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ok, so do we have any entity framework experts in the house
probably not, but amateur eyes might help
alright. im working on a complex application. there's a read and write side. both are "seperate" they however need to share data. plan is read will use views on the write side DB's for separation. Both sides are code first. so i need to somehow make code first play nicely with existing views. view usage will be RO not RW
I do have some RW tables, but they are specific to my "side" of the app
So, just wondering if anyone's done something similar. tips for getting fluent to work with existing views, what happens with migrations, that kind of stuff
my eyes... too amateur... =/
perhaps a better question would be 'using an existing database with code first'
I was hoping to use Dapper, but we have some neat linq queries that need EF to work properlly
may be of some help, may be stuff you already know
i forgot i had "Programming Entity Framework: Code First" on my kindle.. so reading that now.
you know. i REALLY hate video tutorials
they're probably great if you have 0 knowledge
but frustrating as hell when all you need is like 2 minutes of a 50 minute video
thanks for the link though :)
just a random rant
Agreed, I love a video for something conceptual, if you want to show me code give it to me in text please.
Hah I just spent the past couple days doing analysis of EF, what you want is going to be a combination of abusing the migration history table so EF thinks it made the views coupled with multitenant database which is new in EF 6 so the read and write can live together, my first guess
Though I don't know how detailed it validates things, it might notice the text of the views is not in line with the definition in migration history, would have to test
Disclaimer I've done no working with ef, these are just points I hit while reading up on it and playing around the last couple days
wait, multitenant database?
(im using EF6)
@MattD Yeah, one second...
Here's a good place that I was reading through that mentioned a lot of the neat more advanced features: entityframework.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=specs
@MattD Here's the multitenant thing: entityframework.codeplex.com/…
It's so you can have multiple class Blargh : DbContexts which all point to and work in the same database, so you can have your reads in one dbcontext and writes in another
(based on that separation you have going on?)
the feature is based around previously the MigrationHistory table only identified migrations for one dbcontext, now it has a column that distinguishes so it can store migrations for multiple dbcontexts
you could also just do your read-only context that's based on views as a db-first and then use code first for the write-only context or some derivation of that
ok. that sounds sensible
ill have a read
3 hours later…
@JimmyHoffa that link was beautiful thanks
2 hours later…
A: Regarding the Stack Overflow close review queue

gnatTag-oriented analysis would be terribly incomplete (up to the point of total failure) without a corresponding data breakdown by closure reasons. I mean, say, if a question is like "recommend me a library / tutorial", it doesn't really matter if it's php or heroku, because it falls straight under...

is there a neat way to generate constants from a EF table
like some kind of crazy reflection type thing
2 hours later…
A: Which SO (not MSO) behaviors are we most "losing the battle" against?

GillesWe're not doing nearly enough of what is in this link.

exclude Programmers from that "we". We-at-Programmers are good enough already. Sure we still have to whack some moles that occasionally fly in (typically from Stack Overflow) but that's a matter of minor maintenance, not a big deal anymore — gnat 50 mins ago
...am I proud of Programmers? you bet! — gnat 49 secs ago
free spam flags here and at Ask Diff...
A: How to advertise iphone application

user109488Try Appcrazi Social (appcrazi.com). Appcrazi is a must when exposing your apps!

A: How can I advertise my app on the App Store?

user109488Great post! Try Appcrazi Social (appcrazi.com). It's not the Apple store but it will expose Apple apps. Appcrazi is a must when marketing apps!

1 hour later…
+52/-17 - over fifty upvotes in 12 hours. Not bad for the post that opens with "going to make me unpopular..." — gnat yesterday
at +63/20 now - not bad either
Q: Close Votes review: I'm going on a strike!

ShaiI know this question is going to make me unpopular here - but I feel I have no other options. I have been concerned by the size of the close votes review queue for quite a while. When I started reviewing (less than a year ago) this queue already had ~30K questions pending review. Time passes an...

Shog's sense of acknowledgement might be tricking him I guess...
I'm not sure how much more acknowledgement I could give it without becoming a Single Issue Candidate, @gnat. I've acknowledged it. Multiple times. Doesn't make it the single biggest problem facing Stack Overflow or my top priority though - sorry, I'm not trying to ignore it, but sometimes there are bigger fish to fry. — Shog9 19 hours ago
anybody know a good database type for sales statistics? thinking about something like Solr, or NoSQL in general.
2 hours later…
@thorstenmüller Solr is all about search if I'm not mistaken. If the data is all uniform and relational then a RDBS would probably be the best fit, if it changes from record to record quite a bit I would look at NoSQL.
@Mike, yes that's basically the question. We get EDIFACT data. First step we put it into some RDMS tables. But for faster queries and statistics of any kind we need something else. I know you can do a lot with Solr or ElasticSearch, but there are other NoSQL technologies that could be better for that kind of big data number crunching (compare between various customers and product groups)
@thorstenmüller about my unvoted question :P - did you feel that in the near future - in your region - backend positions in Ruby will emerge more than now?
I point this because I'm sooo noob with frontend engineering and I don't like that area at all. So, my "fear" is Full Stack Engineer became mainstream in "Ruby community", you know
@hlegius I'm quite happy not to have to do much with browsers in future too. But no, I don't think that there will be very many such positions. I'm in Germany and even Rails itself is not that widespread here. Interestingly the Rails positions you find are more often from medium sized companies and if you land such a job it's somehow up to you what you make of it.
But the overall amount of Rails positions doesn't make it statistically relevant.
I see a lot of potential in Ruby for this area, but if companies will make use of it is very questionable. If you are good with Ruby and your company does not really care what you use then there are opportunities. But it's more an individual thing. And if you look for libraries that can handle ERP stuff like EDIFACT you will soon find that there is not much going there in Ruby or Rails in general (compared to the large amount of available libs and gems for your common small/medium shop website).
As you said in the thread, Ruby is very, very awesome as OO language. But people only use 10% of this powerful making Rails' CRUD. Ok, Rails was and is important to the Ruby community, but I can't see Ruby running in places where Java runs today.
@thorstenmüller Maybe something like Hadoop / HBase? Could even run it in "the cloud" aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce
@Mike yes, Hadoop could be a thing. It's often mentioned with big data and it would nicely fit into the Apache stack.
@hlegius Not large style. Especially not in very large companies where they already invested a lot into Java. On the other side quite some of those Rails projects will grow from small simple shops to something of more strategical value to the companies as in our case. See, we did never have any Java. All business stuff was done with MS Navision and this is just not flexible enough to respond very fast (while still the working horse for everyday ERP)
Another point maybe: Quite some of those small startups that hyped Rails are growing now, too. And since mobile makes the frontend stuff more complex they are more and more splitting teams by expertise. The company I worked before (and where I learned Rails) now works far more specialized while when IO was there everybody did frontend and backend. (And as our company may even outsource frontend or cooperate with companies who are specialized in frontend tech like PhoneGap or Icenium)
Yeah, I saw this scenario here in Brazil, too. Some startups hiring Rails Developer and than, split it out to backend and frontend. Maybe we need give more time to market get stable. I spoke with 3-4 companies in last two months: all of them are looking for a Full Stack developer at this time.
Four months ago an England startup based in London tell me the same: OH, we read your unit test and OOD code that you sent us. Are so good, but we need that you develop CSS3 and HTML5 as well in our Rails stack.
Language idea thought from conversation in the past - the language has two "modes" - two fundamentally different ways of operating. One is the "Library / Framework language" which one uses to get at all the meta programming and can do "dirty" things. The other is the "Business tier language" which can import library / framework modules, but is limited in what it can do.
The idea being to keep separate the layers in the application in an attempt to keep business logic from doing ugly things (oh, we'll just use reflection to find out whats in this data object...).
@MichaelT according to David Pollack, Scala pretends to have two "facets" / modes addressing these two ways of operating, he calls these "library consumer" and "library producer"
...the kind of thinking I have to do as a library consumer and library producer are radically different.

As a library consumer, I rarely concern myself with Scala's type system... or most of the other language complexities. My consumer code looks and feels a lot like my Ruby code did. I've got great DSL support. For the most part, the types that the compiler doesn't infer are the ones I need to document anyway. But, unlike my Ruby code, I only need 50%-60% test coverage (vs. 95% coverage) to have stable, deployable code.
@gnat I'll have to dig into scala some more some day...
how do you expect this to work for small CV queues? Or this idea is targeted primarily at stackoverflow? — gnat 2 hours ago
@gnat small cv queues should not be a problem. Its more of a cosmetic feature there, though I do see a lot of other small SE's with notable sized queues.
superuser.com/review - they've got 396 questions in the cv queue.
@MichaelT I was mostly wondering about how the nice chart you mocked would look like when there are only a few questions in the queue...
you see, when there are 100, 1000, 90K :) questions waiting in the queue, it's all fine and well. But at Programmers or Workplace, the number can be like 2, 3, 5 :)
oh and it can be zero of course
Actually, right now, incognito, we're 46.
would the chart throw NullReferenceException at zero?
It should do the same as if you hit it now at 0 - "there are no items to review".
@thorstenmĂĽller You sure? I automatically reach for RDBMS for statistics because NoSQL is for quick data retrieval but for doing complex calculations/computations across sets? RDBMS is built for working against sets like that. It's just a matter of the topology and what it's structured for, traditionally if you want statistical information you want OLAP which means you throw out the whole relational de-duplication model in favor of a duplicate-full schema that has tables structured
to give different perspectives on your data quickly so you can compute statistics performantly, for when your data isn't changed often/at all
the duplication in OLAP makes any data that get's frequently changed a nightmare, but it makes calculations and reads ultra fast by having tables structured to perform well for querying X and a duplicate of that where it's structured to perform well for Y and the data duplicated in another table structured to perform well for Z et al
@MichaelT ah! that makes perfect sense, sure. Okay, what if there are 1 or 2... oh I think I got it now that you mentioned how 0 is handled. Nothing stops SE devs to fall back to some plain text when the number of posts goes under particular cut value, 10 or 20 or 100, whatever
all right this thing will work in any case if done right
I was scared for a moment that boundary conditions could kill such a good idea. Quite a relief to find out it's not so
Ever notice how "monad" sounds a lot like "moan"?
My rep keeps evaporating. Yay!!
getting further and further from that ever-deadly 3k
@Sparticus FWIW, I agree with @JimmyHoffa's cautions regarding the "we'll get the offer to you real soon!" non-offer. Give 'em a deadline and stick with it.
@GlenH7 It's worth a lot actually, thank you
thats happening in about 20 minutes
@Sparticus Ahh... you had two up votes from mystery deleted user?
oh my an excuse for a comment from LQ queue. Soon there will be an MSO feature request to auto-generate excuses like that...
Hey Stephen, sorry to bother you. this message is printed automatically when I "review" (check out the new "beta" review system") low quality (few words) answers. Nothing personal. I just choose to indicate this answer should either be edited or removed. I can remove it if you want. — Jalayn Aug 22 '12 at 17:32
@MichaelT I did indeed
I was skimming over the older posts, and when I read that my first response was "@Sparticus is gonna get screwed if he's not careful"
@GlenH7 my current place of work really really wants me though
so im not gonna be jobless by any mean
at this point its just me trying to make my salary and benefits better
I Sparticus, Project Engineer
Is Project Engineer a better title than Software Engineer? I have my choice
If nothing else, check with your peers to see what they're being offered. Yes, there's a cultural taboo against talking salary. But, there's no better way to level the playing field than to share information.
@GlenH7 actually been doing that quite frequently tbh. got a lot of friends who are very laid back about that kind of stuff
it only helps everyone so that we don't get screwed
Titles are meaningless. But I'd pick software engineer over project engineer to start with. Project engineer means you ran projects. Software means you built stuff
I am running projects, just not with a super large team under tham
@Sparticus exactly. I'll see if I can dig up some articles from The Register that will give some good perspective
@MichaelT Which just begs the question... what is a konad and how do I structure one?
@GlenH7 that would be awesome. I also need to figure out how im going to come up with a number for compensation to my current work
His point of view is from London, but a lot of his advice is universal
@Sparticus if they "really really" want you, but they can't really do more for you money wise, think about what they can do for you in other terms. You could always go to them and say "Y'know, if you guys really want me but can't do anything particularly well for me on the money side, you could promise me this project, and that responsibility over there and promise me 10 hours a week at that guys side for outright mentoring..."
There's a lot of value for you to gather right now other than fiscal
is there anything they're doing which you could learn a lot from? Things that would make you much more valuable to the next company?
Those are all very good points
@Sparticus there's your repz and badge, unlikely to evaporate this time (skimming through your answers, you seem to put too much effort into stuff that carries risk to disappear, Glen was right here - take care)
@JimmyHoffa In terms of having free reign over what I work on and with who, I'm very lucky that I get to do that. I wrote up the project proposal for my next project already and its on its way up the totem pole.
They seem to see my skills at being able to work on a huge array of stuff and are giving me enough rope to use those skills
@Sparticus That's cool, are there any people there you've bumped into that are clearly very good engineers you think you could particularly learn from?
@Sparticus Moving up the career ladder really means having more freedom in picking what you get to work on next. You won't have a lot of that freedom working as a consultant.
To be a little crass, the consultancy is your pimp and you're the product they're selling. Never, ever forget that if you work as a consultant.
@Sparticus btw, in your next technical interview you go to... when they say "you can use any language" when writing the algorithm, use whitespace or lolcode.
@MichaelT I think interviews are over but that is pure gold
@JimmyHoffa very clearly good? Hmm... thats tougher. we are a very small team
why do you think I hang around here :P
@Sparticus As a consultant, you'll find yourself pitching ideas for projects sometimes...
I'm definitely gaining a lot of experience here though
on everything from writing code to making projects happen
And apparently, all our advice is good... right @JimmyHoffa and @RobertHarvey?
18 hours ago, by Robert Harvey
lolwut? You mean you actually take my advice? You poor soul.
nah, I just have to run everything you say through the Cynicism filter first
@MichaelT I stand by the results as screenshotted. :)
sometimes it gets a little clogged and I actually start to believe some of the stuff you say.... hahha
@Sparticus This is a valuable note worth keeping in mind. There's a lot to be learned from having the freedom to do your own thing, but there's also a lot to be learned from having mentors on hand. I've worked in both situations and learned from both but they're different. And I definitely think I learned more quickly with mentors, though at your current situation it may be even because of the sheer magnitude of stuff available for you to be learning
@JimmyHoffa Mentors on hand is very important for people of all levels (though at the very pinnacle of ability, the mentor is more a peer than a mentor...). For what its worth, I'm still in an occasional mentor role for a guy who I used to work with at my previous job (both of us now work elsewhere).
@JimmyHoffa You are absolutely correct. I'm in a situation now where I'm essentially the sole developer and I yearn for mentor. I'd settle for a peer to compare and contrast with. I find it is very easy to go down the wrong path when you are on your own as well (unless it is a path you've traveled a few times before).
slippery dupe closures are likely means to maintain folksonomy in the absence of a dedicated tag - "Tags are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions..."gnat 44 secs ago
@MichaelT Yeah, I've mentored at previous places but here my team's all peers if not teaching me things.. I've heard tell that one of the guys I mentored a couple years ago now (damn it's been that long?? time warp...) habits to ding people with principles in code reviews heh and before that job I was being mentored... the role can always change back and forth in your career, but it's a very valuable one
funny that my prior comment about this has been removed (diamonds can see it though)
Do NOT click this link its a Game Boy Advance emulator in javascript - gbagames.github.io/gamecenter
@MichaelT ...why not? what?
@JimmyHoffa kiss your productivity goodbye
@JimmyHoffa If you accuse me of killing your productivity with things like computer songs and poetry... a GBA emulator online?
@MichaelT The key to productivity killers are that they're on the cusp of just normal reading/surfing. A straight up video game system is something I just wouldn't bother at work
But its friday... and things that aren't panic due for today are next week... and thats a ways out.
Then there's also the "ohh... how do you do that in javascript" and digging into the source.
@MichaelT There's also the fact that I got linked a javascript GBA emulator like 2 years ago and dug into the javascript a little then. :)
(very little)
@JimmyHoffa That would have given you some immunization from it. A weakened form of the time waster in the past... GBAntibodies?
@MichaelT Perhaps heh
As an aside, the Friday activity in chat tends to be higher than the rest of the week.
@MichaelT Seems logical.
@JimmyHoffa that sounds interesting too. Data will basically never change once written. It's all just sales numbers we collect from different sources.
@thorstenmĂĽller This is the prototypical definition of when you use OLAP.
write-once data that exists for reporting only
the A is for Analysis (or analytical? Iduno..)
as opposed to olTp structure where the T is transactional (transaction as in update/delete etc)
Just reading on Wikipedia. Point is, that we have about 30k products and need a lot of categorisation (product groups, customers, locations). Just to find out what kind of product we sell best. So something like Solr facet search is somehow mandatory at least for the first step.
@thorstenmĂĽller Nah, facet search is an attempt at bringing some OLAP to an OLTP database
Oh, btw... quiet day today... people are heading out early to go into the woods.
If you can structure the database as OLAP then you don't need facet search
@MichaelT Annual wisconsinite winter snow-sleep? This time of year your foreheads grow the robust nanderthal arch and you have to spend a weekend romping in -10 degree weather with animal skins on?
i am pretty unsure if this is the right place to ask this question: i am trying to do something interesting so i thought of writing an image genome (in perhaps c or python) ... but to begin with. what are the things that i need to know inorder to start a project like this and how should i move forward...
@blackbee Don't ask it on the site, but feel free to ask it here in chat
...that said, uhh that's a pretty formidable thing you're trying to undertake...
@blackbee understanding more of your background would help. If you're a complete newbie, you're biting off a really big chunk to chew on.
yes... i read about the music genome project at wikipedia
@blackbee yeah as @GlenH7 mentions, if you give us a description of what you have done and your experience is it can temper any suggestions. At first guess the best answer to your question is: Go get a few books on the topic and read them. You are probably lacking a great deal of the necessary fundamentals required to even think through such a thing if you haven't done such study already
i have started reading O'reilly s Collective Intelligence
@blackbee Does it have exercises to do?
i have 2 years of experince in C .. but limited to DS only.. i also have experince with Java.. and DBMS...
.. i have to look if it has exercise.. generally Reilly books have.. is there any book ar material you would like to suggest
I've never personally studied that space, but the first author that comes to mind if I were to start poking around in there would be norvig
the pearson book..
books are quite costly... 32$ is nearly 32*60 nearly 2000 ruppees...
@blackbee I know, you also might think about some of the online learning websites like coursera or whatever I know there's a lot of them and some are free
@JimmyHoffa Gun season opens tomorrow. People are heading out to the hunting camp.
@blackbee Also you might look online at MIT and stanford coursework, they have a lot of their course materials available online for free
@GlenH7 could you please protect this question? Its dupe is going to be featured at ArsTechnika, which puts it at risk of lemmings leaking in through a dupe link
cornell too probably does lots of this
mit is a good option...
@gnat Got it.
@MichaelT thanks! didn't notice how you hopped over 15K (congrats by the way)
@MichaelT thanks! @gnat - anytime. :-)
@gnat I'm also in the "I want 20k" club for speedy deletes and answer cleanups.
Anways... lunch time.
I got 8 Qs trimmed out of the yesterday with flags. Woot. I could get more trimmed to but I'll let that simmer for a minute...
(take that, delete voters, how many questions did you guys get deleted yesterday? :D)
don't answer that @gnat
I was being histrionic, I don't need to hear about the 50+ questions you got clipped yesterday @gnat
@JimmyHoffa I have dropped some vote-to-deletes in that category as well
@GlenH7 Wasted probably. Mods killed them and you didn't get those DVs back.
@JimmyHoffa but I'z getz moah tomahro
@GlenH7 In fact, you know how you could get your DVs to go further? See something that clearly wouldn't be declined deletion by mod? Flag it. DV if you feel it's delete worthy but think it would require a mod to think about it for a moment before stabbing it.
Do you DV first then start using flags right now?
@JimmyHoffa I consider mod flagging to be an exception type thing. If I have delete votes, then I'll use them. Or wait and come back the next day and then use them. But if I see something stuck, I'll flag that.
Did that earlier actually. The answer has a lot of up votes so it will take a bit to get enough Deletes to kill it. It already had 3 delete votes so I flagged it.
@GlenH7 Eh? Mod flags aren't for exceptions, they're just for notifying mods about things they can do something about. They can choose not to do something about it, but if it's something that upon sight they would do something about, you're just helping them.
(that's my take on mod flags anyway)
ok... i will be in touch... i would need help with the algorithms.. minmax and alpha-beta purning to start with
@WorldEngineer @YannisRizos @ChrisF @RobertHarvey what are your thoughts, any guidance you care to give me/us? Should I flag stuff just because I think you would do something about it, or should I only flag things I think you must do something about, the exceptions if you will.
@GlenH7 same here. @JimmyHoffa my mod flagging also goes for exception type things. If I can put a compelling appeal for deletion into 500 chars, I flag it. Sometimes (often), 500 chars are not enough - I cast a DV, expecting others to find it in the queue, thoroughly evaluate question and answers and decide whether to support that
@JimmyHoffa I think the difference here is whether or not I can do something about the problem. Using the janitor analogy - I don't call for a janitor if it's something I can clean up myself. VTC, VTD are routes I have to clean-up the problem. Or I can roll through the closed & no-answers search to down vote the questions and let the much-maligned Community mod clean that up for me. But if I can't do anything about it and something needs to be done, then I'll mod flag.
@MichaelT - if you haven't seen them already, Sam's Friday edits have already hit the review queue.
@JimmyHoffa I am neither of them, but. Consider flagging both should- and must- kind stuff, but (and this is a very VERY BIG BUT) only if you can communicate it clearly via flag message
@gnat I put delete flags with just the message "Unsalveageable, delete" when I see stuff that I deem a broken window with absolutely no way of editing it to make it valuable content for the site. Perhaps this is the wrong approach.. I'm definitely open to guidance but so far it's been fairly beneficial, the vast majority of those flags result in deleted questions
> please take a look, question has 4 reopen votes (review has been completed at 2Reopen:3Closed - <URL>). As far as I can tell, edit made in revision 2 managed to address the current close reason
above is an example. I lay out facts, explain specific edge case and leave it up to moderator to decide
@JimmyHoffa but you don't have vote-to-delete privileges yet, and that's a big difference.
I kind of leave it up to the mod to say "Nah, that's not deletion-worthy", and if they declined or didn't delete most of the flags I raise I would take that as guidance that my approach is wrong, but the results from mods has told me it is appropriate.. Again, now I'm curious and would like to have some guidance from mods if this is the wrong approach.
@GlenH7 Not really.. if I had them I would use those delete votes wherever but would still flag just the same.
since I have the ability to VTD, I only call out the janitor when there's puke in the hallway. Otherwise, I do my part and help pick up the trash.
called both companies. one with the super early deadline didnt pick up so i left a vm
@GlenH7 Sure, but I mean I would attempt to delete on the same grounds and just as much with those votes as without them
other one wasn't very responsive to being asked to be moved forward
@Sparticus are either of those your current employer?!?
no lmao
@Sparticus ok, I'm confused. :-)
but i want numbers so i know what to tell my current employet
no, lowball was the one with the crazy deadline
C = lowball offer, 3 day deadline
A = taking forever to get back to me
B = Current employer, no offer yet, wants numbers
ah, that makes more sense.
called C and A and not sure if they're gonna budge
also called my career services. so far for this year the average for my major is around 63
so i think I'm gonna ask around there
that's not a bad way to go. You could use those numbers with your current for a basis.
"who cares" what any particular offer is. Here's the competitive average per the career office....
yeah thats my train of thought
the lowball offer has awesome benefits but i dont think it's going to make up 13...
21 personal days, 7 holidays and 4% on the 401k plus great healthcare
but honestly im going to stay on my parents plan til im 26 anyway. i have a younger brother so me leaving their plan saves them no money
plus my parents have a ridiculously good plan
@Sparticus double check the regs on that. I think there's an exception of you not being eligible for their plan if you're eligible for another plan. But I'll acknowledge I haven't looked into that too closely.
@GlenH7 will do, but my mother is one of those HR types so im fairly sure she did the paperwork and would know best
Guidance for flagging:
1. It is unlikely to be handled by the community
2. It is actively harmful to the site.
@Sparticus I would double check either way. You don't want to run a period of time where you won't be covered. The other question you need to ask is if B's offer will be closer to that average than C's offer. If so, then tell C to bugger off.
3. Explain what is wrong in the flag, and what you think the mod should do about it. If a canned flag doesn't accomplish this, use a custom one.
Yeah C seemed like a good company but their offer is awfully low and their deadline makes me wonder about them as a company
4. Don't flag things that a mod doesn't get involved in, like technical correctness of an answer.
@Sparticus it's a sign...
5. The occasional declined flag is OK. If you never get a declined flag, you're not flagging hard enough.
10 mins ago, by Jimmy Hoffa
@gnat I put delete flags with just the message "Unsalveageable, delete" when I see stuff that I deem a broken window with absolutely no way of editing it to make it valuable content for the site. Perhaps this is the wrong approach.. I'm definitely open to guidance but so far it's been fairly beneficial, the vast majority of those flags result in deleted questions
That's pretty much it.
How does that sound to you in general? Would you suggest I should be doing something differently?
It's better if you just state in plain English what is wrong. If it's gibberish, then say so. If it's link-only, then say that.
to be fair, my flagging level is really low enough it doesn't have any severe effect on the site, but I go on binges
I'll usually only get the flags out if it's something really bad like blatant solicitation of work or lewd
Those are good examples of flaggable offenses.
@RobertHarvey Should I not take my flag success rate as indicative of value in my approach?
@gnat Just saw that, thank you haha. I put work in where I feel that I can actively contribute, which, admittedly, is a very narrow area
4 mins ago, by Robert Harvey
5. The occasional declined flag is OK. If you never get a declined flag, you're not flagging hard enough.
I'm 8 for 8 haha
@GlenH7 I recognize that, I just mean since I have very few I tend to assume I'm not doing it wrong, but this discussion gives me the thought I am doing it wrong
@JimmyHoffa my flagging level was also quite low first 2 years. Link-only answers pumped it at Programmers. Dupe-closures (when I was under 3K because of bounties) did it at MSO. And, Late Answers queue at SO... oh that queue, after a strict flaggign diet, i felt like a shark getting to that treasury of crap...
A: How to get more people doing reviews?

gnatThis might be a self-balancing process. When there are little-to-none items in the queue, there is a little interest among most of the users eligible for reviewing. And this is unlikely to change; if one checks the queue occasionally and there's always only 0, 1, 2 items in there, there is littl...

@RobertHarvey - how do the 10k tools & reviewing flags fit into that then? If I review a flag and agree with it, am I just adding another flag on to the total count for that item?
> In December 2012, there were few thousands items in this queue and I was visiting it daily, submitting 50 flags a day (review limit was 40 if memory serves, but I flagged some posts out of the queue, using Skip option to avoid bumping into the limit).
@RobertHarvey See is this really best though? I tend to assume it's like a two-person DV; I act as one voter and the mod has to do their due diligence to identify for themselves if it deserves their vote... If it's not obvious like "They put this spam link in all their posts" that's one thing but for generally "This is just trash and doesn't belong here"... Iduno.
seems like I don't want to bias the redundancy in the system with my comments, otherwise it stops being a good failsafe
A: Why is this answer not considered "link only"?

gnatProbably, moderator who declined was one of those guys willing you to do more work, like: first, comment suggesting OP to improve and vote down, next, wait for several days to give a chance to OP to fix their crap, then flag, preferably with a detailed message explaining what you did and how it...

collecting ammo (easy MSO repz) for a terminal ride against hotness formula...
@gnat Another example of the difference between SO & P.SE.
@gnat That could have just been fat-fingered. It did have an answer in it, however. "Maybe it's your antivirus software."
I kind of scratch my head at your war analogy regarding the hotness formula.
clearly you aren't voting right then @GlenH7
if it doesn't hurt then it doesn't count.
@JimmyHoffa Basically, it's about helping out the mods a little. Rather than making them go through the whole analysis (edit history, question veracity, blah blah) from scratch, spell it out for them. Your flags have a much greater chance of being marked helpful if you explain why you are casting them.
@Sparticus yeah, I should be more aggressive in my down voting.
woah now, careful where you point that thing. don't downvote anything you don't want to delete
@Sparticus see, I get like 40 down votes. But I currently only get 12 or 13 delete votes
This is especially critical on Stack Overflow, where the community casts nearly a thousand flags per day. But it's still useful on Programmers.SE; where people are still confused about site scope, you have to be very specific about your intention when flagging.
@GlenH7 also make sure you use proper pointer form. Don't leave your finger on the mouse unless you're ready to click
@RobertHarvey But wait, what about "Bleh!" flags? I mean, those are a treasure trove of information wound up in one word.
I <3 pointers.
@RobertHarvey I still got 8/9 helpfuls with "Bleh!" that were deleted.
@GlenH7 How can I do the opposite of star this??
@GlenH7 This is my pointer. There are many like it but this one is mine...
@JimmyHoffa left click my username, then select "ignore this user (everywhere)"
@Sparticus This is what the industry needs, more people with cultural taste from Stanley Kubrick. You'll go far like this.
exclude Programmers from that "we". We-at-Programmers are good enough already. Sure we still have to whack some moles that occasionally fly in (typically from Stack Overflow) but that's a matter of minor maintenance, not a big deal anymore — gnat 10 hours ago
...am I proud of Programmers? you bet! — gnat 9 hours ago
@JimmyHoffa I just have to navigate the minefield that is working with HR
@GlenH7 ammo means repz for bounties :)
@Sparticus Yeah, there's unfortunately no good solution to that problem, the best anyone's got so far is "Get lucky enough to be dealing with HR that isn't retarded"
@gnat that makes more sense
@Sparticus HR exists to help keep the company from getting sued. If you're lucky, that goal aligns with providing benefits to the employees. If not, well, life happens.
@GlenH7 depends on the company...
@JimmyHoffa how about that snow?
@GlenH7 @JimmyHoffa after that, spend a while trying to figure how to roll that back, then go to MSO, ask a question and get it closed as a dupe... :)
A: How can I un-ignore a user in chat?

BartThere are several ways to do this. Directly in the room If the user is in a room with you (which is very likely if you just now ignored them), they'll not be totally hidden; their avatar in the user list in the top right has just shrunk: If you click this small avatar, you can choose "don't ...

@gnat Hilarious examples there of who Bart chose to ignore.
The two people I'm ignoring haven't been in chat for 108 and 218 days.
ah, I'm not ignoring anyone.
That's boring, I should fix that
Anyone seen jimmy? I haven't seen that guy in months
@KronoS I think you're going through a tunnel...you're breaking up--OO and we've lost KronoS...
@Sparticus are you talking about that guy who spammed this chat about a year ago? I haven't seen him since
Gosh, was it already a year ago? Guess he must have gotten really busy
@Sparticus I have occasionally seen him at Programmers though, collecting repz in collider questions. Funny that he stopped visiting chat, isn't it?
@gnat Nobody voted for him for mod did they? That could explain his uncanny absence
kinda like @WorldEngineer
@Sparticus maybe he became a mod at some obscure SE site? Pets or something?
@gnat would you trust that guy with a pet? I was thinking something like area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/62165/yerba
@gnat I couldn't be a mod, if I did I'd know what I do and I'd be forced to ban myself
@gnat didn't he mention his love for dancing? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/49985/dancing
@Sparticus Dating? there was a proposal IIRC
Relationships and Dating

Proposed Q&A site for people seeking answers to questions about dating, long term relationships, love, marriage or other commitments, and everything else typically considered a "relationship".

Currently in commitment.

I do quite enjoy dancing, but I don't think dating site participation would go over so well with the wife
@enderland star just for the current status line...
Nov 4 at 22:18, by enderland
I'm in a committeed relationship with Relationships and Dating
@JimmyHoffa don't you know? part of the mod agreement includes divorce for those married
Celibacy (from Latin, cælibatus) is a state of being unmarried and sexually abstinent, usually in association with the role of a religious official or devotee. In its narrow sense, the term is applied only to those for whom the unmarried state is the result of a sacred vow, act of renunciation, or religious conviction. Celibacy has existed in one form or another throughout history and in virtually all the major religions of the world. Celibacy is distinct from the lack of interest in sex, which may be due to a number of reasons, such as asexuality. Etymology The English word celibacy der...
@gnat No wonder the mods are all fun-hating nazis...
@JimmyHoffa yes, that explains a lot
11 upvotes - not bad for the post that has been initially voted down to -10gnat 2 hours ago
@gnat After I made my wife watch the movie fallen (if you haven't seen it; it's a great flick) this song permanently creeps her out.
@JimmyHoffa wow. I've got to see it! A second hit today (first was Pantera) - you're in a good shape :)
despite a year of absence :)
Conversation with a co-worker just made me think of this short story by Isaac Asimov. worth a quick read if you like Sci-Fi
(since it is friday and not yet early enough to start the beer discussion anyway)
@Ampt are you saying it's not too early to start beer discussion?
I don't even drink beer and I know that'snot true!
(I'm going to get banned for saying that. RIP enderland)
@enderland I figured we would start in about 25 minutes anyway
and you won't be banned, you'll be educated
@gnat Aye, it's one of those rare movies that 15 years later doesn't seem to have aged at all, easily worth the watch.
I don't ignore anyone. That would give me fewer people to yell at and/or ban.
Speaking of people who are never on anymore has anyone seen World Engineer anywhere? I miss that guy
@enderland we frequently discuss other cordials. It's not always about beer.
@Ampt I know you can hear me. Cut it out.
@WorldEngineer you always get pings even when someone is on ignore. Don't ask me how I know
how dare you. That would put Shog's favorite "third example" into the danger of deletion. Get off your axe from his "haXe"gnat 1 min ago

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