwave; the rest of the interface is impossible to figure out.
oh these guys are not the lowest korean bidders
if that was the case it would at least be understandable
on that unit test question, I thought about answering something to the lines of "perhaps he means don't use concrete classes of other stuff that you are testing" but didn't because of the high degree of speculation factor
not using concrete classes in tests would quickly lead to a bunch of nonsensical garbage that would be more trouble than it's worth
I'd rather not speculate. I have a copy of TAOUT at home; I'll look through it when I get home.
2 hours later…
@iCanLearn The larger the company, the more the enterprise frameworks, the more the configuration that you'll do. The key is to use the right IDEs to do much of the configuration for you. (I owe Ampt another $0.05) IntelliJ (for example) recognizes you're trying to write something with Hibernate, and does all the configs for you. You tell it you're using maven and it makes much of the downloading seamless.
The two most difficult problems in computing: invalidating caches, naming things, and off-by-one errors. — Robert Harvey 28 mins ago
6 hours later…
@MichaelT. Hey Michael, I have a question. Under the <stdio.h> library, I wish to find a "function" (not sure if that's what you call it) that will read input and designate each character of the input into arrays.
For example. Say the input was HELLO.
H would go to array[0]
O would go to array[4]
Oh, I think the fgets function will do this.
How can I determine whether the contents of 2 arrays are equal.
That is, how can I check that array[0] == array[1].
I know that I can't do it normally.
2 hours later…
@amon Whoops.
@MichaelT - so now we have a hint at the upper bounds for the serial up voting algorithm. But we don't know how quickly those votes were given.
drats. I took so much care of voting for other stuff in between – no more than three in a row
The threshold appears to be > 6 and < 17.
@amon - timing matters too. Large amount in a short timespan will trigger the reversal
interesting. The next time I'll be more careful.
@RobertHarvey You're supposed to use this enum with this method
@RobertHarvey You mean the single most difficult problem
@amon pretty sure 3 in a row will trigger reversal
@amon @gnat would know best, he's picked that algorithm apart by experience already from all of his cleanup-down-voting that had been frequently reversed in the past
@whatsisname yeah, that C: stuff + what you say there reminds me terribly of EE's coding... saw that same type of thing from EE's working on medical device software m'self
@JimmyHoffa nope. That's for down votes.
@JimmyHoffa it may have only been 3 in a row, but we are talking about >20 upvotes in a span of ~2h, of which ~75% went to one person
@amon heh yeah, that's probably violating multiple thresholds
the serial-voting thresholds are surprisingly low
@JimmyHoffa To my knowledge, there have been many requests to raise the serial down vote threshold from 3 but the reception has always been pretty lukewarm
For a while (and maybe still on-going) both gnat and RobertHarvey had stalkers that would down vote them on an infrequent enough basis to avoid getting picked up by the down voting algorithm
Would've starred that one...
@RobertHarvey - is your down voting stalker still stalking you? Or did they get bored?
@GlenH7 I haven't had a downvote on Programmers in awhile. But I've got a new groupie on Stack Overflow. He doesn't like the way I moderate.
Not quite sure what you're bellyaching about. You've asked six other questions here, all of which appear to have been well-received. — Robert Harvey 9 mins ago
(unrelated to the SO groupie)
@RobertHarvey I'd shout mod abuse or something similar, but my hearing is kind of sensitive what with this sinus infection and all. And for that matter, we ought to have an automatic block on questions that have "for serious programming" in them. The presumptuousness behind that phrase...
Thoughts on my salvage edit? Did I make the question constructive enough to re-open (and undelete....)? programmers.stackexchange.com/q/237640/53019 (10k+ link)
Wee! one more undelete and my salvage will come back to life!
@GlenH7 Where is the necroeditor badge when you need it?
Badges? I can haz another badges?!
@psr props on clearing 10k!
@GlenH7 I don't think SE awards it, but I can award it in chat.
@GlenH7 Take that serial upvoting reversal script! I got to 10k on a question later put on hold instead!
Ironically, you're still down 50 for today...
@amon - props on clearing 10k!
@GlenH7 thanks! Now, where did I hide that stash of 10k links? (wanders off to search through his bookmarks)
@amon They were good answers, worth a few up votes. And here's a link for you to try out: programmers.stackexchange.com/q/237640/53019
@amon You could even try out your new vote-to-undelete privileges.
@GlenH7 not on that question!
@amon even after my edit?
Hmm. I wouldn't have deleted it in this state, but I'm not sure I want to reopen it either, considering the maturity of OP and that all an answer could do would be to yell “abstraction!” repeatedly. Still, a phenomenal edit.
Thanks! For some reason, I decided to take sympathy. I'm willing to bet maple_shaft had to clear out quite a few comments which didn't help matters. But it looked like there was a chance of a reasonable question in there once you moved past all the blather.
And I have flagged the comments for cleanup if it does get reopened. Every now and then, I like taking a poorly written question and salvaging it. Part of it is to show the OP what they should have written to begin with. The other part is to add a meaningful question to the site.
"That" question has been undeleted. If you downvoted, please consider removing the down vote in light of the edit I made. And also please consider voting to re-open. I agree that the OP's comments got out of hand, but I think there is a decent question in there.
@JimmyHoffa All that time gathering rep - so worth it now.
oh, I have one: “these Haskell guys are so lazy, they let their types be inferred by the compiler” or: “Haskell's language designers were so lazy, they didn't even bother with a for-loop”. It's like Yo Mama jokes, except that the topic is more sophisticated.
I'm 99% sure that I'm abusing Java's timer task.
@ThomasOwens That's ok, Java's timer task has abused developers for many years, so it's got it coming.
@JimmyHoffa Really? Fantastic.
I'm glad that I can do a service.
@amon Your Haskell implementation is so lazy it makes a hylomorphism look like a lolomorphism.
@psr That makes no sense. Just like Haskell code.
@amon I was too lazy to look up anything better
apparently hylomorphism is an actual word. Some philosophy thing.
@amon You don't want to know all of the crazy words the Haskell crowd has come up with
@amon from aristotle's theory of forms. A good bit of modern religion is based on Aristotle's ideas.
And Haskell is, after all, a religious experience.
It's only fitting that the nomenclature reflect that.
Hmm, well, there is a point - sometimes programming can be just such a joke its the antithesis of "serious"
like Brainf*&^
@amon I believe in category theory a hylomorphism is a refold, catamorphism is fold, and zygomorphism is unfold; though I get hylo and zygo mixed up sometimes
@JimmyHoffa Not trolling, but why not just call them a refold, fold, and unfold then?
honestly, one of the reasons why I put off understanding Haskell more is because I'm afraid of the vocabulary I'll have to learn along with it.
latinate prefixes scare you?
@Zeroth I've got only so much time spare in a day. If I have to learn a completely new (and apparently unnecessary) vocabulary in order to learn something, then it gets pushed lower on the priority list.
@GlenH7 They are called that in Haskell. Those funny terms are the category theorists terms for structural math forms that are analogous to the Haskell fold/unfold/refold
There's an argument about cognitive overload there. To be fair, just learning the vocabulary of programming in general induces significant cognitive load.
also there is a slight difference wherein people actually implement the category theoretic versions because they encode the algorithm in the type system instead of through algorithm design
and so the different name identifies that distinction
(people rarely use them over the normal folds though unless they're just playing with theory stuff for fun)
@JimmyHoffa So they are trying to scare people away.... :-)
@GlenH7 Category theorists? They don't have to try, they're just crazy math people - not much to do with Haskell other than they use Haskell as a tool to type check their category theory concepts
Normal Haskellers just use fold/unfold/refold isntead of the crazy category theorist stuff
@Zeroth The vin diagram of programmers lexicon and haskellers lexicon has very little intersection which is indeed one of the huge humps; learning Haskell is like learning program for the first time all over again because the number of concepts you're introduced to that you've never seen before as well as a complete lack of the concepts you are familiar with
I should learn Haskell one week when I am not needed to do any other thinking.
Learning different paradigms is useful, particularly when you start to identifying what solutions are best in each paradigm
Identifying leaky abstraction points is particularly useful I find.
@JimmyHoffa I'm trying to make a plants vs. zombies analogy here.... Struggling to come up with a funny one.
@Zeroth You know that brainf**k is actually just a Turing machine, right? Not "Turing complete", but rather an actual Turing machine emulator. The only reason it's not used in CS 201 classes everywhere is because of the name.
So if it was rebranded...?
@tylerl and because there's plenty of others out there
Scheme and Prolog were hard enough
adding in brainf&^&
Best brain!@#$ implementation out there:
would have scared most of us off
Q: Thoughts on my brain fart interpreter?

YannisHad some free time this weekend and I hacked together a small Brainfuck interpreter, with the sole intention of explaining PHP's flavour of OO to a friend. This is a bit over-engineered on purpose, and performance wasn't really considered (or I wouldn't have written this in PHP in the first place...

@JimmyHoffa Some with sweet graphics. I remember working on one that actually showed the tape shuttling back and forth. Wish I could remember the name.
I remember google's doodle that did that
@Zeroth Saw a video where someone implemented one in minecraft using pistons and blocks. That's a good as any, I suppose.
Haskellers so lazy they didn't add objects to their language
I'd say hooray for Friday, but I'll be in the office bright and early at 8 tomorrow... hooray for Suck It Saturday !
Haskellers r so lazy they whatever
I just encountered a class
called "Page22Delta"
as bad as that might sound, I actually knew exactly what it was
I have this little board I sent out to batch pcb
err whoops wrong chat
Q: Where to ask programming related workplace question

Thomas W.My question is about a) an interview which I would place on "Workplace" and b) also uses many programming related terms, which would best suit "Stackoverflow". The question background is like this (I did not find a suitable title yet): One of my employees is working on source code of a useful ...

Yeah, saw that. Some people still think of Programmers as the Recycle Bin of SE.
@JimmyHoffa: So would you say the cleanest path for an OO programmer learning FP is Scheme and SICP, or Haskell and LYAH?
@RobertHarvey dunno. I always think Haskell/LYAH because it's a superset of LISP (other than the macros). Haskell first LISP second - LISP will be easier, LISP first Haskell second, Haskell will still make your ears pop.

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