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I turned into a wererat. I need help.
What d'ya know. Dropping a rock on your head fixes polymorphism.
Or... maybe not.
@ArdaXi Hahaha
I don't think I'd gone more than a few levels deep before being prematurely terminated
As I expected, turning to religion fixed it.
I'm 4 levels deep now, I'm rather proud of myself.
Aaand I died from food poisoning.
Which is really ironic, seeing the top question on this site.
Personal best though, 1430 points.
@ArdaXi From a corpse? hehehe
> You are lucky! Full moon tonight.
Yeah, what's that about?
I don't know, that doesn't seem lucky to me...
They say that ? shaman can bcst?w ble?s?ncs but usually y doesn't.
I can't make sense of that
@ArdaXi A scroll's content?
Not sure.
Well, it's just two n00bs hacking it out here...
Also, really off-topic, but I find it really awesome that NetHack has an email notifier built in.
Even better. ad a?r?r?r?ur
I started playing NetHack again yesterday. I have already played about a dozen games. Permadeath is fun.
1 hour later…
@ArdaXi The actual phases of the moon have a slight impact on the game. During a full moon, you get an extra free point of luck.
Wait.. you mean the actual real-life sattelite?
new moon, full moon, night and day, and friday the 13th all have (minor) effects on the game
oh, and also the hour midnight-1am
ridiculous, isn't it?
@ArdaXi I believe that graffiti is "They say that a shaman can bestow blessings but usually doesn't.
@sjohnston WTH, really? :P Cool!
nethackwiki.com/wiki/Time - If you want to spoilerize yourself.
@sjohnston Meh, I've already read too much of the wiki to be careful of that
:-) I know Arda was avoiding spoilers though.
I just killed myself.
Not in the normal sense of committing suicide. I just killed my own ghost.
Oh, I thought I did.
Now I did. Stuffs! Probably cursed, but still, stuffs!
1295 Arda-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4. Killed by a pony.
@ArdaXi I got killed by a unicorn once :( Magically weaponized version of ponies, as they say on MSO...
@ArdaXi Ponies, much like kittens and puppies, are rather absurdly strong in Nethack.
Unicorns usually just piss me off by constantly dodging LOS when I'm trying to throw pretty rocks at them
@YiJiang The wizards of horsekind.
1 hour later…
> Something is written here in the dust. You read: "Elbereth". [†: Elbereth is pretty complex. If you're interested in it, you should totally ask about it on the parent Q&A ♪ If you aren't interested, you can safely ignore it.]
Well, I know what it does and where it's from... [†: But if you ask on the parent site, you're bound to get upvotes on the question since it's a good one ♪]
Well, yes, but is there ever an in-game explanation for it? [†: Maybe as a random piece of advice in like a fortune cookie, but otherwise no. ♪]
It seems like a cheatcode. [†: Oh, the phrase is in the in-game encyclopaedia, but the entry doesn't actually explain what it does. It just explains the actual word from The Fellowship of the Rings. As I said, you don't have to ask if you don't want to know. Not being spoiled is a good thing.]
The point is, I already am spoiled, because I am easily trapped to read on once I got linked to one of the wikis. It just seems silly to know about the word, but not what it does, in the Nethack context.
"You begin praying to Anhur. You feel that Anhur is pleased as punch. Looks like you're back in Kansas." I love Nethack.
@ArdaXi Already sniffing mushrooms, aren't we
How you manage to pray to your god whilst thinking an altar is a goblin is one of the mysteries of the game.
hallucination is best when you're in a shop or zoo room
Oh god.
@ArdaXi were you playing locally or online?
@badp I died, again.
That makes... three dozen now?
play online so we can help you
sorry for typo
the keys are like right next to each other.
I will when I have time.
When I do that I also have to look up what all the keys mean.
@Arda What interface are you playing with that you don't need to know the keys?
Err, I mean the ASCII characters.
Although I hear Vulture's Eye does abstract it pretty well.
And there's an actual first person interface for it.
I have used it, and it's pretty nice, but the 45 degree tilt bothers me (i.e. North is in the top-right instead of the top)
Started a game during lunch and got a wand of speed on level 1 :-)
Now I am the Flash
Playing online again. I see letters and numbers and stuff.
I am confuse.
joining you
I'm a bit stuck.
do something!
Like what? I need to kill the boulder.
that worked.
Hm, when in doubt, shoot it.
That was a bit late.
Did they just put all the monsters for this level on one corridor?
@ArdaXi they waited for you to figure this out
"is this newb gonna recall he can do spells anytime soon?"
Ooh, a mysterious spellbook. Whatever shall I do
I need an altar.
Arg. It is so difficult for me to not throw spoilers around...
Oh right, I have a kitten still
Is that what you meant?
You have an impressive amount of stuff already
Uncursed it is.
So I can read it then, no?
I learnded something!
March onwards!
Sorry, shooting death rays upwards won't hit spectators
I mean what was the !c trying to do?
"!c" is a commonly used shorthand for not cursed
Oh, right.
Oh hey, a scroll I know. Wait. How do I know that?
no need to correct it, just pointing out for your convenience
Oh, I had one to start with.
That sounds like an enchantment in itself.
My kitten makes my work unnecessary.
what work does it make unnecessary?
Killing stuff and eating the corpse.
Yeah, soon you'll be hungry if you let the kitten eat all the corpses
if you eat everything yourself, it'll be the kitten being hungry
I still have some emergency lichen corpses
I usually let the pet kill the easy monsters and take the harder ones (and their corpses) for myself
so as to maximize both our leveling
Time to heal.
You guys aren't actually watching anymore are you.
@ArdaXi give us something to watch!
I'm multi-tasking!
Uh oh.
Err, I think I need to turn to my theistic side for this one.
I can't. I'm hungry.
@ArdaXi When stunned you don't control where you're moving
or how you're moving
Err. I'm weak now.
But... I had a major problem, and 200 turns elapsed.
quaff potions
read scrolls
try something
Well, those are my options.
Yeah, I kinda made Anhur angry via unstrategic praying.
@Arda It is safe to pray with a remaining timeout of 200 or less, with a major problem. Not 200 turns after the last prayer
                      /          \
                     /    REST    \
                    /      IN      \
                   /     PEACE      \
                  /                  \
                  |      ArdaXi      |
                  |      325 Au      |
                  | killed by a rock |
                  |   mole, while    |
                  |   fainted from   |
                  |   lack of food   |
                  |       2011       |
                 *|     *  *  *      | *
@sjohnston Right.
I wish I could've told the youtube player where to stop playing, also
Ooh, nethack on Android!
> He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it.
These things are great. There was also a Tim Yeast. "Forgive me for not rising."
My kitten keeps disappearing :(
Woops: a cursed potion of object detection named !c

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