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Q: Map from polynomial to polynomial function

sedrickI am confused about the polynomials and polynomial functions. I know when we say $R[x]$, we are refering to polynomials, so what exactly is the difference? Is it basically that one is a function and the other one isn't? There's this section of Artin's book that discusses a map from polynomials to...

1 hour later…
This posting has several duplicates with answers. I suggest voting to close it.
7 hours later…
math.stackexchange.com/a/4679923 <---The OP asks if their given math theorem is a tautology; this accepted answer wrongly says Yes.
7 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Scam aimed at customers in body (75): Sage Code to Take Wedge Product of Boolean Polynomials‭ by Chase‭ on math.SE
@SmokeDetector No, that's okay.
C/D reopened SV PSQ & dupe of huge FAQ, nothing novel
^^^ Btw, the "answers" to the prior SV PSQ are perfect examples of one of the major problems with such questions. They both consist simply of a (globally worthless) sentence like "your proof is xyz" followed by a well-known duplicate alternative proof (in this case proofs that have already been posted tens if not hundreds of times, and the current version is far from the best since it is a remark in passing).
Such threads add no value to our library, but they do greatly clutter search results - esp. since they reoccur very frequently for common textbook exercises (like this). If we allow askers to circumvent dupe closure this way then we may as well throw in the towel regarding site organization, since the site will devolve into an (unsearchable) stream of mostly low-quality fgitw answers instread of a (searchable) library of proofs from the book.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in title, repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title (319): , kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ✏️‭ by user1170876‭ on math.SE
@BillDubuque As I have told earlier, I am a self learner ( currently out of university) and a well known failure. I won't follow Robot like professors.The purpose of the account is to ask my doubts and check my solution and tackle different types of problems posted online here at MSE. I don't have strong background, so in some cases to recognize mistake is a difficult task for me( even some cases I don't know in which step my solution breaks down).
I respect your opinion.
I am currently studying number theory from Ireland and Rosen.
@XanderHenderson Please delete my above message. It's a wrong room, sorry.

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