@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ I'm not sure that I understand the comparison?
There is a world of difference between suggesting that a new user's contribution is "useless", and Smokey indicating that a blacklisted user is trolling again.
Never mind. I was under the impression that anyone bumps into this room (probably from Math Meta) might have negative impressions when seeing words like "blacklisted", which are in fact auto-generated by bot.
I don't know too much about the Riemann Zeta function other than it's very well-known properties, but I am interested in the following.
Which value of $s\in\mathbb{R}_{>1}$ has the property that $\zeta(s)=2$ where $\zeta$ is the Riemann Zeta function? As in, is this value of $s$ known in terms of...