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Hi, I am wondering how to quit my program if a certain condition is not met in my if/else statement. How can I do this under the stdio.h library?
Oh, I believe I have fixed my problem. I just made sure all $x-1$ possibilities for my int variable were conditioned for.
The last possibility will just cause the program to end. I hope that works.
I can't use exit - since that requires the use of another library (this is homework, I am restricted).
5 hours later…
hello everyone;
I have joined a progrmming think tank and I have to start learning **Lua Lisp Python Perl and haskell**
I want prof opinion on the order in which I should begin to learn these languages. The way that each language and exprience I gain help me toward learning the next one
The level would be intermadiate programming and the target env would be Linux and BSD
@r004 Any reason to post that twice?
Hello all, please don't flag posts for no reason. Flags are broadcast to all >10k users on the network and should only be used for truly offensive messages.
Sorry. I tried to unflag immediately after flagging but the UI only presented me with the option to flag again. I chose not to double down ;)
No worries
@rolfl no sir; I got the timeout/retry massage and I did clicked on retry. It is the server problem
OK, all good then. nothing to see here, move along ;-)
do I get the boot to post this question into main site?
@r004 I am not a programmers.se person. Only here because a flag was raised.
@r004 the help center specifically says the following is off-topic:
> what language/technology you should learn next, including which technology is better
So, no. It is off-topic here, so will likely be closed if you ask.
thank you
may be I get lucky then
thank you
4 hours later…
@r004 Chat is the proper way to ask such a question... realize its a bit slow here on the weekend, so you'll only get the occasionally answer (until Monday morning).
For concepts of things Lisp and Python are probably the two best to look at. Lisp, especially when coupled with SICP ( mitpress.mit.edu/sicp ) can be a very good starting point. Python is a bit more traditional and tries to be clear in its design.
Haskell. Well... you'd need to ask a haskeller about that. It could be good. It could expand your mind. It could also cause your mind to explode and then someone will have to clean the monads and Zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms off of the screen. That could get messy. If you survive haskell, you will think different.
And that brings us to Perl and Lua. Lua is something you'll occasionally find embedded in other systems that want a scripting language. It works for that, though I tend to find Lua to be a bit more specialized than I desire.
Personally, I'm a perler and I leave the 'best' till last. Perl is a very good swiss army chainsaw of coding. It does everything. It slices it dices, and I can't find a Julienne module in CPAN, but I'm sure it can do that too.
Again, perl will change how you think about things. Personally, when wanting to do anything on a thats more than just a pipe or two... I go to perl for writing that utility. Its already on every machine you'll touch.
Lisp will help you with some haskell concepts. Python will help you with the sripting aspects of perl and lua (though honestly, you could juggle those in any way you want without too much pain). If you wanted, you could start with perl, then go to Higher Order Perl and use that as a stepping stone to Lisp.
Everything you learn will make something else easier to learn. There's no 'right' starting point. Its more a 'what you find first' and 'what project you want to do'. Having a project can greatly help the motivation for using the language.
See the Wikipedia entry... "Oh, I already read that." Then, take an MIT introductory course... "I already took a Coursera course... Can you suggest me a good book?" Arrgh!
2 hours later…
@RobertHarvey burn it. burn it all. burn it all now!
@r004 - ditto to everything @MichaelT said.

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