out of these 4, 3 close votes were due to "too many questions" so I edited the question to reduce the number of questions at the end. unfortunately the votes haven't changed (maybe the voter has not gone back to my question). now i have another close vote that says thatbmy question
is not clear or needs more detail. but I don't see how more detail could be added. suggestions? should I wait for it to be closed, so the voter sees my edit or should I edit it and comment?
apologies in advance if this is not the right place to ask such a question
My question:
If given an infinite summation like this,
$ \sum_{r=0}^{\infty}{f(x)}$
How do you convert this into a definite integral in the form of,
The Answer I Googled:
To convert a summation to an integral, you can rewrite the limit of a Riemann sum as a definite integral:
math.stackexchange.com/q/3218656 It has been bumped multiple times by the community bot, is self-answered, and I don't think that it has much lasting value. I would recommend closure and deletion.